By LawyerESH

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Alexia King:- The 21-year-old female protagonist and youngest daughter of the business tycoon, Xavier king, h... More



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By LawyerESH

A very annoying but life-savior sound, in the literal sense, makes my body jolt up like spring from my nightmare. I thank my stars for the right timing.

It's only 4 am and I slept hardly 2 hours before. 

I look down at my damp bed and my moist nightwear, the result of my profuse sweating. I sigh already bored of the same scenario every day. I collect my sheets and remove my PJs to put them in the laundry basket for Joseph.

Joseph is of my age, 21. He is doing hotel management course from NYU. He is my all-time most wanted gay friend cum worker. I met him through pen pal and he wanted to get admission to NYU. He had grades but not money. I had money but no will to spend it. After months of our friendship, I lured him in name of internship. Now he does internship here and also help Martin and John with anything he could. I didn't want to make him feel a charity case, so I late him.

Before he can come, I make my way to the gym room.

I don't live with my parents or siblings. Basically, I live alone and on top of that, all workers at my place are men, so daily workout is needed according to my overly possessive family. I know self-defense tricks and kickboxing. You can not be Aliana King's child without these things.

Well, it helps to maintain my bodyweight because I eat a lot. Every now and then I keep munching but not more than a certain guy I happen to know, Kevin Emerson.

He is something else. His dark blue eyes are the darkest color of blue I have ever seen. Before him, my favorite eye color was of my Dad, i.e, turquoise blue. But Kevin's eyes are different shades of blue, dark, and drowning. His shiny brown hairs seems to be very soft. I want to touch it once but I'm not gonna act on my impulse. He keep eating cheese most of the times but still his body is well sculptured. It's easy to see outline of abs from his tight T-shirts. He sure has a very attractive and handsome face. All over, he is eye candy, a total worth it.

Another alarm blasts through the ceiling of my wing to remind me that my workout time is over and it's already 7.

I shake my head to get rid of his thoughts. I don't know what I was thinking when I made another group, just to keep him close. I didn't tell my friends the real reason because I don't want them to go all 'don't hurt my baby girl or I'll chop your balls and choke that in your throat'. Their possessiveness is same as my brothers, Xander and Alex, and my Dad, Xavier. They make me angry sometimes. OK. Most of the time.

My sister, Xaiyla King, is a model and she is really beautiful with dirty blond hair and bright blue eyes, same as our Dad. Our heights are the same as 5'6 but I got my eye color from my Mom, Katherine Aliana King. Well her eye colors are emerald green but whenever she is in an extra happy mood, it changes to light green and that is my eye color sea green with golden freckles, in short, they are beautiful. Sometimes appear golden in the sunlight.

I got my looks from my Mom and her body structure too. She is beautiful. I'm neither skinny nor chubby. I'm just fit with an hourglass figure and toned body.

I stop fawning over my looks to get ready for college.

After proper bath of complete one hour. I know it's strange to bath for total 1 hour but me and my siblings got this habit from Mom. Dad always complains about time but we don't give a damn because it feels so fresh and instantly that makes me fall in love with my body.

After wearing my outfit, red shirt, and black leg pants, I leave my beige and honey-blond hair hung loose till my waist, they are bouncy and radiant today, one of those good hair days, I join Martin in the kitchen. 

Martin is the cook of this house. He is in his late 30's and prior to this, he used to work for my grandfather. He is a retired chef. No wonder Mom beats Dad every time in cooking

"Good morning, Alexia" Martin greets while rounding the island with a plate in his hand.

"Morning, Martin. So what we are having today?" I ask smiling and take my seat across Martin.

He serves me before serving for himself and sits across me.

"Cheese omelet with extra eggs and bacon" 

On the mention of cheese, Kevin's face pop across my mind but I dismiss him quickly. That man is nice, more than nice, but I have nothing to do with him more than being his friend and looking into his dark electric blue eyes.

"Where's mind at?" I blink when Martin snaps his fingers in front of my face to get my attention.

"Nowhere you would want to visit, but I was thinking about this weekend party here, at our place. it okay with you?" I ask hesitant because I don't want to cause him trouble.

This place might be mine on papers but Dad paid for it and if not because of Martin, Joseph and Rohn I won't know the first thing about basic survival necessities. I mean, C'mon, Martin makes food for us everyday and that too happily. What more a loner could ask?

"You kids are trouble but this is your place" he said before digging in his food. I too sip my green coffee before nodding.

"I have told you thousand of times but let me repeat myself, this is not only my place. This is our home. You, Joseph and Rohn are my family. We are a family Martin. We live here. Together" I say honestly tired of explaining him this again and again.

Someone hugs me from behind and from his smell, I know it's Joseph. 

"You are the rarest kind. You know that right?" He ruffles my hair before pulling back. 

I swat him in response.

"Hey! You cheaters! Not without me" Rohn enters the dining area and hugs us both. Martin finally joins the hug before sitting back.

Rohn is in his late 20's and already has a sweet little daughter and a very beautiful and supportive wife. He is the supervisor of this house and my bodyguard. Cue groan.

"Enough of this superfluous show of emotion. I don't want my breakfast to get cold" Martin says and we quickly take our seat and dig in our food.

"So guys, this weekend, that's after 2 days, we are throwing a welcome party and all students from the college are invited. I'll be needing your help" I say eyeing them one by one.

"I'm more than happy to help"

"You don't have to ask twice" Joseph winks, always up for a party.

They all agree and after finishing my breakfast, I leave for college but I have only 15 mins left and drive is of 30 mins.

I'm going to be late.

After driving in rush, I arrive to college and find the corridors empty. I assume all students are already in class and I'm 40 mins late. Only 20 mins are left to end first class but I have already missed enough classes due to my issues so I can't skip this one too. Although it's going to be awkward to enter in class when all heads are gonna turn to your direction to check the late comer who is gonna get spiteful of words from professor but to my luck, it's my Marketing class and Mr. Skye is a very good professor. I respect him and he understands me without even knowing my problems. He just understands that I am  not comfortable when put under spotlight and lets me go off the hook,most of the time.

I take a deep breathe and enter. I am taken aback for a moment to see Mrs. Winsley instead of Mr. Skye.

I don't like her. Not at all.

"May I come in, Ma'am?" I ask in an over-polite and sweet voice and I feel extra thankful for my voice because it is soft that no one can actually knows what I'm feeling inside.

"You are late, Miss King" she replies in her clipped tone.

Did I mention the feelings are mutual? No? Well, she found her husband, who is ex-professor of this college, jerking on my picture. Creepy. I know. When I came to know, I was embarrassed and disgusted.

I step inside in center and every head in class turns to me. I look over my seat to see Ed, Nich and Pastry, grinning like a bunch of lunatics. At least someone is happy for the shit show.

My eyes search for a certain dark blue pair of eyes and find him sitting with Max.

He is looking in my direction without blinking and I'm doing the same. I can watch his eyes entire day without exchanging a single word.

He signals something from his eye and I was too busy checking him out that I don't realise entire class is witnessing our exchange with unabashed interest.

I hear a fake cough from beside me, which snaps me from ogling him.

Let me make something clear, I don't have feelings for him because I don't fall for looks but he has my attention for some reason.

"Can I get your attention now if you are done ogling Mr. Emerson?" Mrs. Winsley, the bitch asks sarcastically.

I feel my face flaming in red.

My friend's hoots like a dog they are.

 All students tried to suppress their laughter.

"You can't have my all attention Mrs. Winsley because I have other things to ogle," I say whilst checking my microscopic nails. I have a really bad habit of chewing them.

She guilt-tripped me to delete my social handles and then blamed me for her husband's stunt. Mailed my parents, that part was most horrifying. And I hold grudges.

"Your personality is shame to your beauty" She snarls, fuming in anger and for a moment, I considered if she is some teenager with temper issues.

This silenced everyone in the class.

She is getting on my nerves now.

"Are you jealous, Mrs. Winsely?" I mocked her, I know what I said was wrong and I am being a bitch but after everything that happened to me, I want hurt every female. I blame them all.

I take deep breaths and try to control my trembling body. I gingerly touch my nose to make sure I am not bleeding. My cries are ringing in my ears but I school my features and try to watch my steps through blurry eyes.  

I am safe. I am safe. I am-a hand grips my arm and I am a second away from crying bloody marry when a follow the hand to their owner.

His expression is neutral but his clenched fist is enough to tell me he is angry.

My heartbeat increased and I step back in reflex but he pulls me close to him.

"Deep breaths, Xia. Take deep breaths" I do as he says and step back more to create distance from him. My status quo not in favor of human touch.

I nod to let him know I'm fine.

He keeps looking at me for a moment, longer than I would have preferred in front of the whole class. and gives me a reassuring smile before turning to Mrs. Bitch who is standing behind me.

"We are done here" His voice is low but piqued with suppressed anger.


He cuts her off and holds my hand again, walking out of the stunned class with me hot on his heels.

"Thank you" I whisper so low that I doubt he can hear me.

"I got you" He finally stops in locker room and turns to hold my face between his palms. I shiver in his hold and lean closer to feel his warmth.

He is looking me intensely. His eyes roaming all over my face and his thumb caressing my cheekbones. I bite my lips and my eyes inadvertently drops, no doubt hooded.

He leans closer and I feel my stomach somersaulting in anticipation. 

I am surprised of my reaction because I don't like people touching me when I have these episodes.

"What the hell is going on here?" A very annoying and more than required high-pitched voice disturbs my moment. Kevin hands falls off my face but he doesn't make any movement to step back.

My moment? Where the hell that came from? My decent part of brain scolds me.

I lick my dry lips and step back. I don't want Victoria to know I am even slightly interested in Kevin because I know her, she will take him as challenge and I am not strong like here. I will lose.

"What are you doing with her, K?" Victoria asks stepping towards Kevin. I don't like her standing so close to him. It's rational and stupid but I hate her more than before.

"What do you think was going on?" He asks frustrated but his voice is dead giveaway of what was going on. Husky and deeper than normal.

A zap of tremor passes my body at listening his voice but I maintain healthy distance from them. 

"I should have known. Last night, you legit took her name whilst fucking me" she accuses him angrily but her eyes are only on me and her each word cuts my fog of cloud, pulling me back to reality. A reality where she is better, healthy, and not weak.

Kevin turns to me, at a loss of words, then he turns to her.

"We can talk privately" Kevin asks Victoria looking me with an emotion closer to guilt.

Why he is guilty?

We are not together. We don't have feelings for each other. He is just my friend and I know him for only a few days. That's all.

But I am hurt. Not rightfully though.

"I have class" I mutter and briskly walk to leave before they see my tears.

As I said, I am weak, a cry baby. When life has already  broken you to pieces then it doesn't take much for one to surround herself with blanket of her tears. They don't relieve my pain though.


I turn but don't look up to meet his eyes.

"I am not the one you need to explain" And just because I am a petty bitch and angry with everyone, especially who likes Victoria, I hurt him by ending my statement with, "Be a man, Kevin"

 I'm hurt because of all the people, he chose Victoria.

Same as everyone does.

 Same as everyone does. She has a perfect life which I don't have. She is not broken like me.

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