Constantly ♡ (Paul Lahote)

Av StephanieWithAnA

120K 2.6K 1.6K

"So let's test your theory." "What theory?" Paul smirked at me as he backed me up against the door. I watche... Mer

1 - Damaged
2 - Angry
3 - Bruised
4 - Hurt
5 - Healing
6 - Jealous
7 - Surprised
8 - Confused
9 - Sleeping
10 - Road Tripping
11 - Leaving
12 - Calling
13 - Assuming
14 - Apologizing
15 - Heading Home
16 - Reunited
17 - Discovering
18 - Celebrating
19 - Getting What You Want
20 - Fighting It
21 - Breaking Down
22 - New Year, New Me
23 - Tasting
24 - Back to Life
25 - Facing the Truth
26 - Starting Over
27 - Screwing Up
28 - Working It Out
29 - Heartbroken
30 - Cashing In That Rain Check
31 - Hot and Bothered
32 - Saying Goodbye
33 - Living My Best Wolf Life
34 - The Wolf is Out
35 - Surprised Again
36 - Challenging
37 - Giving You My Everything
38 - Crying Over You
39 - Coming Home For Christmas
40 - Confessing
41 - Making Up
43 - No Longer Jailbait
44 - Getting Discovered
45 - Getting Marked
46 - Getting Even
The Epilogue

42 - Back to School

1.6K 40 55
Av StephanieWithAnA

I glanced at myself in the mirror one more time before striding out of the bathroom.  I paused in the living room, grabbing my bag off the couch. When I opened the closet to get my coat, I called for Paul.  "I'm leaving, baby."

Paul appeared from the kitchen, his hair mussed, wearing plaid pajama pants with no shirt, eating a bowl of cereal, and milk dripping off the end of his chin.  God, I love him. "You're leaving already?" he mumbled between munches.

I laughed and nodded my head.  "I have a meeting with Principal Gordon before school."

He swiped at the errant drops of milk before frowning at me.  "I'll miss you.'

"I'll miss you too, baby.  But you'll see me when you get to school."

He finished the last few bites of cereal before reaching past me, placing his bowl on the mail table.  When I slipped my arm into my coat, he yanked it off and pressed me against the front door. He tossed my coat aside, dropped my bag and pinned my hands above my head.  "Paul…" I warned.

His lips assaulted mine as waves of pleasure shot straight to my core.  I flicked my tongue out to meet his, sighing as he kissed me hungrily. He released my hands and let his drop to my sides.  When he let his fingers slide up my bare thighs, he moaned into my mouth.  

I groaned in protest as he lifted me, spreading my thighs and pressing into me.  "Paul...we can't. I'm gonna be so late," I whined after tearing my mouth away from his.

"Please," he panted.  "I'll make it quick."

I rolled my eyes when he gave me the pouty puppy dog face.  "Fine," I sighed, knowing a big fat orgasm would wash away all the tension I felt.

I gasped loudly when Paul carried me away from the door and lowered me onto the couch.  He shoved his pajama pants down and nestled between my thighs and made quick work of moving my panties to the side before pushing all the way inside me. He moved swiftly, filling me completely and causing me to dig my nails into his wide shoulders.

I tried to focus on his hard body pounding against me, the way our hips crushed together rhythmically, and the way his brow furrowed adorably as he ascended to his climax.  My mind wandered to what lie ahead for me today. I worried about Paul and his temper. Would everyone keep our secret about being engaged? What if someone found out and I was fired?  I would flunk out of school.

My attention now returned to Paul, who had slowed his thrusts to a stop.  "Oh, Rachel...I'm such an idiot." Paul panted as he pulled out and climbed away from me.  "You aren't even into this," he sighed as he stood and yanked his pajama pants back up his legs, carefully avoiding his still throbbing erection.

I stood too, adjusting my panties and skirt, hoping they still looked presentable.  "I should get going," I mumbled absently, upset that I had made Paul think I didn't want him.

Paul took my hand and guided to the front door, helping me get my coat on, slinging my bag over my shoulder and pressing the keys to my Explorer into my hand.  "Please forgive me," he pleaded as he pulled the front door open.

I lifted my free hand to his face and gripped his chin.  "I'm sorry my mind was somewhere else. I loved what you were doing, I was just too preoccupied to enjoy it.  I'm not mad at you, baby."

Paul nodded quickly as his brow furrowed.  "I'm sorry. My wolf took over for a minute.  He's really freaking out about today. I think he wanted everyone to know you're my girl."

I gave Paul a small smile.  "And I always will be. Your wolf needs to trust me, trust our bond.  I don't want anyone else but you," I punctuated my poking my finger into his hard chest.

He nodded and smiled more confidently.  "I was being stupid. And he has terrible judgment so don't hold that against us," he chuckled as he walked me out to my car and kissed me quickly just one more time.


The attendance office was a flurry of activity when I arrived.  I saw the students drifting in and out as they waited to receive their new class schedules.  I had been waiting a while for my meeting with Principal Gordon, when a tall, dark man appeared in the doorway.  He scanned the office, his eyes glinting and a small smile forming as he noticed me sitting in an uncomfortable plastic chair near the window.

He approached me with a cautious outstretched hand.  "Are you Rachel Black?" he asked quietly.

I rose to meet him, sliding my hand into his and shaking it vigorously. "I am.  And you would be?"

"I'm Trey West.  Mr. West?" he offered when I looked confused.  "Didn't Mrs. Gordon tell you I would be supervising you?"

I pulled my hand from his grasp and shook my head.  "No. She's been too busy to see me," I explained.

He glanced back at her office door and chuckled.  "Yeah, first day back after a long break is a busy time for us.  Let me show you to our classroom," he said, waving his arm toward the door as he waited for me to join him.

I stepped out into the now crowded hall and looked back to the front entrance as some of the wolves sauntered into the building together.  Paul had Jared in a headlock and was dragging him as they walked. I rolled my eyes at their childish behavior returned my attention to Mr. West, who was still trying to guide us between the students milling around. 

When I felt Mr. West's large hand on the small of my back, I nearly smacked him.  No one but Paul had touched me like that and it set me on edge. I glanced back behind me and hoped that Paul wasn't watching.  And even if he wasn't, his super sense of smell would pick up the scent of another man on me. No telling what he would do if he found out someone else had been touching me.

When we arrived, we found his room empty.  He showed me around, telling me where I could store my things and told me some of the duties he expected me to help him with.  "I need to run back to the office to run some copies," he told me as he shuffled a stack of papers.

"I can do that for you," I offered quickly, reaching across the desk for the papers he held in his hand.  

He shook his head and smiled at me.  "No, you stay. I'll be right back. That will give you a chance to introduce yourself to the class."

"Oh." I gulped loudly.  

"Nervous?" he asked lightly, lowering his head to catch my wandering gaze.

I smiled weakly.  "Maybe a little?"

His bright smile shone back at me as he chuckled.  "Don't be nervous. I'm sure they'll love you," he replied, squeezing my shoulder.  Mr. West turned on his heel and headed for the door. "Just watch out for Paul. He likes giving people a hard time," he added as he stood in the doorway.

"Paul?" I echoed. 

Mr. West scowled.  "Yeah. Paul Lahote.  He likes to think of himself as quite the ladies' man."

I nodded slowly as he disappeared down the hall.  Oh great. I checked the attendance list and it indicated that my lovely fiancé was indeed in this class.  The butterflies in my stomach kicked into overdrive as I imagined having to be in the same room with him for almost an hour and not touch him.   Now wonder I'm such a mess today.

Pretty soon, the students began filing in. I smiled at them as they entered, most looking a little curious about me.  I had my back to the door when I felt hands squeezing my shoulders and breath in my ear. "Big Daddy's in a pissy mood this morning.  What did you do to him?" Jared whispered before releasing me and striding to the back of the room with Kim in tow.

I glanced around noticing that most of the chairs were full but no sign of Paul.  I glanced at Jared who simply shrugged. I was a bundle of nerves as I cleared my throat and began to address the class.  I had only gotten as far as introducing myself and explaining what I was doing here, when Paul came sauntering in.

He had half of a Pop-tart shoved in his mouth when he approached me.  I was perched on the edge of Mr. West's desk, palms flat behind me, legs kicked out and crossed at the ankle.  Paul stood next to me, hovering like always. I stopped my speech to glare up at him. "Can I help you with something?" I asked in my harshest tone. 

Paul chewed and swallowed the rest of his food and shook his head.  "Just looking," he flirted, causing me to sigh deeply.

I stood up and faced him, my eyes boring holes through his.  "How 'bout you look from over there…" I paused to motion to the table where Jared and Kim had saved him a seat.  "And go sit down."

Paul licked his lips and sucked the bottom one between his teeth before chuckling at me and walking away.  Well I guess we're role-playing now? And I'm the strict teacher and he's the student who needs punished? Well, that's hot.  Shit! Focus!

Somehow I pulled myself back together and continued to speak, fielding a few questions from the class.  A few of the females were wondering where Mr. West had run off to. They seemed to like him, whereas the guys in the room all thought he was too tough on them.  I could see his appeal. He was tall and had a muscular build, but he didn't hold a candle to my beautiful Paul.

I felt my cheeks flush when I thought of him, I glanced in his direction and caught him staring at me.  He mouthed, I love you and all I could do was smile in return. I love you too, Paul.

"Mr. Lahote!" Mr. West bellowed from the doorway.  "Are you eating in my class again?"

I cringed as Paul was indeed eating the rest of his Pop-tart and not even trying to hide it.  "Yeah," he answered, trying to swallow the rest of it down.

Trey West strode up to his desk and I straightened up under his authoritative voice.  "I told you this one would be a problem," Trey groused quietly to me. He glanced back at Paul and motioned for him to come forward.

Paul approached us, trying to bite back a smile as he stood as close to me as possible.  "Yes, Mr. West?"

Mr. West glared at Paul and then motioned to me.  "Do you have something you'd like to say to Miss Black?"

Paul pressed his lips together tightly and shrugged. "Um...sure."  I gazed up at him, totally unprepared for what would come tumbling out of his mouth.  

"Will you marry me?"

I rolled my eyes and sighed as he reached for my hand and pulled it to his heart.  The classroom erupted in dreamy sighs from the girls and howls from the guys. Paul's face contorted painfully when he didn't feel my engagement ring on my finger.  He opened his mouth to speak again, but Trey stopped him.

"That wasn't exactly what I had in mind, Mr. Lahote.  Don't you think you owe me and Miss Black an apology...for interrupting our class time with your incessant comments and eating?"

Paul continued to gaze down at me, his eyes conveying profound hurt that I wasn't wearing my ring.  Still holding my hand, he snarled at Mr. West before saying, "I'm sorry for interrupting your speech, Rach...Miss Black.  And I'm sorry for disrupting the class, Mr. West."

After Paul finally returned to his seat, he openly glared at Mr. West and continued to give me a wounded look until Mr. West sent me around the room to pass out the study guides for next week's test.  When I approached the table where Paul sat, he held my fingers in his hand and whispered, "What the hell?"

"Not here.  We can talk later," I replied softly, trying to pull my hand from his grasp.

"Is there some sort of problem here, Miss Black?" Mr. West asked as he stepped up behind me and I felt his fingers brush my hip briefly before he pulled them away.  

I watched Paul's eyes snap to my hip and I knew he saw it. His jaw started to clench and he began to bare his teeth.  "I think Jared had a question," I interjected quickly, glancing to Jared desperately for help.

Jared nodded slowly, his eyes scanning the worksheet.  "Yeah...I...uh...was wondering about number 6," he stammered.

Trey turned his attention to Jared and glanced away from Paul and I.  Paul brushed his thumb over my ring finger and scowled. He glared at Mr. West and then raised his eyebrows at me.  "Why does he keep touching you?" he whispered.

I leaned in close, pretending to assist Paul with his work.  "Please don't start anything with him. I begging you to let this drop," I breathed quietly.

"Is Mr. Lahote bothering you again, Miss Black?" Trey inquired as he leaned over me.

I pulled my fingers from Paul's grasp and straightened up.  "He just had a question too," I explained.

Mr. West huffed and glanced down at Paul.  I hoped like hell Paul wouldn't mention how handsy Trey had been.  Paul curled his lip into a sneer and huffed. "I'm good," he ground out through a clenched jaw.

The rest of the hour was uneventful, thank the Spirits. Paul kept watching Trey and I as he continued to show me how to record grades and mark the attendance. When he sent me down to the office to turn in paperwork, Paul came trotting behind me, wrapping a protective arm around my shoulder.

"What the hell are you doing out of class?" I demanded.

Paul glanced back and forth down the hall before pulling me into an empty classroom.  "Paul, I…"

My train of thought was completely lost when Paul pushed me up against the wall and leaned into me.  "Why the fuck did you take your ring off?"

I blinked up at him and sighed.  I reached into the front of my shirt and showed him the necklace he gave me and that I had slipped my engagement ring on it.  "It's right here. Can please you calm down?"

Paul rubbed his thumb over my fingers.  "It's should be here, not hidden in your shirt. Everyone needs to know you're taken, Rachel!"

I narrowed my gaze at him and scoffed.  "Is that why you asked me? To mark your territory?" I accused hatefully.

Paul's eyes opened widely.  "I can't believe you just said that."

I cringed when I realized how upset he was.  "I'm sorry…" I mumbled as he backed away from me.

"It's like you don't even know me at all," he spewed.  

Suddenly I became defensive, crossing my arms over my chest.  "I don't know you when you act like this. I begged you to keep your distance and stay out of fights.  All you've done is draw attention to us. Are you trying to get me fired?  Do you want me to have to go back to Seattle or school because you can't keep your temper in check?" 

He sighed and let his head drop.  "No."

I reached for his face, but he twisted away and was out the door before I could say another word.  I knew this would be difficult, but I really had no idea.


The rest of the day trudged on.  I had Quil, Jake, and Embry in the next class. Quil looked agitated and nervous during class and I hoped the boys were watching him closely because phasing at school would be horrible.

Paul kept his distance the rest of the day.  I knew he was mad when I went into the library during his study hall and he didn't even try to talk to me.  I felt horrible about our fight but I didn't want to try to explain things to him unless we were alone. 

I drove home after school, anxious to see Paul and nervous about how he was feeling.  I found him slouching on the couch, fondling the remote, and sulking. I dropped my bag, shrugged out of my coat and moved to stand in front of him.

He ignored me.

I snatched the remote from his hand and he scowled.  His eyes flicked up to mine and they still held the contempt from my harsh words earlier.  He didn't say anything, just stared. 

"I'm sorry," I whispered. 

Paul rolled his eyes and sighed. I reached behind my back, unzipped my skirt and sent it to the floor.  My shirt was next. I unbuttoned it and pushed it off my shoulders. I stood there in my bra and panties as Paul gazed up at me with no emotion.  I unhooked the silver chain from behind my neck and slid my engagement ring off of it. 

Paul watched as I put my ring back on and rehooked my necklace.  "I'm sorry I took this off. I won't do it again."

I climbed onto Paul's lap, straddling his thighs and running my hands up his arms.  "We need to figure out a way to be around each other at school, Paul. I don't want to lose this opportunity and I don't want you getting into trouble."

Paul lowered his gaze and sighed.  I leaned forward and kissed his cheek softly.  "I wish you could forgive me," I murmured into his ear before moving to climb off of him.

He grabbed my thighs and stilled me.  "Don't go," he breathed as his hands moved to my back.  "I was an ass. Everything I did today was selfish and stupid.  At least you were looking out for us."

I shivered a little as his fingertips brushed my back.  He unhooked my bra and pushed it off my shoulders. "Maybe we could pick up where we left off this morning?" he suggested as his lips curled into a sly smile.

I held his face in my hands and nodded quickly.  "I love you, Paul."

Paul threaded his fingers through my hair and pulled me close.  "You're my girl, Rachel. I'm always gonna love you," he sighed before pressing his lips to mine and kissing me hungrily.  

I melted in his arms as he lifted his hips and showed me how much he wanted me.  And this time I forgot about all our stresses and everything that could go wrong.  I focused on the sexy man in front of me, the one who was eagerly wriggling out of his clothes so we could let our bodies join and let our climaxes wash away our horrible day.  

And I thanked the Spirits that I was chosen for Paul.  He loved me more than I could have ever imagined and I loved him back even harder. 


A/N: holy crap! Almost 7k views for this story ❤❤❤ you guys are great with the votes and comments.  I'm sure I have a few more chapters left of this story and then who knows?

Please check out my newest story, Honest.  It's an all human love triangle fic with Paul and Embry and OC.

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