The Stone

By IslandNinja

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Darkness rises in the realms as Brianna Nobile, a warrior and farmhand is forced into mage craft by a book b... More

A Thief in the City
The Book of Shadows
Oh Knight of Slumber
Mana Shock
The Castle
The Queen
What Beauty Can do with a Blade
The Bell Tower
Lady Caren
She Will Be Mine
The Queens Sword Seal
Mages Armor
Target Practice
The Other Side
The truth
The Broken Barrel Inn
An Unexpected Traveler
Accepting Her Fate
Fell of the Fire
I Love You?
The Sea Takes Her
Kit Mercer
Your First Mistake
Your Second Mistake
The element: Water
Corcoran Pirates
Foul Play
Ruler of Dragons
Roan's Pledge
Andai: Possesser of the Stone
The Trident King
Like the Gods
The Gladiators
The Blood Moon
A Frozen Army
First Flight
The demon Mogan
The Holy Summoning
The Second Stone
Allery's Conviction
Into the Desert
Rebellion in Lesteros
The Chasm
The White Fox Illusion
Night terrors
The Desert Rebels
Roan's Last Words
And we wait.
The life tree
Life's Given Task
The Relic

Her new council

74 8 4
By IslandNinja

I run my hand along the smooth white stone surface. It's pores grazing the tips of my fingers as I guide them over the curved arches of it's armrest. This is mine now, a symbol of my monarchy. I turn and gently place myself in it's seat, feeling the cool sleek rock underneath me. I grip the edge of the arms and lean back gazing upon my newly conquered kingdom.

Emeriss, the Emerald City with its aqua blue shore lines, tropical heats and salt licked deserts. This palace is the first of six I will command. As my visions become a reality, I look to my council who has now gathered in front of me discussing what to do with my dragon and my ruling.

"What the hell do dragons even eat? Where will it sleep?" Kit asks.

"People, animals, and other things. I'm not entirely sure, it can sleep outside...I guess.. I don't know." Vance answers.

"What do we do with the realm now?" My father asks.

Revish has joined us, perched beside me on the top of my throne in raven form. He whispers to me.

"Andai will do as he pleases, don't worry about him. But you, I think you should get some rest my queen, we can talk about the rebels when you wake."

"Andai may do what he needs to do. And you're right though, it has been a long night." I reply with a yawn.

"You will need to speak to Andai. But rest first. Ruling a realm is not easy." He replies.

After King Galen and Ryker were slain, a good portion of civilians scattered out of the arena in fear. There was no stopping them, and all who were left behind were forced to bow to me. Which they did without any resistance. But this isn't the way I wanted it to be. Kneeling before me in fear is not what ruling is about. I need to earn their trust, earn their hearts. They should follow me because they love me, or betrayal will come too easy and all of this will be for nothing. But how am I supposed to do that now?

"We need to get to Ashura as soon as possible!" Vance says. "My father will need to assign someone for the throne and..."

I stare at Vance as he speaks, he still thinks his father is a king, I wonder what his plans are for me and what he truly wants. Anger is rising inside me, how could he speak such things?, I didn't come this far to be overthrown. His place is by MY side not the other way around!

"Stop right there Vance! Your father will not be assigning anyone to this throne! He will do as I tell him or he will be ruling his realm from the pit of a dragon's stomach!" I snap. He turns to look at me as the color fades from his cheeks and I immediately regret my tone and words . What has gotten into me?

Everyone pauses and stares at me. Even though I regret my words, I cannot change them and backing down now will show a weakness I am not willing to unveil. Seraphis is no longer a king and he must prove his worth to me. If he can, I may let him rule once again but only under my decree.

"Bri, I-I didn't mean it like're right this is your kingdom now. But my father knows how to rule and he can guide you. Let him help you." He replies and kneels before me, taking my hand in his.

"Vance, your father WILL bow to me, he can guide me all he wants, but in the end he belongs to me." I lean forward making him look into my eyes. "and so does Ashura."

He winces and swallows nervously, evading my glare as he lowers his eyes to the hand he holds.
"I know." He replies, but he is avoiding eye contact, something he seems to do when he is unsure or hiding something.

I remove my hand from his and stand. He looks up at me as if I had insulted him somehow and I draw my eyes to the rest of my awkwardly silent council, as they dodge my stare.

"I need rest, I have a lot to do before we leave for the rebel camp, I will see you all this evening in the Queens Corridor."  I step down from my throne and make my way to the door.

"The rebel camp? Bri, we need to go to Ashura!" Vance protests.

I stop, halfway to the door, clenching my fists. The last thing I need right now is an argument. Summoning a dragon has taken its toll one me and I'm finding myself short of patience.

"Vance, I am in no mood to be arguing with you right now, the rebels have an entire army of trained soldiers, one thousand strong. I will not let an army that large pass us by. When I show up on your father's step it will be with a dragon and an army behind me!" I stare back at them with an unchallenged expression.
"Revish, can you please see to the matters at hand while I sleep?." I snap.

Revish transforms into his human appearance with a concerned written expression.
"Yes my queen." He replies and bows.

"Thank you." I say and storm out of the room. I make sure to slam the iron door behind me, as a warning not to follow. But low and behold who comes down the hallway after me.

"What do you need, Vance?" I ask keeping my pace.

"What do I need?" He asks in disbelief and then silence. I walk further down the hall before noticing he is no longer beside me. I turn back to see him leaned over a windowsill looking out over the ocean.


No response. Not even a glance at me.

I walk over to him.
"Vance?." I am right beside him now, trying to catch his eyes. But nothing. My heart begins to race, as I feel I have hurt him more than I should have. I place a hand on his arm.

"I wish I didn't bring you here." He says quietly.

My heart is beating painfully out of my chest now. Those words hurt me more than being burned alive by King Galen.
"What? Why would you say that?" I ask as tears form in my eyes.

"I wish that I just left you on that black horse... in the middle of that field, you... would have been better off... without me." His hands begin to shake as I watch him struggle over his words.

"Vance, don't say that!"

"It's true! I watched you die!. It's a goddamn miracle you're even standing in front of me!"

I pull his arm and make him face me.
"Don't ever say that! How could you?"

He looks at me with heartache and distance in his eyes.
"You deserve better than this. You deserve a life of freedom, of simplicity, a life worth living...all of this is changing you and it kills me to watch your light fade away."

What is he going on about? This is what I was meant for, I am the only one who can save our realms from the hands of evil. This is my place now, my life before this ended when I got on that horse with Roan, I knew it, I have accepted it. It has nothing to do with him. I lean against his chest thinking of my small farm that me and my father had worked so hard on. The valley it was situated in always held the most beautiful sunsets that glistened off the river and golden fields. I miss my home. But I do admit, it was the most lonely time of my life and now I have exactly what I need standing in front of me.

A handsome man, who is madly in love with me, who I love just as much. I take my hands and run them along his chest feeling his warmth, I bring them up to his neck and look into his eyes.

"If it weren't for you, who knows where I would have ended up. I was alone, and on the run when I met you. If anything Vance, you saved me and you've brought more happiness into my life than anyone else ever has."

I run my thumb over his soft lips, looking into his desert eyes. Every feature he had was captivating, having me submitting to him with just a glance. I am under his spell it would seem. I kiss him tenderly and he pulls me in close, wrapping his muscular arms around me. I let his scent linger with me, he smells of brute strength with a faint musk.

I pull away from him.
"Come lay with me." I say, taking his hand I guide him down the hall to my room.

I open the doors to my room, which is still covered in flowers from floor to ceiling. As we enter the room Vance shuts the door behind us and I dematerialize my armor. The black arcane crystals click against each other as they fold away, disappearing into dust until I am wearing nothing. Vance watches me as I tiptoe into bed and pull the sheer covers over top of me.

"Are you coming in?" I ask.

"Uh..Yeah..your armor is...something else." He replies.

"Yeah, it is. Now get in here!" I say reaching my arms out to him. He takes his armor and clothes off down to his pants and tucks in beside me. We face each other and he runs his hand through my hair and I feel my eyes become heavy as my body relaxes under his gentle touch. But before I slip into my dreams I need to get some answers from him.

"I need you to be strong Vance and be faithful to me. If you are to rule with me, you must be on my side."

His expression turns from love into shock, as his eyes search mine.

"Rule with you? Like as a King of all the realms?" He gasps.

"Yes of course! I recall you telling me last night you are going to marry me. Or was that just talk?" I laugh.

"Well, I just..I haven't thought farther than that yet." He says and takes his eyes off me. I watch him thinking as he plays with a strand of my hair.

"You're hiding something...what's wrong? Are you having second thoughts?"

"What? No! It's not that, believe me! ...My father is a good man...but he rules Ashura and has for many years. He won't give it up for anything."

"Well he has no choice. But I'm sure we can come to an agreement. It is not Ashura I want, it is Lesterose. I am going to need rulers in all realms, but they will have to be under my command. What I would like to see is the people of each realm choosing their leader themselves and any problems that arise after that, I will step in. The people have the right to choose their own leaders."

"It's not that easy Brianna."

"I know, but we will deal with things as they come. Right now I need sleep, my head aches from the summoning and loss of blood." I reply, closing my eyes.

"Ok love." He whispers and kisses my forehead. I fall asleep to him running his fingers along my shoulders and back.


I wake up to the sound of a dragon's roar. It is not the most pleasant sound to wake up to and it had me rolling out of bed onto the floor grasping frantically for my lance. I quickly realized I was safe in my love's keep, with her still fast asleep. I lower my lance and let out a long sigh of relief.

Still half clad, I walk over to the window to see what all the commotion was about. It would seem Andai is pleased with the "gifts" the terrified people of Emeriss are showering him with. Animals of all sorts are being placed in front of his jowls, as civilians repeatedly bow and scurry away. Andai devours them whole and rumbles with laughter every time a new sacrifice is placed in front of him. But Emeriss is in no shape to be caring for a dragon. It seems his stomach is an endless pit, at this rate, we would run out of food in just a few weeks. I am still not sure about having a dragon in our arsenal. An animal that large can be difficult to control. I just hope Brianna can keep him under HER wing so to say.

A soft moan sounds behind me.

"Mmm, Vance?" Brianna whispers in a slumberous voice. I look back to her, running my eyes along the smooth curves of her hips. The sheets have slipped down just below her hip bone, letting me gaze upon all of her beauty. I still wonder how a woman like her could ever have such interest in me. Sure I am a knight,a prince, heir to the throne of Ashura and extremely wealthy. But Brianna is far beyond me.

She sits up sweeping her thick silky hair to one side as she smiles at me and bites her lip. I swear I will never let her go, not for anything.

"Good..."evening" my lady." I reply making my way over to her. She sits up on her knees pushing her hands into her lap making a point to push her full breasts out. Her teasing is really starting to get to me. Seven more days. I tell myself. I keep repeating the plan in my head. How I will purpose, how I will make love to her. Some things are worth the wait ten times over...although she isn't making it easy.

"Time to bark more orders at my council is it?" She says sarcastically. I chuckle to myself.

"Yes, but isn't that your favorite part?" I smile slyly. She raises herself up to my level running her hands down my front.

"Only if they listen." She replies with an equally sly smile. "Seems like I have trouble with that."

"Not as much as I do."

"True! You don't listen very well either." She replies sticking her tongue out at me.

This is agonizing, having a woman this attractive sitting in front of me naked, is torture...pure torture. I need to leave the room before I make some new plans. I lean in for a kiss then whisper.

"Time to go princess."

Her eyes squint at me and she gasps.

"Princess? That would be queen, Vance Cyr!"

"Ohhhh right, my mistake." I reply, sticking my tongue out at her.

She bursts out laughing, something I haven't heard in days and it warms my heart.
"Alright. I guess clothing would mandatory for this meeting." she says and slips off the bed beside me. With the snap of her fingers her body becomes covered in crystal armor once more.

"You wear armor to council meetings? Are you planning on sparring on the table?"

She rolls her eyes at me and with another flick of her fingers her armor transforms into a black crystal dress that is utterly revealing. I run a hand through my hair.

"Ummm, that is going to make this meeting very hard for me."

She sighs annoyed with me.
"Fine!" she snaps her fingers once more and the crystals click together covering her chest up to her neck. Wish I could dress that quickly.

"How do you do that anyways?" I ask.

"I haven't the slightest idea. I think it, and the crystals do it. This is all new to me." She replies."Now get dressed "Princess", our council awaits!" She bows formally and heads out the door but not before slapping me on the ass.

"Hey! That's my thing!" I laugh and shake my head. Such a smart mouthed temptress she is.

I quickly put my clothes on and follow her out the door. We make our way down the long white hallways now lit with stone pots of magecraft fire. They have a soft blue glow to them creating an angelic like ambiance to the palace. Brianna seems intrigued by them as she stops at nearly everyone on the way, examining it's swirling flames.

"You like them?" I ask. Watching her stare up at one.

"Yes! Some have arcane energy in them. They warm me, I can feel their power inside me." She says waving a hand through them . Which seems odd to me, considering she is not the one who had cast them.

"I'm surprised you can differentiate the magic within them. The mages here light them, depending on the mage will depend on the aura and color. This one is my favorite as well."

She beams at me like a child who is seeing something for the first time. Maybe her light isn't fading like I thought.

"We have them in Ashura too, but bigger...much bigger." Kit says walking briskly down the hall towards us. "Everyone is waiting, my queen."

"We're coming, is my father there?" Brianna replies.

"Yes, after the meeting I think you two should take some time to talk." Kit looks at me for approval. I nod.

"Thank you, it has been a long time." Bri says.

"Yes, he is eager to see you." Kit replies.

We court our queen through the eastern conservatory, which Brianna had to examine thoroughly. Then to the Queens Corridor. We open the door to a long table with ten seats, four on either side and one at each end. I know exactly where my seat is, the other end of where Brianna sits. She holds the largest chair in the group, the first chair as you walk into the room.

As she approaches the table everyone stands. Some of Galen's council glare at her and then at me. But as I grip my lance, raising it over my shoulder their expressions change as quickly as they started. I walk by them keeping an eye on their behavior before I take my seat at the other end of the table with Gogo to my right.

Kit takes his seat to the left of Brianna and across from him is Jedrek. Everyone sits back down and waits for Brianna to make her move. But she just stands there looking at everyone. Seems strange. Her eyes skip from each council member to the other.

"Where is Revish?!" She asks, a flash of fear sets in her eyes and jealousy sets in mine.

"He has some business to attend to with Andai. It would seem your dragon has become the center of attention in the city." Replies one of the council members. His name is Allery he is the treasurer here in Emeriss.

"Oh, well I guess that is something we should discuss." Brianna says finally taking her seat.

"Yes among other things." He rolls his eyes exchanging disapproving looks to his fellow council members. This is going to be an intense meeting.

Brianna sits and looks around analyzing the testosterone that has filled the room. Everyone is silently waiting for her to begin.
"Please child, can we get things moving. This is the last place any of us want to be." Says Harold, the knight in command of the white army. He is sitting beside Allery snickering to himself. Harold has always been a smart mouthed, cold, and challenging man. Well doesn't that just tip the barrel. Brianna stares at him as if he was pure evil and tension builds in the room as we wait for her response.

"What is your name?" She asks calmly.

"Harold." He replies smuggly.

"I asked your full name, knight." She says in a low voice, leaning forward. She places her elbows politely on the table and waits patiently for him to answer.

But he doesn't; he only brushes her off.
"You think we would follow a Queen? This is a realm for kings."

"Oh, I'm queen now? I thought I was just a child." She retorts.

"Well miss, I was mistaken. From the size of your firm breasts I would say you are in your twenties." And a wolf-like grin forms on his face. This sets my jealousy ablaze.

"Harold! Watch your mouth!" I shout.

But he only laughs and Brianna ignores me.
"It seems we are lacking some respect here." She looks at Allery. "How can we fix this?"

"Well, you could leave Emeriss and never come back." Harold replies.

"And who would sit on that white throne? You...a knight? " She points her finger at his chest. "Or you..a man that wears no armor." She points at Allery whose face is flushed with embarrassment. He scowls at Bri.

"Ruling a realm as big as this is not a job for someone as "inexperienced" as you." Harold snaps.

"Isn't that why you are counsel me? It seems your mind is clouded. Your eyes- "She pauses a moment to examine them."- they are tainted with the evil Galen has forced inside you. Let me take that from you."

She glares at Harold and Allery.
"Cleansing spell." She lifts her hand and her book appears and everyone shifts uncomfortably in their seats.

The book tears open and everyone jumps as the pages sort rapidly. It stops near the center and she begins to chant her incantation.

"Smoke of air and Fire of Earth,
Cleanse these men this home this hearth,
Drive away evil, set them free,
So mote it be."

Brianna snaps her book shut, and the air in the room picks up. An aura glows from her hand, and anything tainted in the room begins to seep a black thick liquid. The men begin to cry out in pain and as they scream, the black liquid begins to gather on the floor behind Brianna. A low gurgling rumble and cynical laugh erupts from it. The black liquid folds upon itself forming the bust of a demon. No, not just any demon. It was Thanatos himself.

Everyone except the infected jump to their feet and draw their weapons. Brianna slowly slips off her chair and moves towards the king demon.

I rush to her side and push my way in front of her, shielding her from any attacks he has planned. But he only speaks, through gurgling liquid, a deep voice that echoes through the room.

"Brianna Nobile, a pleasure it is." He says smiling through long sharp teeth. His face is distorted by the black curse, but you can distinctly see features of rotting flesh and sunken skin. He wears a half knights helmet made of black iron and bone, covering the top portion of his face. The only color seen in the phantom mass are burning red eyes with no pupils, that are centered between the slits of his helmet.

"I can't say the same for you, Thanatos." Brianna replies, stepping forward beside me. I hold out my arm pushing her back. She looks at me and I shake my head advising her not to go any further. She acknowledges my concern and does not move.

"You don't belong here, Thanatos! Leave this realm, it is ours now!" I demand and slam the butt end of my lance into the wood floor, cracking it slightly. The king demon looks down at the floor and back up at me.

"You've grown stronger Vance Cyr, it would seem your gift is coming to light. But can you control it?." He grins once again as a snake-like tongue flicks out of his mouth.

What gift is he talking about? I do feel much stronger than before, but that power came to me as Brianna entered my life. I draw from her.

"I don't know what you speak of. Keep your poisonous thoughts to yourself and leave this realm!"

He laughs, and turns his attention to Brianna once again.
"You have defeated my disciples, King Galen and Ryker. That is impressive. But remember who else I have under my command. I have thunder, I have lightning, I have what owns part of your heart. Will you be able to destroy something you love?"

"The only thing that owns my heart is Vance and my dragon. Keep your thunder and lightning, when the battle begins, I will come with an unbreakable army and you will fall, so will Roan and the queen." As she says her last words, her buster sword crystallizes in one hand and she lets out a shot of arcane magic. It slams into the liquid illusion and Thanatos explodes into black dust, dissipating into the air. The infected men fall back on their chairs in a sleep-like state.

I look at Brianna, her fist is clenched so tightly around her sword her knuckles are white. I place a hand on her cheek lifting her chin.
"Don't listen to him. He has no idea how strong you are!."

Her brows furrow. "He does now." She replies and looks over to the men who are now waking from their cursed sleep. I realize then that Thanatos had been gathering information through the cursed men and Brianna knows it. She walks over to Harold and lifts his head. He lets out a quiet moan as he opens his eyes to her.

"What Heaven is this?" He asks and reaches a hand to touch her. "Are you an angel?"

Brianna smiles warmly.
"I am your queen, will you pledge your allegiance to me now Harold?"

"I am pledged already miss. Pledged to King Galen...although he..." He pauses as his memory seems to be coming back to him.

"King Galen had sold his soul to Thanatos for power, so did his son, and because of it they are no more than dust and bones. I am your queen now you bow to me." She runs a hand through his roughly cut hair.

"Galen's betrayal is unforgivable. How is it that you defeated him? He was the strongest in the realms on this side of the sea." Allery asks.

"It would seem an explanation is at hand, although your presence was there to see it, your minds were tainted and clouded leaving you without memory of what has happened. Sit everyone, we have so much to discuss." She takes her seat at the head of the table dematerializing her sword, and everyone follows suit. I take my seat quietly, resting my lance against the edge of the table. I lock my eyes on Brianna and wait for her to begin.

"Let our meeting begin now. I would like to start with an introduction. My name is Brianna Nobile, I come from Lesteros bearing the heart of a dragon. I have fled from my home to keep the heart safe from Thanatos and Queen Evelyn. I am a high arch mage with the ability to summon legendary beasts. Upon my fleeing I met Vance." She waves a hand towards me, I sit up straight and proud reminiscing on our first meet.

She carries on. "He somehow convinced me, with his charm, to come with him back to Ashura, to keep me and the stone safe. Well things have changed, he has informed me that I am the heir to the throne of Lesteros because I am a descendant of Lady Caren, Queen of all the realms." She pauses to let it all sink in with everyone.

"Lady Caren?! The greatest mage who ever lived?" Allery asks.

"Yes, correct. Let me continue before we touch on that subject. Vance and I defeated a gang of bandits, twenty strong. I am thankful to have him, or we wouldn't be here right now." We share a comforting glance.

How modest she is. "I would have to argue with that Bri. It was your fell of the fire that defended us and brought us to victory." I reply.

She laughs. "Maybe so, Vance had brought me to his ship, where we sailed across the stormy sea. Unfortunately, we didn't have the best of luck. It would seem our paths crossed with not only the Corcoran pirates, but the Kraken joined the fight as well."

The unnamed men at the table gasp.
"And here you sit. Alive and well, so the rumors are true." Harold replies, grinning madly at Brianna.

"Yes, with a fleet of pirate ships pledged to me, and the Kraken which no longer exists." Brianna sits back in her seat looking at each man. Kit smiles at me nodding slightly. A true leader she is. I look to Jedrek who is absolutely astonished at his daughter, I don't think he has even blinked through this entire recap.

"How did you defeat the Kraken?" Patrick, who sits to the right of Kit asks.

"I summoned the Leviathan." She replies.

The men begin to whisper amongst themselves.

"I'm not finished. After we docked here, Galen and Ryker met us and invited us to the Gladiators Tournament. This is where things went even more a sense. That thick wine you have been drinking is cursed with the evil from Thanatos. Galen and Ryker had sacrificed their souls to him and in turn were given power which they almost succeeded in killing me with. But what they didn't know is that the dragon's heart I carry is embedded inside me and at the brink of death I summoned my ultimate legendary beast, Andai Ruler of Dragons. In this summoning the heart was taken into myself, and I am now one with Andai. We share the same heart and power."

As she said his name, the black dragon called back to her with a yelp. It echoed through the walls and shook the floors. Brianna smiles as fear sweeps across the faces of her new council members.

"And here we are now, Emeriss is cleansed of the evil curse and you all bow to a new queen." She leans forward onto her elbows searching the room. "Any questions?"

"What are your plans for Thanatos?" Patrick asks.

"To destroy him. I will burn him to the ground and Andai will finish the rest." She replies.

"And then what?" Harold asks.

"I take back Lesteros, and rule the realms as one. Each realm will have their leader but they will be under my command."

"I apologize, but do you know what ruling a realm entails?" Asks Allery.

"I have no idea, but that's why I have my trusty council to guide me." She winks at him and his cheeks turn a deep red. Her looks seem to have more of an effect on everyone than I thought they would and she is using them to their full potential. I guess that is the wisest choice in a room full of men.

"Now that you all know me, I would like to know you. We can start with you Allery."

He stutters and clears his throat before beginning.
"I am Allery Vale, Emeriss's treasurer. I have been in this council for twenty years, I can counsel you with the financial matters at hand."

"Thank you Allery." Brianna replies and her gaze meets that of Harold.

"I am Harold Striker, leader of the white army of Emeriss, I am the highest trained knight in this realm." He says proudly.

"Impressive Harold, do you have a mage?" Bri asks.

"Yes, most knights here have them." He replies.

"Excellent, I would like to meet them." Her gaze falls upon the men to her right. First is Kit and Patrick, then Brennan and Grim.

"My name is Patrick Vanco, I am a scholar and sage. My duties were to advise when needed." He replies and Brianna nods.

"My name is Brennan Cast, I am the Ki..or was the King's adviser in social affairs. I know I am young but I have a talent for reading people. I know exactly when people are lying. I knew when Galen had betrayed us.." He whispers the last part of his introduction and looks away from Brianna.

"Galen was weak, and gave up his realm for evil. None of you need to worry about that." She says and looks to the last of the men, Grim, just as his name states. He is a large grouchy man with an obnoxious tongue. Stubborn, stupid, but loyal. I am curious to see what his thoughts are on all of this. He was the hand of the King.

"My name, is Grim, that be what you call me. I be the hand of the King until you killed him. Now, I am not sure what I am."

"Well, what skill sets do you have? What do you bring to this council?" Bri asks.

"I, be a good fighter, and I be loyal to the right person. Galen was me best man, Ryker was second. But things have changed." He replies sadly.

I wasn't used to seeing him like this. Full of sorrow, reserved, quiet. He used to poke fun at me along with the rest of them. Maybe betrayal has left a bad taste in his mouth.

"Well Grim, I would like to see what you can do. If you're as good of a fighter as you say, I would like to take you with us to recruit the rebels."

"The rebels?!" Harold gasps.

"Yes, they are one thousand strong, we need as many men as we can get to stand against Thanatos." Bri says.

I speak out of turn and everyone's eyes focus on me.
"Brianna will lead them, we all fight for the same cause and I have no doubts they will join us."

"Vance the rebels are like savages, it is almost impossible to reason with them. As far as they are concerned we are the enemy despite what has happened here." Harold replies he holds a heavy expression on his face as if he has seen them before.

"You've hunted them have you not?" I ask.

"HUNTED?!" Brianna snaps. Harold winces at the sharpness in her tone.

"Yes only because that is what I was commanded to do, my lady." He explains.

"Well not anymore. We don't hunt people! What do you know of them?" She asks.

"They are skilled, highly trained in combat, and tactical. They use their surroundings as camouflage to take down their enemies. We call them the desert savages. We raided and pillaged one of their camps a few weeks back. It took two hundred men against fifty to clear it out...but we did it."

I look at Brianna, her eyes are burning with anger."You pillaged and raided a camp? Were there children there?"

"Y-Yes." He replies and lowers his eyes. "I didn't enjoy it one bit."

"Under MY command, will a child will NEVER be touched, they should never fear you, they should never see the end of a blade, enemy or not. Do I make myself clear?" She glares at everyone.

Everyone hastily nods and agrees.

"It is time to assign everyone their ranks in my council. Sir Jedrek, you will be my hand. I need you by my side at all times, you have advised me, raised me, and made me who I am today. There is no other place I would want you to be."

"Of course Breezie." He replies.

Grim stands abruptly, tears off his broach and slides it across the table to Jedrek. He stands and storms towards the door.

"STOP WHERE YOU ARE!" Brianna shouts just as he reaches her seat. He stops and stares at her.

"Take your seat, knight." She says.

"I be no knight." He snaps back.

"You are now!" She repeats.

"You are knighting me?" His eyes go wide.

"Yes, but only if you take your seat at my council Grimace." She replies and smiles.

In all my years of knowing Grimace, I have never seen a smile like that before. Maybe once after he has severed the head off of his enemy. But he always had a Grim look, a permanent scowl on his face. This was unusual. He takes his seat and waits patiently for his turn.

"Let's get something out in the open here. None of you are being replaced. Everyone will either resume their previous roles or I will assign new ones. Now Allery, you are the treasurer here and I would like you to stay that way. You may assign someone to assist you in financial matters if need be. I trust you will keep the city of Emeriss above water."

"Of course my queen."

"Good. Now Harold, welcome to "heaven" I will be your queen and you will be..well..what you've always been. It seems knightly tasks and duties are what you're good at." Bri glances at me for a short movement as if to ask my opinion. I nod agreeing with her choices so far. She is doing far better than I thought.

"Yes my Queen." He replies with a flirtatious grin.

"Gogo, you will stay with Kit as a trainer. But you will be knighted as well. In fact anyone who fights beside me will be a knight and will pledge to a mage whether it be myself or someone else. Since you don't have magic skills you will find someone who does it is your choice." Gogo looks at me nervously.

"You will make a fine knight Gogo." I assure her.

"Alright my queen, if that is what you wish."

"I would be honored Gogo." Brianna replies and carries on.
"Vance! Well you already know your place. So I will carry on."

"Are you sure? I was hoping you would tell me all of the great things I can do." I reply sarcastically.

She rolls her eyes, smirking.
"I'm still waiting to find out." She winks at me.

Kit chuckles at me and the rest of the room seems to relax more.

"Fair enough, carry on my queen." I reply waving my hand.

"Thank you sir. Grimace! Back to you! You will be my guard, if you are as loyal as you say I want you by my side guarding me. You're big enough and with that scowl permanently chiseled on your face, I'm sure you will keep most in check."

Everyone stops and stares at him waiting for his reply. Even I am shocked at what she had just said to him. But to my surprise, he bursts out laughing, his head sways back as he howls.

"Alright me queen you have me sword with that sharp tongue of yours, we be getting along jus fine." He replies wiping tears from his eyes.

"Great! Moving on, Brennan you're on social affairs. You will carry on with your tasks. If you need help let us know we will assign someone to assist you."

"Thank you, my queen." He replies.

"Patrick, you will be my adviser, I have never met a scholar before and I have a prophecy I need to unravel. Will you help me?"

"Of course." He replies.

Thank you, now Kit, not only are you one of the most skilled fighters I've ever got to spar with, you are a good and loyal man. Any mage or woman would be lucky to have you. You will be knighted and stand by my side as a trainer for my army, and my personal guard, you may choose a mage from any realm you wish."

Kit has turned as bright as a tomato and he runs a hand through his hair, scratching the back of his head.
"My god Bri, that was a mouthful, I'm honored and will never leave your side, you're the best thing that has happened to me since Vance had recruited me to be his trainer." He says politely, although the look on his face tells me he wishes more from her. I sigh, knowing that this will always be the trouble I have with her.

"I want to thank everyone for being so accepting of this change. There are going to be some bumps we need to smooth out, but I have complete faith in you. Please do not take that for granted. I can be very kind, but I can also feed you to a dragon." She smiles at everyone. "Are there any further questions?"

"Yes, can we talk more about Lady Caren." Patrick asks.

"Yes we can, but not tonight I am starving and need a good cup of mead. The last few days have been a headache. Anything else?"

"What are your plans for the rebels? When will we be leaving?" Harold asks.

"I haven't decided yet, and I will need some help making a plan. That is a good start to our day tomorrow." She replies.

"Alright. Let's get some beers in us!" Harold says and slams a fist on the table.

Brianna stands and the meeting is adjourned. I sit and wait until everyone has left the room except for Jedrek. As the door shuts I bring my focus to the blonde commander standing at the end of the table.

"Well, it would seem you have mastered the element of persuasion and disputes." Jedrek says before I got to say it.

"I have no idea what you're talking about, that was a terrible meeting" She shakes her head and walks around to her fathers back. She places her hands on his shoulders and leans down.

"You need a bath father." She whispers.

"And you need some good discipline young lady." He replies.

"Yeah I do." She laughs and walks over to me snapping her fingers and that overly revealing dress forms on her body again. She places her hands on my shoulder behind me and begins to massage them.

"Do you think it will always be like this?" She asks both of us.

"It was a challenging meeting, yet you held your own, I promise it will get easier over time ." I reply.

"I take it you two are to be married soon?" Jed asks.

"I hope so, I will pledge to him once we get to Ashura." She replies and Jed stares daggers at me waiting for a response.
I clear my throat.
"Yes, I would like to talk with you about that sometime."

"Vance, you seem like a good guy so far, and Breezie is quite taken with you. So you have my blessing if that's what you're wanting to talk about. "

"Thank you sir." I reply. That leaves one less awkward conversation I have to go through.

"Bri, we have a lot of catching up to do. But let's get you fed first. I can hear your stomach growling from here." Jed chuckles.

"Sounds good to me!" She replies.


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