Memory of the heart #WATTYS20...

By Hsienhui1978

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#WATTYS2020 The lives of rap songwriter, Wang He Di and aspiring singer, Shen Yue, intertwine at a music club... More

Author's notes
Chapter 1: Tsuki
Chapter 2: Tomodachi
Chapter 3: Tamagoyaki
Chapter 4: Akogare
Chapter 5: Yūshoku
Chapter 6: Tōfu
Chapter 7: Hana
Chapter 8: Dēto
Chapter 9: Shashin
Chapter 10: Doki-doki
Chapter 11: Doki-doki 2
Chapter 12: Bon Odori
Chapter 13: Māku
Chapter 14: Ureshii
Chapter 15: Tsumetai
Chapter 16: Tenshi
Chapter 18: Shinjiru
Chapter 19: Ikanaide
Chapter 20: Shūmatsu
Chapter 21: Kyanpu
Chapter 22: Kioku
Chapter 23: Shinjitsu
Chapter 24: Osoi
Longing - A Haiku
Chapter 25: Akumu
Chapter 26: Ashita
Chapter 27: Furaito
An edit to the chronology
Chapter 28: Odoroki
Chapter 29: Mitsuketa
Chapter 30: Sutōrī
Chapter 31: Gesuto
Chapter 32: Aitai
Chapter 33: Donā
Chapter 34: Yōsha
Chapter 35: Issho
Chapter 36: Shōjiki
Chapter 37: Okaeri
Chapter 38: Sadō
Chapter 39: Yakusoku
Chapter 40: Shitto 1
Chapter 41: Shitto 2
Chapter 42: Shinrai
Chapter 43: Ikiru
Chapter 44: Toraburu
Chapter 45: Uragiri
Chapter 46: Kintsugi
Chapter 47: Haru
Chapter 48: Nozomu
Chapter 49: Kiseki
Chapter 50: Unmei
Epilogue 1: Kazoku
Epilogue 2: Nigete
The Author's Farewell
Glossary of Japanese words

Chapter 17: Chansu

767 60 43
By Hsienhui1978

Yue tilted her head upwards and saw the sacriest looking glare she had ever seen. Wang He Di had Ning Que's murderous glare.


Big boy snickered and put her down on the ground. But the other two held her arms tightly. "We are just playing with her. Don't be so serious."

"You mess with my girl. You mess with me." He glowered at them.

They laughed. "You mess with us means you are messing with our Da-ge," pointing to the biggest guy among three. "Why don't you run along and let us take care of her? You left her alone, anyways."

Yue looked at Didi pleadingly, signaling him to watch out for Da-ge. Didi did not move a single twitch.

"Let her go and we will all walk away like civilized people."

All at once, Da-ge lunged forward with something he withdrew from his back jeans pocket and hurled it towards Didi. He ducked from his knife, turned sideways and punched the big guy's stomach. He yelled.

The stocky guy who was holding Yue released her and went to help Da-ge. It was two against one now. It happened too fast. Didi received a blow on his face,  causing his lip to bleed.

"Didi!" she shouted, trying to squirm out of the last guy's grip.

But Didi had fast feet and he immediately took a lunge towards Stocky and sent him flying before sprawling on the ground. He did not see Da-ge coming.

"URGHHH!!!" He screamed as he felt his left arm in pain. Blood was streaming and soaking through his white jersey. Da-ge laughed.

Taking this chance, Yue stepped on the last guy's feet, grabbed his arm and pulled him over her shoulder and flung him down.

She ran as Da-ge was about to launch another attack on Didi. She leaped as high as she could and kicked him from the back, causing his body skating on the ground before it came to a halt.

She took the knife from the floor, and heaved his neck with her arm, putting the knife over his neck. "Didn't I say don't make me hurt you?"

"Please no, Yue-jie. Spare my life!"

"I don't want to see you or your buddies as long as I'm in Suzhou. Do I make myself clear?" Da-ge nodded profusely.

"I'm keeping this." She folded the pocket knife and pushed his head down. "Get out of my sight!"

The three boys picked up their feet and ran as fast as they could. "Assholes," she muttered, brushing her hands on her pants.

Suddenly, she remembered Didi. He was sitting down, holding his wounded arm. He looked pale.

"Hey, stay with me. I will bring you to the hospital."

"No hospital. Dr Jerry will make a lecture out of me again. He almost killed my ears the last time I got sick."

"But you are bleeding and you need stitches!" she reasoned, watching beads of sweat appeared at his temples. She wiped them away with her sleeves.

"I'm okay. I don't want to create publicity. Even though it's China, and no one knows me, news can spread on social media."

Yue chuckled softly. "In that case, I'm in trouble too. I just beat up that big guy."

"I didn't know you are a wushu master," he joked.

Looking at his pale face, she said "Come. Can you stand?"

He nodded, as she lifted his body around his waist and draped his other arm around her shoulder.

"Where are we going?"

"My house. Dr. Nai Nai is the best."

"Nai Nai!" She shouted as she heaved Didi to the living room. She had earlier tied a cloth around his arm to slow down the bleeding on the way home.

The elderly lady stepped out from the kitchen, wiping her hands on a hand towel. "What is it, Xiao Yue?"

"My friend is hurt. Please help him."

Once glance at Didi, Nai Nai said "Get my medical kit. I will get some warm water."

Yue placed him down on the sofa. Didi's face looked like a ghost. He moaned holding his arm but he managed a weak smile "Your Nai Nai reminds me of mine. Is she....?" He coughed a little.

Yue patted his arm. "Nai Nai will see if you need stitches. Are you scared of pain? If yes, I will give you a drink."

"Seems like you have done this before." he said, grimacing. The pain was more intense than he expected.

Yue looked sheepish. "I used to fight a lot when I was younger. I will be right back." She squeezed his hand and turned towards the kitchen, when he said softly "Thank you for saving my life today."

She stopped in her tracks. Her lips curled upwards. "You saved mine first," without turning to see him and she left to fetch the things Nai Nai needed.

Nai Nai scrutinized the cut. "My son, you need stitches. Yue, prepare the tools." When she saw how uncertain he looked, she smiled gently. "I used to be a nurse in the army. Don't worry. Yue, give him the drink."

"Try this. My grandfather's 30-year-old whiskey." She smiled, bringing the glass to his mouth.

Didi immediately found himself relaxing after taking a few sips of the alcohol. "That was one hell of a drink, Yue."

She beamed. "Kung Kung takes his collection seriously."

"Be quiet, Yue. Hold his arm steady for me." Nai Nai ordered.

He flinched when Nai Nai started pulling the thread between his skin but it was bearable. He had worse especially after his heart transplant. That kind of pain that never seemed to go away. It took him almost half a year to finally be able to resume his daily life.

Nai Nai finally stood up. "Tomorrow, Yue will bring you to see my friend, Lao Ma. Don't worry, he runs a private practice and won't tell a soul. He will check on you again. Yue, I need you to give him some antiseptic and bandage. Didi, you stay here tonight."

When he raised his hand in protest, Nai Nai glared at him. "You are my patient. Be obedient."

He nodded and mumbled "Thank you, Nai Nai".

Nai Nai smiled. "You call me Yu Sao. It's nice to have guests in our house. Yue will take care of you." She yawned. "It's time for my bedtime. You kiddos are making an old woman like me work too hard."

Yue chuckled. "Here, let me do the rest of the job." She took the cotton swab and run it gently on his wound.

Having her touched him was almost killing him. His senses rang through his brain as he inhaled her jasmine perfume.

When she bent down to tie the bandage, he caught a whiff of her hair scent. Lavender. Didi closed his eyes. How many times he had dreamed of her walking in the lavender field? Too many. It was always a different field but the lavender field was his favourite.

"Didi, you need to change your shirt. It's all soaked with blood. Hey, are you sleepy?" She asked softly when she sensed him all quiet, his eyes closed.

"A little." He yawned.

She smiled. "I'm done here. You can sleep in the extra room we have." She looked up and saw him gazing at her. A flicker of darkness passed his eyes. Unconsciously, she bit her lip.

"Didi...your lip." she said, her voice was hoarse. Her thumb automatically went to brush his lip gently. "I need to fix it." Her gaze caught in his. She held her breath. Time stood still.

Her heart hammered against her chest furiously. His eyes spoke a thousand emotions to her, one unmistakably was a familiar longing that was connected to hers.

"Yue..." he whispered.

His face inched closer to her. When she closed her eyes, he knew he had to touch her. His lips brushed against her soft lips. His free arm went to pull her closer to him. He could feel her leaning towards him.

The mixture of alcohol and mint in his breath was intoxicating. His lips were as supple as she imagined them to be. Her stomach tightened in knots. Thousand of drumbeats hit against her chest. She had never felt this intense sensation with anyone before. Her instincts prompted her to lean forward.

He pulled away slightly and placed a lingering kiss on her for the second time, then the third..he wanted to keep going.

A little moan escaped her. Yue thought she was going to float away if he did not held her. Tingles were exploding all over inside her stomach and body.

"Xiao Yue!" A call came from upstairs.

The magic spell was broken. They pulled away immediately, their breaths hitched. "Yes ...yes Nai Nai!" Yue stammered, trying to sound normal, but the lump in her throat made her voice coarse.

"Why do you sound so strange? Please get Didi extra blankets. It might be cold tonight."

"Okay, Nai Nai."

They sat there for awhile looking away, both a little shy. Didi's heart was still thumping so loud that he thought she might have heard him.

Yue was looking everywhere but him. She cleared her throat. "When you are ready, come right up. Your room is the second after you turn right." Didi nodded.

She got up and then turned back. "I will give you antiseptic for your lips later. can do it yourself. And some clothes."

After she left, he breathed out in relief. He had not noticed that he was holding his breath when they kissed till after that. He touched his lip and smiled. That was magical.

Didi jumped up and did the floss dance, even forgetting the pain on his arm.

The next morning, Yue woke up to chattering in the kitchen. For a moment, she thought Nai Nai had a friend over. Oh, wait, could it be he is up so early?

She quickly brushed her teeth and checked her reflection in the mirror. She cursed herself silently for waking up later than her guest.

Didi and Nai Nai were chatting and laughing in the kitchen. When he saw her coming down the stairs, he paused and smiled. "Ohayo, Yue. Did you sleep well?"

She nodded. Her eyes scanned his arm. He was wearing her oversized Nike shirt which looked small on him. His cheeks were glowing in pink. She sighed in relief.

Nai Nai eyed her. "Are you done checking out your friend, Xiao Yue? If yes, please eat your breakfast and bring him to see Lao Ma."

"Nai Nai! I'm not checking him out. I'm just looking if he is okay."

"Humph! Why would he be not okay? I may be old but my stitches are solid. Didi, can you raise your arm for Nai Nai?" He did and she smiled. "Looks good."

"It's not as painful too. Yu Sao, you are really good."

"Didi, I change my mind. Please call me Nai Nai just like Yue does. It feels more like family."

"Nai Nai, he is not family." Yue mumbled.

"Xiao Yue, you should stop mumbling and speak up. Hurry up and eat. I'm making extra jiaozi for Didi to bring home."

"You don't need to," Yue protested.

"I don't believe I brought up an ill-mannered granddaughter. Didi needs all the food after the injury last night. On top of his heart condition."

Didi could not stop grinning. He raised his eyebrow at her and winked. "Your Nai Nai loves me."

"Yes, she loves everyone I brought to our house. Soon, she is going to adopt the whole neighborhood," Yue sighed. Deep down, she was secretly pleased that her Nai Nai liked him.

"Didi, I'm sorry for her sharp tongue. You have no idea how much I worried about her when she was growing up. I thought she would join the triad, coming home all the time with bruises and cuts."

"Nai Nai, I don't think Didi is keen to know," she said, her eyes skirting over to watch his expression.

His body leaned forward and his eyes widened. "Tell me more, Nai Nai. After last night, I believe you. She fought like Michelle Yeoh."

"I made her learned Wing Chun. But not to get into fights! It was to control her temperament and protect herself if necessary. Thank goodness, it did help her. I remember that night she came home and my heart dropped ten thousand feet down below."

Yue's face turned super red. "Can I exempt myself from listening to this, please, Nai Nai? I'll go get ready."

"Do what you want, Xiao Yue. I must tell Didi how you came home, all bloody."

"It's not my blood!" she shouted, running up the stairs.

When she disappeared into her room, Didi turned towards Nai Nai. "Whose blood was that? Was she hurt? Or did she hurt someone?"

She started laughing. "I thought so too! I was afraid she was hurt but then I realized it was animal blood. Some rascals threw blood on her to threaten her. You do know Yue wanted to be a police detective since young? She would fight for the helpless. But I guess, she changed her mind after she matured."

Didi leaned back on the chair and put his hands at the back of his head. He smiled. "Nai Nai, I have never met a girl like Yue."

She eyed him, while putting some minced pork on the dumpling skin, "Do you like her, Didi?"

He nodded. "I like her a lot, Nai Nai."

"Ah...she is too wild to be tamed. But she is a good girl. Good heart. She was a little lost last few years after Jia Er left but.." she twisted the dumpling skin on the top and placed it on the plate. "I think you are good for her. She seems happy."

Didi sat up. "She is?"

Nai Nai laughed. "Patience, my child. The longer you cook the stew in low fire, the more flavours you get inside the meat. Cook it with high fire, the meat is hard and tasteless and the whole pot gets burnt. Why waste your dinner on impatience? Ming bai, ma?"

"Clear as water. Nai Nai, can I come here when I have free time? I can cook for you as well."

"Our door is always open for family members," she winked, her hands busy wrapping the rest of the dumplings.

Jackpot, Didi!

"Didi, let me drive you today. That's the least I can do for you," Yue said, taking his car keys. He smiled. "It's nice to be chauffeured around."

"Is your arm still painful? Lao Ma is also an experienced masseur and acupuncturist. He can tell what's wrong with you by just pressing your veins."

"Wow, I have not seen one of these doctors before. Have you?"

She smiled. "It's embarrassing but Lao Ma treated my wounds my whole teenage life. But I have not seen him for years."

"Nai Nai told me the bloody story." He teased. "I'm impressed."

"Don't be. Getting into fights is really not cool."

"I'd like to think that you can protect me from now onwards."

She let out a loud guffaw. "I should be the one who needs protection. Look, we are here. I will tell him what happened."

Yue got down from the car and opened the door for Didi. Before she could turn away, he took hold of her arm and spun her around. She looked up in surprise. "Are you okay? Do you feel sick?"

"I wanted to say thank you for bringing me the blankets last night. I must have dozed off. Were you checking on me?" He said softly, her eyes staring at her lips, remembering the soft kiss they shared last night.

"Uh. Yes. Nai Nai wanted to make sure you don't catch a cold." She replied. Then, she giggled. "My shirt looks too tight and short for you."

"Do you know I have the exact same shirt at home?" His lips curled upwards one side. He squeezed her arm and leaned forward. "Last night was wonderful. I will never forget."

His face inched closer to her. "Yue, can we keep seeing each other? It's hard to think there is nothing between us after what happened. Won't you give us a chance?"

He lifted her chin up. Her soft brown eyes were mesmerizing. "A chance to find our true selves?"

For a few seconds, they looked at each other. Finally, she nodded and smiled. "I'd like to take the chance. But with one condition."

"What condition, Yue?"

"If we were not meant for each other, I want us to remain as friends."

He nodded. "Good friends. Don't forget, Nai Nai said I'm family."

She smacked his arm.

"OUCH!!! Yue, that's my wounded arm!"

"I'm so sorry, Didi!" she apologized, her hands rubbing his arm. "Lao Ma will fix it. Come on, are you ready for some pain?"

"Pain? You said he makes people feel better."

There was a mischievous grin on her face. "You will know soon."

"Shen Yue! Tell me now. Who is this Lao Ma?"

She laughed as she led him to the clinic's front entrance.

Author's notes:

Phew! I have to publish this so you will stop worrying about Didi! 😀 What do you think?

Lao Ma is the character from Ever Night 2. Lao Ma literally means Old Horse.

I enjoyed Didi's convo with Nai Nai 😁 she is such a cool old lady.

These chapters are longer than I anticipate them to be. 😅😂 I love you all. Thank you so much for reading. And being patient.

💜💛 Hsien

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