The Shield || Draco Malfoy lo...

By RosieMarin3

19.9K 532 142

YOU'RE MY FAMILY HARRY Melody is cousin of Harry Potter 'The boy who lived', her mother and father despised a... More

Prologue [0]
Dudley's Birthday [1]
The Letter [2]
Making friends [4]
Hogwarts [5]
First day of classes [6]
Flying Lessons [7]
Family History & 3-Headed Dog? [8]
Misconceptions about blood status [9]
The basics of Quidditch [10]
Spooky Season 🎃 & TROLL!? [11]
First Quidditch Match [12]
Christmas Time 🎄 [13]
The Mirror [14]
'Light' Reading [15]
The Dragon Egg named Norbert [16]
Detention in the Forbidden Forest 🌲 [17]
A warning ⚠️ [18]
Trap Door [19]
A game of Chess [20]
Clypeuso 🛡 [21]
We're not going home, not really [22]
Act 2
Prologue [0]
Dobby the house-elf's warning [1]
The Great Escape [2]
Can't even go into a bookshop without making the front page [3]
Jealous of your family [4]
This was a terrible idea [5]
It was a terrible idea [6]
A familiar face [7]
What if he hates me, Melody? [8]
Your mom is terrifying [9]
Cornish pixies, please don't pick on Neville! [10]
Mudblood [11]
Sleepover time! (Part 1) [12]
Sleepover time! (Part 2) [13]
Chamber of Secrets has been opened? [14]
About the Chamber of Secrets[15]
Polyjuice 🧪 [16]
Rogue Blugger and Elf 🏏 [17]
2023 Updates 😅 & GAME PLAN FOR THIS YEAR‼️

Diagon Alley [3]

766 17 13
By RosieMarin3

[02.02.20 ✔️]





🔝There is music up above 🔝



Melody's pov.

Hagrid, Harry, and I were walking out on the streets of London, looking over the shopping list for Hogwarts. I've never been to London, it's actually quite beautiful.

I started to read off the list, "All students must be equipped with.." I pause for a while looking at the items needed for the first school year. Yeah, Hogwarts was definitely going to be a lot different than public school. I mean the four of us just literally rode on a magical flying motorcycle.

"-...three pairs of robes, hats, gloves, books, wands, and—cauldron? Hagrid do we practice potions in Hogwarts?" Hagrid nods his head.

I mouth 'yes' as I punch the air. I've always been interested—obsessed—in potions, home remedies, and things to do with chemistry. I hope the potions class is going to be amazing!

"There we are" Says Hagrid walking up to a small, old, rundown, looking pub. It looked out of place on such a clean-ish street. Hagrid opens the door for us as we enter the pub. The pub was lit by candlelights and everyone was wearing very peculiar clothing.

"Ah, Hagrid! The usual I presume?" The bartender asked Hagrid behind the bar.

"Sorry Tom, on official Hogwarts business," Hagrid declines to Tom gesturing towards Harry and I.

"I'm help helping young Harry his cousin Melody with shopping for there school supplies" He places one of his hands on my shoulder and the other on Harry's.

"Bless my soul. It's Harry Potter!" The barman exclaims in disbelief. I nervously look over to Harry who has confusion written all over his face.

Why was the bartender in such shock hearing Harry's name? The whole pub goes quiet to stare at my cousin. I step around Hagrid to Harry side trying to shield him from the eyes of the onlookers.

A man sitting behind Harry mediately grabbed his arm shaking it, like he was meeting a celebrity.

"Welcome back Mr. Potter!" The man says excitedly with the enthusiasm.

I didn't understand what they meant by 'Welcome Back' but from knowledge Harry nor I have ever been here before. Did it have to do with Harry's parents? I remember Hagrid saying something that they were very famous within this Wizarding in world.

Than, a oddly dress woman walks up to Harry and just like the man before she starts shaking his hand.

"Doris Crockford. I can't believe a meeting you at last Mr. Potter" Hagrid begins to push Harry and I forward until another man nervously steps up from the bar to speak with Harry.

"H-Harry P-otter! I c-can't tell you how pleased I am to finally meet y-you" The man with a purple turban stutters. "Ah, hello professor! I didn't see you there" Hagrid greets the man and his normal cheery attitude.

"Harry, Melody, this is Professor Quirrel, he'll be your Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher at Hogwarts" Harry tried green himself to the man with the outs just arm but the man ignored his hand.

"F-Fearfully fascinating subject" he stutters at a Harry will give me a sideways glance. "Not that you are P-Potter" Quirrel laughs nervously. Hagrid seemingly noticing the tension he quickly says goodbye to the man and leds us to the back of the pub to an outside area.

"See Harry your famous!" Hag says to Harry while pulling out his pink umbrella tapping on the brick wall.

"But why am I famous Hagrid?" Harry tries to ask.

"I don't think I'm the right person to tell you that," Hagrid states a little matter of factly. The bricks that Hagrid was tapping on earlier start to slowly open up through the middle creating a doorway.

"Welcome to Diagon Alley" Hagrid says proudly to the both of us. Both Harry and I stare at the site before us.

We all began to walk forward, while Harry and I still gripped onto each other not fathoming what was in front of us. This place is absolutely magnificent. Shops lined both sides of the alley and people in funny looking clothing were walking down the alley buying things from the shops.

Walking past the few shops Hagrid would make comments about these were some of the shops where we were going to have to buy our supplies from. Harry would not take his eyes off a broom called the 'Nimbus 2000' and I wouldn't take my eyes off the animals, especially the bats.

My favorite animal was a bat.

While I still had my attention on the bats Harry asked Hagrid how would we be able to buy anything. Hagrid told him that before we would be able to buy anything we needed to go to the bank first.

Gringotts Wizarding bank.


I wait for Harry and Hagrid to exit the bank as I wasn't allowed to go in with them. It was Harry's family's private vault and I was not permitted to in. The only reason Hagrid was was because he had a letter from Hogwarts.

Hagrid had told me to stay in the front, but after waiting there for a few minutes, I started to get anxious and began walking back and forth around the building. After my third or fourth lap I heard something fall from the back of the building. Going behind th building into another alleyway, I see a young girl sprawled over on the floor.

I immediately ran my way up to her and offered my hand.

"Here you go," She lightly grabs my hand as I pulled her up. She was very beautiful with platinum blonde hair, pale skin, and green eyes. Just as I was about to ask her if she was all right she interrupted me.

"Wow...your really beautiful" I tilt my head giving the girl a embarrassed smile. 

"Um, thanks?" I quickly tried changing the subject of me, "What's your name?" The little girl breaks out for her daze from me and shakes her head.

"Lucy. Lucy Malfoy" She says shyly looking down at her feet, like she was expecting me to react badly.

"Lucy? That a pretty name. I'm Mel...-" Lucy looks up with the biggest grin on her face and hugs me.

"Oh, we're hugging now...pat...pat" I stupidity say out loud while awkwardly patting her back. Yeah, I'm not good a human interaction or contact. The only person I am really okay with hugging is Harry. Lucy quickly steps back and apologizes.

"No! It's fine its just I wasn't expecting you to hug me" I place my hand on her shoulder.

"But question? Why did you hug me?" Lucy, still looking at the ground, mumbles.

"You're the first person that didn't care..." I looked at her oddly. What did she mean and just as I was about to ask her, I heard a loud voice from Hagrid calling me.

"Melody!" He yells for me.

"I have to go but it was nice meeting you Lucy! Hopefully we will see each other again someday!" Giving her loving smile I turn around out of the alley to the front of the Gringotts Bank, where Harry and Hagrid were.

Harry seemed annoyed. I gave him a look asking him what was wrong. He made a quick glance at Hagrid to make sure he wasn't paying attention before leaning in my ear and whispering.

"I just met a blonde little prat while Hagrid was looking for you!" Harry spat out like it was venom he was speaking.

"Dudley would seem like an angel compared to that git" My eyes widen at his statement. That was the closest thing to a complement Harry has ever given to my brother.

Whoever this boy was I doubt it I was going to like him as well.

We all walk towards the main alleyway (?) when I noticed Harry holding a bag of coins or what I'm guessing is the currency here.

Hagrid was explained to us how his Harry's parents had left Harry with everything of their savings. Hagrid had also gotten something out from a different vault which neither Harry and I knew what he got. Hagrid said that it was top secret from someone called you-know-who.

Which I didn't.

After shopping for a while we were on the last item on the list. "We still need wands" Harry told Hagrid.

"Wand? Then you got to go to no other place to Ollivanders" He says walking us to the building. "Run along in there and wait. I got one more thing to do, won't be long" He told us, but before he left I quickly added something.

"Wait Hagrid! But isn't this Harry's money? How am I going to be able to buy anything?" Harry quickly turns to me saying that he was going to use his money to buy me my supplies. I tried to decline his offer but Harry was very stubborn. I shake my head and agree to his terms. We say goodbye to Hagrid.

We both into the shop.

"Hello?" I asked, "Hello" Harry repeats, as we made our way towards the counter. A old man with white hair and glasses, he slides in by ladder from the back of the store. I get a quiet laugh at his entrance.

Suddenly, looking upon Harry's face he gives a slight smile. "I wondered when I'd be seeing you Mr. Potter" The man jumped off on the ladder and starts to inspect a shelf next to the counter. "It seems like only like it was yesterday when your mother and father were in here buying the first wands" He gives out a excited gasp as he starts pulling something out of the shelf.

Holding two boxes he towards us and placing his items on the desk.

"Here we are, but first I have to ask you Mr. Potter who is your guest?" He gestures towards me.

"This is Melody my cousin," Harry states proudly and I give a embarrassed smile shrugging his shoulders.

Mr. Ollivanders smiles at our interaction before he opens up the box pulling out a wand towards Harry and me.

My cousin and I grab the a wand, staring at Mr. Ollivanders before the he shook his head telling Harry to wave the wand. He waves the ones when suddenly boxes upon boxes started falling from the back creating a mess. Mine creates a dent behind the wall Harry had just hit.

"Apparently not" Ollivanders matters making his way towards another shelf and we repeat this process for another two times until finally he had an idea. He returns with another two box seemingly older than the rest.

I squeeze my eye shut as we both wave our wands. When nothing happened open my eyes only to feel a gust of wind pass by.

"Curious. Curious indeed" Ollivanders whispers in shock.

"I don't understand," Harry asks.

"I remember everyone I ever sold Mr. Potter and-" He stopped for a moment seemingly to ask for my last name.

"Dursley" I answer answer

"-and Miss, Dursley it's so happens at that the Phoenix feather that resides in you wand Mr. Potter has a brother wand to individual who inflicted that's scar onto to you. And you Miss. Dursley the phoenix feather in your wand is seemingly the twin of Mr. Potters wand"

I speak up, "Who owns that other wand?"

"We do not speak his name. The wand chooses the wizard. It's not always clear why, but I think it is clear when the wand expect great things from its user. After all He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named did many great thing...terrible, yes...but great" He explains before returning to behind the counter.

Harry and I both jump as we heard tapping from the window. It was Hagrid.

"Harry! Melody! Happy Birthday!" Hagrid says pulling up two cages, one had a white snowy owl and another that had a bat.

I smile at him and look down at the ones in my hands noticing something on my wrist. It was the same symbol from before the shield with a lightning bolt inside.

Now, I knew I wasn't just seeing things. Whatever the symbol meant it always turned up when I felt like something was wrong.


The three of us made our way back to the pub, which now I learned was called the Leaky Cauldron, sitting down while eating a weird mixture of food. I guessed it was probably wizard food as I had no idea what it was called. 

I was still thinking back to the girl I met in the alleyway she seems only a few years younger than I did. She seemed very surprised that I didn't react to her name badly.

Also another thought that plagued my mind was what happened at Ollivanders. The story about our wands origins and the shield appearing back on my left wrist. It was gone now but I still didn't know what it meant and I was afraid to tell Harry or Hagrid.

"Yea' alright Harry, Melody?" Hagrid interrupted my train of thought. Returning back to reality, I nod my head and and rest my cheek on my hand. Hagrid turns to Harry who has stayed silent the whole time.

"He killed my parents, didn't he? The person who gave me the scar" Harry asks motioning towards his scar. My eyes widen at his sudden statement.

Hagrid takes a deep breath pushing away his bowl and fixes his posture.

"First, understand because it's very import. Not all wizards are good, some of them go bad. A few years ago there was one wizard who went bad as you can go. His name was Vol-vol..." Hagrid stops before saying his name getting very uncomfortable. He tried saying his name again until Henry interrupted him and said.

"Maybe if you wrote it down?" Hagrid quickly shakes his head.

"I can't spell that," My mind quickly remembers the birthday cake that he got us earlier that day. He didn't know how to spell happy or birthday or even my name, so it's probably for the best that he didn't try spelling the name.

Hagrid takes another deep breath closing his eyes, "Alright..." He releases his breath and says, "Voldemort" I bite my lip at the name.

"Who names their child Voldemort?" I ask. Hagrid quickly shushes me, looking around the pub seeing if anyone had heard me. When Hagrid's focus returns to the both of us, Harry assured him to explain further.

"It was very dark times Harry, Melody, dark unspeakable times. Voldemort started to gather some followers and brought them over to the Darkside. Anyone that stood up to him, ended up dead. Your parents Harry, and your aunt and uncle Melody, fought against him. Nobody lived once he decided to kill them. Nobody, not one. Except you" Hagrid points at Harry. I shutter at the description Hagrid gave us of Voldemort.

What exactly did he do? What happened during those dark time? What was he leading if he had followers?

Hagrid starts to explain Voldemort was You-Know-Who and he was the same person who gave harry his scars, when I started feeling a sudden pain back in my wrist.

Slightly glancing down words under the table, there is a shield again.

Only this time instead of being it's normal black color it was showing green? Removing my other hand from the table I touch over the symbol.

If felt evil.

"Well, some say he died. Codswallop in my opinion. Nope, I reckon he's out there still too tired to carry-on but one things absolutely. Something about you stumped him that night. That's why you're famous. That's why everyone knows your name. You're the boy who lived" Hagrid finishes explaining.

As if on cue the pain double on my wrist and I can feel it slightly burning. Ignoring the pain I turn towards Harry.

Something is going to happen.

I don't know when or to what degree but something was coming.

I can feel it.




I hope y'all like Melody's personality


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