Vampire Uprising I (Book 1 I...

By BlkQween

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👑✅ Black Vampire king & His BBW vampire Queen. The hood made of burlap was stifling, causing discomfort. Wit... More

Damn This Heat!
I'm In Love
The Turn
If I Can't Have You
Bloody Tracks
Forget Me Not
Welcome Home Pharoah
Birth of a Queen
The Engagement Party
Troubled waters
When River's Run Red
Kill Him!
Joan & Zion
Meet your maker
Let the games begin!
Lets get it started
Keep ya head up!
Pharaoh Origin
Blood Ties
Prodigal Sons
Forbidden Fruit
One more Chance
Love is serious business
Twin Oaks the return
Hook Line & Sinker
Strike It Rich $
Control your savage
The devil's in the detail
Shit just got real
Red Handed
Skeletons in the closet
Heads will roll
Throw the book at her
Poison Plot
Side chick slick
Old Friend
First impressions
Blood Rain
Sunday kind of love
30 Day's
Murder she wrote
Tempo Slow
Niarchos Origin
Sex Room XXX
Death Reading##
Family reunion#
This Bitch! #
Here comes the bride ##
Taken ##
Silver Bullet ##
Daddy's home ##
Gold Skeleton Key #
Unfaithful ##
Confession ##
Bread Crumbs##
Bounty #
Covet #
Banking on it ##
Gone with the wind

Bathe in blood

372 27 32
By BlkQween

Chapter 26
Bathe In Blood

Instructions for your pregnancy test

take sample
wait 5 minutes. One purple line means you aren't pregnant two means you are.

It was 6 a.m Clarence was sleep, Gabriel sat on the toilet reading the direction's.

That was the longest five minutes of her life. Two purple line's smiling a baby. How more perfect could my life get?

A text interupted her thought's:


Caleb! I told you about that.

Do you know how long I've waited?

How long?

Since the engagement party.

Boy or girl?

I don't know.

If you did would you ruin my surprise?


Niarchos is about to call may I speak free great one?


He's never going to marry if you don't release his heart. I know you're falling in love but you'll never love any vampire as much as Clarence. He's your soul mate.
You knew Niarchos in a previous life that's why you're drawn to him. I'll see you tonight?


Hello, Nicky yes. How? Your guess is a good as mine. You telling him? I don't want him to marry me because I am. You're married already I'd be upset if you were my wife, pregnant and didn't say.

Is Grip happy? Hell yeah he didn't miss one target. That's impressive a sharp shooter sounds good. You get to choose a guard my Queen. I asked for you. Niarchos smiled what did pop say? No Elders. We'll see about that. She walked back in the bedroom Clarence I have something to share. He lay on his back tapping his chest she lay her head on it.
Do you like children? I love children sugar.

I raised a lot of kids, I have one hundred human blood lines.

Did you want biological children? I look in your eyes and desire children It's the price I paid for immortality.
Are we married?

Sugar, if you want I'll call a judge to marry us tonight in front of the Elders.

We're going to have a wedding, I promise is this about the other night? No honey. You're sure you can't get anyone pregnant? Pretty sure the dead can't create life Sugar.

I purchased a baby once. You better not say that in public they snickered.
How old? Eight month's, a girl. What was her name? Rose. What happened to her? Died during birthing her and the baby. Sorry honey.

Gave her a huge wedding, she married into a prominent black family a black Doctor graduated from Tuskegee institute. Is it in the scrolls? No, Safinah called the writer's destroying all scrolls concerning her.
It's the only time she abused her power.

No vampire can destroy a scroll unless it's authorized by my blood print. I don't speak on Rose's death.

When I arrived with such a pretty baby from the slave auction Safinah asked as she held her, how much? Gabriel chuckled. Two hundred dollar's that was a hefty for a picaninny as they called us. Clarence? Yes Sugar? I'm pregnant. Can't be, smiling anxiously sitting up. Zion, come please he and Joan entered.

Gabriel handed him the strip Joan peered at it hugging Gabriel. How? Clarence asked. Zion looked at him you don't know how?

Clarence picked Gabriel up I'ma be a daddy Joanie! Clarence tried to calm himself.

Zion are you done with the sample's? Can you explain what you know? Here is what we know from the blood drawn at Gabriel's turning.

Vampire cell's are dead in vampire's rven though the eggs and sperm are present.

Gabriel was on high doses of chemo therapy from I-V to vein doctor's were trying to eradicate an aggressive cancer before it metastasized to her bones. Without it she would've died within a year.

As we know chemotherapy is Radiation, in human's it kills cancer but in vampire's it awakens dormant cells.

This is why your body functions as human. You had chemo treatment's every day that month correct? Yes. When Clarence bit you and vampire venom entered your blood stream it attached to the chemo.

Radiation + chemo kills everything bad in human's allowing the good to live.

Your eggs? Alive. His sperm? Dead, when his sperm passed through the radiation in your blood stream your body realized something was missing. It needed live sperm for the live female eggs in Gabriel.

The radiation jump started your dead sperm giving them life! Quite amazing actually.
How long the chemo lasts or if it runs out I'm unsure.

That's why you didn't die when Clarence bit you or when Niarchos almost drained you because the radiation acted as a anti-body for the human side of you quickly repairing the damage.

That's why you walk in the sun a human body need's it for healing, for the record this is theoretical don't quote me.

Zion, call the Elders tomorrow before competion no scroll writer's.
The next night Elders and their spouses gathered with Eagle on face time.
Gabriel sat next to Niarchos nervously holding his arm while Clarence grabbed everyone's attention.
We have an announcement were going to be parents!

When is the adoption Ann asked.

Annie, Gabriel is pregnant. Can't be crisply inhaling. She is Caleb and Zion confirmed. It is Clarence's child I saw it the night of the engagement party.

Congratulations Blaise yelled breaking the shocking ice. Papa Nate was happy. Zion is going to explain.
Grip joked you've got super sperm pop!

I ask that none of you discuss this we don't want vampire's grabbing human's on Chemo attempting to impregnate them if anyone speaks of this outside the Elders you'll be jailed for treason against the Pharoah and Queen.

I'd like to say something please the room grew silent. I want to thank God for all of you two year's ago I had no one and I was going to die.

Today I live, a King made me a Queen my husband a mother. I have a large family, they love me and I them thank you. Gabriel cried the women hugged her.

Caleb rushed Clarence to dress on time but Gabriel dragged. I'll send Niarchos to get you Sugar and you don't have to go.

It was my idea, I need to see if you can protect me. Really? I showed you in vegas, you almost left me.

Niarchos searched the limo and driver his gun's drawn he wasn't getting comfortable again.

Gabriel we're going to miss it as soon as he got in the limo he hugged her.

Nicky I'm pregnant holding him, and married move on, get married, be happy. You don't mean it I know you don't kissing her head.

Loving me is going to bring you death. Let it come I fear death no more I'd rather die knowing I loved twice in my life then not at all.

Tears rolled down her cheek. Don't do that wiping her face. What did I do so good in my life that God blessed me with all this love?

It's odd I'm this Queen, but with you I'm just Gabriel that queen stuff melts away. You're my teddy bear snuggling her nose in his neck.

Nicky I beg you pleading teary eyed, let go. Never, I understand what we are I love you Gabriel I have since I met you.

How about we go to Queens? Home? Yeah since Ole Indian's out the picture why not? I love you Nicky it's not like the love I have for Clarence. I'll take that pop's a hard act to follow leaning in for a kiss. They arrived at the arena it went black a lone light shone on Steven center stage.

On August 20th 2020 Five day's ago an attempt was made on our King's life the
two vampire's involved acted alone.

They failed, thinking they were shooting vampire vice grip and our Pharaoh they were wrong.

They hit Elder Niarchos rendering him inches of his life because he adorned the Pharoah's helmet bearing his name and was on his personal motorcycle.

Queen Gabriel Hollings was with Elder Niarchos, he saved her life by escaping the sniper's jumping a river gap the size of half a football field securing her saftey minutes before sunrise.

Elder Niarchos secured Queen Gabriel in a cave blacking out, the deadly poison creeping through his blood slowly killing him.

Alone and afraid Queen Gabriel telepathically called our Pharoah who couldn't assist because of his natural enemy, the sun.

For seven hours Our Elder clung to life Queen Gabriel knew he was dying.

Alone, scared and unable to hear the Pharoah's voice she fed him from her vein.
Elder Niarchos unable to control the thirst drained fourty percent of her blood, almost killing her.

Tonight, the Pharoah will battle two vampire's responsible for these heinius crime's. This will be the only death match.

Two young vampire's battle one old vampire bringing justice for his Queen and Son.

These Vampire criminal's are charged with the following crime's.

1. Death attempt on the Pharoah.

2. Attempted Murder Of Queen Gabriel Hollings.

3. Attempted murder of Elder Niarchos Hollings.

As per the Pharoah and vampire law when an attempt is made on our king he decides their fate he decided a death match.

This is gonna be good Elijah sliding to his seats edge.

The Pharoah ask's all human guest's leave no vampire's.

You nervous pop? Scoffing, I'm about to kill, the savage is emerging popping his teeth.

Niarchos cut my hair. What? Cut it NOW Niarchos? Yes pop? Never hesitate when I give you an order.

Clarence removed his shirt and shoes.

Grip, Niarchos, Elijah, papa Nate Caine and Caleb had thier gun's cocked. Zhou sat in front in case he needed to hop in the arena.

They'd lost faith in his abilities, thought he'd gotten civilized blending with society forgetting the savage within.

Gabriel was right he needed to show his abilities and remind them why he's Pharaoh.

The light dimmed one lone light shone on the sands of the arena.

The two vampire's were on one end Clarence entered from the other.

Clarence was directing all five senses on his prey as they breathed rapidly unsteady.

Clarence cracked his neck and back flexing his muscles.

The duo ran to him steadfast feet cemented in sand.

Kicking sand in his face to blind him, Clarence blew as if it were a match, the sand pushing back in their his faces blinding them.

Clarence jumped high landing behind the killer who kicked sand, he grabbed his long hair wrapping it tight in his fist savagely dragging him across the sand isolating him.

He pulled slow exposing his throbbing brain, one of the only organs still alive in a vampire.

His prey fell to his knees barley alive Clarence exposed four fangs biting into his brain draining blood via frontal lobe. The vampire stared up at Clarence as warm blood blinded him life escaping him.

Popping his long sharp nails he scooped his brain from his cracked skull. He held it in the palm of his hand, slow walking across the sand to the second vampire.

Clarence raised the pumping brain to his mouth with exposed fangs he drained the membrane before it died.

He proudly stood in the mi0ddle of the area drenched in bone, blood, and brain matter.

Clarence telepathically locked to every vampire in the arena connecting his five senses to their's sharing the taste of the warm salty blood running down his throat and the excitement he felt killing.
The second vampire was older and stronger.
Clarence placed the brain in his pocket as a souvenir.

The last vampire ran toward Clarence with speed and stealth.

Clarence avoided him disappearing into thin air! The crowd was in awe gasps filled the air. Vampire's stood to their feet looking in peril through the dark. He reapeared behind the assasin lifting him in the air pushing his neck to the left in siksika he asked any last word's?
I was sent by an Elder. Clarence tore into his flesh, removing the brain from his pocket shoving it in his mouth.

The body fell out the sky before making it to the sand, Clarence hyper-sped glaring at up at the vampire teleketically suspending him in mid air.

He turned him slow upside down his blood dripping ferociously from a gaping neck wound.

Clarence stood directly under him bathing in warm crimson blood.

He loved the slick oil feel of it agaisnt his skin enjoying himself. Clarence reveled in it the blood rain warming his cold skin.

Clarence held his head to the heavens stretching his arms straight out his mouth open to catch the sweet sprinkling shower of fresh blood.
He drank, bathed, and enjoyed the blood clinging to his skin until the rouge vampires breath ceased.

The arena was silent. Shock, respect, and fear gripped the vampire on lookers Clarence exited the blood stained sand with his back turned.

He looked at the vampire still suspended 25 feet blood pooling on the white sand, KNEEL! Vampire's obeyed including Elders.

Gabriel went to kneel, not you Great one please sit Zion requested she knelt anyway the entire arena saw her to thier surprise.

Gabriel knew what she was doing, he released his telekinetic hold, allowing every vampire's to feel the pain of the prisoner hitting the sand the pain and quick excluding his Queen only then did he release his children from mental incarceration.

Niarchos kneeling gave him a towel rise son.

Niarchos and Grip walked him to the Elders Lounge Gabriel had a new outfit waiting.

Clarence went to shower all he thought of was Gabriel. He had it bad for her just like they said and worse because she was carrying the child he was never to have.

Vampire's went wild in the arena they knew what he was capable of.

Clarence asked Niarchos from the shower to get Gabriel. He went to the sky box walking her to the lounge. What happened? Nothing he want's to see you.

She entered smelling the blood in the air causing her to throw up.

Niarchos held her hair back, and the bucket in front of her. Go get tea Grip.
Clarence came out wrapped in a towel smelling fresh. He ran holding her hand.

Niarchos looked at his father afraid it's ok Niarchos she's pregnant. Nicky? Yes my queen? May I please have a hot tea with a shot of honey? Grip went for it he'll return shortly.

Clarence handed her a handkerchief. The blood smell the baby didn't like it. Clarence laughed even while she was sick she joked. I'm sorry sweetheart.

He mentally connected with her one of the Elders is dirty.
She looked at him shocked sipping her tea slow.

You can't tell anyone not even Niarchos. I won't what happened? The second vampire told me before I could save him I bit to deep. Who? I don't know, but I'm damn sure going to find out. Drink their blood to get the truth Clarence.
They'll wonder why, it will cause problems with the innocent.

I'll figure it out combing his hair. She took the comb, styling his cut hair. Did you have to cut it honey? It will grow back. Where is the pony tail? Ask Niarchos why?

We don't want your DNA lying around. I never thought of that. Nicky? Yes my Queen? Where is the hair you cut? In his gym bag.

He winked at her causing her to smile showing her fangs. Your teeth are out Clarence touched one Gabriel covered her mouth I can't control them yet.

They look sexy you're around vampire's teeth showing reinforces dominance it's fine darling.

Well you and I will figure it out this Elder thing. All three of us? He hugged her waist kissing her tummy. She kissed the top of his head full of wet brown and blond curls. It's not Nicky daddy he'd never hurt you or I.

How do you know? I can't explain it I can feel it when I look at him.

You're trembling, cutting his wrist she rested on his lap sipping slow dozing, did I scare you? A little.

I would never hurt you Sugar. His eyes were a blaze all the color's glowing and swirling around his pupils fading in and out. What? Your eyes she held up a mirror.

I get to see my reflection today what a treat he joked. Why do they look like that? I just fed from the vein. When was the last time you saw yourself? Three year's ago I stopped looking if it shows it shows. I'm getting older is that a wrinkle? She hugged him giggling.

Niarchos handed Clarence his bike jacket. Clarence noticed Gabriel's lipstick shade on Niarchos neck. Did you hug Niarchos? Yes in the limo why? Just asking I can smell your oil. Then why did you ask if you already knew? To see if you'd be honest.

Clarence held her hand as they walked he's my best friend and means a lot to me.

They sat in the sky box the male vampire's greeted him with hand shakes while the vampress' remained silent.

Mary, Ann and Lily knew he had it in him but Ginger? It was her first time. She was shaky when Grip returned he ordered strong tox to calm her.
Zion had no idea how swift he'd become or how strong his telepathy, teleport and telekinetic power's were.

Steven walked into the sky box, Pharoah please forgive my intrusion we seek your wisdom please. The scroll writer's are arguing over who should document tonight's scroll.

He grinned. I don't want the other writer's cross with me Steven what did Margaret say? She said ask you, and whatever you decide that's who'll write it. He looked at Gabriel, your eyes are beautiful honey she grabbed his hand resting it on her breast.

Clarence, Elijah's voice breaking the kiss the vampire is waiting. The Elders chickled it was amusing seeing him with her. He's got it bad Maya whispered to Joan. He and Gabriel never broke their gaze. Put everyone's name in a hat and bring it. Yes Pharaoh.

Gabriel touched his hair were you turned on seeing me kill? Yes. I have bad news no sex for three
Three month's. Says who? Zion. Why? Give the baby a chance to take hold. Three month's I can't. We can do other things. Like? I'll show you.

The competition for the runner's was up, there were several item's placed on main roads around the island the runner to come back with the most item's would win the competition there were 6 runner's 2 of them seeking pardons. One for the murder of a human and the other for treason against a leader of Vaughn's coven his now husband.

Clarence recieved hundreds of text's from vampire's saluting him. They've infrared heat image's of the vampire's  making it to start line's. Caleb gave a play by play.

Gabriel's mind wondered to her childhood, sitting in her cozy Queens Kitchen. Her grandma telling her about vampire's who helped black people. She was walking home from work, foolishly she cut through central park at night which was a no no but if she hadn't she would miss her train to Brooklyn arriving a hour later.

She was 19 year's old two men jumped on the cobble stone pathway one, ripping her dress off the other held her down.

A man appeared out the woods grabbed the man off her ripping his head from his body.

The other tried to run but the hero caught him dragging him into the trees.

Her grandmother saw the hero drinking the man's blood he had him pinned in a tree. When he was done he put his coat on her walking her to the station.

That's when he explained what they were what he was vampire, and how they've been around hundreds of year's.

Her grandmother had a diary she needed to get to Queens to see what she could find out more.

Remembering clear what grandma told her, if you meet one don't be afraid, they're gonna help you.

At the time she thought it a story of sorts now she knew it wasn't. Sugar. Yes? You ok? You zoned out on me a minute there.

The runner's were back in under ten minutes. All winner's will be announced Monday night Caleb announced.

Steven arrived with the hat turn on the mic. Caleb? Yes Pharoah?
It's come to my attention the scroll writer's are in disagreement over who should write the scroll for tonight's execution.

Really? Caleb teased. I have asked all PRESENT and I put an emphasis on present scroll writer's to drop their name in this hat.

I will ask Maya Elder Elijah's beautiful wife did you all know she is also a midwife? Gabriel was happy to hear that. Ms. Maya will you please pull a name from the hat?

She smiled happy Clarence included her in something. Can you please read the name on the paper before you? Wednesday Ahtase she was writing a year the writer's were upset. Do a good Job as with all scrolls be truthful and accurate.

The sand was clean a stage rose from beneath it. The computer's were connected the twenty hacker's were seated.

Clarence turned on his mike how do we have more hacker's then runner's?
The crowd laughed. The first one to hack a fake account of the Pharoah's and send him a text message through that account is the winner. These vampire's must get through six encrptions and five fire walls.

Please open the envelope before you. A baby vamp from Clarence's coven was competing.

Gabriel's dingo slept in her lap. Why is he here Sugar? I take my dog everywhere he's my baby.

Honey he's not a dog. He's adorable isn't he? She had a shirt on him. You dressed him? Yep. Jupiter looked at He need's a pack. He has one. Where? I'll tell you when we get back to New York.

Turn your phone on they've gotta text you. He handed her his phone. She looked at the text's and saw the vampire dated ask him out. Gabriel responded.

I'm a married man. You're our maker you can have as many wives as you like. I can't, it's part of my wife's dowry, I belong to her.

I was turned on when you killed those vampire's.
I understand. What do you call it? Crushing Daisy?
yes Great one.

Have a good night I have to look out for the hacker's text.

Of course.

Who was that your girlfriend? I don't have a girlfriend I'm married and about to be a dad his smile melting away her jealousy.

Gabriel leaned in and kissing him leading them into a short make out session. Zion cleared his throat I spoke to you he reminded Clarence. Gabriel rolled her eyes at Zion he didn't care, this was a miracle child a key to unlock a lot of questions he wasn't going to let their horniness ruin that.

What happen to the play egg he asked mentally. It's home. You know it makes me want to fuck. You gonna fuck me? I'm do whatever you want me to.

Sugar what about our baby? What if we hurt it? You can do it half way and gentle. Just this once tonight. What if I eat it? Before or after you go in?

She loved his big curls, sexy smile, body and mind she loved all of him.

He touched her kinky pretty thick hair.
Cotton billows is what he called her hair.

He dubbed Gabriel sugar on account of all the pack's she'd pour in her coffee when he'd watch her in the coffee shop.

Pharoah it's me did I chime you first? it's me Shawn! It was his coven member. He broke into the faux account in under 4 minutes, impressive. Clarence opened his mic we have a winner other vampire's were upset but they kept working at the hack.

Shawn of coven one the clapping was thunderous geeks shook hand's second, James from papa Nathan's coven! Sandra from Elder Blaises coven! Blaise was happy he was whooping and so was his coven raising the black power fist.
Sandra waved her flag to rep their coven.

The stage was cleared art easels set up. Caleb announced, the Pharoah has changed the rules the artist to create a painting of the late great Malcolm X, the Pharaoh will personally buy a year's worth of art supplies and purchase the painting for $500,000.

He will ask Sarah Grandalay of NYC Soho One Galleries to feature the painting in her next show! They knew who she was and what she was capable of. This could jump start an art career!

Oh my God it's Mara! She text Niarchos.

Mara can paint?

Guess so.

Shame on you.


It's called get to know her before you fuck her?

I'll tell you why I put the horse before the cart over coffee.

No more coffee at least for now. Don't let them make you crazy.
Zion told Clarence we can't have sex.
That's mad I'm not letting no one tell me I can't make love to my wife. You're crazy!

Let me pay attention cause we're buying the painting and I choose the winner. Mara knows I love bright color's I hope she incorporates that she could use the $500k I'm sure.
Be nice dang, you're mean, you gotta let a woman in. Pick a human if I wasn't married to Clarence I'd pick a human husband.
Why? I gotta hear this.I don't wanna sound cruel
I'm listening.
What if I don't like him? I know one day he's gonna die. Haha.

They waited an hour while the paintings were created.

Gabriel's text chimed it's Mary.
Hey. Did you pick someone to make your wedding dress? No Ma'am. If you allow I'd be honored. I'd love it, do you specialize in BBW dress cuts?

Girl thick women ruled in my time if you were thin you were laughed at men thought you destitute. It was shameful to be seen with a skinny woman meant you weren't caring for your wife. Did he alway's like full figured women?
Yes. Clarence said you are a couture designer, one of the big names which one?

Victoria Giovanni is my Niece, all her clothes are my designs. She wanted to be a designer but didn't have the eye you know, ponash? I let her use my design's old and new, Paris loved the idea's they were fresh and vivid.

Can you tell Clarence I have a gift for him. The house where he was a slave were doing renovations.

My designer knocked a wall down he found old book's in the wall.
Can you get me an audience? Meeting sorry. Yes what time? 2 p.m?
Sure. I'll tell him. We can go over your thought's on design's? On one condition.

The competition was almost over. Caleb rose all paintings with no names will be taken to the Pharoah's personal estate to be judged by the Elders. The one they pick collabritavly is the winner.

Winner's will be announced Monday evening. That concludes tonight's events, please support local vendor's we have many item's for sale in the lobby.

Please return tomorrow at 6:30 p.m for what we've been waiting for boxing and Karate competition's.

I'm going to shop Clarence. He went in his pocket handing her $1000. If you need more text me. Thank you. Ann, Joan, Ginger & Maya went too. Niarchos go please. Clarence smoked cigars with the Elders.

The ladies were a buzz they were instructed not to discuss the pregnancy in public but it didn't stop Ann and Mary from buying a baby blanket hand crocheted as a gift before they left the island.

Gabriel and Ginger looked at the jewelry. Gabriel saw a sterling silver set carved orchids. Look Ginger. It would look pretty on you. Niarchos blocked the door no one was allowed in the booth while she shopped. Ginger liked that kind of attention Gabriel didn't. The female vampire's of other covens wanted to meet her gave her an idea.

She called Caleb. Hey announce for me that as a surprise I'm hosting a meet your Queen. Where? He was thrilled. In the Elders Lounge? Ok half hour? Ok cool.

Have Jamaica block the door Niarchos will stand by me. I'm sure he will. Shut up they snickered. Its innocent. For how long? When are we meeting? Tomorrow two Clarence has a meeting with Mary. Alone? Yes why? Chance don't want Mary talking to nobody alone he's possessive, Mary can't talk to any man he doesn't care about his other wives. Mary is a diamond to him. A diamond he treats like glass?

Stop I know Clarence told you that you can't speak on other vampire marriage's. Caleb? Yes dear? Do you see what you just did? No. If we were human would you be mentioning that I can't talk about a couple we know? No great one? Don't great one me I'm just Gabriel see you don't get it and wonder why I'm around Niarchos he treats me normal Caleb she was tearing up.

It's your hormones honey it's ok. I wanna talk to you and just be Gabriel. That's why you love Niarchos? Yes. Wipe your eyes I don't want your husband doing to me what he done to them vampire's oh chileee. Hehe!

Half hour? Yes. Niarchos was looking at a beautiful red Moroccan hanging lamp. Buy it. To expensive. Your rich. I'm a millionaire. How much? $300 buy it put it in your bedroom corner with a comfy chair a small table with a candle on it.

I'm good. Mary? Can you do me a favor please? Sure. She gave her the money, have the shop keeper wrap the red one and send it to Niarchos' house, he's too cheap to buy it. Yep that's Niarchos.

He escorted her to the lounge. Is jamaica at the door? Yes my queen there was a knock on the door. It was Clarence. Hey baby you forgot something placing her crown on her head. How did you?--
Caleb put it in my gym bag 4 night's ago. Spooky. How do I look? Beautiful. So pretty on you. I like this one best. I'm glad you love it sugar. I'm going back to the skybox.

Clarence entered the hall vampire's kneeld. Niarchos took couch pillows and put them on the floor in front of her. They'll kneel before you as per vampire law sorry he tapped the door Jamaica let the first one in vampire's bought her gifts they got in the market place.

The Vampire Clarence had a date with showed. She stood there staring glossy eyed. Kneel Niarchos demanded. Niarchos blocked Gabriel. Kneel daughter. She refused a direct order from her Queen. I'm not your daughter Niarchos drew his gun.

I'm going steal your husband out from under you. Gabriel cackled a disrespectful laugh are you daft? Popping her fangs. He can't feed from you he loved it you know, sinking his fangs into my subtle skin, rubbing my hard nipples with the tips of his finger's.

He wanted me his dick was hard pressing against me as we floated above the sands.

Niarchos grabbed her throat Nicky! She was laughing in his grasp angering him. Cuff her.

Niarchos placed her in cuffs at her command lock her up until further notice.

Daisy giggled on her way out he is mine were gonna be sister wives she yelled.

Her friend's came in begging Gabriel for her release, Great one please she had many tox bloods this is nothing like her she was sober we don't understand what happened.

Keep your eyes to the floor! Yes Elder Niarchos. Who is your Coven Elder? Elder Vaughn Great one.

Call Vaughn you ladies stay. Niarchos got on his walkie Get Elder Vaughn from the sky box.

They remained kneeling position face to the floor in fear. Jamaica returned with Vaughn and his husband.

Vaughn and his husband Knelt before her Please rise. Who's is this? This is my husband Eban. We met a few times before great one.

Sorry I'm bad with names, I know you as Vaughn's husband forgive me. Vaughn a vampress not sure of her name won the auction date with Clarence. Yes Great one. She's in violation she defied Elder Niarchos' commanded was told to kneel and declined to do so.

Then I her Queen demanded the same Daisy defied me. Then threatened me saying she was going to take Clarence.

Daisy repeated something that bothered me Vaughn that Clarence was unable to feed from me because I can't sustain the power of his bite.

How would Daisy know that when it's only known to Elders?

If we speak freely with Elders how can we trust it'll be kept private? How did one of your member's know the Pharoah is unable to feed from me?

Daisy spoke of their private date openly who is she to discuss what the Pharoah does with his vampire's?

I do not know my Queen please allow me to investigate that so I may come with a proper answer?

Gabriel was livid I will I won't allow my anger to dictate my decision. Thank you my Queen.

She turned to Niarchos I'd like to go home please get Clarence.

I'll allow Clarence to finish this discussion please come to the house at 4 pm tomorrow bring her with you. Yes great one. Again my apologies.

How many people Jamaica? Twenty. She met with them Nicky please take me to the limo. Yes my Queen.
Niarchos stood outside the limo waiting for Clarence.

Siri call lulu? Hi, it's me Gabriel can you please drive the rolls to the front of the house? Yes great one. Do you know of any bed and breakfast or room for rent? It's not fancy like the cabin but my aunt has a private converted quaint barn turned into a guest house.

The windows have blackout blinds so your good on the sun. I like it. It's romantic the set up.

Can you see if can rent it through Monday night?

Sure great one.. Gabriel. Sorrrrrry Gabriel then. We're partners remember? Yes ma'am.

I sent you the address. I have your aunts money please let her know we'll be arriving tonight is 11:30 ok? Sure she's up late night's insomnia.

Clarence came to the limo what's wrong? Nothing replying aggravated. they talked about the competition's when they got home, why is the rolls pulled? We're going for a ride he got into the rolls.

Gabriel used her GPS to find the rental.

Her aunt left the key's on the porch with a note welcome we can square up when your ready get the bag babe, put the bloods away, and the tea bags on the table please. Sugar why are we here? With no guards? We don't need guards after what I saw.

He felt like a bird caught in a cage. This is nice walking up the winding stair case to the loft. This is where they held hay he explained I see pointing to the fresh hay bed with a mattress, pillows, and a blanket on top. There were beautiful fairy lights strug throughout.

The blankets were white goose down, there was a small fride and a half bath. The shower was open behind a decorative chinese screen, a pull chain it started. Lulu was right it was romantic.

She took off all her clothes opening the window, the moonlight struck the blond hay moon beams causing a glow.

She was smiling tapping the hey. Take off your clothes. He looked reluctant she removed them for him laying on top. We're not heavy are we? He laughed. I put someone in jail tonight daddy.

I heard what happened? She explained the ordeal. What you gonna do? You mean what's the Pharoah doing? Has she broken any laws? Yes she has. What? Call Jackie in the morning. I think he's still here. Misdemeanors? Possibly or not.

Vaughn is coming to see you with her at 4. To see us? Yes. Very good.

Why did you kneel when Zion said not to? No one is above the Pharoah not even his wife in your eyes we're equal, in the eyes of other's we're not.

Until the level of respect is reached I'll do as they do.

He was surprised but happy she would humble herself for him. Gabriel? Yes? Do you love Niarchos? Yes he's special but I will never love another man more then I love you Clarence Hollings I am in love with you 1000%.

Gabriel? I told Niarchos if anything were to happen to me, he's to care for you and the baby. He's to move in the mansion.

Why? Because he loves you he'll be good to you and our baby.

If I'm in danger  he'll gun down anyone for you even an Elder. Niarchos is dangerous. I've taught him to control his anger  I've watched Niarchos crush his master's skull with one hand on the night he was turned.

He told me you killed him. I hypnotized him to think it was me he was panicked, I had to calm him  I did removed the memory. He was so angry at that deviant raping him. What? I walked in on the man trying to rape him one last time.

Niarchos played like he was gonna do it but wanted to stick the man first. He was behind him, as the slave owner was bent over Niarchos grabbed his skull crushing it.
As a human he was strong can you imagine now? He never shot him? No the owner was dead, his wife shot Niarchos when she saw her husband dead in the dirt.

I drained her  saving Niarchos never tell him I'm the only one who know's. Honey you never have to tell no one  I'd never betray you. I saw this big strong black man  I needed him for my son.  I figured if people saw him they'd cut the bullshit there'd be no need for force.

Are you afraid of me? Sometimes. I'm afraid of you to sugar. Scoffing me why? You're the only one who has the power to break my heart and make me cry.

He squeezed her close I need you Gabriel you saved me. How? My heart was hardening thinking I wouldn't love again the pain of loss, my wife getting old and dying then I saw you and the pain melted away.

I know it's a lot and now a baby all within 6 month's I know you wanted me to yourself tonight yes? Yes.

We haven't had time to be happy over our baby or discuss anything like names. I'm sorry I have to remember you're a private vampress his phone buzzed as did her's.

Sugar, they're worried, they'll start searching, one call sugar. Ok.

We're fine Niarchos.. on the island I don't know where Gabriel won't tell me. Ok hold on handing her the phone she opened her legs he covered his eyes. Gabby? Yes Nicky? I have to know where yall are please send the address.

You promise not to tell anyone. He was quiet. Ok I'm commanding you not to share with anyone. Yes great one. Where? Over the moon she hung up.

Sugar that wasn't nice she giggled. Niarchos called Clarence's phone. Gabriel If you don't tell me I'll find you.

Zion and Elijah are calling. You can protect us fine thank you!

Gabriel it's ok No its not! Sugar calm down.

Zion tell Elijah I'm fine. I'll return before competitions. In daylight? Yes. send the limo? Gabriel will get me home. Pharoah, Gabriel who can walk in the light, will get you home, in the light...alone did I get that right? Goodnight.

Elijah turned to Zion I told you that vampress has his nose open!

He's not thinking when was the last time he was alone in the light? The morning he burned Papa cut in.

Gabriel's afraid with all she's been through, have y'all thought of that?Tonight we saw he's more then capable of protecting himself. 

Niarchos gave Jupiter Gabriel's sweater he'd start the search and Niarchos would finish. Come on boy let's find mommy he started following Jupiter who was leading him right to them find mommy, good boy.

Vaughn was livid. What the hell were you thinking repeating the shit I tell you Ebon? Do you think Gabriel wants to hear she was drinking? She's upset because they knew her fucking business. I'm sorry Vaughn.

I'm sorry Vaughn. Ebon you talk to fucking much I know Clarence will peruse it because it upset Gabriel.

We gotta be truthful and ask for mercy. Clarence has telepathic abilities or ain't you seen that tonight? Lying ain't an option if he chooses to drink your blood he's gonna get the truth anyways.

Vaughn got his car key. Where are you going? For a drive.

Vaughn was upset he loved his husband but wished he wasn't so flamboyant and loud he hoped he'd grow out of needing to be the center of attraction.

He arrived in town and knocked on the back door of one of the row houses visiting one of the artists from Ann's coven. Did you finish the painting? Sure did. I love it the black and whites with the splashes of red speaks. If you don't win I'll buy how much? I don't care about the money Elder it's getting hooked into the gallery.

Clarence knew Malcom X they were friend's in the civil right's cause, Blaise too.

He was at the  Audubon Theatre during the  assassination he have the shirt with Malcolm's blood on it asking him to donate it to the African american museum, they authenticated it Clarence couldn't part with it mor could he part with Harriet's manifest a book of every slave she took north he won't hand it over. Why? Cause Harriet asked him not to he won't give details. Impressive.

Elder what's up what brings you by me this late? To talk you're easy to talk too. What's on your mind? Have you ever been in a relationship with someone who is too... all over the place? I'm not sure what you mean Elder.

Brandan we've been friends for year's call me Vaughn. What's wrong? closing his paint's to listen.  You know I'm married I love my husband I can't get him to understand that I'm an elder vampire.

Ive have been an Elder since the 50's I've never had an issue with Clarence now I do.

What did he do?  Bran like any couple I tell him thing's thinking I can trust my husband not to repeat what we discuss.

Sometimes spouses are invited to events and hear private things, or I share a problem in order  to solve it. Ok? You can't repeat what I'm about to share.

I won't you have my word. The Queen is half human--
Which is amazing. It is and isn't She's prone to human sickness.

Clarence fed from her which is common when vampire's mate, he bit her and his venom was too strong. Look popping his fangs we have two teeth. Clarence has four. Two tops two bottom.

His venom is extremely strong. Do you know when we bite a human we can't bring them over because they were too close to death? Yes. His venom can seize death and bring them back or in her case almost killing her. 

Zion is alway's studying our people, through his studies he was able to reverse the strong hold of  venom from killing the human in her saving her life.

I told Ebon this but it wasn't gossip but amazement at our Pharoah's skill.  So Ebon gossiped with the vampire who went on a date with the Pharaoh.

Correct, she saw the Queen refusing to kneel. When Niarchos demanded she kneel, she disobeyed an Elder.

Brandon's jaw dropped. Oh my god now what? The Queen arrested her demanding to know how she knew about the bite I know she's going to push the issue. Mabey he won't listen to her Vaughn burst out in laughter. What's funny? He's Enamoured by her more then his first wife he's crazy over this vampress he'd would move heaven and earth for her.

He wouldn't for his first wife? He would it's different the love is deeper it happens with us vampire's, in time you'll see.

The Pharoah and his Queen seem like good vampire's tell the truth do it without Ebon there is Clarence your maker? He is. Then he'll know you better then anyone.

Be like Pharaoh, I got me a bitch that is out of control. Vaughn laughed loud that's the long and short of it right? Yes. How old are you Elder? I'm 103 May 19th this year and you? Thirty. Vaughn smiled. I was 30 once. How old is Ebon? Fourty five. Next time pick someone older. I can't do that. Why? Because you're thirty. Brandon grinned. Elder How were you made?

I was a victim of a Gay hate crime of course back then it wasn't a crime I was 23 I lived in New York born and raised. I started sleeping with the son of my mother's employer.

He was a white prominent politician who shall remain nameless because his family is in power today we were in love of course that was a no no.

He was betrothed since the age of ten a football quarterback, prom king, you name it every chance we had we were together.

This lasted year's even after he married, I was about to graduate from Pace University a prominent college and go to Brooklyn Law school.

He called told to meet him at a posh hotel in the city he had a friend, a black woman who he'd send to make the reservations pretending to check in. Then he'd walk into the hotel as a guest already registered entering room.

I was waiting when theee men raped and beat me so bad. Brandon I had a cracked skull, broken ribs, leg, arm, nose, and collar bone. They cut the tip of my dick oh and a broken femar.

Brandon was crying clutching a pillow at the chilling horror.  I was going to die.

My mother cleaned these white people's fucking toilet's to put her one of nine kids through law school for her to see her son killed, like this?

I was drowning in my own blood it  filled my lung's fast. Clarence walked in bent down he asked, do you want to live? No let me die.

Why do you want to die? I'm sick I love men when I should love women.

He looked so sadly at me and said you are sick  because you believe you shouldn't be free to love whom you choose, I ask one last time live or die? I gurgled the word live. You'll never eat human food or walk in sunlight, you must feed off the blood of human's and animal's to survive with that he bit me fed me his a lot of his blood because of my injuries. 

He and Queen Safinah took me home with them where for the next five day's I screamed in agony as the venom reconnected and repaired every broken bone in me. It burned felt like fire searing my veins. Did you ever find out who sent those animal's to the hotel was it him? No it was his wife's brother's. Wow.

Did you still see him? No the Pharoah forbade it he was high society and it would draw attention to us,  I know it was because he didn't want me getting hurt again.

How is Elder Niarchos? You mean as a vampire? He's Clarence's hit vampire if Clarence says shoot him Niarchos won't hesitate I've seen it happen several time's.  Hes a good vampire why? Just asking he seems so serious. He's the Pharoah's top guard. He will kill for him we all would.

I'd gun anyone down for Clarence, he saved my life, accepted me, loved me when I didn't love myself he's the father I never had I awoke a vampire.  That's heavy.

You know Ebon never asked me that? Why? Who knows. Was she nice? Who Mama Fi? Yes, she was a mother to us all. What about Queen Gabriel? She's a sweetheart too she saved Niarchos' life almost loosing her own Clarence chose a good vampress. There's your answer. What? She's a good vampire talk to her without the Pharoah explain exactly how you did to me don't variate how can she not be empathetic?

She know how bitches can be she's young like our time. True. Lean on that. I will thank you. You're welcome.

Did you graduate law school? You're a vampire attorney? That's how I know how she can be sentenced. It was a misdemeanor when Niarchos told her to kneel  it became a felony when she ignored Gabriel.

Brandon walked Vaughn to the door kissing him.

Vaughn left knowing he had feelings for Brandon reminding him of the man he described.

Clarence and Gabriel woke he closed the window before sunrise. Gabriel heard scratching at the door grabbing a sheet she opened door, Jupe how'd you get here?

The sheet was open she looked in the corner and saw Niarchos stuck there. She closed the sheet but it was too late he already saw her for two minutes his dick semi-hard.

Jesus Nicky what are you doing here? Told you I'd find you. Why are you standing  in the corner? Sun. He was standing in a shaded spot of the porch where there was no sunlight. She took a seat on the porch in the sun fanning herself.

Jupiter sat next to her drinking from a water puddle on the porch the rain left. Crossing her legs under the sheet looks like you're in a bind.

All this Georgia sun and you're stuck in one tiny corner till sundown If I don't open the door you can't run in.

You're gonna get burned a little. When was the last time the sun scorched you Elder? Many year's ago my Queen. Tell me does it hurt as bad as vampire's say? Yes Great one. He was staring at her curved under the sheet she saw his  hard dick, his breathing picking up.

He didn't try  hiding it he wanting her to see. She licked her warm lips.

I thought I said not to find us. You did. Then how did you? He looked at Jupiter he missed his mommy he needed a good run anyway. Gimme kisses my baby. That's a savage. Like someone else I know, elevator eyeing him resting her eyes on his hard on.

He made it jump, she devilishly grinned. Come out the corner. No. You have to. Open the door, the burn won't be bad I can get in the house quick.

The sun is making me weak Gabriel please open the door before I fall.

Gabriel popped up as fast as she knew how when she jumped up he could smell her sweet pussy mixed with the morning sun. 

Hurry he whispered, she snatched the door open before she could turn to close it he was inside laughing scorched on the top of his arm, he went to the fridge for a A+ blood.

Clarence looked over the lofts edge. Shame on you. What's funny? Are you going to tell her? Ok, I will.

Baby, when we would get caught in the sun in the old day's we needed someone to let us in untill the sun went, down.  I taught all the vampire's a trick that we really don't use any more.

If a woman answered the door play on her sympathies, like ma'am I been shot, please let me in before I faint and bleed on your porch. Please ma'am I mean you no harm. If they still won't open the door get weak hold yourself up That's what he did to you.

She hit him and he playfully. Shame on you! using Jupiter to find us! If you don't want to be found stop wearing Egyptian musk oil.

It has a very distinct smell. Next time I say where are y'all? Don't hang up tell me. She rolled her eyes at him. You can be mad opening a blood. She walked upstairs laying down, she was sleepy. Niarchos lay on the couch falling asleep.

She looked at Clarence that's your people. She shook her head no. Yes he mouthed letting no words out. You wanna come back tonight? yes please. Ok and I'll let everyone know phone's are gonna be off.

She took his dick sucking it into her mouth. Clarence resisted, slapping him hard she snatched his hardon demandingly from his pants wrapping her thick sexy lips around his fat shaft. 

She sloppily glided it in and out of her mouth from the tip to balls sloppy wetting it spit dripping from dic to shirt.

Twirling her head wild riding him with her tongue.. he grabbed a fist of hair, she reached up slapping his hand a second time, he moved his hands behind his head as if he were under arrest.

My god he was moaning I have to sit sugar.

She pushed him on the wall falling to her knees gagging, sucking inhaling breaths in between sucking his sweet tasting dick.

It was choking her it didn't matter all she cared about was getting it all down her throat insisting on forcing him depper, combinated with working the tip as if it were a blow pop spitting slurping, sucking.

Fuck me daddy she begged. No.  Attacking his dick with everything in her just a little she wined.

Working the tip her soaked red tongue up under the mushroom tip rimming it round and round spit drooling from tip to tongue locking on it sucking just that candy tip mushroom, driving him insane.

Daddy please, she started to cry as she licked the shaft of his dick balls to the tip lapping up her mess liken to a bitch in heat.

Niarchos heard her begging music to his ears he was so close to a nut his dic was throbbing through his grey sweats. Pop he couldn't get him, Clarence! He yelled in his head. Yeah ? Don't fuck her pop the baby, don't.

Niarchos? I can't help myself she makes me crazy he popped his teeth, biting into his own arm to prevent himself from biting her.

I..I can't control myself she does this to me. Niarchos heard him mentally, she was sucking fast & hard longing for  pre-cum oh yeah daddy let me get it, I'm suck the fire out this dic since you won't fuck me.

I'm break you you're gonna learn to gimme what I want she swallowed the whole dick he opened his eyes to see her tounge was on his balls the tip down her throat. He  trembled forgetting to unlock Niarchos from his thought's.

Niarchos could feel EVERYTHING he was feeling, he grabbed his chest with all his might he went to the bathroom.

He fell to his knees on the bathroom floor. Doing his dam best not to yell or moan, rolling on his back he opened his pants his hard throbbing dick jumped out. Fuck! he held a towel tight and bit it because he couldn't make a sound.

Clarence closed his eyes, she slapped him a third time open THEM! Niarchos felt the slap Keep your fucking eyes open Clarence opened his eyes
he could see what his maker saw, her begging for a nut in the mouth on her knees  begging Clarence to to cum so it would stop. Pop, He didn't get an answer, father? Nothing. He was ignoring him  slowing her sucks  suck pop, suck, pop the tip popping out the hole she made in her cheek for him to fuck her mouth. You ready for me? Yes My Queen answering entranced  slipping him down her throat tickling his balls locking her mouth air tight  to not interfere with suction.

Trapping the dic securely between the roof of her mouth and her wild wet tongue

mmm um hummm so fucking sweet, I'm need that daddy mmm mmm please give it to me you love me? You know I do he replied in a weakened state, nut in my throat please daddy I need it!

Clarence grabbed the wall putting a hole in it Gabriel nodding yes, looking up at him innocent, sexy, wanting.

He bust a huge wet sticky load in her mouth dropping to the floor his knees betraying him.

She let his sperm drip from her mouth in a cup, picking up the cup locking eyes with him sipping  her sweet treat.

Niarchos' dic vein was popped out throbbing he bust a hot sloppy nut in the towel filling it  breathing hard on the bathroom floor muffling what he could.
Clarence fell asleep unlocking him. He felt her naked body as she lay on his skin,  her hair, and the softness of her back in his finger tips as Clarence drifted to sleep.

He could smell her horniness he lay on the bathroom floor soiled and satisfied. He wondered if the Pharoah knew he had the ability to let vampire's see what he could.

That head was fucking serious,  not allowing sound to escape could you hear me? Yes great one. That's what you get for coming here.

Niarchos grinned she had no idea she just sucked his dick.

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