Souls Intertwined (Fraxus)

By Dofairieshavetails23

41.5K 1K 419

He's just a shy, green haired kid who comes across a guildhall in Magnolia. Not much is known about his past... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Author's Note
An Autumn to Remember (Oneshot)

Chapter 17

1K 28 8
By Dofairieshavetails23

Another day has arrived with the sun shining brightly, streams of light appearing through the gap in the curtains of my room. I push the duvet off me and open the curtains to see the sunshine bouncing off the frosty windows and icy paths, signaling the start of a new season. Winter has arrived and with winter comes one of the most important events in the Fairy Tail calendar, the S-Class trials.

After getting dressed and putting on a huge, black, wool jacket and a pair of black boots, I dash out of Master Makarov's house and run to the guild hall... well, I say run... I actually slipped up on the ice and slid across the pavement until I bumped into...


I open my eyes and see that Laxus fell down with me as we continue sliding along the pavement, still grabbing hold of each other.

"Oh no!" We both say loudly as a massive pile of snow is waiting in front of us.

We braced ourselves for impact as we shot into the snow pile together.

I popped out of the snow, Laxus following after. Laxus didn't look best impressed, so I thought throwing a snowball at him would cheer him up... I shortly found out after that I was wrong.

Laxus looks at me grumpily with snow covering his hair.

I try brushing off the snow, but it doesn't seem to help the situation.

"I'm sorry, would you like a hu-"

Slam! Before I could finish my sentence, a pile of icy cold snow covered my face.

"Payback." Laxus replied with a grin.

Ordinarily, I should be angry or upset at him for treating me like that, but in actuality, I saw this as a moment between us.

I throw another snowball at Laxus and he does the same as we enjoy playing in the snow like we did a few years ago.

"Come on, let's get you up. Don't you know better than to run on a slippery surface?" Laxus questions with a grin as he got up, grabbed my hand and helped me off the ground.

"I know, but I was excited, it's S-Class candidate day." I say enthusiastically as I brush myself down.

"Okay, I'll let you off just this once, but don't do it again, you might break something next time. And no more snowballs." Laxus advises as we stroll towards the guild hall.

"Okay." I grin.

The atmosphere inside the building is incredible, pretty much every single guild member is here and they are all buzzing about who will be picked to participate in this amazing opportunity.

"Hey Freed!" I hear someone call.

I scan the guild hall and see Cana jumping up and down, waving her hand to get my attention. Me and Laxus meandered through the crowd to meet up with Cana and also bump into Evergreen, Bickslow and Gray.

"Hey you guys, isn't this exciting?" Cana says with a bright smile.

"Yeah, I wonder who is strong enough to be picked?" Gray asks.

"I don't know, but we've got to remember that it's not entirely based on brute strength, it also depends on our hearts and looking out for those who mean the most to us." I explain.

"Freed, you should be a life coach, you seem to have a lot of advice that sounds like it is taken out of a soppy romance movie." Laxus jests.

"C'mon Laxus." I sigh whilst nudging him with my elbow.

As the guild's excitement for the special yearly event continues to grow, the loud chatter is instantly hushed to whispers and then silence as Master Makarov is stood on the stage, waiting to give a big announcement of the contestants.

"Attention everyone, I'm going to keep this short and sweet, so listen carefully." Master Makarov declares as we all listen attentively.

Names are being read out and as every name is announced, there are cheers of joy and sighs of disheartenment. I glance over at Laxus and notice his breathing getting heavy, his hands formed into fists in his pocket, his eyes squeezed shut. He wants the chance to participate so badly. Trying to comfort him, I link my arm into Laxus' arm, causing him to open one eye and look at me anxiously.

"Don't worry about it, I believe in you." I whisper.

"I just want a chance to prove myself, to show that my power is my own and gained from my hard work." Laxus whispers back.

"And you will, just don't beat yourself up if you don't get pi-"

"Laxus Dreyar." Master Makarov announces, interrupting mine and Laxus' small conversation.

Laxus opens both his eyes and the tension in his arms and body slowly relaxes with relief. Laxus doesn't say anything for a moment, until he turns around suddenly and lifts me up in his arms with pure exhilaration and pride.

My heart leapt so high that I thought it would shoot out of my head, not only am I being hugged by the man I love, but I'm so overjoyed that Laxus' dream might become reality, he has a chance to become S-Class, a high honour within the guild.

"I did it Freed! I won't let you down Gramps!" Laxus says excitedly.

Laxus puts me down on the ground as he high fives the Thunder Legion and calms down to hear the next names to be called out.

"Cana Alberona."

"Me? Thanks." Cana says with melancholy coating her voice.

"What's wrong Cana, aren't you happy that you've been given this chance?" I ask.

"I am, but... I don't think I'm cut out for this yet, plus Gildarts is a S-Class mage as well, how can I face him if I fail?" Cana questions.

"If Master didn't think you were ready yet, he wouldn't have chosen you. You can still face Gildarts and tell him your his daughter even if you fail, he probably respects you for even being in the running for S-Class." I explain.

"You're right. I'll tell him as soon as I become an S-Class mage." Cana states with a bright smile on her face.

"That's the spirit, who is the last wizard to be announced?" I question.

"And finally, Erza Scarlet." Master concludes.

Everyone sounds surprised and turn to look at the young teenage girl with scarlet hair styled into a plait.

"I will give it my all." Erza proclaims.

As Master Makarov discuses the fine details, me and the others discuss about the quiet but confident girl.

"I know Erza has been here for a year now, but do you guys know much about her, she's not really been a loud character." I wonder.

"I've talked to her a little, but she seems to keep her past to herself and likes to stay away from the crowds and train by herself." Gray answers.

"Hm, that's a bit sad." I reply.

"It's not really, we've tried to be open to her, but she would rather keep to herself, she'll come out of her shell eventually, give the girl a chance." Laxus explains.

"Settle down everyone. The trial will be held in a different location this time. For the first time in this guild's history, we will be holding the trial on Tenrou Island. Gildarts will explain the rest as our only currently living S Class mage." Master Makarov says.

Gildarts appears from behind a curtain on the stage and steps forward to send out more important information.

"There will be a few trials on the island that we require you to complete, you may choose a training partner leading up to the trial in two weeks, but they are not allowed to help you in the actual trial itself. Also, I think it's fair to say that you should all respect each other and not cause any upset or cheat, any foul play will instantly ban you from partaking in the trial." Gildarts explains before stepping back and allowing Master Makarov to finish the announcement.

"Thank you Gildarts, as he said, you have two weeks to prepare yourselves, good luck." Master Makarov concludes.

Me and the Thunder Legion gathered with Gray and Cana as we discussed who was pairing with who.

"Freed, you're pairing with me right?" Cana asks.

Awkward. I really want to help Laxus out, but I feel guilty for going against Cana, especially after everything she's done for me.

"Well... I-"

"Freed, come on we have training to do." Laxus says enthusiastically.

"Training?" I question.

"You donut, for the S-Class trial, you're my partner aren't you?" Laxus asks.

"Yeah... I'm really sorry Cana." I say apologetically, my chest feeling tighter as I look at her disappointed face.

Cana hangs her head, she doesn't say anything, just turns away and walks towards the guild entrance.

"Cana! ...I'm sorry." I try to apologise.

"It's fine Freed, let her go." Laxus says as he puts his hand on my shoulder.

"I just feel really bad though, she was really hoping that I would be supporting her through this... I let her down." I say sadly.

"Don't worry about it, I'll go and talk to her." Gray says before walking away.

"Thanks." I reply.

"You're not letting her down, just cheer her on during the trial. In the meantime, we have some work to do, come on." Laxus says as he wraps his arm around my shoulders and we make our way to the back of the guildhall, outside.

For the next few days we trained, Laxus launched his strongest attacks whilst I deflected them with my runes, it was quite fun, apart from the couple of occasions where his attacks were too powerful for my defenses and made my hair stand on end due to the electric charge.

Me and Laxus spent lots of time together and as much as I wanted to admit to him how I felt, I knew that it might throw him off his game and he could lose the trial, I couldn't risk that, so I decided that I will say nothing until the trial has passed. Quite frankly, I'm glad I made that decision, considering the events that unfolded a week after the S-Class selection was made.

"I don't want to hear anymore of your crap old man!" An angry voice could be heard from a mile away.

Me and Laxus are walking along one of the streets in Magnolia and hear the raucous coming from the guild hall. Concerned, we both run quickly to find out what is going on.

We burst through the doors and whilst I am stood there in shock, Laxus doesn't show any form of emotion, he just stands still, watching his father having a massive argument with his grandfather and guild master.

"You choose to kick me out, just because I was trying to make some money for the guild!" Ivan shouts.

"The intention was there but your brain wasn't! What you just did could be detrimental to our guild!" Master retaliates.

"You just don't care, you never loved me old man, you always saw me as a disappointment! Now you're turning your affections to my sweet little Laxus!" Ivan says mockingly.

"I never told you to turn to dark magic, you made that decision and now you're paying for it. You leave me no choice, I hereby banish you from Fairy Tail." Master declares as he points towards the door where me and Laxus are standing.

"Gramps, what are you doing?" Laxus questions.

"Laxus, Ivan disobeyed the rules and now he has to pay the penalty for it." Master says calmly.

"But, you always believe in second chances, I know my father is scum, but he isn't evil, I couldn't be what I am today if he didn't give me this lacrima." Laxus explains.

I can't believe what I'm hearing, the one person who I thought Laxus hated the most is now the one person who Laxus is defending whilst everyone is turning away. What's going on inside his head?

"Laxus, I think Master is right." I say quietly.

"No! Don't listen to him Freed! My dad made me powerful, because of him I can protect you and go on missions with you." Laxus says with a saddened smile as he places his hands on my shoulders.

I look into Laxus' watering eyes and realise how serious he is being, I didn't know how to respond apart from nod.

"Laxus, just stay out of this." Master insists.

"But he's my dad! You always stress the importance of family! I've already lost my mum!" Laxus cries.

"And whose fault was that!" Master snapped.

Laxus clenches his fists before storming past  Ivan, who puts his hand on Laxus' shoulder.

"Don't worry boy, I'll contact you when the time is right." Ivan says with a menacing grin.

Laxus looks at Ivan with tearfilled eyes before storming past Master Makarov, bumping into him but showing no remorse. What has Ivan done to Laxus?

Ivan eventually leaves the guildhall, grinning at me before he walks through the doors, sending a shiver down my spine. I approach Master Makarov as he pours himself a drink.

"Master, I understand what you were saying and I agree with your decision, but you really hurt Laxus. It's bizarre how he is suddenly siding with his dad I know, but you could've at least played along so you are still allies with Laxus, who knows what he is going to do now." I explain.

"Freed, I don't regret what I did. Laxus had to be told the hard way it's the only way he learns." Master replies.

"Fine, if that's what you think, but I believe you've just torn a bond with Laxus and I think you should repair it before it's too late." I advise before going outside to look for Laxus.

At the very bottom of the guild hall garden, I see flashes of light as Laxus attempts to zap down everything in sight. I approach him cautiously as I see wet streams falling down his reddened face and notice red scrapes along his knuckles.


Laxus stops firing off his magic and collapses to the ground, his face in his hands sobbing like a child. Not only has he been hurt by the loss of his dad from the guild, but also by the betrayal he felt from the person he admired the most.

I put my arms around Laxus and hold him close to me as he continues to flush his anger and sadness out through his tears, crying loudly.

After a few minutes, he calms down, enough so that I can talk to him.

"What's this all about? I know that you and your father are related, but I thought you wanted nothing to do with him." I say.

"That was ages ago, before I realised what he did for me." Laxus replies.

"Before you realised that he got you a spot on the s class trial list due to your powers." I add.

"Don't say that! You make him sound so terrible." Laxus huffs.

"No! I'm not, I'm just trying to understand what has changed your mind, he experimented on you, beat up your mother and has now spread secrets about Fairy Tail to some external source and yet you mourn for him leaving the guild." I explain.

"Yes he's done some stupid things, but he has everyone's best interests at heart, he's trying to be a better person, but Gramps doesn't see it because Ivan wasn't strong enough for his liking." Laxus replies with frustration.

"I don't think that's tr-"

"It is true! I don't care what people think of him, I'm going to get stronger for him to show that he didn't waste his time giving me the ability of magic, and I'm going to take over the guild in his honour." Laxus declares.

"What? Master Makarov would never allow it." I reply.

"He will, I'm his beloved grandson." Laxus defends.

"Laxus, you're going off the rails, if you keep thinking like this then you will be just like your father and you might even be kicked out of the guild! Please think this through!" I plead.

Laxus turns his head away and shifts away from me.

"If you're not with me, then you are against me." Laxus warns.

My head said think about the guild and the people who looked after me when I had no one else, but my heart said stay with Laxus, you'll lose him otherwise. I've never felt so conflicted.

I grab Laxus' hand and clasp it in between my hands. Laxus looks me in the eyes with a small smile on his face and a smile appearing on mine.

"I'm with you, all the way." I reply.

Laxus wraps his arms around me tightly as he sighs with relief.

"Thank you, you don't know how much this means to me." Laxus says.

I feel warm in Laxus' embrace and feel happy to be with him, but at the same time guilt is lurking in the back of my head, I feel like I'm betraying the guild by going along with Laxus' intentions, but if I stay close by him, maybe I can change his mind bit by bit.

The next day, I arrive at the guild hall to meet with Laxus for more training, and initially he seemed a lot better after what happened yesterday, but his happier mood wasn't to last long.

I sit with Laxus at the bar, discussing our training strategy for the day, but rumours start to spread about Laxus which begin to irritate him.

"Hey, who do you think is going to win this year?" Macao asks.

"Laxus, obviously. Have you seen his magic ability, gets it from his grandfather." Wakaba replies.

"I guess you've got a point there, the others don't stand a chance." Macao responds.

Laxus appears disgruntled as he slams his fists on the table and clasps his head in his hands, tugging his hair tightly.

"I can't take this bullshit anymore!" Laxus grumbles.

"Don't listen to them, it's only because you're young and talented, unlike them." I reply.

"It's annoying though, I'm better than that old man! I'm going to prove it." Laxus declares as he leaves the table and walks out of the guild hall swiftly, me following behind, trying to catch up to him.

"Laxus wait!" I call out as I follow him to the bridge in Magnolia.

"What!" Laxus shouts.

I tremble at Laxus' abrupt response, feeling really worried about him.

"I thought we were going to train together." I say timidly.

"I'm sorry, but I want to train by myself, I'm strong enough without your help." Laxus replies.

I want to cry and it's not long before the tears started running down my face, the man I look up to and love dearly has just rejected me and it hurts like hell.

"Just go home Freed." Laxus says before walking away, not even looking at me.

It begins to snow again and I stand alone on the bridge, watching my love walk away in the distance. I don't care if I feel cold, I can't feel anything anyway. My heart is torn in two and the drops leaving my eyes begin to freeze. I turn the other way and walk back to Master Makarov's house.

I climb into my bed and curl up in a ball, crying for what felt like ages. The one event that I was most looking forward to all year is the one I'm dreading the most.

A.N. Thank you so much for being patient with me for this chapter, I've just been so busy these past couple of months and have only just caught up with assignments at uni, so now new chapters should be a bit more regular, and I think you'll like the next couple of chapters I have planned

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