The Wolf and The Doe || Robb...

By bellbottomblues

307K 6.6K 259

»»----- Game of Thrones' Robb Stark x OC Baratheon Princess -----«« 【𝐈】With a happy ending because I'm a suc... More

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3.1K 81 21
By bellbottomblues

"Do we have everything packed, Your Grace?", Lady Gwyn asked looking inside the wooden box for the last time.
"I don't know", Sofya shrugged her arms and continued staring behind the window.
"Would you like me to pack some jewelry?"
"No", Sofya answered which made her servant open her mouth a little, "I mean... I don't know, I don't care. Do whatever you want, pack whatever you want"
Her thoughts were far away from Harrenhal. She could only think of ruined Winterfell and her siblings-in-law.
"I wish I were a man", The Queen turned around and Gwyn made wide eyes at the confession, "I would grab the sword and..."
"And what, Your Grace?", Gwyn asked in a scared voice.
"I mean... I wish I could fight and actually change anything. I couldn't prevent my brother's death and I couldn't prevent Winterfell's defeat. I am useless as a woman. Everything I can do is giving birth to heirs", Sofya sighed.
"Some women fight with the swords. Like the one Lady Catelyn sent with The Kingslayer", Gwyn noticed and The Queen gave her a cracked smile.
"I know. But I don't have the same strength and courage as her. I used to think that ladies in dresses could be tougher than knights. I was wrong"
"Knights are not being sent to old, fat ladies to marry and they're not being raped and disrespected on daily basis. They wouldn't survive one day as a woman", Lady Catelyn entered the room and smiled at her daughter-in-law.
"Oh, Lady Mother", Sofya's face lightened up. It was nice to see Lady Stark walking freely outside her cell.
"There's a future King or Queen in your womb. If that doesn't make you feel special, I don't know what would. You're carrying the future of The North, don't forget about that", her Lady Mother approached her and placed her hand on Sofya's stomach, "It's getting bigger", she noticed.
"Your Grace, My Ladies", Lord Torrhen Whitehill peeked inside, "We should be leaving now. The King's being impatient"
"Lord Whitehill, please, take my boxes. Gwyn shouldn't carry them", The Queen told him and he nodded his head.
Sofya was riding the same horse as Robb, with her back pressed to his chest. Her husband was holding the reins with his right hand and his left one was placed on Sofya's waist to make sure she wouldn't fall off.
She started to think about the beginnings of their relationship. They used to avoid each other and spend whole days separately. They were so stupid for wasting their energy on arguing and pretending to hate each other, like spoiled brats. They should have been going on rides like this instead of constant fighting . It felt nice, safe and free. But right now they were in the middle of the war. If they were about to die soon, they would never experience how it feels like to be a proper family. In a castle, not in a war camp.
The horse stopped suddenly as Sofya grabbed his mane and felt Robb's hand tightening on her waist. All the horses in front of them were standing still as well.
"Are you alright?", The King whispered into his wife's ear.
"Y-yes", she nodded her head breathing heavily.
"What happened?!", Robb shouted at his men.
"There are trees laying on the road. Too many of them, our horses won't be able to cross the river, Your Grace", Lord Whitehill approached them.
Robb sighed and cursed under his breath.
"What are we going to do?", Sofya asked Lord Torrhen.
"I think we should turn right into the forest and try to find another bridge, Your Grace"
The Queen looked up at her husband worried. Going into the forest was a risky option. But it could be the only one.
"I think we will have to", Robb sighed once again and pulled the reins to make his horse turn right.
"Are you sure?", his wife whispered.
"We don't have any other choice"
"Was there a storm last night, Lord Whitehill?!", Sofya turned her head around and asked their bannerman.
"No, Your Grace", he shook his head.
"So what made the trees lay there?", The Queen mumbled to herself while furrowing her brows.
They were watching the forest around them carefully and every sound was making them suspicious. No one dared to say a word while riding and it seemed like there was no bridge nearby. Sofya could feel her husband's muscles stiffening as he was getting angrier and angrier with time.
"Let's stay here", she whispered quietly when she spotted a clearing in the forest ahead of them, "Our horses should rest and we are tired as well. It's getting dark anyway"
"I'm not sure if staying here for the night is a good idea. I'd rather cross the river first", Robb answered.
"There's a forest on the other side of the river as well", Sofya reminded him and he decided to stop his horse as he raised his hand to let his men know it was time for resting.
"Gods, finally...", they heard men whisper and Sofya chuckled at that and let her husband help her to get off his horse.
"Ah, you're getting heavier, m'lady", he smirked and she hit his chest lightly pretending to be offended.
"Should we set up the tents, Your Graces?", one of the soldiers asked them.
"Yes, please", Robb ordered.
"It's just one night so don't bother much. Lady Gwyn and Lady Catelyn can sleep in ours", Sofya said and the soldier nodded his head as he left.
"It is inappropiate for me to sleep in the same tent as Gwyn", Robb noticed, "I will share a tent with my bannermen"
"Robb, she's a child", Sofya sighed sitting on the rock, "My spine is killing me"
"No, I won't sleep in the ladies' tent", he stated.
"You're such a courteous man", Sofya smiled, "I love you"
"I love you, too", Robb crouched and put her reckless hair string behind her ear.
"What about me, Your Graces? Where should I sleep?", a woman approached them.
She was a healer and Robb insisted for one of them to travel with The Queen.
"Ah, it's you", Sofya smiled at her. It was the same one who helped Harrenhal's maester and she was the one known for treating their enemies' wounds, "I see you all the time. What's your name?"
"Talisa, Your Grace", the healer nodded her head.
"You don't sound like a peasant, are you from some noble family?", The Queen asked curiosuly.
"I am"
"You can sleep in my tent then"
"Thank you, My Queen", Talisa smiled and left their side to help Lady Gwyn.
"I wonder what made a Lady become a healer", Sofya told Robb.
"She's good at it. Maybe it was her destiny to help others instead of sitting in a castle and being pretty"
It was a middle of the night and Sofya was sleeping with Grey Wind when she heard sudden yelling and the sounds of swords clashing together. She opened her eyes immediately and sat up. Grey Wind ran outside the tent and started to growl like he was about to attack. The Queen's heart stopped in her chest and her hand automatically placed itself on her abdomen.
"What's going on?", Gwyn asked in a whisper.
"They're fighting", Talisa answered quietly.
"Who is?", Lady Catelyn asked.
"That I don't know", the healer answered.
"I don't want to die!", Gwyn squealed and Sofya extended her hand to caress her servant's arm.
Grey Wind came back to the tent and he stood in front of the entering growling and barking like he was trying to protect everyone inside.
"What in the seven hells is going on?", Sofya asked and gasped seeing a huge man with face dirty from blood and mud enter the tent.
His sword was unsheathed and all the ladies gathered together on Sofya's bed, looking at him terrified. The night was dark but they could see each other clearly from the torches outside.
"Don't you dare!", they heard Robb's voice as he was running in the tent's direction.
Grey Wind attacked the intruder but squealed out of pain as the man swiftly hurt his leg and stomach with his sword. The direwolf tried to jump on him again but the pain was starting to get unbearable and he collapsed on the floor.
"Nooo!", Sofya screamed seeing her dog falling to the ground.
"Which one of you is Sofya Stark?", the assassin asked pointing the ladies with his sword. They hugged each other in fear.
He was so huge that he had to keep his head down to fit inside the tent. He could easily kill them with his bare hands.
"Is that you?", he pointed at Talisa.
"Yes", she answered without thinking.
Sofya gasped as she couldn't believe how the healer was going to sacrifice her own life to protect her Queen's one. She didn't know if it was a right thing to do but she moved her hand away from her abdomen quickly. Not quick enough, though, because the man smirked and pointed her with his sword.
"Really? I think she is Sofya Stark. They told me about a woman that's expecting", he said.
"Stop it right now!", Robb approached the tent and unsheathed his sword.
He was terrified to see few of his soldiers laying dead around him and Grey Wind squealing out of pain in the tent's corner. His enemy seemed to be about two times bigger than him and he had his sword pointed at Sofya.
"It's not your turn yet, just wait there", the assassin smirked and lowered his sword a bit so it reached Sofya's stomach. She took a deep breath and got pale.
It wasn't the first time she's been in a situation like this but her heart stopped beating in her chest out of fear.
"Please, don't", Lady Catelyn pleaded with tears in her eyes.
"Come outside and fight me like a man!", Robb tried to enter the tent but he was interrupted by the intruder.
"One more step and I will not only kill the bastard but also the bitch. I don't care that The King wants her alive"
"Are you scared of fighting me?", Robb teased him, "You said you were going to kill me anyway so what's the difference if you kill me first? Come outside and be a man about it"
The assassin smirked and slowly took a step back. He left the tent to join Robb as other soldiers surrounded them.
"That would be unfair if you'd let them kill me. You know, I'd easily get rid of them but that would still make you a man without honour", he noticed, still smirking.
"They won't join. It is a fight between you and me", Robb said and Sofya got angry at him for risking his life like that.
She looked scared at Lady Catelyn. They both knew that Robb, despite being an amazing warrior, had no chance against the assassin. He was too big and too strong.
They started to fight and Sofya approached Grey Wind as fast as possible. He was alive but his wounds looked horrific.
"Lady Talisa, please, tell me that you can save him", Sofya looked at the healer desperately.
"I'll try", Talisa rushed to the wolf's side as Lord Torrhen entered the tent from the back.
"We should be going. I need to take you somewhere safe, Your Grace", he whispered.
Sofya turned her head to watch her husband struggiling with the big man. His defeat seemed to be certain. She didn't think twice as she ran to her bed and took out her dagger with a golden stag from underneath her pillow.
"Sofya, what are you doing? Sofya, stop!", Lady Stark tried to stop her daughter-in-law, "It's a suicide, Sofya!"
"Am I supposed to stand here and watch him die like I've watched Renly?!"
But it was already too late for The Queen because all she saw after leaving the tent was the assassin collapsing on the ground with Robb's sword in between his ribs. She opened her mouth and looked up to see her husband's face. He seemed to be as shocked as she was and breathing heavily with his face dirty from blood. His jaw was clenched and the fury in his eyes made Sofya take a step back.
She looked ridiculous standing barefoot in her sleeping gown with a small dagger in her hand. But then she heard the assassin coughing on the ground and she approached him to lower herself and ask him one question.
"Who sent you here?", she asked raising her voice for everyone to hear although the answer was obvious. It had to be Cersei.
"Tywin Lannister", big man smirked as he tried to remove Robb's sword from his ribcage and finish his business with Sofya before dying.
He didn't expect her to become this angry. Her deep brown eyes turned black as her pupils grew wide. She reminded him of a wild animal when she raised her dagger and violently slit his throat while screaming out of fury.
He dropped his hand on the ground and the blood from his neck splashed all over her face.
Lady Stark and Talisa carefully left the tent making wide eyes at the scene. Lady Gwyn hid her face in her brother's chest as he hugged her.
Sofya found herself on top of a dead man, breathing heavily, holding a bloody dagger in her hand.
"So... who actually killed him? Was it you or was it me?", she turned her head and asked her husband calmly.
All the soldiers started to cheer and Lord Karstark even clapped his hands. Robb's face was a mystery to her. He looked terrified, but who was he to judge her as she has been the one scared of his expression few moments earlier.
"I defeated him but you're the one who took his life", Robb answered.
"We make a good team then", she added in a voice that didn't even sound like hers and stood up. She was still in a state of shock, "Lady Talisa, what's going to happen to Grey Wind?", Sofya turned around to face the healer.
"The wolf's going to be alright. And please, Your Grace, don't call me a lady"
"Gwyn, I know it's pretty late but would you mind getting me some wet towels to wash my face?", The Queen approached her servant but noticed that the girl is scared of her, "Oh, Lady Gwyn...", she caressed her head, "I would do the same to protect you"
The servant nodded her head and sniffed. She quickly left their side to get the wet towels.
Sofya sat down on her bed as her body started to shake uncontrollably.
"Seven hells", Robb whispered entering the tent and sitting next to her, "What was that?"
"I... I... I don't know... I... I... Gods... I... I've just killed a man...", she stuttered, "I... Robb... I... "
"Breathe, Sofya", her husband put his hands on her arms and looked her deep in the eye, "Breathe"
"Am I d-doomed now...? I... I've murdered a m-man", she started crying and hid her bloody face in her hands.
"We all are then", he answered shushing her softly, "We all are"

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