Red Dress (On going)

By authorovert

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Park Sooyoung is a 20 year old senior High School student in Seoul International High School. She was origina... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven

Chapter Eighteen

687 42 10
By authorovert




After the guy went to the resort, Sooyoung was getting really annoyed with Lisa and Sana roe frequently visiting her at home. They often sleep over on random nights and she wasn't taking it any longer now.

"What the hell do you girls want from me? You've been pestering me for the last 3 days since we came back from that stupid trip."Sooyoung finally snapped the three of them were in her bed room since it was already 10pm and they are all in their pajamas, the two were sleeping on the floor since Sooyoung insisted coz she never invited them in the first place.

"It's about the graduation ball! You have to attend with us and ask Sungjae to be your partner."Sana spoke up. Finally hearing the real reason from them almost made Sooyoung threw her pillow towards them but she just held it in since she was too tired to even bother.

"I'm not attending that girly ball every high school celebrates, and why the hell would I ask that idiot to be my partner? I still hate from last time we talked, I'll kill him when he starts talking to me again. He makes my blood boil."Sooyoung exclaimed which sends shiver into Sana and Lisa's spines.

"Yah! Don't talk like that you're scaring us. But still you are going to the ball with us, wether you like it or not."Sana again declared.

"And Sungjae would be your partner too since he didn't ask any one else."Lisa added.

"I don't care. And of all people why him?"Sooyoung asked.

"Well since you two are a match made in heaven and besides Jackson already asked me out to be his partner since he couldn't ask Lisa since it was obviously not gonna happen and he couldn't ask you of course since you might kill him. So I said yes to hi and offered you to Sungjae."Sana explained but Sooyoung didn't bother listening anymore.

"I don't care anymore. Do whatever you like, we're going to graduate anyway so I won't be bothered by all your schemes and their stupidity anymore. More me time means okay.. so savor the moment while in lasts."Sooyoung said before laying on her bed and slept. Unaware that Lisa and Sana had mixed feelings about the idea after their graduation.

"I wish I had the strength like that."Lisa said.

"Sshhh. We both know she's just saying that but deep inside she's troubled about the idea of us separating."Sana tried to lift the mood. Sooyoung was actually listening to them, she's just pretending to be asleep to avoid the drama about graduating with them. She wasn't in the mood to cry and talk about their past memories together.

"You may be right, but she still need to come with us to the ball before we worry about the graduation."Lisa stated making Sana nod.

"Yeah and let's buy her a dress that she can't refuse to wear."Sana declared. Sooyoung could only roll her eyes mentally after hearing her friends plan on playing dress up during the ball.

Oh how I wish the graduation ball gets cancelled.

She thought before drifting into sleep.


"This is it dude! Do it at the graduation ball."Mark encouraged Sungjae. The three of them were at Jackson'a house talking about the ball.

"What the hell? And you guys want me to ask her to the dance? Are you guys hearing yourselves, she'll kill me before I can manage to even hear her answer."Sungjae exclaimed.

"Well technically you don't need to ask her out since no one asked her so let's just assume you two are partners at the dance."Jackson pointed out.

Mark on the other hand just got a text from Lisa which alarmed him.

"Oh *h*t! Code red guys!!!"Mark announced making the other two to stare at him.

"What? What?!!"Sungjae asked confused.

"We have a problem, last night Lisa and Sana already told Sooyoung to go to the dance with Sungjae but suddenly this morning a guy from class D had suddenly asked her out."Mark stated.

"Oh f*ck!"Jackson cursed but Sungjae could only froze in his place.

"W-who asked her out to the dance?"Sungjae managed to ask.

"It's Roowoon, the tall guy from Class D."Mark answered.

"Woah! That model?!"Jackson pointed out making Mark nod in agreement.

"Well then what did Sooyoung say?"Sungjae managed to ask the very important thing.

"Well she quickly turned him down but for some reason the guy asked her who she's going to the dance with and since Sooyoung couldn't respond to the question, that guy still couldn't accept her answer. He declared that as long as Sooyoung doesn't say who she's going to the dance then it'll be settled that Roowoon would be her partner."Mark explained.

"What the hell? Who made him boss?"Jackson asked annoyed.

Sungjae on the other hand was just silent but deep inside he was already boiling.

"So let's go talk to that Roowoon guy and make him stay on his place."Jackson declared completely fired up and wanted to teach that model of guy some lesson. "Guys need to know when to cross the line."He added, they were about to head to him when they suddenly got stopped by Sungjae.

"What's wrong man? Let's go and teach that guy a lesson, he should know when to stop."Jackson stated but Sungjae only raises his hand and gestures him to shut up.

"Instead or going after that Roowoon guy, where are Sooyoung and the girls right now?"Sungjae asked. Despite the confusion Mark answered him.

"Well the three of them went to school to settle something with regards of the graduation ball, since you know girls have that kind of motif for their dress unlike us any suit is enough. And that's the reason why Roowoon got the chance to ask her since she was in school and a lot of students even witnessed what happened."Mark shared, that was enough for Sungjae to get even more motivated.

"Then let's go to school right now."Sungjae declared.

"Eh? Why are we going there? I'm pretty sure Roowoon already left the place."Mark asked.

"His not my target, you guys are 100% sure that Sooyoung is still there right?"Sungjae asked again which the two could only nod. "Then that's settled, as much as I want to smack some sense into that jerk of a guy but my main priority right now is to make sure Sooyoung goes to the dance with me."He added making his friend smile at his declaration.

"Now that's the Yook Sungjae we know! A bit stupid but sometimes normal! We're in with that plan, so what's the first move?"Jackson asked.

"I'll leave this to the both of you, Mark you make sure to lure Sooyoung and the girls towards the soccer field in an hour, while Jackson you make sure to attract a lot of students to witness this event."Sungjae stated as they hopped into Jackson's car.

"Eh? Why do we need a lot of people witness this?"Mark asked.

"Simple since that Roowoon guy is highly not in school so for him to know what happens let's make the other students tell him."Sungjae said confidently making the other two to worry.

"Why the hell do you sound so confident? Are you even sure Sooyoung would say Yes to you?"Jackson asked as they drove towards school.

"Nope, but I have an idea on how to force her to say yes."Sungjae said with a wicked smile on his face.

The other two decided not to ask anymore.

Arriving in school they quickly spotted the three girls who were about to leave the place.

"Oh shoot they're leaving!" Jackson announced as he quickly opened the door and hopped out of the car.

"Yah! That was dangerous! Don't you dare do that while I'm driving!" Sungjae yelled as he quickly got off the car when Mark had safely parked the car.

He was about to chase off Jackson but was quickly stopped by Mark.

"I'll go after him so you go get ready. Let's see each other at the soccer field in an hour as planned." Mark stated which Sungjae quickly agreed and shifted his direction towards the soccer field.

Before he could be out of Sungjae's sight Mark has able to raise a thumbs up for good luck. Despite the undying excitement Sungjae was utterly nervous as to the outcome be, he was bluffing when he stated that he had an idea on how to force her to say yes. To be honest he was actually planning on making her punch him a couple of times just to make her cooperate and he too knew it's highly possible that Sooyoung would beat him up regardless of his condition.

"Oh gosh I hope I make it out alive later." Sungjae prayed before quickly dialed his former soccer team friends.

"What up man?"

"Hey man! Sorry for suddenly calling you out of the blue but are you and the guys free right now?"Sungjae asked through the phone.

"Depends on how urgent and reasonable you are, so what do you need us for?"

"Well it kind of sound cheesy but I'm planning on asking a girl to go to the ball with me and I kinda need your help."Sungjae explained which he quickly heard ruffled sounds from the other line.

"Wooooaaaah! Yook Sungjae is actually going to ask a girl out and not the other way around? This must be some kind of miracle, we're so in with this. So when and where are planning to do it?"

Sungjae could only roll his eyes while chuckling his friends haven't changed one bit.

"At school and right now. I have an hour, Jackson and Mark are currently distracting my target and I could really need the help asap since the girl I have eyes on isn't someone who has patience. And I could guess that those two are having a hard time right now."he explained.

"Sure sure, I already texted Eunwoo, Johnny and Namjoon we'll be there in no time and leave everything to us all you need is to pull off asking the question."

"Thanks Vernon, I owe you guys big time."he exclaimed which only made Vernon chuckle from the other side.

"Just make sure that girl is worth our effort."

"Of course, you know I won't bother doing this if she wasn't worth it."Sungjae bragged. Then they ended the call.

They proceed to do their plan.


Meanwhile in Mark and Jackson's side they were having a hard time convincing Sooyoung to stay for at least an hour.

"Oh come on Sooyoung just stay for a while we invited some of our friends from way back and we'd like you girls to meet them."Mark explained.

"I heard you the first time and why the hell do I have to meet your other idiot friends? Seeing the three of you already gives me a headache, which remind me. Where the hell is the weirdo?"Sooyoung asked pertaining to Sungjae the two eggheads exchanged glances and were arguing who would explain about Sungjae's absence.

Sana and Lisa were unaware with the sudden suspicious act but they can't fool the ice queen since she saw the three of them a while ago and since Sungjae was missing in action she grew more curious.

What the hell are this three up to? I really don't have time to deal with them.

"Yeah guys Sooyoung had a really rough day, to think that someone actually asked her out to the ball was a shocker."Lisa exclaimed.

"You got that right and to think that it was the handsome guy from Class D. Geeez why did you have to turn him down anyway?"Sana joined in.

The two idiots were relieved that they were pre-occupied.

"Why wouldn't I say no? I don't know that idiot and I'm not planning to attend the ball anyway."Sooyoung explained.

"Yah! We talked about this. You are attending the ball wether you like it or not and besides she really had to turn him down since she already has Sungjae to get paired up."Lisa stated.

"Why the hell would I go to the ball with that weirdo? I'd rather die than go with him."Sooyoung stated making the two boys flinch after hearing her say that.

Oh shoot looks like Sungjae's in a bigger trouble than we have expected. That confidence he showed a while ago won't save him from the truth that Sooyoung hates him.

"Whatever! I'm hungry let's go get some pizza."Sooyoung suggested which quickly got turned down by the two boys.

"Maybe later, let's stay here for a while longer."Mark suggested but Sooyoung had enough from their stalling.

"What the heck is wrong with the two of you? You've been blabbering about letting us stay? Who the hell are this guys you want us to meet anyway?" Sana had enough with there shenanigans and asked them directly. Good thing Jackson was quick on responding without letting any other detail slip out.

"Well I don't know if you girls heard of them but they were former soccer players in our school they quit before Sungjae decided to leave the team."Jackson explained which clearly he didn't lie.

After hearing that Sana's eyes widens.

"Oh to em to the gee! You mean the former soccer teams F4? Why didn't you guys say so earlier. We can wait for them even if it takes a whole day."Sana excitedly say which Sooyoung already figured out that those friends they were referring to are another bunch of good looking weirdos.

"Yeah yeah have fun meeting them. I'm really not in the mood for this kind of things. I'm going home."Sooyoung stated and was about to leave but was quickly stopped when Mark and Jackson hold her back. As gentle as they can, they wrapped their arms around her with enough power to let her stay still which of course surprised the other two.

"Hey! You guys are freaking us out! Why are you forcing her this much?"this time Lisa had to say something and Mark only closed his eyes avoiding his girlfriend's look to prevent himself from lying or more or less spill the juice.

"Just stay please! Can you please just stay for a while."Jackson did all the talking. Sooyoung on the other hand continue to struggle.

"Let go of me you dimwits! Why the heck are you holding me off! If I get myself out of your grasps I'm going to skin you alive!"Sooyoung threatened but the two idiots expected those kinds of threat and made sure Sungjae gets to receive them.

"We promise you. We're sorry "Was all Mark could say.

In the next few minutes they continue struggling to keep Sooyoung and the others to stay when Jackson spotted Vernon giving him a thumbs up signaling that it was showtime. He quickly lifted her up like a sack and ran towards the soccer field like his life depended on it.

Mark and the other girls ran after him panicking as too what was happening. This was also the actual plan Jackson had in mind to attract attention and like expected the commotion Sooyoung and the others were making quickly garnered a lot of attention as they started following were they were going.


Just the sight of Sungjae standing in the middle of the soccer field Sooyoung could already conclude what was happening.

"No no no! I know what you guys are up to. Put me down right now! I already had enough humiliation for one day don't add more."Sooyoung exclaimed while struggling her other friends on the other hand were gushing over Sungjae and his friends.

"Kyaaaaah! Is this really happening?! You better say Yes Sooyoung or I'm going to chop your head off." Sana stated she started to copy Sooyoung's way of speaking but in her own way.

"Like I'm scared of you."Sooyoung said while glaring at her.

As they all arrived safely at the spot they had planned, Sooyoung was forcely put down as her arms were wrapped behind her back being tied by Sana's handkerchief as she layed in her lap to prevent her from escaping.

"She's all set Sungjae. You can start your event now."Sana exclaimed making everyone weirded out as to why the target was being treated as a hostage.

"Thanks Sana but why do you guys have to cover her mouth?"Sungjae asked concerned that she might be in pain or something but seeing her giving death glares through his way he was positive that she was fine nevertheless.

"Well it's for the best. She was about to turn you down just by seeing your face a moment ago, you should thank us."Sana pointed which struck him to the heart.

She hates me that much? How am I going to pull this off?

He thought to himself.

Despite the weird set up everyone was anticipating on whatever was about to happen.

"You should start what your up to Sungjae coz it won't take long for the hankerchief to get by. Do it before she kills you in front of everyone."Lisa spoke which of course everyone went on their places.

You guys might be wondering what the set up is, well the cheer squad girls are behind Sungjae and his friends as they wore their uniform foe soccer and they were planning on doing a short dance performance followed by Sungjae kneeling in front of Sooyoung and ask her to the dance.

Since they had limited time to get ready they started freestyling to the song Steal my girl by One Direction and everyone was all surprised since instead of Dancing with them Sungjae started singing which none of them knew he does except for Sooyoung since she heard him sing with Chaeyoung one time.

But even though she heard him before it was the first time someone actually sang to her and to think that it was the person she least expected.

"Omo! Yook Sungjae is singing."

"Woah! He has an amazing voice."

"And to think that he's singing to her. Who is she anyway? And why is she tied up anyway? Is this kind of a play or something?"

"I don't know."

"Wait! Isn't she the same girl Roowoon asked out to the ball?"

"Omg! You are right! She even turned him down like who the hell does she think she is?"

"And now Sungjae is singing to her, like what the hell is happening?"

Sooyoung could hear a lot of whispering from the crowd yet her attention was still focus on Sungjae as he kept singing. She could quite get it but for some reason she knew he wasn't enjoying singing like his trying to portray.

So why are you indifferent when you sing Yook Sungjae?

She thought to herself.

The song was ending when everyone behind him started lifting a huge paper with a question written on it.

Will you join me to our last dance?

Then Lisa and Sana slowly lifted her up to face him as Sungjae told her only two options to answer.

"You have two option, is it a Yes? Or Yes?"he stated while grinning playfully.

The audience gasp from his statement as everyone participated on what Sooyoung would respond. Then Vernon spoke up in the middle of it.

"How can she answer when her mouth is covered?"he asked making everyone laugh with the late realization.

"Not yet. She's still glaring at you so she might say something bad again. Think of other ways!"Sana urged making everyone confused with the set up.

Then Sungjae leaned in closer to Sooyoung and whispered something that might change her mind.

"Remember what I told you and the resort? I'm going to do it when you say anything other than yes."he whispered which quickly changed Sooyoung's expression.

"Her expression changed. What did he tell her?"Lisa asked to Mark who was standing next to her.

"Seeing that smirk on his face I could guess he threatened her or something. That sly bastard, so this is what he meant by something that would force her to say Yes."Mark stated which Lisa couldn't quite understand.

It took a few seconds of silence before Sooyoung gestured to let her speak, Sana was hesitating at first so Sooyoung stared at Sungjae and gestured him to take off himself.

Seeing her expression he knew she wasn't going to turn him down just yet. Then he slowly pulled down thw cover and let her speak, Sana was nervous on how harsh her best friend would turn Sungjae down. But to their surprise she grinned and looked at Sungjae like she was challenging him which of course he accepted.

"You do know I don't fall for that threat anymore since I know you're bluffing. And to think you actually planned this whole cheer squad and soccer team fiasco? I'm not pleased at all with this get up and I'm pretty sure you know my answer and it's not in your choices."Sooyoung stated completely making everyone around them start talking.

"Jeeeez she never cooperates at all, is she even a human being? I'm pretty sure she should have felt a badam badam in her heart when someone pulls an effort for her, but we are talking about that ice queen so it's not that surprising at all."Sana said to Jackson which he only nodded in agreement.

"Looks like this event is a total failure. Nice trying guys but it's Sooyoung after all."Lisa pointed out looking really sad for everyone who were involved with all this, she was expecting that this might happen anyway.

Some people were starting to leave the place since they already know that she turned him down, they felt too bad for him.

But Sungjae wasn't giving up just yet. He started smiling which surprised Sooyoung.

"Why the hell are you smiling? Have you completely lost your mind?"Sooyoung spat out but it only made Sungjae chuckle.

"I'm not done yet you know and I already expected you to turn me down like this so you leave me no choice but to force you."Sungjae declared.

Mark and Jackson glanced at each other they communicated using staring.

Is he freaking crazy? -Jackson

Obviously he had lot it completely. -Mark

"Huh! And how will you do that? I'm not threatened by you at all."Sooyoung confidently stated.

Then slowly Sungjae walked up to hee and leaned in which everyone around them started screaming while witnessing what was happening. Lisa and Sana couldn't contain themselves as they started squealing loudly while jumping up and down.

Due to the fact that Sooyoung's arms were wrapped behind her she was in an disadvantage situation as Sungjae kissed her in front of everyone.

O______O Sooyoung

It took a few seconds before Sungjae pulled away.

"No way did that just happen?"Jackson asked in complete shock.

"Looks like he's going to die later on. It's nice meeting him."Mark said.

"I think the theme for our graduation ball will be changed into a funeral since Sungjae just committed suicide."Jackson added which Lisa and Sana quickly hit them on their heads for joking at a wrong time.

Sungjae then rested his head on Sooyoung's shoulder and whispered something which made her blush out of her character.

"Looks like I fulfilled my threat which you claim was a bluff, and with the kiss that just proves that you have no choice but to go with me to the ball and there's no way I'll let that Roowoon guy start threatening you coz only I can do that. Got that love?"Sungjae said while starting to lift her bridal style and walked out from everyone.

I hate you so much Yook Sungjae.

-----to be continued.

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