Heroes Need Saving Too (BNHAx...

By Glizzy_Rider155

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A teenage girl who has a troubled past has to become the number one hero in order to prove that she is not wh... More

Chapter 1: Hatred starts young
Chapter 2: Exploration
Chapter 3: Getting a foot in the door
Chapter 4: A clean house is a start, right?
Chapter 5: It's a new day, it's a new me and it's a new life
Chapter 6: Alrighty then...so be it
Chapter 7: Who is what now?
Chapter 8: The nights are darker than usual now
Chapter 9: A good fight for once
Chapter 10: I was useless
Chapter 11: I didn't...what?!
Chapter 12: You learn new things everyday
Chapter 13: It happened again
Chapter 14: Can this day get any better?
Chapter 15: Back to school once again
Chapter 16: Let the games begin
Chapter 17: The new Recovery Girl's in town
Chapter 18: You save people for a living, but this time it's different
Chapter 19: The first meeting
Chapter 20: Pissed off and tired
Chapter 21: What an interesting turn of events
Chapter 22: Still a little child
Chapter 23: Time doesn't always heal
Chapter 24: I may be a girl but I ain't no cupcake
Chapter 25: The plan
Chapter 26: The thought of moving out?...bleh
Chapter 27: Alright, a new plan
Chapter 28: Boxing
Chapter 29: Let's get a move on
Chapter 30: It's all coming together
Chapter 31: One of my many skills
Chapter 32: You must save him once again
Chapter 33: Telling people about yourself can be dangerous
Chapter 34: I don't need to eat
Chapter 35: Nothing like being a disappointment
Chapter 36: The name game
Chapter 37: Not a good day
Chapter 38: Some down time first...
Chapter 39: ...then a fight
Chapter 40: Choices
Chapter 41: Is this real life?
Chapter 42: On the rise
Halloween Special
Chapter 43: The presence of my sister
Chapter 44: The past
Chapter 45: Video-games are like life
Chapter 46: Freaky Friday...but on a Saturday
Chapter 47: Back again and already saving someone I
Chapter 48: Back again and already saving someone II
Chapter 49: Recovery
Chapter 50: The early bird gets the worm
Chapter 51: I'm trying at least
Chapter 52: Everything's my fault
Chapter 53: "How are you?"
Chapter 54: Gained another friend, I guess?
Chapter 55: A little sparring match
Chapter 56: The beginning of a journey
Chapter 57: We have lift off
Chapter 58: Everyone's here
Chapter 59: To the top we go!
Chapter 60: Some fights here and there...no big deal
Chapter 61: This was your plan?
Chapter 62: Victory
Thanksgiving Special
Chapter 63: Just let me sleep
Chapter 64: Glad to be back
Chapter 65: Can't I get a break?
Chapter 66: A part of my past I try to forget
Chapter 67: Please don't find me
Chapter 68: What was once lost, was found
Chapter 69: ...
Chapter 70: I'm awake
Chapter 71: Story time
Chapter 72: I'm back
Chapter 73: Planning a mission
Chapter 74: The mission
Chapter 75: The mall incident
Chapter 76: The start of summer vacation
Chapter 77: I'm not lazy
Chapter 78: Training
Chapter 79: It's starting
Chapter 80: I tried
Chapter 81: An odd comeback
Chapter 82: A missed opportunity
Chapter 83: Company
Christmas Special
Chapter 84: The great escape
Chapter 85: The five year old that I am
Chapter 86: I wanted to be home alone
Chapter 87: Another interesting day
New Years Special
Chapter 88: Started bad, ended great
Chapter 89: Beach day
Chapter 90: Back to work
Chapter 91: I'm a horrible person
Chapter 92: Search...
Chapter 93: and rescue
Chapter 94: Guilt
Chapter 95: Catching people up
Chapter 96: A cats senses
Chapter 97: Easy yet tiring day
Chapter 99: Schools in session again
Chapter 100: Moving Again
Chapter 101: Someone else's turn
Chapter 102: I've been found already
Chapter 103: It was my fault
Chapter 104: My kind of solution
Chapter 105: I'm sorry
Chapter 106: Annoyance
Chapter 107: Things are looking up
Chapter 108: Dread
Chapter 109: The Results
Chapter 110: A Tiny Party
Chapter 111: It's official I guess
Chapter 112: Already put to work
Chapter 113: First call
Chapter 114: Hard day at work?
Chapter 115: I know the feeling
Chapter 116: Too much human contact
Chapter 117: Planning a mission II
Chapter 118: The mission II
Chapter 119: My own fight
Chapter 120: The Aftermath
Chapter 121: Observations
Chapter 122: Trust
Chapter 123: Morning call
Chapter 124: Odds and ends
Chapter 125: An outing
Chapter 126: Set up
Chapter 127: Festival Preparations
Chapter 128: Happy for once
Chapter 129: Welcome
Chapter 130: Numb
Chapter 131: Pains
Chapter 132: Positivity is hard to find
Chapter 133: Hiding the truth
Chapter 134: Mall trip
Chapter 135: Others safety is more important
Chapter 136: Present Mic's POV
Chapter 137: Aizawa's POV
Chapter 138: All Might's POV
Chapter 139: Finally awake
Chapter 140: A temporary home
Chapter 141: I don't need help
Chapter 142: I need space to cool off
Chapter 143: "Just fell down the stairs"?
Chapter 144: Moving into my old dorm
Chapter 145: Lunch plans
Chapter 146: A little sparring match II
Chapter 147: Just a wee bit obsessed
Chapter 148: Not all that obsessed
Chapter 149: Okay, maybe really obsessed
Chapter 150: A shattered doll
Chapter 151: A new deal
Chapter 152: Catch up
Chapter 153: Back to I-Island I go
Chapter 154: Surprise me
Chapter 155: How stupid can I be?
Chapter 156: Not everyone is who they seem they are
Chapter 157: A lookalike fight is not that easy
Chapter 158: An explanation
Chapter 159: Another trip
Chapter 160: Like a real hero
Chapter 161: Made another friend
Chapter 162: Too slow
Chapter 163: I'll try to not disappoint
Chapter 164: We blame ourselves
Chapter 165: First day on the job
Chapter 166: Easiest job
Chapter 167: I'll prove you wrong
Chapter 168: Finally didn't mess up
Chapter 169: Someone new who worries
Chapter 170: Nothing but surprises
Chapter 171: Was that the cat?
Chapter 172: I can't hear you
Chapter 173: Winning takes its toll
Chapter 174: Thank you cake
Chapter 175: Like a dream
Chapter 176: It's just an illusion
Chapter 177: A young Sherlock
Chapter 178: Natural disasters
Chapter 179: As tough as nails
Chapter 180: Bitter cold, just how I like it
Chapter 181: My origin
Chapter 182: A winter outing
Chapter 183: A caged polar bear
Chapter 184: Where am I?
Chapter 185: The panic sets in
Chapter 186: It's my mess
Chapter 187: It's everyone's mess
Chapter 188: Don't get him involved!
Chapter 189: Another lead
Present Mic's B-Day Special
Chapter 190: Nearing my end
Chapter 191: Final words
Chapter 192: The warmth of safety
~Authors Note~
A New Chapter - The Future is Now

Chapter 98: One last hurrah before school

361 19 8
By Glizzy_Rider155

After weeks of the tight schedule of waking up sometime between eight and nine in the morning, getting ready, clocking in by noon, doing what has to get done while I'm on patrol, clocking out at nine at night, being forced to eat something so late at night, get ready for bed, then actually go to bed. Nothing exciting really happened except for a few actual villains that popped up here and there, but they were no problem. A person is useless without their quirk, especially when they're knocked out, ya know? Anyways, a few days before school started again, Yamada insisted that we all were to go to an amusement park since we all had the day off. I was woken up at around eight-thirty.

"Hey, get up before Zashi gets in here and bothers you." Aizawa said.

I squinted my eyes open and pulled my blanket over my head. "Why do I have to get up? I wanna sleep in a few days before school." I mumbled tiredly.

He sighed, "So do I, but once he puts his mind to something, he won't drop it so easily."

I pulled the blanket down a little so I could glare at him as I said, "What are we even doing?"

"He wants us all to go to an amusement park."

I sighed as I closed my eyes, "I forgot he wanted to do that."

He started to leave as he said, "Hurry up and get ready. The sooner we get there, the sooner we get back."

"Right." I said under my breath.

I then rolled out from under the warm covers and grumbled about going out and leaving the apartment. I grabbed a white graphic tee that had ocean waves on it, a black bomber jacket that had red roses with green stems on the arms, and threw on a pair of black jeans. I then went down to the bathroom and got ready. I decided that I was going to switch it up a little and curl my hair again instead of flat iron it as usual. I stared at myself in the mirror as I debated whether I should change into something more my style since I always wear hoodies and not really unzipped jackets with a graphic tee underneath. I figured that I should dress like that a little more since I have a lot of shirts that are always hidden by my hoodies if I decide to wear anything other than my usual undershirt beneath it. I then walk out of the bathroom, out of my room, and down to the main floor. They both were on the sofa. Yamada was looking at his phone intensely while Aizawa was nodding off.

"You guys ready?" I asked.

Yamada stood up with a smile, "Let's go!"

Aizawa stood up with a yawn and said as he followed the other to the door, "Let's make it a quick trip."

Yamada stopped at the door, turned around and said, "Aww, come on Sho! You'll have fun! I just know it!"

Aizawa slipped on his shoes while he said, "I'm not so sure about that."

I finished putting on a pair of dark red high-tops as Yamada put his arm over Aizawa's shoulder and said with a smile, "C'mon, you will have fun!"

"Let's just go already." Aizawa said as he reached for the door.

I followed them out and locked the door behind us while they kept on walking to the car. It wasn't that hot out, but I knew that it was going to get hotter as the day went on. I got in the car, buckled in, and we were on our way to some amusement park. I personally wasn't all that excited cause I've never been to any place such as that. I never cared to go when I was younger cause I never had anyone to go with, so I didn't bother to think about it; plus I was busy with other things such as getting the hero profession in line.

As we were going down the road, Yamada said, "I see you aren't wearing one of your many hoodies today, not to mention that your hair is curled too."

"Yeah, I figured that since I have a lot of graphic tees I should show them off. I also have plenty of bomber jackets, so I figured why not wear something that I haven't worn in a long time." I responded as I looked out the window.

"If you have so many jackets and tees like that, why don't you wear them more often?" he asked.

"Hoodies are like security blankets that are accepted by society for you to wear out and about; not to mention that they're comfy and have big pockets." I answered.

Aizawa added, "Her hoodies are like my sleeping bag."

"I see." Yamada said.

I had to be stuck in the car for nearly an hour. It wasn't all that bad I suppose since I jammed out to the radio. Anyway, when we made it to the park, there were so many cars that I knew it was going to be packed inside the gates. When I got out of the car, you could hear the screams from people on the roller-coasters, the smell of food from vendors, the insistent sound of people chattering amongst themselves, and my heart racing knowing that there's going to be too many people. I decided that I was going to try and hide it so that I won't ruin the fun for the other two. I followed closely behind Aizawa and Yamada as we walked to the entrance. Once we got our entry ticket, we went to a map to figure out where we were going to head to first.

"You haven't been to one of these places before, right?" Yamada asked as he looked at the color coded map.


"Then we'll start on smaller rides and work our way up." he said as he looked in the direction of an ideal ride. "It's this way." he said as he started to walk off.

Aizawa and I just followed Yamada since he seemed like he knew what he was doing. When we got into the line to wait for the ride, people were getting too close to me. I tried to face an open area as I closed my eyes and imagined that I was someplace alone, but that didn't work for too long; someone fairly large bumped into me and made my space smaller than what it was before. I walked closer to Aizawa and Yamada, who were talking, and shrunk myself a little, planning that I'd be able to get a little more room. The large person behind me bumped into me again, causing me to bump into the two ahead of me. I shrunk smaller because I needed my own room.

Aizawa looked around a little worried before he looked down to me since I stood as tall as a five year old, "You shouldn't use your quirks like that."

"But people...and my space..." I said quietly, so quiet that I wasn't sure if he was able to hear me over the loud ambience of the park.

He looked to the person behind me and said with a little bite to his voice, "Hey, no ones behind you, back up."

"I wanna try this ride as soon as possible since it's a new one." the round person whined.

Yamada spoke up, "Please, just back up a little, she needs her space too, ya know? Not to mention that this ride goes by how many people there are, so it doesn't matter how close you stand to the person ahead of you, you'll get there at the same amount of time."

The heavy person behind me scoffed before saying in a snobby tone, "She's a little kid, she has plenty of room."

"She's using her quirk to make herself smaller to make more room for herself, but you keep taking that space." Aizawa said, clearly angered.

"Guy's, it's fine." I squeaked out quietly, but it was too quiet that no one heard me.

"So?" the jerk behind me said with an attitude.

"So move back." Aizawa ordered.

The guy persisted, "But I want to get to the front quickly."

"Everyone gets their turn at the same rate." Yamada said, trying to use facts against the idiot behind me.

He took a step closer and made me bump into Aizawa, but he then put his arm out, stopping the guy. "Take a few steps back. You are too close."

'This was a bad idea! I now have less room now that I'm smaller.'

I looked around the guy to make sure that no one was still behind him. I then sprang back to my normal size, pushing the huge guy, who was behind me, back a good amount of feet. In the time that it took the guy to go back to his spot in line, Aizawa pulled me in front of him so I wouldn't have to deal with the asshole behind us anymore. I was now content with the location that I was standing in since I had more room, so it allowed me to return my racing heart to its normal pace. Once it was our turn, we boarded the ride. The carts on this roller-coaster were individual carts that held three to four people. The track looked like it was small, but it was rather a fairly good size. It went up hills slowly, went down them fast along with corners, and the cart spun around by centrifugal force. When the ride was over, Aizawa and I followed Yamada to the next ride.

"What did you think of that one?" Yamada asked with a smile, "Your expression told me that you didn't have fun."

"I did; I haven't done something like this so I don't know how to react." I replied.

He laughed, "React how you want to! Everyone is different."

We then went in the next line and waited again. I was put ahead of Aizawa again so that I'd have a little bit of my own space. When we got to board the next roller-coaster, we were seated in groups of two. Yamada insisted that I were to sit next to Aizawa while he had his own cart. This ride was way larger than the last one. It had huge up hills and down hills, along with curves that would make you lean to one side. Aizawa had his arms crossed the whole time as if he wasn't enjoying it. When we got off Yamada was as happy as ever.

"What did you think of that one? This one is one of my favorites!" Yamada said with a huge smile.

I gave a small smile, "I liked it better than the first one."

He then nudged Aizawa with his elbow, "What did you think? You looked like you didn't have too much fun, ya old grump."

"It was fine I suppose." he responded.

"Come on, admit it! You're having fun! I just know it!" Yamada insisted.

I chuckled at their antics while Aizawa gave in and answered, "Fine, I'm having fun."

"See, I knew you were!" Yamada said as if he was victorious in getting Aizawa to admit it.

We then did all of the other rides that we agreed on riding, so we only didn't do a few. We got something to eat and went to the arcade part of the park to let the food settle. I was excited when we got there cause I have only been to an arcade once and that was because some petty thief ran into one. I've always wanted to play games at an arcade. I didn't bother with crane games or anything like that, I went for the ones that allowed me to play against other people. The first round was a flop, but once I got used to the controls, I began my winning streak already during my second round. Once I hit number ten, I was pulled away from the game by Yamada and Aizawa since people were getting mad at me for whooping their ass at the game. After that we went and did more rides, then when we decided that we had enough we went back to the car.

"So, what did you think of your first experience of an amusement park?" Yamada asked as we turned out of the parking lot and onto a road.

I looked out the window as I responded, "It was funner than what I expected."

"What about you, Sho?" Yamada asked.

"It was okay; the best part was watching all of those grown men get angry at Y/N for beating them at that video game." answered Aizawa.

Yamada chuckled, "I suppose that was pretty good."

When we got back to the apartment, I went straight to my room and fed Melody. I then took a shower and got ready for bed, but then I fell asleep on the sofa with the TV on before I could get to bed.

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