Reconciliation - Marvel Studi...

By -SunsetSky-

225K 7.8K 1.4K

This is the third book in the Red Room series, read RED ROOM and EBOLLIUM first ! Alyona managed to survive... More

act three.
book 4.


5.7K 205 41
By -SunsetSky-

I landed on the deck of the ship, unclipping my parachute straps and letting them fall to the floor, holding onto a white railing and leaping down a floor onto the one underneath me. I landed harshly in the middle of two pirates, both turning to look at me.

The held there's guns up at me, inching closer as I put my hands up in the air, surrendering. "Don't move" they growled at me in German, keeping their eyes on me as they got closer. "Okay" I chirped back, lifting one of my feet off of the ground kicking one full force into some pipes behind him.

The other one shot at me, which I ducked, rolling onto the floor and swiping out his legs from underneath him. I stood up quickly, grabbing his arm and twisting it, hearing his shoulder snap and him call out on pain. "Sorry, I didn't listen" I barked back, letting go of his arm and letting it crumpled as he gripped to his shoulder.

I walked away, jumping another railing and landing next to Steve, Natasha, Rumlow and the rest of the Strike team landing around us, letting their parachutes fall to the deck. "What about the nurse that lives across the hall from you? She seems kind of nice" Natasha said to Steve as he looked around quickly.

"Do your job then find me a date" Steve barked at her causing her to roll her eyes, walking backwards towards her next victims. "I'm multitasking" she replied at him, causing me to laugh as I hoped another railing, falling a considerable amount of height this time.

I landed next to a metal door, which I pulled open slightly, slipping into it and hiding behind a wall, peaking around the corner to see a few guards patrolling. "Ally, what's your status?" Steve whispered to me softly.

I didn't answer him, watching the guard walk towards me as I got ready to pounce. "Ally" Steve said firmly again, causing me to roll my eyes. "Hang on" I said to him loudly as I ran towards the guy. I leapt against the wall, jumping up onto his shoulders, grabbing the wire from one of my wrist bands, pulling it around the guys neck as he tried to through me off.

I pulled the wire tight, jumping off of the guard as he fell to the floor and ducking into a roll. As I stood up at the end of it another man came running around the corner trying to hold his gun out at me to shoot me. I grabbed his wrist, twisting it around to make him drop the gun, as he did so I used the back of my elbow to hit his forearm as I pulled his shoulder out of the socket, which made him screech in pain.

I let go of his arm, kicking him in the stomach, sending him hurtling towards the metal bars behind him. Another guard came running at me from behind, grabbing me by the waist. I elbowed him in the stomach, wrapping my arms around his neck, jumping up and yanking him forward, flipping him over me and throwing him into the floor.

"Engine room secure" I said lifting my wrist to my mouth as I bent down and picked up a piece of metal pipe, smacking the man across the face as he tried to get back up, knocking him out for good. I dropped the pipe back onto the floor next to the guys now limp body, letting it roll on the ground as I walked away.

I opened another door to a carpeted hallway, looking from left to right, trying to find a room that had a computer I could easily hack into. I found a room completely filled with computers, trying to open the door to see it was locked. I sighed, grabbing the handle firmly in my hand as I yanked it up, breaking it off of the wood completely.

I threw it to the floor, making my way over to a computer, clicking away at the keys as quickly as I could. I reached into one of my knife slits on the side of my leg, which were all completely empty today. I pulled out a small USB, plugging it in and clicking a few buttons to save everything that was on these computers onto my drive.

"Batroc's on the move. Circle back to Rumlow and protect the hostages" Steve said to me, which I didn't answer to, knowing that my mission was a secret to everyone else on the STRIKE team, Fury having set me on it minutes before we left. "Ally" he said again firmer, trying to figure out if I was dead or just not listening.

I pursed my lips, typing in a code to try and make this process go faster than it was taking. Out of no where Steve came busting through the door at the end on the room, landing on top of Batroc, who was struggling to get Steve off of him. Steve gave him a final blow in the face, sending him unconscious for good. "Well this awkward" I said, looking over at Steve with a raised eyebrow as he peeled himself off of the floor, walking over to me.

"What are you doing?" he asked me rigidly, clearly angry I wasn't there to cover for anyone. "Backing up the hard drive, it's a good habit to get into" I replied sarcastically, typing more into the computer, needing to break down a few more walls before I could get all the info I was looking for.

"Rumlow needed your help. What the hell are you doing here?" Steve shouted at me, causing me to scoff at his tone of voice. He comes over, looking at the mass amount of files I was saving and downloading, "You're saving SHIELD Intel".
"Whatever I can get my hands on" I shrugged, basically being able to hear him shaking his head at me. "Our mission is to rescue hostages" He told me sharply, clearly attempting to tell me off but majorly failing.

"Nope, that's your mission" I told, him shakng my head as I yanked the USB drive out of the computer, and sliding it back into my pocket in one movement, turning around to face Steve. "And you've done it beautifully" I added, booping him on the nose for him to grab my wrist in his tight grasp. To any normal person this would have hurt them, but I knew he was hurting me as much as his pain capacity could handle, as it was also mines.

"You just jeopardized this whole operation" He growled at me quietly, letting go on my wrist with a small shove, causing me to open my mouth at him slightly, squaring my shoulders. "I think that's overstating things" I barked back at him, being interupted by the sound of Batroc running out of the room.

We both looking down, seeing a grenade rolling towards us. We ran out of the way, crouching as Steve wrapped his arm around me, holding his shield infront of us, deflecting the blast and flying debris. "Okay, that one's on me" I said as we both stood up slowly, wafting our hands in front of us, the dust in the air thick.

"You're damn right"


A/N: So i'm actually a big fan of this part, I loved writing it just as much as I love reading it.
Please vote and comment and as always I mass update at the beginning of new books so i'll see you very soon

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