What's Done in the Dark

By juanfletcher_1002

49.6K 3.3K 840

She's just staring out the window. I just stand and watch her not sure exactly why I'm here. She turns and fi... More

Authors Notes
Chapter 1 :Nicolette
Chapter 2: Logan
Chapter 3: Nicolette
Chapter 4: Nicolette
Chapter 5: Logan
Chapter 6: Logan
Chapter 7: Nicolette
Chapter 8: Deshawn
Chapter 9: Deshawn
Chapter 10: Logan
Chapter 11: Nicolette
Chapter 12: Logan
Chapter 13: Deshawn
Chapter 14: Nicolette
Chapter 15: Deshawn
Chapter 16: Logan
Chapter 17: Nicolette
Chapter 18: Logan
Chapter 19: Deshawn
Chapter 20: Nicolette
Chapter 21: Logan
Chapter 22: Nicolette
Chapter 23: Tabatha
Chapters 25: Logan
Chapter 26: Nicolette
Chapter 27: Logan
Chapter 28: Nicolette
Chapter 29: Deshawn
Chapter 30: Logan
Chapter 31: Nicolette
Chapters 32: Logan
Chapter 33: Deshawn
Chapter 34: Nicolette
Chapter 35: Logan
Chapter 36: Nicolette
Chapter 37: Logan
Chapter 38: Deshawn
Chapter 39: Logan
Chapter 40: Nicolette
Chapter 41: Tabatha
Chapter 42: Logan
Chapter 43: Deshawn
Chapter 44: Nicolette
Chapter 45: Logan
Chapter 46: Deshawn
Chapter 47: Nicolette
Chapter 48: Deshawn
Chapter 49: Logan
Epilogue 50: Nicolette

Chapter 24: Nicolette

863 65 6
By juanfletcher_1002

We make it to the party and it's so many people here. It looks like a club with all the lights, stage, and bar. There's even a DJ in a DJ stand or booth; I'm not sure what to call it. Who would think that Tabatha was this popular? I feel a little naked. I mean most of the girls are half-naked but I normally wear more clothes than this. I keep checking to make sure one of my beasts hasn't come out.

"This party is lit," Kristy shouts over the music.
"I just texted Phillip and he said he will be here in about fifteen minutes."

I nod at her words. I wonder if Logan is coming with him. I'm looking around I don't see anyone I know. I stop when I feel Kristy squeezing my arms.

She bends down and whispers yell in my ear. "Oh my gosh, do you see what Tabatha is wearing." Kristy makes a disgusted look. "The bitch is fucking naked."

I look around because I don't see her. Kristy grabs my face so I'm looking directly at Tabatha standing with two guys. One guy is heavyset and the other guy is tall dark with dreads.

Tabatha is wearing a sheer lace mini dress with a black thong. You can see straight through the dress. My mouth's drop opens as I gawk at her.

"Let's go speak," Kristy says pulling me behind her. I stumble a little in these damn heels.

As we get closer Tabatha's smile brightens at least she wants us to think that. I know it's a fake smile because it never reaches her eyes. She's alone too now.

"Hey," she says hugging Kristy and then me.

"Hey," both Kristy and I say in unison.

"Your cute - naked but cute, " Kristy says.

"Well when you got it you better flaunt it", Tabatha says laughing. "Nicolette I'm surprised Deshawn let you out in that." She's smirking but it looks more like a sneer.

"I wonder what's up with her. Why she keeps picking," I think to myself.

I shrug. "Deshawn didn't have a problem with it when we FaceTimed."

Deshawn FaceTimed me we were leaving. He liked the dressed and reminded me not to take any drinks from Tabatha or anybody else. Chris and he were getting ready to go to some club Lil Baby was going be at.

I catch her rolling her eyes as she waves the heavy set dude over. He reminds me of The Game just a tad bit lighter and about fifty pounds heavier.

We all watch as he makes his way over here. I look around the club really wanting to leave. I feel Tabatha is on some bs and that's making me uncomfortable and anxious.

"This is my cousin Chauncey. Chauncey this is Nicolette and Kristy." Tabatha introduces everyone.

"I've meet Nicolette." He's grinning at me as I look at him confused. I don't remember meeting him. "You were at the mall with Burb."

"Burb? I'm sorry I don't know anyone by that name," I reply.

"Burb is Deshawn," Tabatha smirks. "It's what everyone calls him from the east side because he's from the suburbs," Tabatha explains.

I look over at Kristy and she shrugs letting me know she has no clue what they are talking about.

I smile up at Chauncey as Tabatha walks over to the bar. "I didn't know people called him that," I tell him. I try to think back but I still can't remember him. "...I don't remember meeting you Deshawn nows so many people. But it is nice to meet you." I smile up at him.

"Deshawn and his secrets," I think.

"So where is Burb tonight. I didn't think he let his wife out without him." He's giving me a weird look that's making me uncomfortable.

Tabatha walks back interrupting us with two drinks in her hand. She passes one to both Kristy and me. I look over at Kristy remembering what Deshawn said.

"Drink up bitches," Tabatha says drinking her down in one gulp. Kristy drinks hers up.

I smell mine first before taking a small sip. I don't want to seem rude. It has a tart taste to it.

"What's wrong with the drink Nicolette? You too good to have a drink?" Tabatha asks smirking at me.

"Lord why is this girl trying me?" I think to myself.

"You know I don't drink," I retort as I take another small sip.

She staring at me with that dumb ass smirk on her face. I dare this bitch to start with me tonight. I've been trying to ignore these comments but if she keeps on I'm going to throat punch this bitch.

"Hey baby," Phillip says as he walks up and kisses Kristy on her cheek and wraps his arm around her waist.

Breaking this weird staredown with Tabatha I look around and see Logan and Fred walking up too. Seeing Logan makes the butterflies come back and I feel a little more relaxed.

"Hey, Nicolette. You're looking good tonight," Fred says giving me a once over.

I smile and then look over at Logan. "Thanks, Fred. You look nice too."

"Tabatha, Chauncey this Phillip, Logan, and Fred," Kristy says introducing everyone.

Everyone gives a collective what's up and heys. I look over and see Chauncey still staring at me licking his lips. Logan notices the weird look I'm getting from Chauncey too. Logan shifts over to my side. His stance on my side is more possessive than it is friendly. Chauncey's eyes widen slightly but he doesn't stop staring at me.

"What are you drinking," Logan bends down and whisper in my ear.

"I'm not sure. Tabatha gave it to me," I reply looking up at him. "Would you like to try it?" I ask holding up the drink.

"Sure." Logan takes the drink out of my hand and takes a swallow. He passes it back not leaving much in the glass and scrunches up his nose.

"What's in that?" he asks.

Turning to Tabatha I'm about to ask her about the drink but pause. She's glaring at us.

Before I can ask what's wrong with this crazy bitch she snatches the glass. "I made the drink for you. It wasn't for him," Tabatha replies rolling her eyes.

I cock my head to the side and look between her and everybody else.

"Well it was my drink and he wanted some so I gave him some of- my drink." I'm glaring at this crazy bitch now. She got me in here acting like Nicole.

"I'm going to go mingle it's some fine ass women in here tonight," Fred says before turning and walking off. He probably sensed the tension.

"Umm...Tabatha where are the room keys?" Kristy asks Tabatha breaking the staredown between her and me.

"Follow me," Tabatha says rolling her eyes and walking off.

"What's was that about?" Logan asks with his brow furrowed.

I shrug cause I'm not sure what's wrong with that bipolar bitch. All I know is that I'm really ready to go and it's only been 30 minutes. I can't believe she and I were once good friends.

Chauncey had finally walked off when I passed my drink to Logan. He whispered something in Tabatha's ear then turned and left. I was glad because he was giving me the creeps.

Logan and I stand around and talk as we people watch. I start feeling a little funny. My legs are feeling a little like noodles. I only took two sips of that drink but I feel a little tipsy. I look up at Logan and he seems fine. I start fanning myself with my hand because I'm feeling a little warm.

"Do you want to find a seat?" I ask looking around for some empty seats. I really need to have a seat.

He nods and follows me to a few empty tables in the back. "Do you mind grabbing me a bottle of water?" I ask Logan

He furrows his brows at me. "How many drinks did you have?"

"One. Why you ask?"

"You're just slurring a little."

When Logan walks away I take the time out and look at the decorations. Everything is gold and pink. At the front of the room on the low stage, there is a light pink wing back chair and a wall of pink roses with pink and gold balloons. All the tables have wine glasses in the center with pink floating candles.

"Are you sure your alright?" Logan ask.

"Yes I'm just a little hot, that's it." I'm still fanning myself. My head has started feeling a little fuzzy and my heartbeat has picked up.

He nods his head.

We hear cheering and we both turn to the stage and see Tabatha making her way up to the stage. She is now wearing a gold crown and is waving like she just won a beauty pageant. When she sits down in the chair, someone rolls out a three-tier cake.

"Everybody let's stand up and sing happy birthday to the birthday girl the queen of the night. On the count of three." the DJ tells us over the mic.

We all start singing on the count of three. After we finish the song there is more cheering and clapping.

Looking around I spot Kristy, Phillip, and Fred making their way over to us.

"Ok, we got the room keys," Kristy says holding up the card. "Do y'all want to grab a few drinks and go up to the room?"

"Sure," we say.

"Well, I'm heading out. Hannah just texted and said she was home alone," Fred says with a big smile on his face.

"Hannah?" Logan ask. "Hannah Davis?"

"Yep. I ran into her in Walmart 2 weeks ago."

"She still lives with her parents or some shit?" Phillip asks.

"Naw dude. Her kids are spending the night with their dad," he replies before fist-bumping Phillip and Logan. He turns and walks off. "See you," he calls out over his shoulder.

I'm so glad we're leaving. I have set here and convinced myself that Tabatha has to be fucking Deshawn the way she been acting with me. That's the only conclusion I can come up with.

I send him a quick text.

Me: So Burb are you fucking with Tabatha?

I watch as the little bubble pop up on my phone. It comes up and then stops. I wait and wait but nothing.

We head up to the room and I'm convinced that something is going on with them.

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