ELUSIVE (Book 2)

נכתב על ידי hidden_1nk

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Sawyer & Opal, how it starts. עוד



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נכתב על ידי hidden_1nk

Avery's eyes are so wide. She pulls me into the kitchen and we hide inside the large pantry.

"Let me see." She says and moves my hands out of the way. She stares in disbelief as she inspects the multiple hickeys.

"This is bad." I say, scratching my arm in embarrassment. I feel ashamed.

"I knew it." She says, her voice high pitched. She smiles at me, giving me a knowing look. She seems excited for me, but my face falls from her reaction. "The way he stares at you. The way I catch you looking at him. I knew something was going on the moment he took you to see his dad." She continues. Her whisper now turned into normal talking.

What is Jospeh going to think? Or Evan? No one can know.

"How do I hide this?" I panic, pacing back and forth in the pantry. She grabs my arm to stop me from pacing and I look at her.

"You're just going to have to show them off." She shrugs and I grunt.

"I can't do that. I can't." I shake my head.

"Just wear a sweater, I'll lower the a.c system so it's freezing in here. Then you have an excuse to be covered." She smiles. Smart thinking on her part. "Oh, just don't go outside. It's supposed to be one hundred ten degrees outside." She scrunches her nose and I nod taking in her advise. "I have make up but it's not going to cover everything, but it will hide well once you've got a sweater on."

She leaves me alone in the pantry. Okay, check if the coast is clear. Run upstairs without bumping into anyone. Shower and find something to cover my neck with.


I slowly open the pantry door and I see Jospeh walking in. His hair up in many directions. He just woke up. He's mid yawn when he sees me and starts smiling.

"I'm not even going to ask why you're in the pantry." He says, smiling to himself as he shakes his head.

"Can't talk." I say meaner than anticipated. I see his face morph into confusion and I run as fast as I can out of the pantry and up the stairs and to my room. It's too early in the morning for him to realize I have marks on my neck. If he's anything like Sawyer and has those sharp attentive eyes then I'm done for.

I shower and put on a sweater that covers most of the marks. My door swings open and I stand there frozen. I sigh out when it's only Avery, she's holding a bag full of makeup.

"They look bright red. I think the shower made them darker." She says and I slump onto the bed.

"I'm done for."

"Why exactly do you want to hid them? Your mom is not here to scold you or something. You won't get into trouble." She shrugs, not worried.

"I feel like I've been branded. I don't know. I don't want people to know I was fooling around. It's kind of slutty. It's a trashy look." I reason, my stomach sinking as I do.

Avery laughs at my discomfort and she starts putting make up on to cover them.

"They feel good. Look hideous." She says and I stare at her. She's not making this situation any better.

"How does it look?" I questions.

"It's getting there. Tell me how this happened." She says and I sigh.

"A game of Uno."

She shakes her head in disapproval. "You fell right into his trap." She backs away to look at her work.

"I see that now. I just needed to win." I ball my fist, I did win.

"Did you?" She asks, an eyebrow raised. Her hand is on her hip and I feel like that's how my mom would be standing, just with more disappointment.

"No." I sigh out and place a pillow over my face and scream into it.

"Now what are you going to do?" She questions.

"Nothing. I'm going to walk down there and act like nothing happened." My voice muffles through the pillow.

"My work here is done." She packs her makeup and leaves.

"Thank you." I say to her retreating back. She waves me off and I stay lying down.

What did I get myself into?

When I finally have the courage to walk downstairs everyone is already making their own breakfast and eating around the kitchen island.

I slowly walk to the refrigerator and take a gallon of milk out. Just act normal. I place it on the counter and grab any box of cereal. When I try pouring the cereal it rushes out spilling all over the counter and floor. I stare at the mess. Great.

I need a broom. I swiftly turn to find a broom but end up bumping into Evan who has a hot cup of coffee in his hand. It's spills on the both of us.

"Sorry." I apologize, not knowing what to do. Evan stands there, he eyes me up and down and walks off.

I find the broom and start sweeping the mess I've made. I smell like coffee. I wipe the coffee off of me and I sit at the island.

"A little clumsy, are we?" Jospeh comments and I glare at him. I huff out and sit. This morning is not going well.

"You're being painfully obvious." Avery whispers to me. I look up at Joseph reading a news paper, he seems oblivious and then to Evan eyeing me, he for sure knows.

Sawyer strolls in and I quickly look down and take a bite of my cereal.

"Sawyer." Evan greets, I watch as he pats Sawyer on his back.

Sawyer makes commotion as he starts slamming bowls and spoons on the the counter beside Jospeh who is across from me.

Is he trying to get my attention? I finally have the courage to look up and immediately start laughing. Milk drips from my nose. Everyone's eyes are on me, questioning my sanity.

Sawyer is wearing the draw-in mustache.

"You okay?" Joseph asks. I nod and take in another bite of my cereal.

Jospeh eyes me warily. He gets up and places his dirty dish into the sink.

"Sawyer, you're on dishes today." Jospeh reminds Sawyer.

"No can do." Sawyer announces. No one has noticed Sawyers drawn mustache.

"What do you mean no?" Joseph argues turning to Sawyer. He stares at Sawyer for a while, "What the hell do you have on your face?" Jospeh walks closer to inspect the mustache. I smile at how ridiculous Sawyer looks. It's drawn in with brown marker, a thin line and at the ends of each side its turned up into swirls.

"What are you talking about?" Sawyer counters, crossing his arms. I snort, unable to keep my laugh in.

"You know what, I don't even want to know." Joseph shakes his head. Sawyers green eyes land on me and he winks. I quickly look away, smiling down at my cereal.

"Explain why you have that on? I can't take you serious with it." Avery chimes in and I can't help but quietly laugh.

"He obviously lost a neck to neck intense bet." Evan enters the conversation. He takes a sip of his coffee and walks out, not before glancing at how ridiculous Sawyer looks. Sawyers smile falls at the words muttered by Evan.

"Piss off." Sawyer threatens.

Evan definitely knows. How does he always know?

Everyone is gone, it's only me and Sawyer.

Sawyer sits in front of me, I look up at him. He's pretending to play with his non existent mustache.

"What do you feel like having for lunch?" He asks and I remember he wanted to take me out to eat.

I immediately shake my head, "I told you. I'm not going to be seen with you looking like that." I point to his mustache, "out in public."

"Massage it is then." He takes a sip of his coffee.

"I mean hot wings sound good." I tell him.

"Alright." He says, and leaves me alone in the kitchen. He walks off smirking.

"And then there was one." I whisper to myself. I wash my bowl and put it away. The kitchen is clean and I walk out.

Okay, it's just harmless lunch. I don't have to dress up, right?

Sawyer did ask me to draw him something, but I don't know what? Maybe I can surprise him with a drawing. But of what? Maybe the northern lights.

"So looks like you live here now..." Jethro comes walking in. He smiles at me, happy about the idea of me living here.

I don't bother saying anything and get up to explore the rest of the house.

Why is he still here?

So far a lot of locked rooms. I find three bathrooms, the library Sawyer mentioned which looks something out of a princess movie, except not that big and not that dramatic.

"What are you doing?" Jospeh pops up behind me and I squeal.

"You scared me." I hold onto my chest.

"Sorry." Jospeh chuckles. "I just wanted to make sure you're okay." He asks. I pull my sweater closer to me and pull my hair forward.

"I noticed you were wearing a large sweater during breakfast. The ac was lowered.. I raised the temp." He says and I nod. Great.

"Thank you." I smile at him. We walk down a long hallway.

"How did you sleep last night?" He questions. "Wait, let me turn on the lights." He says and walks back to turn the hallway lights on. It's brighter than I expect and I worry he might see something.

"Like a baby." I smile up at him. We're both standing at the end of the hall. He again eyes me warily, taking in my answer.

"Do you maybe want..." He stops mid sentence as he moves some hair from my face and immediately his eyes move down to my neck. He rolls his head back, instead of pinching the bridge of his nose like Sawyer, he pinches the sides of his eyes. He doesn't say a word and walks off somewhere.

I rush to the nearest bathroom and check the mirror, a large spot empty of make up is there. It must have been the coffee. I wiped most of it off of me. Oh no.

I walk out trying to look for Avery. I find Jospeh rushing up stairs to Sawyers work space and I quietly follow behind him, not wanting him to see me.

When he's out of sight I rush after him.

I don't even have to be close to the door to hear Jospeh.

"How could you?" Jospeh accuses. I don't hear Sawyer saying anything. "You're taking advantage of her." Jospeh continues to attack.

"One, it's not what you're thinking. We did not have sex." Sawyer says calmly. "And two, it's none of your fucking business." Sawyer snaps.

I get out of there quick, not wanting to hear their argument escalate.

I find a room, it's the attic. There are a few stacked boxes and shelves with more books. A couch and in the middle of the room an old piano. I slowly walk toward the piano, I've been in piano lessons for a long time but I still not very good.

I sit down and start playing a song I remember. It's a little choppy, but it keeps me occupied.

"My ears." I hear Sawyer say and I jump, startled. I stop playing, pressing a few wrong keys as I turn to see both his hands covering his ears. He seems chipper despite being yelled at by Jospeh moments ago. Then again he can care less about a lot of things. Not much gets to him. "Hate to say it, but you're shit." He insults and I roll my eyes. I think I'm decent but that doesn't stop my face from going red.

"You're one to talk." I turn away from him and start playing a different piece.

"Probably, haven't played in years." Sawyer shrugs and walks up beside me. Right away I feel his warmth and I don't think I can concentrate.

He's so close to me as he watches me play,

"You're playing too fast." He shakes his head disapprovingly. So I try slowing down, I feel him shaking his head again as he continues to disapprove how I play. "Incorrect fingering and you're not playing loud enough." He points out how crooked my fingers are.

I sit up straighter as I play and start chomping down at the piano, so it's louder.

I stop playing and slouch my shoulders in defeat and glare up at Sawyer.

"I've had classes up till this summer. You haven't played in years." I argue and he shrugs as he places his hands inside his pockets.

"Are you ready to go?" He asks, changing the subject.

Right, hot wings.

"Show me your piano playing." I say, his jaw tenses and he completely ignores what I'm saying.

"I'm starving." He motions for me to follow and I stand up and gesture for him to sit.

"I want to hear." I plead, and he stares at me for a while before he sighs out. I walk around the piano so I'm able to watch him play.

"If you suck I'm going to..." He cuts me off and starts playing. I was going to say laugh, but instead my jaw drops as his hands glide across the piano. He plays a jazzy song and I watch with admiration.

He plays a small piece and he looks up at me when he's done. I start laughing and he raises an eyebrow.

"I can't take you serious with that." I point to his lip and he rolls his eyes.

He starts to play something else, he seems almost angry as he plays this song. Evan, Avery, and Jospeh come stand by the door one by one. They seem entranced as they watch from a distance, Sawyer hasn't noticed. When he's done playing they all start clapping.

"Never thought you'd play again. Here you are." Avery excitedly announces.

Sawyers snaps his head to everyone at the door. He turns to me with an icy look.

"Get ready." He sourly demands and walks out. He says it so low only I'm able to hear.

Everyone looks at me, surprised with Sawyers behavior. I can't look them in the eye, feeling embarrassed.

I didn't mean for this to happen. I want to run after him, comfort him but I let him be.

"Excuse me." I whisper and maneuver around them huddling the door.

"He's not angry at you." Jospeh takes my hand and I nod.

I quickly dress into jeans and a t-shirt and let my hair do the hiding. It seems like everyone knows about them, but I still hide them.

Sawyer is waiting for me downstairs. Everyone is in their own rooms, afraid of Sawyers wrath.

He half smiles when he sees me. He's dressed in all black, which somehow makes it look like a fancy outfit.

We're both quiet as we buckle in. Sawyer speeds off, another sign he's angry.

"The mustache is growing on me." I randomly say.

"No it's not." Sawyer quickly counters, knowing that I'm lying. His arm is nonchalantly resting on the steering wheel and I can't help but admire his arm full of tattoos.

"It is." I say defensively, "but, I'm still don't want to be seen out in public with you. So you go in, order and I wait in the car." I pat him on the shoulder, giving him my final offer. He just smiles, which makes me feel uneasy.

"Also, you can't just say you haven't played in years and make it seem like you're the worst piano player in the world when you're not." I watch as his hand tightens around the wheel, his veins popping out on his arms.

He doesn't say anything and I look out the window. I stay quiet until he's ready to talk.

When we pass by a wing stop I snap my head to him and all I see is a cheeky grin.

"You just passed wing stop." I turn to look behind me as the take out place gets smaller and smaller.

"Trust me." Is the only thing Sawyer says.

I watch him, growing more and more skeptical by the minute. What is he up to?

He grabs my hand and softly rubs is thumb over my fingers. Which calms my nerves but sends my emotions to overdrive.

We finally pull into a parking structure with valet parking and we get out as the worker takes Sawyers car and parks it.

"What is this place?" I whisper to Sawyer.

"A restaurant." He whispers back. He intertwined my hands with his warm ones and we walk shoulder to arm to a secret destination.

"Obviously, but what is it? What kind of food?" I question, not really worried how sketchy it is to get in, but worried about how good the food is.

"You'll see." He opens the door for me and as soon as I walk in I feel underdressed. Fancy seating arrangements, bright shiny chandeliers everywhere. Everyone is well dressed. Although I walk in first, I wait for Sawyer to take the lead and I hide behind him. I look like a raggedy mess. He could have warned me.

"Table for two." Sawyer says and a man leads him to the bar area. We sit as a waiter server person attends to us. They start us off with a cold glass of water and fancy blue plates. They set real flowers down one by one onto my napkin. He gives us both an orange drink and puts in real small flowers with tweezers inside.

I look at how crazy the drink looks.

"I'm not twenty-one yet" I whisper to Sawyer.

"There's no alcohol in yours." He says as he drinks his drink.

I take a small sip and try to hide the disdain. Sawyer watches me and snorts.

"It's a weird taste." He says, but he seems to be enjoying it. I think his might have alcohol, mine tastes like medicine.

I nod agreeing. They bring out some entrees, small squared shape pockets full of guacamole and some weird stuff I can't pronounce. I pop one into my mouth and my taste buds can't handle how good this tiny dish is.

"I knew you'd like it." Sawyer says and I roll my eyes, eating as much as I can.

The waiter leaves us alone to enjoy our small appetizer as he makes ice cream right in front of us.

I turn to Sawyer curious and he leans back, his arm resting behind me. He turns to me,

"What?" He questions and I take another bite, "Do you want more?" He asks, ready to ask the waiter for me. I debate saying yes but I need room for the ice cream and main dish.

"No." I say with my mouth half full and I forget that I'm in a fancy restaurant. "I do want to know why you stopped playing piano."

He takes a bite of his food and slowly chews it.

"It was during the time my dad left my mom. I was angry at everyone. Still kind of am. I refused to play ever since. They loved me playing so much. Sort of a revenge thing." He confides in me. I didn't think he would.

"So what made you play today?" I question further. He turns to me, his eyes wandering all around my face.

When he doesn't say anything, I try changing the subject.

"Whenever I'm angry I just draw, you should try it sometime." I smile.

"I do." He smiles, pointing to his mustache. "This mustache isn't here because of you won." He jokes and I roll my eyes.

"You still have to cook for me." I remind him and he sighs.


"And I think you should play piano again." I blurt out. "I can listen to it all day." I close my eyes remembering the sweet sound. I peak one eye open. Sawyer is about to put something into his mouth before he turns, stops the spoon right in front of him and snaps his head to me.

"I can teach you." He offers and I light up at his suggestion.

"Yes, please. I need to be better than...." I stop myself.

"Go on. Don't stop now. Say it." Sawyer challenges. He leans back, he crosses his arms, an amused look on his face.

"I'm sure you know." I take another bite.

"I don't." He counters. He knows, he just wants me to feel bad.

"It's the same concept with winning. I always have to be better." I shrug.

Sawyer snorts, "you'll be good, not that good." He tells me straight.

I glare at him, "we will see about that."

After lunch, I go straight to my room and take a nap. I take a nine hour nap, and no one came to check up on me.

It's the middle of the night and I'm wide awake. I walk downstairs as quietly as possible, my hunger driving me to the kitchen. I raid the fridge of any left overs and warm it up in the microwave. I grab a plate from over the sink cabinet and I see a bright flash from the large window in the kitchen. The beeping from the microwave startled me, but I'm more focused on the light. I stand there to see if it's going to happen again.

I quickly turn to grab the food from the microwave. My fingers burn as I take it out, "ouch." I blow on my fingers.

I take a bite of the macaroni and cheese, huffing out. I burn my tongue but I eat through the pain. I stand there, watching. Ten minutes pass and I see the light in the trees and I follow it.

I leave my plate on the table and run to the light. It's the same light Sawyer was screaming at last time.

When I'm close enough, I hear Sawyer screaming.

Hey!! Another chapter!!!!


Also, a student at my school was found positive for corona virus. The email said they were in one specific building and I'm always in that building all day all the time. 🙃

How is everyone????

המשך קריאה

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