The Great War (A Dark Univers...

By WinterWolf1997

447 43 5

This is a story about a young doctor called John Brown that came back to London for some family matters, but... More

Act 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60

Chapter 32

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By WinterWolf1997

Back with Master Harry and King Harvey both of them were talking about a strategy to defeat Dracula.

"Alright then, now we have the upper hand, and we can destroy Dracula once and for all. I say, that we should split his army." Said King Harvey trying to figure out a way to do it.

"Indeed, my friend, but the question is how do we do that." Said Master Harry having no idea how they could do it.

"I was thinking if you could teleport Dracula's castle to another place far from our city. Maybe you could teleport it back into London."

"Alright then, and how do you expect me to do that, huh?"

"I don't know, you are the one with magic and tricks, you should figure out."

"Mate, even if a wanted to, I can't."


"Because Dracula's castle has a very ancient spell protection. It was Mordred that put the spell. When they had an alliance. It was like a gift from him, for the alliance. That spell is far beyond me because it's the old magic, but there might be another way we can win without separating Dracula's army."

"There you go, mate, I knew it that you could do it."

"There is a mirror, it has been lost for ages. If we could find that mirror, I could use an old Druid spell that could destroy Dracula's army in one shot."

"Alright then, but if the mirror has been lost for ages, how the bloody hell would you find it." Said King Harvey confused.

"That's the thing, the last place I heard that the mirror was supposed to be seen according to an urban legend, was in the Labyrinth of The Dead."

Meanwhile Ellie and Valerius were helping the Velmont Hunters getting new weapons.

"So, explain to me this again. How is it that these weapons are better than our old weapons?" Asked Valerius eager to know what is so special about these new weapons.

"Simple, these swords, spears and bows and arrows are with strong magic." Answered Ellie, while she was passing a spear to a Velmont hunter.

"Alright then, So What do they do? Do they have fire or ice...." Said Valerius getting interrupted by Ellie who is laughing at Valerius's question.

"Hahaha. No, you moron. They are almost like the Excalibur, your sword, just that they aren't that powerful like yours, actually now that I think about it, they are way weaker than your sword. But still, no spell barrier can protect anyone from an attack of these weapons."

"Perfect then. So, we can defend ourselves now." Said Valerius Velmont happy while passing a couple of words to his fellow hunters.

"Indeed, all of you can," Ellie replied smiling at Valerius.

Ellie and Valerius finished giving all the Velmont Hunters their new weapons.

"Alright then, we finish. Let's tell my father, so we can see what else can we help with." Said Ellie.

"Let's go," Valerius replied.

Master Harry and King Harvey, they finish talking, then they were looking for Ellie and Valerius. Finally, they found them exactly in the same room where they summoned the Dragons and The Phoenix.

"We finish giving the new weapons." Said Valerius.

"Perfect. Now, I will need to ask the two of you a favor." Said Master Harry looking at both of them.

"What is it?" Asked Ellie.

"Both of you are going with me, in an important mission."

"I am going to stay here, protecting our new home. So, if you excuse me, I'm going to go outside to see if everything is in order." Said, King Harvey.

King Harvey left the room where they summon The Phoenix and the two Dragons.

"So, where are we going?" Asked Valerius eager to know their destination.

"We are going into the Labyrinth of The Dead."

Ellie got surprised when his father told them they were going into that horrible place.

"Father! Are you out of your mind? That place's extremely dangerous and not to mention that we are going to need back up." Said Ellie confused and anger at him.

Master Harry was smiling at both of them and then he pointed with his finger their back up.

Then a new wizard speaks to them.

"You already have." Said the new wizard happy to see Ellie and Valerius.

Ellie and Valerius recognized that voice.

"You have the three of us." Said another voice.

"Thomas! Harper! Michael!" Said Ellie with joy seeing her friends still alive.

Ellie and Valerius got very excited when they saw that their friends were still alive.

"It's really good to see the three of you. We thought you were dead." Said Valerius shaking hands with the three of them.

"But how? We saw all of you dying." Said Ellie confused.

"Well, your father taught us an old trick." Replied Thomas smiling at Ellie.

Master Harry gags.

"The light clone." Said Master Harry.

"The what now!?" Said Valerius confused about what they were talking about.

"Basically, we made a clone of us with light magic. But unfortunately, you can only use it once in your life that kind of spell." Said Harper explaining just a little bit about the light clone.

"And that's because, when you do it, it separates a little of your consciousness and feelings, so if you do it too much you can become an empty vessel, or your body just collapse and dies." Explains Michael with more details.

"That's good to know, I guess?" Said Valerius with sarcasm.

"But it seemed so real." Said Ellie surprised.

"That's kind of the point." Answered Thomas.

King Harvey calls Valerius to go outside with him.

"Val!?" Yelled King Harvey.

"Well, it seems that I am being called. Coming!" Said Valerius

"Ellie, go and prepare one of the Dragons. He will take us to that horrible place." Said Master Harry worried to take everyone to that horrible place.

"Yes, father," Ellie replied.

While Ellie was walking to get outside, she then stops, her eyes turn yellow and she was seeing a vision of the future. In her vision, she couldn't see everything very clearly, just like shadows. In her vision, she was seeing a Velmont Hunter fighting against Dracula. The two of them were doing their best to destroy one another but Dracula with his deadly claws kills this mysterious Hunter by putting his deadly claws in his chest, this mysterious hunter falls and when he falls, he drops his sword and it was The Excalibur. Then she saw a wizard that looked like a woman yelling "No" at her fallen friend, she then fights Dracula but Dracula without mercy slay this mysterious wizard and it looks a lot like Ellie. Then the world turns black and becomes a place without hope, of pure evil. It becomes A Dark World; it becomes A Dark Universe. Finally, the vision end and Ellie very worry felt a lot of fear for what she just saw. His father sees that Ellie stops walking and that she has a very worried face and full of fear, so he asks what's going on with her.

"Ellie!? Are you alright?"

Ellie rapidly goes where his father is and tells him what she saw.

"I had a vision; I saw Dracula killing a Velmont hunter and I think it was Val because this Velmont Hunter had The Excalibur and then Dracula killed a wizard and this wizard looked a lot like me! Then I saw the world turning black, like A Dark...." Said Ellie and Master Harry finishing the sentence.


"Yes, like a Dark World. Is this the future? Are we all going to die?" Asked Ellie nervous and with fear.

Thomas, Harper, and Michael got surprised and worry. They start thinking if Ellie saw the end of The Great War.

"No, my dear, don't worry it was just a vision, the future is not set yet. That doesn't mean that what you saw in there it's true, now go and prepare one of the Dragons." Said Master Harry trying to calm her down.

"All right father."

Ellie got outside but still very worried about what she saw, and she was asking herself if she saw the future. Then Master Harry and the others they were very serious, and Thomas asks him.

"Master Harry? Did Ellie just saw the end of The Great War?"

"I'm afraid not."

"Then what future does she saw?" Asked Harper's concern and confused.

"It must be about The Great War Master Harry, Just maybe a possibility." Said Michael very sure of what he said.

"No. What Ellie saw is something even worse than The Great War." Said Master Harry with a worried face.

Then Thomas and the other got surprised.

"What!?" Said the three of them with fear.

"I'm afraid Ellie just saw the end of another prophecy."

"What? Another prophecy?" Asked Thomas confused.

"There is another prophecy, that only King Harvey and I know about it. The prophecy says that if we failed to kill Dracula in The Great War and he manages to get away, the Next time he comes back, he shall bring chaos, death, and misery in his new world, A Dark World. This prophecy it's called, Apocalypse!"

"So, if he escapes, we are..." Said Thomas getting interrupted by Michael.


"Well then, there is no time to waste. Let's go!" Said Master Harry seriously.

Master Harry and the others get out of the castle or what is left of it and they tell Valerius that is talking with his father, that it's time to go.

"Val! It's time, mate." Said Harper getting up the Dragons back.

"Alright, I'm coming," Valerius replied.

"Son! Wait. Be very careful in that place alright. The place that you are going, according to Harry it's very dangerous and one of the most horrible places to be, so please be careful." Said King Harvey's concern about Valerius's safety.

"I will father. I promise."

"I'm serious, you are going to be next King of The Velmont Family. And I can't lose my son."

"Don't worry father, I will be alright."

"Val! Come on, let's go!" Cry's out Michael.

"Alright then, off you go." Said King Harvey hugging him.

Valerius, Ellie and the others they get up in the back of the blue dragon.

"I almost forgot that your offspring was also a Dragon Lord." Said Valerius smiling at Ellie.

"Well, Merlin was a Dragon Lord, so it's obvious that we are too." Replied Ellie smiling back at him.

"Yeah, Well let's go." Said Valerius excited.

Master Harry tells the blue Dragon to go.

"It's time to go, my friend, take us to the Labyrinth of The Dead."

The blue dragon roars to the sky and then he flies towards the sky.

Valerius and the others were having fun, riding a Dragon and being in the sky.

"Woohoo! This is amazing!"

Ellie and the others laugh.

"I love the view." Pointed out, Ellie.

"Hopefully we could see it again when there is a sun and not in these dark times." Said Valerius Velmont with the hope to see the sun again.

"Don't worry young Velmont, we will see the sunrise again and a new world of hope and prosperity." Said Master Harry very sure they'll win The Great War.

"That's good to hear. So, I have been having this question." Said Valerius to Master Harry.

"Yeah, what is it?" Asked Master Harry.

"Wouldn't be easier to just, I don't know, that you cast a spell and teleport us into that labyrinth that we are going?"

Ellie Laugh at Val's question.

"What?" Valerius asked seriously.

"She laughs because that question of yours shows that you don't have any idea where we are going." Said Master Harry enjoying himself.

"Still doesn't answer my question." Said Valerius hoping that they take him seriously.

"The Labyrinth of The Dead, it's one of the most horrible places in the world but the thing is, is everywhere and nowhere." Explains Master Harry.

"Alright?" Said Valerius trying to follow what Master Harry said.

"Haha. You can't use a spell of teleportation because it's like the labyrinth is moving."

"Wait what!? That sounds insane."

"And yet is true. It doesn't allow any wizard or a person that uses magic to teleport in there. The only way is that the labyrinth finds you or a Dragon takes you there."

"Or any other mythical creature." Pointed out, Ellie.

"Alright then, that answer my question."

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