The Stone

Von IslandNinja

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Darkness rises in the realms as Brianna Nobile, a warrior and farmhand is forced into mage craft by a book b... Mehr

A Thief in the City
The Book of Shadows
Oh Knight of Slumber
Mana Shock
The Castle
The Queen
What Beauty Can do with a Blade
The Bell Tower
Lady Caren
She Will Be Mine
The Queens Sword Seal
Mages Armor
Target Practice
The Other Side
The truth
The Broken Barrel Inn
An Unexpected Traveler
Accepting Her Fate
Fell of the Fire
I Love You?
The Sea Takes Her
Kit Mercer
Your First Mistake
Your Second Mistake
The element: Water
Corcoran Pirates
Foul Play
Ruler of Dragons
Roan's Pledge
Andai: Possesser of the Stone
The Trident King
Like the Gods
The Gladiators
The Blood Moon
Her new council
A Frozen Army
First Flight
The demon Mogan
The Holy Summoning
The Second Stone
Allery's Conviction
Rebellion in Lesteros
The Chasm
The White Fox Illusion
Night terrors
The Desert Rebels
Roan's Last Words
And we wait.
The life tree
Life's Given Task
The Relic

Into the Desert

67 7 4
Von IslandNinja

"Here...Take this in both hands and say the words;
in this eye, I see the world
In this mind, I learn to speak,
Through this portal, I take hold,
Shall we make this our first meet.
Then look into it." Veda one of our castle mages explains.

"Alright." I take the Mage's orb from her with Brianna examining it closely beside me and recite the words.

"In this eye I see the world
In my mind I learn to speak,
Through this portal I take hold,
Shall we make this our first meet."

I hold the orb out in both hands focussing my mana on the task at hand. The orb begins to glow, and a swirl of clouds in an artificial blue sky appears in the middle of it. We watch it closely, waiting. Minutes go by and nothing changes.

"Are you sure about this? It's taking a long time." I ask, shaking it gently.

"Don't shake it Vance!" She gasps."Be patient."

Several more minutes go by and suddenly I hear an echoing voice come from the center of the clouds. They tumble upon themselves more quickly as the voice becomes clearer to understand.

"Hello? Can you see me?" A female voice calls.

A few more seconds the clouds disappear and Dione my fathers mage, appears in the orb.

"Vance!? Is that you?! Oh my! I've missed that handsome face of yours. How are you? When will you be home? Your father is driving me batty!" She whines.

I chuckle. "I miss you too Dione, Is my father ok?"

She snickers. "No! He's put on at least ten pounds since you left..."

"Hey! I can hear you, witch!" my father hollers in the background.

"Well you haaave!" Dione replies rolling her eyes.

"Oh shut up woman! Who are you talking to?" My father replies pushing his way into view.

"VANCE?! Is that you?!" He shouts, his volume a little too loud causing the crystal orb to ring a high pitched tune. Brianna and I both wince.

"Yes, it's me, father." I smile, relieved to know he's doing fine and yes he has put on weight it would seem.


I wince at the volume of his voice once again

"You don't have to yell Seraphis, he can hear you!" Dione snaps in the background.

"Oh ok." And he quiets down.

Brianna is laughing hysterically in silence right now. I let out a frustrated breath, feeling slightly embarrassed by their crude behavior.

"She's right here, want to say hi?" I move the orb over to Bri and she looks into it beaming with excitement.

She gives him a small wave and a heart melting smile. " Hello, Your highness. I see where your son gets his good looks from." She winks.

My father begins to choke on his words.
" is nice to meet you. And you are right, he most definitely gets his looks from me. Where is it that you get yours from?"

"My mother's side for sure." She replies. "We are happy you are safe and well. We had quite a scare, and so much has happened since we got to Emeriss."

"Ahh yes! I hope you're enjoying your stay there and King Galen is keeping you in good company. We are looking forward to having you here."

I quickly take the orb back from Brianna, not ready for that conversation between the two. It would seem my father has no idea what has happened over the last three days. Brianna stares at me in shock, and I shake my head motioning her not to talk further about it. She cocks an eye at me but respects my actions, thankfully.

"Where did she go? I don't want to see your ugly mug son!" My father smirks.

I sigh and Brianna giggles.
"She's busy now, we will be heading your way tomorrow morning with one stop. I will see you in a week or so."

"Alright son! I'll have the pledging ceremony ready when you get here. I'm proud of you." And then I lose sight of him in the orb, there is a shuffling noise, then a ting, and cursing by both my father and Dione.

"Don't drop the damn thing! I should smack you over the head for that!" Dione ickers at my father. "If you break it I swear.."

"Oh stop it, it's fine see?!" My father bickers back.

"Don't shake it! Arghhhh! Go find something else to.." and the connection is lost. I let out a long sigh. I swear those two should be married.

"Wow, aren't they the perfect couple." Bri says just beaming.

"Ha! Yeah they are perfect for each other." I reply handing the orb back to Veda.

"Anything you need, let me know." Veda smiles.

"Thank you. Let's get ready to go Bri, daylight is fading and I'd like to retire to our room early tonight." I reply bowing my head. "Time to get packing Brianna."

She takes my hand in hers, leading me out of the room thanking Veda along the way.

"That was the most amusing conversation I've ever witnessed." Brianna states. "Are they always like that?"

I sigh. "Yes...for the most part. It gets tiresome after a while."

"I wish my father had someone like that around." She whispers, thinking to herself.

Which gets me thinking, where is her mother? She has never mentioned her at all until just now.



"Where is your mother?"

She pauses for a moment, keeping her pace as we walk down the hall together.

"She left when I was young, I don't remember much of her." She replies.

Her response was a bit of a shock, for my mother had left when I was very young as well. It would seem we have more in common than just our fighting skill and wits.

"What about you? I haven't heard of a queen in Ashura yet." She asks.

"She left when I was little too." I smile at her and squeeze her hand. She squeezes back as we share a moment of sadness together. Sadness that no one else would understand.

"Ashura has a queen now." I nudge her, breaking our silence.

"Yes, one day." She replies. Her thoughts of becoming queen of Ashura has turned for the better it would seem. She is far less aggressive about it than before, which makes things easier on me.

"Let's focus on the rebel camp now. I'm still unsure about the whole situation there. It's said they have an abundance of Mage's and knights. I just hope we don't have to take them on." She looks off into the distance reflecting on what lies ahead for us.

"Yeah." I agree. I myself have been thinking it over. I pray to the gods that it is an easy trip in and out. For I know all the evils that lie beneath the wind blown sand, the shifting peaked dunes, and droughts that cause illusions. I can almost guarantee going that far into the desert is a risk that could take all our lives.

It will all depend on Jed, if he remembers the way through the shifts, and gets us past the mage barriers around the camp we will be out of harm's way. I guess our lives are in his hands.

I lead bri to our room and we get packing, only stopping to fool around with each other. Then it was much needed sleep.


I wake to the morning sunrise, it being the winter season I knew it was still early. I sit up in my bed and look over to the man lying beside me. I love him with, but there is someone else still holding onto a piece of my heart...Kit..., it's not fair, why did Allery have to place such a rift in my love. Why can't it just all go away and leave me and Vance in peace? attraction to Kit is unbearable sometimes. Yesterday morning I stumbled across him training with my father and I couldn't help but watch him. Beads of sweat glistening off his chiseled body, he had a rugged look to him, and if you weren't into that then he definitely wasn't for you. I was used to much formal men now, ones that cared about their clothing and how they looked, ones that would want me dressed as formal as they are. But Kit, he didn't care, as long as what he wore was practical and had use in combat he wore it and he could make anything look good. We had much more in common than Vance or Roan and maybe that is what holds my interest. Maybe that is what I really want in a man.

It is almost impossible to know yourself at such a young age, I have never been in or around relationships before so I have no idea what I want...until now. It would seem most men have an interest in me, which is frustrating at times, can't I just have a friend without any desire attached? I guess not.

I gaze at Vance, he is what every girl would want. Handsome, witty, smart and would love you the way any woman should be loved until the end of time. But for some reason I feel he just isn't the right man for me. I know I will pledge with him, but as for anything further... I'm not sure anymore and that hurts the most. I was so sure, so very sure he was the one, but now....I sigh in frustration at how life can be so complicated as tears fill my eyes. It is best I don't think about these things and try to push them aside.

I lean over Vance and nuzzle into the crook of his neck wrapping my arm around his waist. He begins to stir.

"Uh oh, did we sleep in?" He asks.

"No, but we should get going." I reply.

He turns towards me, eyes heavy with love.
"Morning my angel." He whispers. I hear his words and they pierce my heart, he loves me so much. I smile through the pain.

"Morning handsome." I reply, and he leans in for a deep kiss, tucking my hair behind my ear then looks into my eyes.

"Ok, let's get going before I change my mind and we never leave this room!" He says


We both leave our bed reluctantly and get dressed. Vance is going over what it's like in the desert as we do.

"So the desert is a harsh dry place Bri, almost everything can kill you. It will be a two days ride to the camp if we don't get lost." He says pulling up his slacks and buckling them with his belt.

"Lost? Isn't it a straight course?" I ask.

"Yes but there are sand storms that can push the dunes around in just a few hours. We have magic that can keep us on track but there is also the risk of running into giant scarabs."

I pause, thinking about what he had just said.
"What are scarabs?"

"Giant beetles that will eat you." He smiles as if it were something normal.

I wince and shudder at that thought.
"Don't worry, they are a rare find and they hate fire."

"When you say giant you mean how big?"

He puts on his shirt and turns to me, holding out his arms as wide as they can go.
"About this big and..." he hovers a hand about five feet above the ground. "This tall."

I can feel the color drain from my face as he explains what gigantic death beetles look like.

"They have these big pinchers here..." he carries on.

"Ok...ok! I get it Vance." I shudder again.

"Don't worry Bri, we have Andai he can burn them all to hell." His smile was unnerving.

"Actually Vance...I was thinking of leaving him here. There is no food for a dragon in the desert." I reply.

"Huh...I never thought of that. But he could eat the scarabs!" He smirks and I roll my eyes at his terrible humor.

"Andai doesn't eat insects Vance..." I reply in monotone.

"Really? I thought dragons could eat anything..." He crosses his arms thinking to himself.

He is adorable with his humor, he really is. I walk over to him and place my hands on his arms.
"You are "cute"." I say and kiss his cheek.

His lips purse together. "Cute?! I'm not cute!" He protests and flexes his muscles under my hands. "I'm as manly as you can get." He sticks his tongue out at me.

"Right..." I tease.

We finished getting dressed, this time I'm wearing a desert gown made of light white fabric underneath a silver armored bodice. The gown covered my arms and came down to my hips then split into two panels covering the front and back, leaving the sides wide open. I have silver plated boots that came above my thighs and silver fingerless gloves. Vance helped me with the boots and gloves then helped me equip my bow, quiver filled with silver arrows, and bags of supplies. My father, who had crossed the desert a few times now, had advised me that arcane crystal is not the best for hot sun beaten areas. Which I do agree, it is a black color which would absorb most of the light from the sun causing heat exhaustion. That is the last thing one needs in the desert. So I will travel in light white fabrics, something that reflects the light and cools me at the same time. Vance is wearing something similar aside from his blue tunic, he wears a white cloak overtop with a hood to keep him cool.

Once dressed and packed, we make our way to the front doors of the palace, where we meet with everyone. I call for Andai along the way hoping he will join us for our "debrief" so to say.

As we walk outside, we see Gogo, and Revish leaned up against a pillar chatting quietly together. It was great seeing those two connecting. I look around the rest of my council. My father was telling more of his adventurous stories to Grim and Harold. My eyes stop in their tracks at the sight of Kit, he was in rogues gear, similar to what I am used to wearing. Everything he had on was tight against his body except for a white cloak and bandana meant to cover half his face. He glances at me as I walk outside and I can't help but want to hold his eyes. I can feel him watching me as I walk by to meet with Andai, before I walk down the palace I indulge in one last look. Just to see if I still have his interest and I realize he hasn't taken his eyes off me since I had come into view. I smile internally.

Andai yelps in the sky, I turn my focus to him and so does everyone else. He lands in front of the steps flapping his enormous wings until he is settled on the stone surface. He coos at me and I hold his snout resting my forehead on him.

Ruler of dragons, you called for me? He says in thought. His voice was a low grumble in my mind.

Good morning Andai. I wanted to see you before I left Emeriss.

He lifts his head from my grasp.
You are leaving without me?

Yes, I will call you to me when I have finished my recruitment of the rebels. But a desert is no place for a dragon. You and I both know that.

His nostrils flare and he lets out a strong breath but not in frustration, in more of a reluctant understanding.

Yes, I do not do well without water or food. There are many dangers in the desert sands Brianna, be weary.

I will Andai, I have my most trusted council with me. They are strong and powerful. I am in good hands. 

He looks up behind me examining everyone.

Hmmm...they are powerful, especially your lover. He would make a great wizard or sage one day.

I look back at Vance attempting to see what  Andai sees.

He is a knight Andai. Not a wizard or sage.

Andai ruffles his scales from his head to tail.
No Brianna, you need to look closer. He has a fire like you, magical circuits that run similar lines. Maybe not as strong as yours, but it is close.

I listen in shock, yes I have noticed his powers increasing. But only thought that was a reflection of my bond with him. As I look closer at Vance I focus on his mana draw, only great Mage's like myself can draw consistently as a second nature. It took a few moments but all of a sudden I begin to see his aura pulsing and his circuits constantly filling with power. Andai was right, he was a powerful mage. Vance seems to notice Andai and I speaking about him as he walks towards us.

"I can tell you are talking about me. All good things I hope?" He asks, keeping his eyes on Andai. He approaches him and reaches a hand up to him, not fearing any bit of my beast.

Brianna, this one fears nothing of me. He would make a good dragon summoner to. It is too bad there are no more stones in this world. Andai replies and lowers his head for a nice scratch from Vance. He growls in pleasure for a scratch in just the right spot.

And that sparked my memory of Cyndra in my book of dragons.

Andai! I almost forgot. There is one more stone!

Andai stops his leg from subconsciously kicking and snaps his head towards me.

What? Tell me more!

It is said there is a stone at Arrows Peak in Lesteros. It is embedded into a glacier there frozen in a prison of is Cyndras stone.
As I say the name Cyndea he stops breathing as if his breath is stuck in his throat. His eyes water, and he looks up into the sky. I search his mind for memories, and certain enough, they were flooded with thoughts of his true love. The one he had, and would give his life for over and over again. His pain seemed to wash through me and tear up at the visions. Andai looks down at me.

If this is true, then I wish to summon her back to me. Brianna Nobile, Queen of the realms, Ruler of Dragons, I ask for your help in bringing her back. Please. His expression was painful to look at.

Of course Andai, I have already decided that. we need you and Cyndra both if we are to win this war, I hope you will both fight with us. But I am not sure I can bear another stone.

He looks over to Vance again who smiles wide at him.

You may not be able to, but he most definitely can.

"What's wrong Bri?" Vance asks, noticing my concern.

"I just told Andai about Cyndra."

His eyes soften.
"Oh...we will summon that dragon." He turns his focus back to Andai and watches him with certainty.

"Andai, you may not know what I am saying, but I promise you we will bring  Cyndra back to this world and back into your life. You deserve that much." And he bows before him. Andai yelps into the sky, letting out a ball of arcane flame then he too bows.

Yes, he will take the stone. Andai states.

I will talk to him about it. I reply.

Very well, call for me when you need. I will be here waiting.

Thank you Andai.

I stand and turn back towards everyone then signal a regroup twirling my finger around in a loop in the air. Everyone gathers in.

"So...what's the plans?" Kit asks.

"I'm going to let Vance and Jed lead this adventure, it would seem they know the most about the desert than all of us." I reply.

Jed clears his throat.
"Alright, I have taken the time to gather up all of the supplies we will need. We have a week's worth for everyone, I know it's overkill but it's good to be prepared. It should be an easy in and out as long as we don't hit a sand storm. It is a two days ride on horseback, I've decided horses are best instead of camels due to their speed. If we run into something like..."

"Scarabs!" Vance pipes up.

"Yes those assholes. Then we can get away quickly." My father replies.

"We will be taking as many weapons as possible with us. Now... the rebels, they are good people, but they want to protect themselves and won't hesitate to cut your head off if you don't comply with them. Although I'm sure I am a legend around there...I may not know every new recruit."

"So let us be careful with our words and be respectful. Not like I have to tell any of you that." I say proudly.

Vance claps his hands together eagerly.
"Let's head out!"

I send a quick goodbye to Andai and we head out to our horses.



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