Defying Desires

By RubytheWritrix

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I'm sure we've all heard this popular love quote that says; If you ever have to choose between two people, a... More

Episode 1- Disaster
Episode 2- Broken
Episode 3- Hope
Episode 4- Finally
Episode 5- First day
Episode 6- Affinity
Episode 7- Stranger
Episode 8- Speechless
Episode 9- Grateful.
Episode 10- Sparks
Chapter 11- Welcome
Chapter 13- Bold Kiss
Chapter 14- Confessions
Chapter 15- Promoted
Chapter 16- Exposed
Chapter 17- Confrontation
Chapter 18- Alaric
Chapter 19- New boss
Chapter 20- Fired
Chapter 21- Unstoppable
Chapter 22- Alpha
Chapter 23- Unexpected
Chapter 24- Collision
Chapter 25- Aftershock
Chapter 26- Rage
Chapter 27- Disbelief
Chapter 28- Remorse
Chapter 29- Waves
Chapter 30- Irresistible
Chapter 31- Epiphany
Chapter 32- Hesitant
Chapter 33- Concern
Chapter 34- Inevitable
Chapter 35- Miserable
Chapter 36- Surprise
Chapter 37- Wasted
Chapter 38- Wasabi
Chapter 39- Battlefield
Chapter 40- Migraine
Chapter 41- Grey
Chapter 42- Confirmed
Chapter 43- Hasty
Chapter 44- Ignominy.
Chapter 45- Fallout
Chapter 46- Water or Wine
Chapter 47- Yes!
Chapter 48- Wedding

Chapter 12- Headlines

167 35 20
By RubytheWritrix


It was a beautuful May morning. The cumulus clouds displayed such marvelous patterns in the sky, almost similar to a kaleidoscope.

So beautiful a morning would have certainly been my favorite day if it weren't for the stares I was getting. I was been gawked like a hawk. It was so unnerving and so bizarre. It was almost like I had turned into an alien to the masses.

And no, I wasn't wearing Gucci from head to heels, or any fancy makeup. My frizzy hair was up in its number one hairstyle; a bun. My freckled face was enhanced with talcum powder. I was in my blouse with my woolen polyester skirt. And, that was just about it.

So why were eyes on me like I was walking around naked?

I crept out of the Starvnos house of Dishes, with a steaming cup of coffee in my hand.

My head throbbed. It was like I had migraine. I didn't know what accounted for that but I guess I'd been too tired. The coffee would rejuvenate me and I could bounce back to effective work. I needed to go the extra mile in my productivity today.

I had been commended on my hard work, but that didn't make me swollen headed, it only increased my will to do more.

Walking the few blocks I needed to skip before getting to the workplace, I ignored the odd outstares and whispers, everytime someone passed by me.

I was sure, a few wanted to stop and ask me questions. But I dodged their gazes.


I wished I was in a hoodie. I changed my route by using the crossover. Turned out, that part of the road had more eyes for staring than the snakes on Medusa's head.

Thankfully, I arrived at the company, all tired and almost depressed. Almost. I wasn't going to let a couple of stares ruin my day.

A couple?

Wouldn't you be lucky?

My subconsciousness bickered back at me.

There were a lot of fascinating people they could waste their time and gape at. I knew I had one particular person I could ogle at all day, that was if I wasn't caught.


"See who made front cover?" Keith leaned by my desk, the second I slumped in my seat. I had to admit he was one good looking champ, despite his annoying assertiveness.

He held a magazine in his hand and a stupid smirk on his face. I wasn't ready for him. And, whatever he had mouthed out earlier simply just flew right over my head.

He dropped the magazine on my desk with another stupid grin on his face. "You're famous, Mia."

I flipped to the front cover of the magazine and I would have swore, it was like someone had just thrown cold water on my face.

Alan Starvnos hids new girlfriend, read the headline, typed in extreme bold.

Oh holy mother of cheese and biscuits!

There I was with Alan, with his hands draped over my shoulders and his face bent to shield my face. Which, clearly wasn't effective because my face could still be made out.

"Wow, this... Is simply amazing." Keith clasped his hands together. A fake surprise settled on his now stupid face. I wanted to strangle the stupidity on his face.

I facepalmed as realization struck me in the guts. I guess that was why people had their eyes glued on me.

Too bad, for low key thinking I was looking good today.

"Wow..." Keith expressed again. This time, pulling Jane's seat and sinking in it. "Just wow."

"Can you please stop?" I let out an exasperated sigh. This was a disaster, a catastrophic one.

"So you and Alan are a thing?" He squinted his eyes at me, his fingers rubbing his jaw, as if brainstorming to canker a crime.

I take back what I said about him. He's not handsome, he's ugly. There I said it.

"Keith, please stop. Don't you have work to do. And, besides there are still a lot of typos in my manuscripts. What happened to you reporting to Hailey?"

He sat still and furrowed his brows at me like I was crazy. I sighed and focused on my computer.

"That's not what we're talking about."

"Keith, I have work to do. Thank you for this." I pointed to the magazine and shoved it in his hands. "I have to get to work now."

After a few minutes of him surveying and forming his perceptions about me in his head, he finally yomped away.

I rested my head on the desk and let overthinking soar in me. Alan was a public figure. This rumor was bad for his image. He must probably hate me for causing him this trouble. People were going to surmise all sorts of nasty thoughts about him.

They were also probably going to say I was a whore too.

I began to have difficulty breathing. Slowly, I sipped my coffee that had now turned cold.

I really didn't appeal for any complications with Alan but this headline was enough for him to dislike me or even worse, hate me.

This was the worst day of my life. Making headlines was bad enough and now people were going to spread more rumors about me.

Isolation was my only solution now.

"What is this?"

"When did this happen?"

I threw my head up at Jane who stood before me, one hand to the waist, another flashing the magazine across my face.

"Oh not you too." I groaned. I figured I was going to blast the news to her and she would advise me on what to do.

"Sis your pretty face is plastered everywhere in this country." She said in a serious tone.

"The entire country?"

"No. You wish, but soon it will be. Lemme guess, the day you went on lunch with Alan?"

I nodded. "What do I do, Jane?"

"Just enjoy the moment. You have no idea how lucky you are, do you? You were seen with one of the country's most handsome bachelors, also a billionaire. This was bound to happen."

I hated Jane that moment, her character of making everything a joke wasn't needed right now, but it was in full play.

"You're a celebrity now."

"Jane it's not funny. What if Alan hates me?"

The statement turned her mute for a while. "Well that could happen but it won't. Alan likes you."

Here we go again.

"Jane, you know what, it's okay. Please stop." I would figure this on my own.

"I'm only telling you the truth. Dating a public figure is hard. You're going to get hated on for like a month but trust me baby, it passes."

I slammed a manuscript in my face and screamed in it.

I really didn't need this!


"So are you going to see him or not?" Jane attacked me again. We were having lunch at the house of Dishes and I had lost my appetite to eat.

Alan had walked into the office earlier with an angry expression on his face. He held the magazine in his hand and was harshly speaking to someone on the phone. His temper jolted the workspace silent, for that was a new display contrary to his usual warmth.

He didn't even look in my direction. I wanted him to smile at me, that would have given me the assurance and staved off the thoughts that he hated me now. If he had looked at me for a moment, he could have seen the fear that clouded in my eyes.

He passed by me and banged his door so loud my entire body shook. I was mortified.

Then, everyone's eyes was on me as I imagined the thoughts running through their heads.

I hated myself.

"Mia, I really think you should go to his office and speak to him."

"And tell him what Jane? You saw how furious he was when he came in." I was infuriated.

She nodded. "That was so peculiar. Alan's never been like that. I was so scared." She ended with a laugh.

"But, you really need to see him. You both need to talk or something."

"Are you done? I've lost my appetite to even eat." I pushed the food away from me.

"You're really not going to eat? This is why you need to see him. Forget everybody and do what will make you feel at ease in the end."

I ignored her pep talk, and got up from the seat.

We got back to the company and I was lost in my thoughts. The events of the day, was eating me up. The reaction of Alan, however, swallowed me whole.

His office door instantly swung open and my panic attack raged.

"Miss North, Mr Starvnos would like to see you." The man who came out of the office informed me.

I simply nodded once and turned to Jane who gave me an encouraging smile.

Drawing in heavy breaths, I proceeded to this office.

"Good morning." Alan did a visual checkup on me and ushered me to sit down.

"Mr Starvnos, I'm. so. sorry." I murmured, each word a saccato.

"Mr Starvnos, where's that coming from, Miss North?" He frowned but smiled.
"And none of this is your fault Mia."

"You came mad today." I stated defensively.

"Yes you're right, I was mad at that publishing company. Not you." He got up from his seat, neared me but propped at the mouth of the desk just inches from where I sat.


"Yes, I was angry because I was worried about you. I'm used to this but you're not. I couldn't imagine the tremor that this put you through."

"I was thinking of you too. I got worried for your name and reputation."

A Cheshire grin spread over his face. "Thank you but you have nothing to worry about. And I have spoken to the management of that house, the magazine will be taken down in an hour."

"That's great news." I stated in a feeble tone, nervousness clambered my fingers, making them quiver more than they should.

"That's not why I even called you in here Mia. Though, the news of the day has ruined my plans."

I giggled. "It can't. You're Alan Starvnos. You can always make it work." I rose a peek at him. He was staring at me, his face was composed, giving nothing away.

He was wearing a plaid shirt with a tie. His hair was neatly swept back. He was simple today but the word handsome would still be an understatement.

"There's this formal party that I'll be going to this weekend, and I want you to come with me. As my date."


For a fleeting moment, my heartbeat picked up instantly.

Me, as his date?

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