The Stone

Por IslandNinja

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Darkness rises in the realms as Brianna Nobile, a warrior and farmhand is forced into mage craft by a book b... Más

A Thief in the City
The Book of Shadows
Oh Knight of Slumber
Mana Shock
The Castle
The Queen
What Beauty Can do with a Blade
The Bell Tower
Lady Caren
She Will Be Mine
The Queens Sword Seal
Mages Armor
Target Practice
The Other Side
The truth
The Broken Barrel Inn
An Unexpected Traveler
Accepting Her Fate
Fell of the Fire
I Love You?
The Sea Takes Her
Kit Mercer
Your First Mistake
Your Second Mistake
The element: Water
Corcoran Pirates
Foul Play
Ruler of Dragons
Roan's Pledge
Andai: Possesser of the Stone
The Trident King
Like the Gods
The Gladiators
The Blood Moon
Her new council
A Frozen Army
The demon Mogan
The Holy Summoning
The Second Stone
Allery's Conviction
Into the Desert
Rebellion in Lesteros
The Chasm
The White Fox Illusion
Night terrors
The Desert Rebels
Roan's Last Words
And we wait.
The life tree
Life's Given Task
The Relic

First Flight

66 8 10
Por IslandNinja

"So is it that the knights of Emeriss had captured one of the greatest fighters in the world? Were you not keeping up with training?" I ask with a sly smirk on my face and take a few stabs at my dinner with my fork.

He scowls at me and I burst out laughing. I had always poked fun at him. But he was the one who taught me the art of a sharp tongue in the first place.

"Breezie, it seems that your tongue is still causing too much trouble." He replies.

"That's not all the causes of trouble around here." Vance whispers.

Jedrek laughs.

"After the battle of the Wind Chamber ended, I wasn't able to come home. I'm sorry for that. You see, I was on my way home, when I stumbled across a secret society known as the Mutamarid. They held me captive at first, but using my skills and good looks..."

I roll my eyes.

"I was quickly recruited as their highest ranked trainer. It was then that I found out about Emeriss and King Galen, also Queen Evelyn and everyone else involved in summoning Thanatos. I knew you were safe at the time Breezie, and it was best that I stayed where I was helping them fight against the evil creeping out from the shadows. I believe the rebels you speak of are the same people who recruited me."

"So you can help us persuade them into joining us?" I ask.

"Yes, but they don't belong to a ruler anymore. They won't follow you in that way." My father replies.

"That's fine, as long as they fight under my command there won't be any problems." I say and take a sip of my beer.

"Well, we all are fighting for the same thing." Vance replies, finishing off his plate of food.

It was then Vance and my father began to chat about fighting skills and techniques, then getting into gladiator battles. Now that sparked my interest.

"So after challenging King Galen to battle, which I did win, he used mage craft to subdue me into becoming a slave to the gladiators tournament. I would fight for him and he would keep me alive as long as I made him money and fame. Which of course I did. And who would have thought my daughter would walk in there and take them down in one night. Ironic isn't it?" He chuckles.

"It is, it would seem fate was on our side...and after all this time father you haven't aged a day." I say sarcastically.

"Oh shut up you!" He cackles.

I slam the rest of my beer and stand and kiss my father on the cheek.
"Well I have some business to tend to with a dragon. I will leave you two to get acquainted." I say to Vance and my father. They both look at each other.

"Come find me when you're finished Bri." Vance says. I smile and blow him a kiss.

Vance grins and starts a conversation he knows my father will love. "So what do you know about lances Sir?"

"Well..." Jed begins and they start into a deep conversation about combat and battles and I take my leave.

I walk the halls of angelic flame torches. Listening to the wind whispering through the arched windows.

"And where do you think you're going, shouldn't you be heading to your room for a rest?." A male voice calls behind me. I turn around to see Kit standing arms crossed with his typical handsome smile.

"I have a dragon to make comfortable, care to join me?"

"I'm not sure if I want to be a part of that..." He replies nervously.

"Oh Kit, don't be such a baby! I'll hold your hand the whole way if you like." I stick my tongue out at him.

His eyes squint at me and he grins.
"Well only if you hold my hand." He says.

I take his hand in mine and lead him towards the back outer court where Andai is.

"Does your dragon eat people?" Kit asks.


"Depends on what?"

"If he likes you he won't eat you."

"That's reassuring. Any tricks for making a dragon like you?"

"Umm...I don't think so. Just treat him like you would a king, he is a king you know."

"Yes, I do know that." He says, his nerves still running high.

I stop suddenly, causing him to walk straight into me. He places his hands on my hips.
"Bri, you better watch that body of yours. My hands don't always listen to me."

I gasp at him, shocked by his flirtatious comment, I feel his hot breath on my neck as he speaks, sending shivers down my spine.
"I'm sorry Kit, I just wanted to let you know not to stand where he can't see you."
He spins me around to face him. Resting his hands gently on my shoulders. He was much taller than me with a titans build and hazel eyes that seem to glow in the mage's fire as he looks into my eyes. What is this feeling?.....

"I should tell you...Never in my years of knowing Vance has a woman ever come between us. But you have me wanting to kick him to the curb and steal you away."

Listening to his words makes my heart pound and my breath short. He has never been so bold before, and he's I have seen him glancing at me more often then he should, even to the point of catching him staring at my body on occasion. But he has never put words to those stares. As for myself, there has been times on rare occasions where my eyes wander over his own attractive features for far too long. I have even had the urge to flirt with him and see how far it could go, although I have never acted on it for the sake of Vance and my respect for him. Still, thought of Kit before and what he would feel like, but it was only for mere seconds and always backed with guilt for even thinking such things. However in this moment I feel no guilt, only the subtle tingle of pleasure I get when he gets closer. This is...strange....

Kit was the kind of man every woman would want. Handsome, genuine and honest. He was loyal to the ones he loved, and had a way of making a woman feel safe and attractive. He was practical and didn't care for luxuries like most knights do. He was exactly like Vance, even his sharp tongue but without all the superficial glory. I wished things were slightly different sometimes. I guess...after Vance confessed his intentions for me I lost part of my heart for Vance to that lie, is it the only reason for my wavering feelings that I could come up with right now. But did Kit know about the lie too?

"I...have to ask you something...Did you know what Vance's intentions were for me when you left Ashura?" I ask.

His lustful gaze fades into confusion.
"What intentions are those?"

"To take me, pledge with me, and bring the stone to Seraphis. Even if he had to use force." Tears swell in my eyes as I remember Vance's exact words. That feeling of being used is so hard to break, it hurts just the same as when the truth was revealed.

He sighs and lowers his arms to his sides then looks away.
"Yeah I knew, but it wasn't my place to say anything."

"Would you have done the same?" I ask." Fearing the worst.

"I'm not sure, meeting a woman like you would change my entire life almost instantly. It has already. Vance feels the same I assure you."

"Yet he still thinks his father is king and rules over me." I reply and turn away from him.

"'re asking a man to overthrow his own blood. You can't expect that to come easily. Put yourself in his shoes."

"I have, and you're right I would have a hard time with it too, but I wouldn't lie about it to someone I claim to love." I begin to take a step away from Kit and he takes my arm firmly in his grasp. I stare daggers at him waiting for some stupid response about how I need to trust Vance.

"Look, Vance has made some big mistakes with you already and almost taking you into bed with him before even telling you his intentions was...fucking stupid. I don't expect you to trust him after that, not completely, but if you are having second thoughts about him you need to let him know before this goes too far and you can't turn back. Holding it from him is just as bad." He lets me go and I stagger back a few steps.

I'm left standing there feeling like a complete ingrate. The worst part of his response was that he was actually right. I am lying to Vance, I do have second thoughts more often than I should...Why does this have to be so hard.

"Kit... you're absolutely... right." I  choke over my words, my thoughts are a storm of confusion and a daunting fear that the decisions I'm making are going to destroy every part of me in the end. Tears drip down my cheeks, I cover my face with my hands hiding my shame.

"How am I supposed to lead this world to victory when I can't trust the people I love the most? This isn't the first time I was deceived, you know."

Kit embraces me in his strong arms.
"Please don't cry, I can't bear to see it." He whispers as he lifts my chin to wipe my tears away.

"I shouldn't have left my home with Roan.." I whisper to myself mostly.

"Roan?... As in Roan Virmire?"

"Yes, he had the exact same intentions, only he wasn't going to bow to me. So I have two knights, who would not love me unless I pledge to them, and when I agree to it, they betray my trust the exact same way. Both with plans that didn't involve my heart." I rest my head against his chest, feeling his touch, taking his musky scent in.

"Fuck sake." He whispers.

"I don't know if what I am doing is right. If I leave Vance, then I will have another army to face. Dragon or not, I won't win both battles. So I do what is asked of me, what everyone wants me to do. If I don't, then we all die." I clutch onto his tunic burying my face into it. There is a long pause between us before Kit speaks up.

"You shouldn't have to do this. Especially not alone." He strokes my hair. "Just know this, I will never betray you, and when I call you my queen that is what you are, there is no one else who I serve."

I release him and pull away for some air.
"What about Vance?"

"I....he is my best man...but things are changing quickly. I will do what I need to, to protect you and the world, even if that means sacrificing our brotherhood."

I stare at him, completely enamored but his loyalty. And we share a similar understanding of both our paths in this fucked up world.

"If you were me...What would you do?"

"Honestly Bri? I would do exactly what you're doing. As unfair as it is, your new life is not yours anymore, it belongs to the world now. We are all depending on you. But the minute it's yours again I want to be a part of it."

"When this is all done...." He stops me there.

"Let's not talk about that right now. It is way too far ahead. One day at a time."

I nod holding myself wishing things were easier.
"Alright my queen." He says and bows." Let's go meet that dragon of yours."


We walk out into the open court lit by the full moon. It spills across the perfectly manicured grass and polished statues. Some have been destroyed by Andai, not purposely, he is just... that big. He has also taken a liking to eating roses, as he says the petals feel soft in his mouth and has devoured every rose in the courtyard.

"How are you holding up Andai?" I ask walking towards him, Kit following closely behind. With thundering steps Andai turns around, and we duck dodging his thick spiked tail.

His spined head sways in our direction and his purple eyes meet ours. He smiles, if you do not know Andai's smile, you would think he was snarling at you. But I can tell the difference, although Kit... he just seems terrified.

"Is he angry ?" He whispers to me.

I laugh." No, he is smiling. Andai is happy."

Andai coos at me and lets out a whelp. But he cannot speak in this realm, only through the dragon heart inside me. He sends me a thought.

Brianna, I have done nothing but eat since I arrived here. I have a full belly, see?

He rises up on his hind legs as tall as the bell tower in Lesteros. I laugh.

I see that! You are putting on some weight, keep eating like this and you'll end up a land dragon.

Andai laughs boisterously, whaling his head back, it's sound vibrating through our chests. Kit wraps a hand around my waist and pulls me back.

"What is he doing?" He whispers.

"He is laughing, I told him he will get fat if he keeps eating like this."

"You did what? Are you trying to get us killed?"

"Kit I assure you everything is fine. Come with me." I say taking his hand and I lead him towards Andai.

"Bri...I-I don't know about this." He stutters.

Andai lowers his head close to the ground to get a good look at us. Well mostly Kit. He sends me a thought.

Who is this? I smell fear for me, love for you, and wisdom...ahh yes wisdom...he is wise, this one. Bring him closer.

I walk Kit right up to Andai's nose, he looks down at him cross eyed then begins to sniff him and snort.

"What is he doing, Bri?" He yells and jumps as Andai breaths hot air at him.

I laugh at Kit with my hands on my knees. I have never seen him frightened before, and it is adorable.

Ok, ok Andai. Stop tormenting the poor man. I swear he is going to have a heart attack.

Andai grins again.
Oh, you're no fun.

I walk to the side of Andai, taking Kit with me.

"I don't like that at all!" He stammers.

It was then Revish joined us, with a flap of his black wings he transforms into his human form. We both turn towards him.

"Are you two going for a midnight ride?" He asks, arms crossed with a devious smile on his face.

Yes hop on my back my queen, I will show you the world from my view. Andai says in thought.

This sparks my excitement, the thought of soaring through the sky on a dragon's back..well there is nothing in the world like that.

"There is nothing like it Brianna! I won't tell a soul." Revish says.

"Kit?" Kit glares at me. "I know what you're thinking, and I am definitely not going. I like the ground where it is...under my feet!"

"I'm sorry Kit, buuut you're coming." I beam at him. "Queen's orders!"

"Fuck sake." He whines.

Andai, will you take both of us? I ask.

Yes, I like this one, he is amusing when he is frightened.

And Andai places his front limb on the ground ahead of us and lowers his shoulder down. Black arcane crystals jut out of his arm making step-like grooves for us to easily maneuver up. I skip over to him and climb up to his back side. I straddle his thick neck in a kneeling position, and the crystals from my dress combine with Andais scales, forming a sort of saddle, locking me in place. I look down at Kit who is measuring out the possibilities of what could happen to him if he proceeds.

"Kit!" I yell down to him.

"Alright, alright! I'm coming!" He yells back.

Revish laughs and transforms back into raven form and Kit reluctantly climbs up behind me and sits down. I can feel his body weight shift from either side as he tries to determine how high up we are.

Andai moves, lifting his shoulder up, and Kit wraps his arms around me tight. Maybe a little too tight. I turn my head towards him.

"Kit, you're going to be fine. I won't let anything happen."

Before he can say anything else Andai begins to open his wings, flapping them in slow long motions. It was only a few beats before we started to leave the ground, I can feel Kit's heart racing as he presses against my back, wrapping his arms around my waist once again. As we ascend into the sky Andai lets out a welp, then the fall begins. He arches his back, turns his head downwards, and holds his wings out straight. As we fall I can feel the wind pick up and we begin to glide down.

"Is he going to pull up?" Kit asks as we gain speed careening towards the courtyard.

"Bri?...BRI??" Kit yells. And just before we hit Andai lifts his shoulders, the wind rushes under his wings and we are forced upwards into the sky at epic speed. With Kit's face pressed into the crook of my neck.


We soar through the starlit sky, the full moon at our backs and the pale blue landscape below us. We have flown over the ocean and back again, now headed towards Emeriss. We are flying at a slower pace now, so I decide to detach myself and stretch out my legs, although I'm not quite sure how to do that.

Andai, how do I use the arcane crystals? And what are they? I can change my clothing but beyond that I'm kind of stuck here.

He chuckles.
The crystals are made up of the very essence of magic. The purest form, combining the three types, divine, psionic, and primal powers. These crystals are what is formed when you put them all together. His scales spike and scatter across his neck. Arcane power is the source of our heart and what keeps us alive. But it does not come from this world, it comes from the celestial world I was held in. It takes a strong mage, one who can harness the power of a god to control it. As for controlling them, all it takes is focus, picture what you want done and the crystals will react with your magical circuits and do as you wish.

Just focus on what I want? I focus on the crystals picturing my release from their grasp, and sure enough with a purple glow the crystals start to fold away. They click and clack together as they disappear back into Andais scales. With my legs free I can now stand and stretch them. I carefully remove Kit's hands which are clinging to my waist and tuck my feet underneath myself then flip around facing Kit. There is a few inches between us, which he is very aware of and those glances at my body begin.

I lean back onto my elbows supporting myself to get more comfortable letting him indulge in his wants. The moonlight glistens on my skin leaving nothing to shadow and he watches me unable to move. There is so much desire in his eyes it sets my emotions on fire. I am burning for him but I need some restraint, as much as I would like to feel all of him, now is not the time... I can sense his heart beat, his shortness of breath and his urge to make love to me. There was something in the air tonight, a feeling of euphoria, it was entangling itself in my thoughts making me give into my desires far more than I should be. What is this feeling?....

"You are too beautiful." He says breaking the silence which makes my stomach flutter. "It's painful really. I swear there are times I find myself studying your eyes for so long I forget what I am doing." He confesses.

I laugh shyly.
"There are times I do the same for you."

He smiles at me sincerely.
"I feel as if I'm I am stuck in a daze with you...." He draws his fingers down my shoulders to the base of my hips and scoots closer.

"You're nothing like them..." I reply. He really wasn't.

"Like who?"

"Roan...or Vance. They are demanding and have a constant need for me. Which they seemed to voice too often."

"Well, I wouldn't say I need you, it is more of a want. I've thought about you constantly from the moment you knocked me on my ass. I mean you're the most beautiful woman I've ever seen, but that is not what attracted me to you."

"What was it?"

"I think it was that tongue of yours, and your strength. I have never seen a woman like you before. Most women are dependent on men, but don't seem to need anyone."

"Well I've been on my own for a longtime. I've raised cattle and fed myself for years. My father and I lived on a farm and when he left it was up to me to take care of things."

" are a farmhand? The strongest mage in the world, heir to the throne of Lesteros raised cattle?" He laughs.

I scowl at him with a smile.
"Yes, I know how to keep a good homestead and I can build one too."

He gives me that handsome smile again.
"Looks like we have more in common than I thought. I grew up on one of the largest farms in Unoilla."

"How did you get to where you are now?" I ask, fiddling with the front panel of my dress.

"I was forced into it, my father was determined to train me for battle, he wanted to see me "make something of myself" as he called it."

"So you were forced into battle too..."
I say mostly to myself.
"Yeah.." He replies quietly.

"It's unfortunate we are so good at it too. Or we would probably still be wrangling cattle and cutting fields."

He laughs and begins to draw his eyes down the front of my body again, then sadness fills them. He glances over the side of Andai noticing the lights of the city outskirts below. We are nearing the palace.

"Look Bri, I don't expect us to do this again. I'm just thankful I got even one minute with you, I want you to carry on with what you need to do. Even if it is hard for me to see..ok?." He looks up at me and gently caresses my cheek.

I swallow and close my eyes picturing all of the responsibilities I have and all of the people who need me. This isn't fair. Strong hands run through my hair down to my neck, and he lifts my chin staring at my lips and brushes them with his thumbs. My breath quickens as he closes in, bringing his lips to mine. The back of my mind whispers for me to stop this, but for some reason my desires take over and I give into him. I press my lips against his, earning a muffled moan from his own. His mouth fits perfectly on mine then sadly it is cut short and Kit pulls away.

"I will never leave your side for anything, no matter what happens or what you do...or have to do, I will be with you and protect you the best I can." He says.

As hard as this was to hear, I was thankful he didn't put any limitations on me. I still have an army to lead, and things to get done.

"Thank you." I whisper to him.

We are here, my queen. Get ready for the landing.

"It's time Kit." I say and pull away from him, he stops me for one more desperate kiss before letting me go and I turn myself around as the crystals form over me locking my legs in place and Andai begins his descent.

We land easily and hop off Andai. I snap my fingers and summon my crystal armor. Kit seems intrigued with that, making comments about how easy it is to get me undressed and we walk towards the palace doors. Revish appears ahead of us. He stands by the door with a worried look on his face.

"My queen." He bows. "Vance needs to speak with you right away. It is urgent."

Kit and I look at each other and hurry into the palace following Revish. He leads us up into the conservatory and we grab Gogo along the way, who was walking the halls.

"And where have you two been? I was looking for you, Kit." She says suspiciously.

"I was helping Brianna make her dragon comfortable." He replies. She smiles and gives him a mmhmm before brushing it off.


Brianna, Kit, Revish, and Gogo enter the room.

"What's going on?" Brianna asks.

I wave my hand for everyone to take a seat at the table. Although Kit leans up against a bookshelf to the side behind Brianna.

"A dove came, one of Dione's, with a script." He clears his throat. "It says... Seraphis is sick, after an attempt at astral projection he became paralyzed. It would seem Thanatos had reached his spirit while it was out of body."

Everyone gasps and fidgets uncomfortably. Brianna's eyes flare with rage and she stands.
"I'm sorry Vance, what is astral projection?"

"Well, it is a way to travel out of the body using the borderlines between life and death, also known as the spirit realm. He was trying to reach me to warn me about King Galen. I need to go to him, Dione is requesting my presents there to help."

Brianna stares at me and places her hands on the table.
"Alright, Andai will take you there. I will ask him right now." She closes her eyes for a minute then opens them. "He says that is not a problem, and he can fly you there within a day."

"Good we will leave right away." I stand and take a step towards the door and she stops me.

"We?" She asks.

I look at her.
"Yes, you and me, we don't have much time Brianna."

"I'm not going with you Vance." She says coldly and my heart sinks. I knew she would say that, although a part of me hoped she wouldn't.

"I have a rebel army to recruit and only after that will I leave Emeriss."

With that look on her face and tone, I can tell there is no use in arguing.
"Ok, I will take Kit with me...Kit?" I look at him, but he doesn't move.

He shakes his head.

"Kit! Let's go!" I demand.

"Vance, I have pledged my life to Brianna, my queen, I no longer serve you. I will stay by her side as her personal guard for the rest of my life."

A wave of shock and disbelief washes over me. I can feel the anger about to explode inside me.
"What are you talking about?" I stammer and he doesn't move, only keeping a steady eye on me.

"After six years of service Kit!?"

"Things change Vance, I do recall you making the same pledge to your "soon to be wife", I suggest you take this time away to remember who you serve and what your purpose is." He replies.

I look over to Brianna, who is just as shocked as me. She swallows nervously and looks away.

"Kit, can I talk to you in private?" I ask through gritting teeth, barely holding back my anger.

"No." He says coldly.

"WHAT THE FUCK..." I begin to shout and Brianna interrupts.

She lets out some power and the table splits into two. Everyone jumps and freezes in place.

"That is enough! Vance you are out of line here, I know you are worried for your father and aren't thinking properly so I will let your behavior go...Kit is absolutely right. He stays with me always. You will take Gogo, she is highly skilled in stealth and long range weaponry, she will help you protect you and your family until we can get there. I would also recommend knighting her while you are there and having her pledge with one of Ashura's mages. Like I said before I will show up on your doorstep with a dragon and army behind me.."

Something isn't right here with any of us.... I think to myself. I stand there staring at her, not moving watching her expression and my anger fade into heart ache. And a realization enters my mind, I am losing her.

"Everyone leave the room, except for Vance." She commands. They all nearly leap out of their seats and rush towards the door beside me. Kit glaring at me along the way.

Once the room is empty I begin to tear into her. For some reason I couldn't control my emotions any longer.

"How dare you take MY men away from me! They have been with ME for years, loyal to ME! YOU have changed and not for the better, your new power is getting to your head!" I slam a fist against the wall smashing the stone.

And I expected her to shout back at me, to let HER anger out on me, to rip me apart. My anger begged for it. But the only thing that comes from her is a small whimper and an endless stream of tears. She sits down barely holding herself up and says nothing, only weeps into her hands. Immediately my anger vanishes, I am only left with guilt, pain, and shame.

"Shit." I say cursing myself.

She sniffles and takes a breath in. I approach her and she stops me.

"Vance...don't...I don't want to be touched right now." She sits up and sweeps her hair out of her face to one side. "Can I ask you something?"

I kneel down before her, fighting the urge not to hold her.

"Do you still have the same intentions for me as before? Before you met me, before you pledged your allegiance to me?"

"No, honestly and truly I don't. But I am having a hard time not being the one in charge. I am having a hard time with losing everything I have worked for. I'm sorry for that."

She stares at the crystals on the back of her hands.
"I think it is best that you go to see your father as soon as possible. Heal him, make him better. This time away from each other is probably a good thing right now. We both have some thinking to do."

I close my eyes as the pain rises into my throat.
"I'm sorry Brianna, please forgive me." I plead.

"There is nothing to forgive, I understand what you are going through. But do you understand me? Do you understand what is at stake here? This isn't about you or me, this is about the entire world. My life does not belong to me or you, it belongs to every innocent life out there. You need to accept that and start making decisions based on that." As she finishes her last words she stands and places her hands on my shoulders.

"We are all in this together, whether we like it or not. So pick a side Vance, there are only two." She kisses my cheek, says I love you and walks out of the room leaving me in pieces, still kneeling unable to move wondering what the hell has gotten into me.


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