Defying Desires

By RubytheWritrix

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I'm sure we've all heard this popular love quote that says; If you ever have to choose between two people, a... More

Episode 1- Disaster
Episode 2- Broken
Episode 3- Hope
Episode 5- First day
Episode 6- Affinity
Episode 7- Stranger
Episode 8- Speechless
Episode 9- Grateful.
Episode 10- Sparks
Chapter 11- Welcome
Chapter 12- Headlines
Chapter 13- Bold Kiss
Chapter 14- Confessions
Chapter 15- Promoted
Chapter 16- Exposed
Chapter 17- Confrontation
Chapter 18- Alaric
Chapter 19- New boss
Chapter 20- Fired
Chapter 21- Unstoppable
Chapter 22- Alpha
Chapter 23- Unexpected
Chapter 24- Collision
Chapter 25- Aftershock
Chapter 26- Rage
Chapter 27- Disbelief
Chapter 28- Remorse
Chapter 29- Waves
Chapter 30- Irresistible
Chapter 31- Epiphany
Chapter 32- Hesitant
Chapter 33- Concern
Chapter 34- Inevitable
Chapter 35- Miserable
Chapter 36- Surprise
Chapter 37- Wasted
Chapter 38- Wasabi
Chapter 39- Battlefield
Chapter 40- Migraine
Chapter 41- Grey
Chapter 42- Confirmed
Chapter 43- Hasty
Chapter 44- Ignominy.
Chapter 45- Fallout
Chapter 46- Water or Wine
Chapter 47- Yes!
Chapter 48- Wedding

Episode 4- Finally

304 42 74
By RubytheWritrix


I stare at my feet as a disgusted grin spontaneously settles on my face. Ive patched the worn out parts of my moccasin with glue but its appearance is still an eyesore. Sighing heavily, I take in deep breaths and focus on the fact that Im in a very nice skirt and a very nice blouse. I style my hair into a tight bun and apply powder on my face to enhance the freckles that occupy my cheeks.

Today I attend the job interview at Starvnos House of Publishers. It's been two days since the big discovery in the newspaper. I spent the previous day at the hospital with Papa. His condition is better than before. At least the intense pain has dissipated for now. I failed to inform him about the job vacancy ad. Trust me, I mastered all the forbearance in this world not to have blurted it to him. Jay and I promise to keep it a secret till after I auspiciously pass the job interview.

I need to have the feel of a job in my hands.

The other half of my day was spent finding useful information on the Starvnos house of Publishers. Of course I know about them like the back of my hand.
I know that it was established in 1960 by Ingrid Starvnos. It's a family owned property, The Starvnos. You know what they say about little drops of water making a mighty ocean, well that's what happened with Ingrid. Six years later, he established the biggest publishing company this continent had ever known. As a thing of legacy, he bestowed it to his son, Eros. Eros also fought tooth and nail and elevated the company to his highest potential. When he retired, he handed to his son Alastair Starvnos, who is the current CEO of the Starvnos House of Publishers. And obviously will also hand the company over to his children when he retires.

I glance at myself for the last time and leave the basement. Its my prayer to return with a job. I feel optimistic. It's a fact something stupefying will happen.


The bus comes to a stop and I get down. There it is,, the great Olympics. The monstrous edifice beams with elegance and sophistication. Its outstanding aesthetics makes it stand out and gracefully makes the surrounding buildings look like fixer uppers.It's the oldest building in the city but it soars with an impeccable modernist awe. The name Starvnos house of Publishers is sculpted on a copper fountain which dribbles tiny bits of water from its outlets. There's also a statue of the late Ingrid Starvnos with a book in his hand just beside the fountain. So many shrubs and trees are planted at right side of the company, nourishing the environment with fresh air.

I march to the welcome entrance where a security guard robustly stands. He submits a warm smile, one which feels genuine, justapoxing the fake greetings of others. I return the smile and go through the revolving doors, almost tripping at the end.

Clumsy me.

The inside walls display gothic designs and architecture of great authors and prestigious magazine labels. Another security guard approaches me and leads me to the receptionist. A blond and very pretty. I tell her of my mission and she hands me a brochure and summons back the security guard. Following the security guard, we both hop into the elevator. The elevator comes to a halt on a floor: I didn't take notice of the number. The security guard gestures me towards another blond who sits by a large desk. I figure she's also a receptionist and ponder if blond receptionists are present on every floor. The absurd thought leads to the production of chills within my internal organs.

What if they hire only blonds at first sight?

I saunter to her but my eyes travel to the work space. Blonde's area cut the room into half with her large counter. The rest of the work space are packed with desks. I make a head count of about seven to nine working desks. Each with a computer and busy workers who seem so intricately focused on their duty. Some with their unbroken gaze from the computer, typing like their lives depend on it.

I greet the blond receptionist and she replies with a nod. Inaudibly, she signals to the brochure and the envelope in my hand. I hand it to her and she shows me a couch as she comes out of her desk.

In a few minutes, one that felt like forever due to the repetitive beating of my heart, Sophie returns. Yes, I got to learn of her by the name plate on her desk.

"Excuse Miss North, Mr Starvnos will see you soon." Sophie declares to me as she goes back to her desk chair.

I nod and waited patiently. I repeat the rehearsal of the few lines I plan to spill out to Mr Starvnos to convince Im suitable for the job. Acting my own scene of how I want the interaction would go, I endlessly pray for strength. I mean in your head, it's always goes in your favour, right?

"Miss North, Mr Starvnos will see you now." Sophie announces  as she slams the telephone down.

Panic attack.

I mumble a soft thank you and jump up to the directed office. Im about to knock when I read the words; Don't knock, instead press button and enter.
I follow the instructions and inhale the heavy air before entering the room. The office is huge, the entire room is like a living hall. It looks like a fancy living room with a desk. There's an orange flecked carpet, awards and citations clutter the walls. Plants grow in plastic pots in vantage places. Glass windows radiate light from the outside making the room incredibly bright and beautiful. Im still inches away from desk and the windows and I can tell it's a radiant view from where I stand. The desk chair turns to the window. Mr Starvnos has his back towards to me. Soft whispers and laughter nuzzle through my ears, blazoning that he's on the phone.

Thank Goodness!

I use the chance to tuck in my shirt well. Ive to present myself decently to Alastair Starvnos. The media describe him as a compassionate man which is rare since most rich folks are arrogant as hell.

"Good morning Sir." I greet confidently as soon as I hear him say goodbye. The chair swirls to display a not Alastair Starvnos' face. A younger version of him, actually. My voice gets caught in my throat at the Greek god who's before me. Certainly not prepared for a younger good looking Mr Starvnos. Not what Ive trained myself for.

Now all the lines have vacated from my head.

He's simply gorgeous and can easily be recognized as the son of Alastair.  The kind of face you never expect to see except perhaps on the cover pages of vogue magazine. He looks like his image was painted by angels. He plonks on the desk chair with such eloquence. His hair's dark like the evening sky with a windswept style that makes him irrevocably breathtaking. My eyes descend from his hair to his eyes. His golden brown eyes beam with a spectral, so inviting. He's definitely tall, though seated. Lean too, not every muscular.

He's inhumanly beautiful.

How come I didn't know Alastair had handed the company down to his son.

For the first time, there are butterflies in my stomach and my face has embarrassingly turned into a deep red tomato.

"Good morning Miss... North." He reads from the file in his hand. "Please sit down."

My eyes focus on him as I stupidly travel my hands to find the armrest of the chair.

How cam anyone afford to be that handsome? There should be a solitary confinement for such people.

"So Mia..." He slumps back in his chair and looks fixedly at me. It's like he easily dives into my soul with his stare. Like trying to see if I qualify for the job.

Hell I am!

"Yes Mr Starvnos." I clear my throat, forcing my voice to amplify beyond its capacity.

"Please call me Alan. Mr Starvnos is for my father. So I've skimmed through your resume. Quite impressive."

I smile at him, greatly amused at his warmth. "Thank you very much. I didn't get the opportunity to complete college but I believe I have the skills to combat___"

"Yes I know." He holds up his hand. "But I don't know when you heard about the vacancy but the date has expired."

The straight face I have been holding up drops. My heart begins to race. I try to not make an utter fool of myself but the words from his mouth defeat my composure. That can't be possoble. Im certain it's a recent newspaper.
"Mr Starvnos... I." I struggle to get words out. I choked, but on my fears.

"I'm just joking..." He whispers and bursts into soft giggles. His beautiful eyes penetrates into mine.

"Oh thank God. I really needed this job. You have no idea." I pause and realized how my emotions have gotten the best of me. "I'm sorry."

"It's okay, Mia." His eyes burns into my soul. Heat evacuate from every part of my body. "I don't why you did that but I like you. You're hired."

"Oh my God really? Thank you so much." I jump unto my feet and stupidly rush to give him a hug.
His mouth opens wide with extreme consternation.

"I'm sorry, I don't know why I did that." Like an act of telepathy, we burst into a spontaneous laughter.

"Well as you can see, this is an open space company. You'll have your desk given to you. Show me how competent you are and you'll move up the ladder. For starters, your job will be easy. I'll have my secretary give you the details of what you're supposed to do."

"Thank you so much. This has always been my dream work. Here."

"Well then, you're welcome. You start work tomorrow."

"Thank you so much Mr Starvnos."

"I said call me Alan. Please let's skip the pleasantries. I mean after that unrequited hug." He squints his eyes at me.

No way I'll call him by his first name. At this point, He's my lifesaver....and my boss.

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