Memory of the heart #WATTYS20...

By Hsienhui1978

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#WATTYS2020 The lives of rap songwriter, Wang He Di and aspiring singer, Shen Yue, intertwine at a music club... More

Author's notes
Chapter 1: Tsuki
Chapter 2: Tomodachi
Chapter 3: Tamagoyaki
Chapter 4: Akogare
Chapter 5: Yūshoku
Chapter 6: Tōfu
Chapter 7: Hana
Chapter 8: Dēto
Chapter 9: Shashin
Chapter 10: Doki-doki
Chapter 11: Doki-doki 2
Chapter 12: Bon Odori
Chapter 13: Māku
Chapter 14: Ureshii
Chapter 15: Tsumetai
Chapter 16: Tenshi
Chapter 17: Chansu
Chapter 18: Shinjiru
Chapter 19: Ikanaide
Chapter 21: Kyanpu
Chapter 22: Kioku
Chapter 23: Shinjitsu
Chapter 24: Osoi
Longing - A Haiku
Chapter 25: Akumu
Chapter 26: Ashita
Chapter 27: Furaito
An edit to the chronology
Chapter 28: Odoroki
Chapter 29: Mitsuketa
Chapter 30: Sutōrī
Chapter 31: Gesuto
Chapter 32: Aitai
Chapter 33: Donā
Chapter 34: Yōsha
Chapter 35: Issho
Chapter 36: Shōjiki
Chapter 37: Okaeri
Chapter 38: Sadō
Chapter 39: Yakusoku
Chapter 40: Shitto 1
Chapter 41: Shitto 2
Chapter 42: Shinrai
Chapter 43: Ikiru
Chapter 44: Toraburu
Chapter 45: Uragiri
Chapter 46: Kintsugi
Chapter 47: Haru
Chapter 48: Nozomu
Chapter 49: Kiseki
Chapter 50: Unmei
Epilogue 1: Kazoku
Epilogue 2: Nigete
The Author's Farewell
Glossary of Japanese words

Chapter 20: Shūmatsu

737 61 22
By Hsienhui1978

The wait was finally over. As their friends started to leave the party, Didi saw Yue making her way upstairs to get her belongings. He followed her quietly to the guest room and stood at the doorway.


She startled. "Didi! You scared me. I was just getting my things to leave," picking up her bag and soiled shirt.

He smiled. "Sorry I didn't mean it. I just wanted to talk to you." She flashed him the smile that always blew him away. "Good. Me too. Shall we talk downstairs in the garden?"

"Fresh air sounds good. Hey, pass me the shirt, I will have it cleaned for you."

"I can do it myself."

"Must you always be this stubborn?" he sighed. She laughed. "Only with you."

On their way down, the last of the group to leave were Xi Ze and Jia Qi. Jia looked at Yue, excited. "Yue! Have Didi asked you already?"

Didi shot her a look that made Jia understood to keep her mouth shut. "I will let Didi tell you. Great party today. Let's do it again!"

"Why don't you guys sleep over the next time? We have ample guest rooms." He suggested casually, his eyes flickering over to Yue.

"Sleepover party! I love the idea! Xi Ze?"

"Baobei, I work shifts all the time. You can do it with Yue."

Jia Qi grabbed his arm and swung it side-to-side. "Promise me that we will stay awake the whole night next weekend during our trip."

"What trip?" Yue asked. The corner of Jia's lips lifted up. "Ask Wang He Di. Good night guys! Love you! Love the matchy matchy oufits! Xi Ze, when can we match our outfits?"

Xi Ze groaned and looked apologetical. "Sorry, she is drunk."

"I AM NOT!" cried Jia Qi.

Didi laughed and did a signature brother handshake with him. "Take care of your wifey, bro," leaning near to him, he whispered "Thanks for the favor. I owe you one."

Turning to Yue, he stretched out his hand and interlaced his fingers with hers. "Let's walk." She looked surprised when he held her hand.

At first he thought she would pull away, but she bit her lower lip and tucked a loose strand of her hair behind her ear. Yue is nervous. He smiled.

The garden was dimly lit with Chinese small red lanterns and the air was crisp. Didi saw her pulling her kimono robe together. He stopped and removed his pullover and draped it over her. "Don't fall sick. Or you will ruin our weekend."

He took her hand again and led her to the fish pond, where they stood overlooking it. It was full moon again.

"What is the secret? Jia said you have something to tell me."

"Yes. Will you spend next weekend with me? Jia Qi and Xi Ze will be coming with us too."

She raised her eyebrows. "Oh, where to?"

"Tantou Island. We are going to watch the sunrise." He smiled. When her big eyes shone in the dark, he knew he hit jackpot again.

"Oh my God! I have been wanting to go there!" She exclaimed. "But with work and all, I could not just take leave. Is this your idea?"

Didi nodded. "I want to spend more time with you before—" he trailed off. "—I get busy again."

She nodded. "Ah, I'm going to be occupied too. Album promotions are coming up soon."

He gazed at her bright face. "You love music and you love people. Those are the best combinations for a successful singer."

She beamed. "Really? I have not heard that one before. Oh Didi, before I forget—-" she rummaged her bag and took out a small square box. "This is for you. It's NOT a ring, don't worry!" She joked.

Didi took the box and grinned. "I don't mind if you'd propose to me in future, Yue. I may be half-Japanese but I'm a liberal. Ouch!" He yelled as she swat his arm. "Need you remind me how strong you can be," he replied, rubbing his arm.

"Open the box, Didi. This is my first time buying something like this. I saw it online but it takes a week to arrive. I found this one in a small shop at Guan Qian."

There was a tinge of uncertainty in her voice that made Didi very curious about the gift. He eyed her with a lopsided smile as he removed the lid. Inside was a single angel wing earring.

"Didn't you say you are my angel?" She beamed. "Do you like it?" she asked as she gazed into his eyes. They were misted. She had touched an unusual chord inside him.

For years, Wang He Di had everything his parents could ever given him. Including a new heart. He had always felt loved by his family. However, being a single child meant he spent most of his life alone.

But here for the first time, he felt loved and embraced by someone outside of his family circle. He felt special.

He took a step near her and gathered her in his arms. This tiny girl got him. He breathed in the lavender scent of her hair and felt her soft body against his. "Thank you," he rasped, holding her tight. "I like it very much."

I like you very much. Too much. So much that I want to wake up and hold you everyday like this.

She smiled against his chest. "That is good to hear. It's my first time so—" Didi sensed her body resting on his. His heart pulsed wildly as he held her, wanting the moment to freeze forever.

"Didi, I can hear your heartbeat. It's so loud." She giggled. He laughed and pulled away from her. "This is how you affect me. You know that, don't you?"

Her cheeks turned crimson and she bit her lower lip. "Yue if you do that again, I swear I will—-" he stopped, licking his own lips.

She looked up, her eyes big. "What?" She smacked her lips together this time and her stare averted to his lips. Didi drew his breath sharply.

"I will kiss you."

He cupped her face and lowered his head towards hers, placing his lips on her lips gently at first. Her arms gripped his. He deepened his kiss and pulled her close to him again, his lips parting her soft ones.

He gave a grunt, and nibbled her lower lip, as though asking permission from her to go further. His tongue gave a flick on her lips. They tasted sweet and tangy. He kissed her full on her mouth, pressing on them with desire.

Is this how she would feel in his arms, flesh to flesh?

He felt Yue's fingers digging deeper into his arms. He gave her one last swirl of his tongue and nibble on her lips before slowly releasing his embrace.

Their breaths hitched as they stared at each other, her hands still clinging onto his arms.

"Yue" he started and smiled. "My arms almost bleed. You really do like digging." He said, remembering the last time when she was dreaming.

"Are you hurt?" she asked, pulling up his sleeves and saw fingernail marks. "Sorry Didi.'s just——" she said, burying her face in her hands, "I don't know why I do that. So embarrassing."

"Never apologize. My body is yours. You can leave any amount of marks on me." He said, pulling her hands away so he could look at her.

Her eyes widened and she jumped up. "That is the most outrageous thing I have heard! Ah, I should take back the angel earring." But she was smiling from ear to ear with no signs of being upset.

Didi reached out his hand and caressed her side head. "You should go. I worry about you when you drive home late on your own. Next time, I will just send you."

"Tsk...please. I can take care of myself".

He sighed. "There you go again. For once, can you let me take care of you?"

She smiled. "You take care of yourself first. That means you take care of me. Wakarimasu-ka?" He nodded and winked at her. "I see you next weekend?"

"I can't wait for next weekend to arrive soon!" She squealed and both of them walked back to the front of the house to get her bike.

Didi watched her as she drove off, counting his lucky stars that he came back to China. He thought about his conversation with Xi Ze earlier and released a heavy breath. Was he willing to sacrifice his life in Kyoto for her?

"Jia Qi! We are only going for the weekend. What did you pack?" complained Xi Ze as he heaved her bag to the 7-seater MPV they rented for the trip. Yue and Didi laughed.

"It's not that much. I brought an extra sleeping bag and a lot of snacks for everyone. It's a 4-hour drive, mind you," Jia defended herself.

Xi Ze rolled his eyes. "And you will be sleeping half the time." Jia yawned as she opened the passenger door. "You might be right. It's still early for me."

It was about 7am when they departed from Suzhou. Didi decided to leave early so they could take their time to drive and do pit stops along the way.

He looked at the back of the car. "Xi Ze, did you bring the food for tonight's BBQ? I only saw tents."

Xi Ze smiled. "Justin will handle it. Oh, did I tell you that he volunteered to organize the trip? Since he had been there."

Didi nodded. "I'm fine if it's just him. I am really hoping to spend some time with Yue alone."

His buddy gave him a friendly punch on his arm and grinned. "Of course, I know your plan. It's good for me and Jia too."

"Let's get going!"

Didi and Xi Ze planned to take turns to drive while the girls sat behind. They stopped at Ningbo for short break and Didi took over the wheels, the second half of the trip. Yue and Xi Ze exchanged seats as Jia wanted his company.

"We should stop by Ningbo again on the way back," suggested Yue. "It seems like a quaint city." The rest agreed.

They chatted as Didi drove into Xiangshan County, passing by scenic meadows, plantations, and villages, a vast difference from historical Ning Bo, with its heritage buildings, temples and mountains.

"Why did you want to go Tantou Island, Yue?" He asked her casually.

"I have always love the beach. When I was staying at the army quarters, my parents would bring me out whenever they could to the beach for a few hours. I remembered it as my happy place. And—" she paused, and stared out of the window, "that was the last time I had been to any beaches or island. Even in Kyoto, I did not get a chance to travel there. So, thanks so much for doing this!" she beamed, facing him.

She could not see his expression behind his sunglasses but his wide grin made her heart fluttered. He was also donning the angel earring she gave him last week.

Since the first time she met him at the club, she had been noticing the kind of accessories he put on especially his earrings. Jia Er was an accessory guy as well, but he was more towards classy style while Didi was flamboyant and versatile. She had never seen him worn the same attire twice, not even once.

"Well, lucky you are available this weekend. I have been wanting to explore out of Suzhou for quite awhile." he said.

He took a quick glance at her sideways and his heart rate quickened. She had put her seat on recline and was resting comfortably, her body tilted slightly towards the window.

He did not notice this morning that she was wearing a spaghetti- strapped white floral sundress that revealed her curves and flat tummy. She had let her almost-shoulder-length hair down today.

With pink-glossed lips and radiant cheeks, Yue looked absolutely— "Stunning." He did not realize he had said the word out loud.

"What is stunning?" She asked, turning her head to him.

He cleared his throat. "The view. Yue, aren't you cold wearing that summer dress? It might get chilly in the evening."

She chuckled. "I have a cardigan. I feel like wearing this today. Don't worry, Mr Wang, I will keep myself warm when we get there."

I can keep you warm.

"Good. I have something for you if you need." His eyes stole another glance at her before checking his GPS. "We are about to arrive at Shipu Village. I think we should stop here for lunch first before our boat ride to the island. Xi Ze, any recommendation?"

Xi Ze replied without opening his eyes, "Justin told us to meet at the seafood restaurant at the end of the Chinese fishing village. He had booked a table for us." Jia Qi's head was on his shoulder and was snoring lightly. "I wonder what Jia did last night. Did you girls have a sleepover, Yue?"

"Ge-ge, if I did, I would be like her, isn't it?" Yue replied. "Let her sleep since she wants to stay awake the whole night."

"What about you, Yue? We can do the same," suggested Didi.

She shifted her head to look at him. "Maybe."

"Loser who sleeps first treats everyone breakfast the next day."

Yue sat up. "Oh, it's a game now, huh? Challenge accepted, Wang He Di! I bet you won't even last an hour."

"Oh, yeah? Don't speak too soon, Shen Yue. We will see who is the last man standing."

"Or woman," she said, giving him a haughty look.

He grinned. There was nothing more attractive than a competitive, driven girl. Yue kept surprising him in ways he could not imagined, making it really hard for him to stay away from her.

Didi turned the corner and slowed down his car as his eyes searched for the said restaurant.

"I think we are here. Oh, look there is Justin! Wait a minute. What is this?" Didi frowned, looking at the familiar group of people, standing in front of the restaurant.

"Oh, I thought it was just us." asked Yue, innocently, when she saw Kuan, Kang, Sun Qian. "And you guys invited Chao Yue too."

A deep crease formed between his eyebrows as he shot a murderous glare behind. "I surely did not. WU XI ZE!!!!!"

Author's notes:

A supposed quiet weekend is now a possible chaotic weekend! Poor Didi. Are we having fun yet? 😂😂

💜💛 Hsien

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