Defying Desires

By RubytheWritrix

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I'm sure we've all heard this popular love quote that says; If you ever have to choose between two people, a... More

Episode 1- Disaster
Episode 3- Hope
Episode 4- Finally
Episode 5- First day
Episode 6- Affinity
Episode 7- Stranger
Episode 8- Speechless
Episode 9- Grateful.
Episode 10- Sparks
Chapter 11- Welcome
Chapter 12- Headlines
Chapter 13- Bold Kiss
Chapter 14- Confessions
Chapter 15- Promoted
Chapter 16- Exposed
Chapter 17- Confrontation
Chapter 18- Alaric
Chapter 19- New boss
Chapter 20- Fired
Chapter 21- Unstoppable
Chapter 22- Alpha
Chapter 23- Unexpected
Chapter 24- Collision
Chapter 25- Aftershock
Chapter 26- Rage
Chapter 27- Disbelief
Chapter 28- Remorse
Chapter 29- Waves
Chapter 30- Irresistible
Chapter 31- Epiphany
Chapter 32- Hesitant
Chapter 33- Concern
Chapter 34- Inevitable
Chapter 35- Miserable
Chapter 36- Surprise
Chapter 37- Wasted
Chapter 38- Wasabi
Chapter 39- Battlefield
Chapter 40- Migraine
Chapter 41- Grey
Chapter 42- Confirmed
Chapter 43- Hasty
Chapter 44- Ignominy.
Chapter 45- Fallout
Chapter 46- Water or Wine
Chapter 47- Yes!
Chapter 48- Wedding

Episode 2- Broken

461 54 65
By RubytheWritrix


The glass door harshly slammed in my face the soonest I attempted to plead with the owner the umpteenth time to employ me. This was the fifth shop I had been to and none of them was ready to hire new workers. The whole situation basically felt like a nightmare. One I couldn't wake up from. I was tired, my feet hurt, my throat was dry from the excess thirst and I was so frustrated. Anxiety was crippling me, even worse I hadn't told Papa and Jay about the sudden misfortunate turn of events. I wanted to secure a new job before blasting the news to that. But so far, it wasn't going so well.

I imagined the reaction which would escape from them if I told them. Jay would break down uncontrollably, Papa on the other hand would stay silent, only to drown in pool of tears later at night.

Not wanting any of these reactions, I kept the bad news to myself. I woke up very early in the morning and ventured out to look for a new job. Today was a Saturday and Jay would be home so he could take care of Papa.

I prayed with every step I took that the next shop I entered would have a vacancy. At this moment, I would gladly accept any job offered to me without hesitation. I figured I had to get out of that bubbly shell of limiting myself to only jobs associated with books. Now, I was ready to broaden my scope, waitressing, bartending, cleaning, broker. Any decent job to constantly aid support my family.

I walked by a grocery shop, it was quite big and I assumed they'd need a worker. I briskly entered the shop and spotted a bald man in a polo shirt and glasses at the counter.

I undoubtedly knew that was the shop owner, saying a quick prayer and brushing whatever off my skirt which was also one of the nicest skirts I owned. It was a tie bud skirt with horizontal straight line pattern at the end. I matched it with a green flowery blouse, nicely tucked in.

Truth be told, this was my mom's attire, one of the few we didn't put on sale. Instinctively, I'd always believe this was my good luck charm. I worn it the day I went for a job interview at the community library.

Though today, it seemed, the good luck button was off or because I hadn't washed it.

Oh screw it.

I wasn't done with my job search and it wasn't even noon, something good will pop up. You know what they say, when one door closes, another opens right?
I'm sure that saying is debatable, because I'd also heard. When one door closes, a window opens. I'm not really sure but you do get the picture I'm trying to paint. So wearing my dress of faith, I sauntered towards the man. He smiled at me, a smile that said; I'm so glad you've come to shop here. I returned with an awkward smile and tightly held onto the envelope that held my curriculum vitae. As the sight of the envelope and like the work of magic, the man's smile disappeared to an undescribable wave of expression.

"Good morning sir. Please how are you doing?" I cleared my throat.

Liar, there's nothing in your throat!

"Good morning." He greeted back, then he started to tap his fingers on the counters. "But I'm sorry, there's no space for vacancy."

Excuse me, did he just read my mind or did I have the words, employment seeking imprinted on my forehead.

Either way, that was undeniably bizarre .

"The sales aren't really moving up the ladder and we really can't afford to pay any worker." He stated emphatically.

"Sir, please I would willingly take anything. Cleaning, I can even arrange and pack the groceries daily. Please, I really need this job." I persisted as the tears filled my eyes.

The man sighed and kept silent for a moment. "I know and you're not the only one who's been here. We've had a number of young folks troop in here also looking for a job but the thing we're not getting sales. And once there are no sales, we can't pay any worker we take in. So please, I'm truly sorry but it's a no. At least for now."

"Alright, thanks for your time." I gave a small smile, blinked back the tears that were threatening to fall and left the shop. Let's face it, any further pleas would have been completely pointless.

I walked a distance until I came to a secluded place. I pinned myself against the wall and bursted into tears, before I realized it I was lying on the ground, crying bitterly, my head and arms all resting on my knees.

It was 12 noon, I was hungry and thirsty. My head throbbed like I had migraine. I was out of options on what to do. Rejection was a cold blooded weapon on its own, one that could easily slash through your heart. I didn't want to return home without a new job.

I just couldn't.

Picking myself up from the floor, I wiped my tears and walked into the streets, decided to head back home. Even with that, I stopped at any convenient place of market to try out my luck.

Still nothing.

Then I felt a great amount of air underneath my feet. I bent and discovered the sole of tatty shoe was completely worn off. I grunted loudly in anger and dismay. This was my only pair of moccasins aside the sneakers I had.

Now I had to walk barefoot. Picking up both shoes in my hand to resume walking, I felt a big hit on my head.

"Sorry!" The voice shouted out me. I turned and discovered a teenage boy who'd thrown out a newspaper out of a moving car.

Shaking my head to rid the anger bolting in me, I kicked the newspaper further to the front of a porch but picked it up and tucked it into my bag. In as much as I hated the source of it, I could read it in my leisure time.

I opened the door and climbed down stairs to the basement. A lot of the residents moved up and down, a handful of mothers scolding their ten year olds. I entered our room and threw my handbag at the nearest place of convenience and spun to look at my family.

Jay and Papa were giggling and laughing happily. I drew closer to them and discovered they were looking through some old photographs.
I smiled and took a seat on the bed beside them.

"See Mia, look at you. You were so cute." Jay laughed as he turned the picture at me. I was smiling goofily in the picture and holding onto my teddy bear. I was like nine years old.

"She was very cute and stubborn. Always disturbed the entire household with her hair." Papa chipped in. I got up and went to kiss his cheek.

"And you'd always comb it for me. Don't even forget Jay. You remember when he pooped on my favorite shirt. The one that had the unicorn on it. Oh I wanted to kill you, boy." I ran towards him, captured him in my armpit and ruffled his hair.

"I really remember that. Your mother had to take you to the carnival before you stopped crying. Jay, I don't think remembers. He was like two years old."

Jay nodded in agreement. "I don't." His response caused another eruption of laughter as we continued to stroll down memory lane.

The hunger that I thought would kill me seemed to have disappeared, nevertheless, I figured I had to eat soemthng and so went to the fridge. There was some vegetable soup, exclusivey for Papa and a few dumplings I had made the day before. I brought two out and ate them whole then took a large volume of water. I marched to my bed and left my family to continue with the reminiscing. The event of day replayed in my head. I still hadn't found a job and there was not enough money to even get us through next week. The whole thought was killing me slowly.

"Hey Mia, are you okay?" Jay asked.

"Yes I'm fine." I immediately sat up and clasped both hands together in pretense excitement.

"Then why are you crying?" He went on.

"No, I'm not." I said defensively but felt tears roll down my cheeks.

Dang it.

I was sobbing without even realizing it.
"Umm... I just miss mom." I whispered, trying to sound convincing. I genuinely missed her but my mind was in the land of far far away.

"Me too." Jay stated. He seemed to have believed the lie.

"We all do. But Mia, are you sure?" Papa stared at me intently. Papa knew how I reacted everytime I missed my mom. I would go through the few things of hers we hadn't put on sale.

"Are you sure about that Mia?" Papa asked again.

I was drowning in tears then. "I lost my job Papa. The library was taken from us. But I promise I'll find another job." I said in between tears. "I'll do everything I can to get another job."

Jay came to sit beside me. "I'm so sorry Mia. I'll stop school and also get a job."

"No!" I shouted at him. "You're not stopping anything. I'll get a job soon. You'll continue schooling okay?"

"Papa." I rushed to his feet. "I got this under control. Please, don't worry. We'll be fine."

"I feel so useless. I should be the one taking care of you and Jay."

"No, it's not your fault. Let's have faith. I know something good will crop up." I was low on faith but I had to put on the facade for my family. We came together in a hug and cried until we all went to bed.
I laid awake in my bed with Jay shifting uncomfortably beside me. I hovered the blanket over him and gave him small pats on his back to enable him sleep.

"Mia, help me!"

My heart slammed hard against my chest. I jumped from the bed and saw my Papa lying stolid on the cold hard ground.


"I can't move, my entire body burns Mia." he groaned. His face had turned so red. I couldn't understand why. I was panicking at the sight of him in that state.
"Papa please, Jay keep an eye on him."

Disgruntled, I climbed outside to get a cellphone from anyone. Luckily, I bumped into a woman with a child. "Please ma'am, I want to call the ambulance. Can I use your phone? My Papa is seriously ill." The woman mercifully handed the phone to me. With shaking and trembling hands, I dialled and called the ambulance and rushed back to the basement.

"I'm trying to get him on the bed but he keeps gnawing in pain. He can't even bear my touch." Jay exclaimed despondently.

I knelt beside him. "Papa I have called the ambulance. They'll be__" I was interjected by the loud siren of the ambulance.

"Jay, direct them here. Please be fast about it." In the shortest time, the paramedics got into the room with the stretcher. I informed them what Jay had told me but they couldn't find any other alternative to getting him on the stretcher. Picking him up like a broken glass doll, they carried him away to the ambulance. Jay and I got in with him and we made way to the hospital.

My life left me slack-jawed!

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