Heroes Need Saving Too (BNHAx...

By Glizzy_Rider155

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A teenage girl who has a troubled past has to become the number one hero in order to prove that she is not wh... More

Chapter 1: Hatred starts young
Chapter 2: Exploration
Chapter 3: Getting a foot in the door
Chapter 4: A clean house is a start, right?
Chapter 5: It's a new day, it's a new me and it's a new life
Chapter 6: Alrighty then...so be it
Chapter 7: Who is what now?
Chapter 8: The nights are darker than usual now
Chapter 9: A good fight for once
Chapter 11: I didn't...what?!
Chapter 12: You learn new things everyday
Chapter 13: It happened again
Chapter 14: Can this day get any better?
Chapter 15: Back to school once again
Chapter 16: Let the games begin
Chapter 17: The new Recovery Girl's in town
Chapter 18: You save people for a living, but this time it's different
Chapter 19: The first meeting
Chapter 20: Pissed off and tired
Chapter 21: What an interesting turn of events
Chapter 22: Still a little child
Chapter 23: Time doesn't always heal
Chapter 24: I may be a girl but I ain't no cupcake
Chapter 25: The plan
Chapter 26: The thought of moving out?...bleh
Chapter 27: Alright, a new plan
Chapter 28: Boxing
Chapter 29: Let's get a move on
Chapter 30: It's all coming together
Chapter 31: One of my many skills
Chapter 32: You must save him once again
Chapter 33: Telling people about yourself can be dangerous
Chapter 34: I don't need to eat
Chapter 35: Nothing like being a disappointment
Chapter 36: The name game
Chapter 37: Not a good day
Chapter 38: Some down time first...
Chapter 39: ...then a fight
Chapter 40: Choices
Chapter 41: Is this real life?
Chapter 42: On the rise
Halloween Special
Chapter 43: The presence of my sister
Chapter 44: The past
Chapter 45: Video-games are like life
Chapter 46: Freaky Friday...but on a Saturday
Chapter 47: Back again and already saving someone I
Chapter 48: Back again and already saving someone II
Chapter 49: Recovery
Chapter 50: The early bird gets the worm
Chapter 51: I'm trying at least
Chapter 52: Everything's my fault
Chapter 53: "How are you?"
Chapter 54: Gained another friend, I guess?
Chapter 55: A little sparring match
Chapter 56: The beginning of a journey
Chapter 57: We have lift off
Chapter 58: Everyone's here
Chapter 59: To the top we go!
Chapter 60: Some fights here and there...no big deal
Chapter 61: This was your plan?
Chapter 62: Victory
Thanksgiving Special
Chapter 63: Just let me sleep
Chapter 64: Glad to be back
Chapter 65: Can't I get a break?
Chapter 66: A part of my past I try to forget
Chapter 67: Please don't find me
Chapter 68: What was once lost, was found
Chapter 69: ...
Chapter 70: I'm awake
Chapter 71: Story time
Chapter 72: I'm back
Chapter 73: Planning a mission
Chapter 74: The mission
Chapter 75: The mall incident
Chapter 76: The start of summer vacation
Chapter 77: I'm not lazy
Chapter 78: Training
Chapter 79: It's starting
Chapter 80: I tried
Chapter 81: An odd comeback
Chapter 82: A missed opportunity
Chapter 83: Company
Christmas Special
Chapter 84: The great escape
Chapter 85: The five year old that I am
Chapter 86: I wanted to be home alone
Chapter 87: Another interesting day
New Years Special
Chapter 88: Started bad, ended great
Chapter 89: Beach day
Chapter 90: Back to work
Chapter 91: I'm a horrible person
Chapter 92: Search...
Chapter 93: and rescue
Chapter 94: Guilt
Chapter 95: Catching people up
Chapter 96: A cats senses
Chapter 97: Easy yet tiring day
Chapter 98: One last hurrah before school
Chapter 99: Schools in session again
Chapter 100: Moving Again
Chapter 101: Someone else's turn
Chapter 102: I've been found already
Chapter 103: It was my fault
Chapter 104: My kind of solution
Chapter 105: I'm sorry
Chapter 106: Annoyance
Chapter 107: Things are looking up
Chapter 108: Dread
Chapter 109: The Results
Chapter 110: A Tiny Party
Chapter 111: It's official I guess
Chapter 112: Already put to work
Chapter 113: First call
Chapter 114: Hard day at work?
Chapter 115: I know the feeling
Chapter 116: Too much human contact
Chapter 117: Planning a mission II
Chapter 118: The mission II
Chapter 119: My own fight
Chapter 120: The Aftermath
Chapter 121: Observations
Chapter 122: Trust
Chapter 123: Morning call
Chapter 124: Odds and ends
Chapter 125: An outing
Chapter 126: Set up
Chapter 127: Festival Preparations
Chapter 128: Happy for once
Chapter 129: Welcome
Chapter 130: Numb
Chapter 131: Pains
Chapter 132: Positivity is hard to find
Chapter 133: Hiding the truth
Chapter 134: Mall trip
Chapter 135: Others safety is more important
Chapter 136: Present Mic's POV
Chapter 137: Aizawa's POV
Chapter 138: All Might's POV
Chapter 139: Finally awake
Chapter 140: A temporary home
Chapter 141: I don't need help
Chapter 142: I need space to cool off
Chapter 143: "Just fell down the stairs"?
Chapter 144: Moving into my old dorm
Chapter 145: Lunch plans
Chapter 146: A little sparring match II
Chapter 147: Just a wee bit obsessed
Chapter 148: Not all that obsessed
Chapter 149: Okay, maybe really obsessed
Chapter 150: A shattered doll
Chapter 151: A new deal
Chapter 152: Catch up
Chapter 153: Back to I-Island I go
Chapter 154: Surprise me
Chapter 155: How stupid can I be?
Chapter 156: Not everyone is who they seem they are
Chapter 157: A lookalike fight is not that easy
Chapter 158: An explanation
Chapter 159: Another trip
Chapter 160: Like a real hero
Chapter 161: Made another friend
Chapter 162: Too slow
Chapter 163: I'll try to not disappoint
Chapter 164: We blame ourselves
Chapter 165: First day on the job
Chapter 166: Easiest job
Chapter 167: I'll prove you wrong
Chapter 168: Finally didn't mess up
Chapter 169: Someone new who worries
Chapter 170: Nothing but surprises
Chapter 171: Was that the cat?
Chapter 172: I can't hear you
Chapter 173: Winning takes its toll
Chapter 174: Thank you cake
Chapter 175: Like a dream
Chapter 176: It's just an illusion
Chapter 177: A young Sherlock
Chapter 178: Natural disasters
Chapter 179: As tough as nails
Chapter 180: Bitter cold, just how I like it
Chapter 181: My origin
Chapter 182: A winter outing
Chapter 183: A caged polar bear
Chapter 184: Where am I?
Chapter 185: The panic sets in
Chapter 186: It's my mess
Chapter 187: It's everyone's mess
Chapter 188: Don't get him involved!
Chapter 189: Another lead
Present Mic's B-Day Special
Chapter 190: Nearing my end
Chapter 191: Final words
Chapter 192: The warmth of safety
~Authors Note~
A New Chapter - The Future is Now

Chapter 10: I was useless

4.2K 149 37
By Glizzy_Rider155

When I arrived at the hospital that Aizawa was in, I walked up to the front desk to ask the receptionist, "Umm..."

'Why the hell is my anxiety kicking in now!?'

The receptionist put on a smile as she looked up from her computer, "How may I help you?"

"Umm...I'm h-here to see, uh...Aizawa...Shouta Aizawa." I was mentally kicking myself in the ass at this point.

She looked at her computer and after a few clicks of the mouse she responded, "Room 307. He just got back from the O.R. So, he more than likely isn't awake yet, if that is fine."

"Y-yeah...yeah, that's fine. I'll wait in his room. Thank you." I then started towards the elevator.

As I stepped out of the elevator, I looked to my right and saw that the numbers got bigger starting from room number 318.

'Alright, I'll have to go left.'

I continued to walk as I said the room numbers in my head as I walk to room 307. When I finally got to the door, I just stood there, taking a few deep breaths, preparing myself for some reason. I then knocked sheepishly on the door before I entered. When I opened it, I saw that a nurse was at his bedside table preparing something.

"Oh, hello. I'll be out in just a little bit. I'm almost finished organizing his medication." she said as she looked over to me with a smile. I nodded my head as I sat down on the sofa placed below the window. When I sat down, she looked at me again and asked me, "Are you alright? You have blood on your clothes."

I look down at them acting like I haven't noticed, "Oh, I guess that it was from when he got injured." I said as I motioned my head towards the man wrapped in bandages. She then nodded her head as she looked back at the medicine that she was sorting.

After about five minutes later, she left. Once the door closed, I walked to the foot of his bed and read his file: Two broken arms, three broken ribs, broken bones in face, and in a coma. I let out a sigh of both relief and worry since it isn't anything too bad like internal bleeding or hemorrhaging in the brain. I then walked back to the sofa that I was previously sitting on. Once I got comfy, my eyes started to feel heavy. I looked over to my teacher one last time as my eyes slowly drew to a close.


"Hey, don't you ever talk?" A little boy asked. I nodded my head in response. "Then talk, if you say you can talk. Talk!" He said as he pushed me, which resulted in me falling. I pushed my little ten or so year old body back up and mentally prepared myself for a fight. I just stared him dead in the eyes and used my quirk on him to hallucinate how I look to him. To him, I looked like his worst nightmare, whatever that may be. He then went running, not once turning back to look at me. I got a wide smile on my face. People walking by went around me, leaving at least six feet of distance between them and I due to the fact that I looked so terrifying.


'Ahh yes, the reason why I don't smile much anymore...it scares people.'

I thought to myself as I kept my eyes closed. I then heard someone sniffle at the same time as I began to feel both sadness and great affection.

'Damn quirk, always turning on when I don't command it.'

I then slowly started to move and open my eyes. As I sat up, I saw a man with long blond hair and glasses. I quietly picked up the box of tissues as I tip-toed towards the man. I stretched my arm out, tissue box in hand, towards the front of the man, indicating that I was awake. He then looked up at me, then to the box, and took it.

'Who the hell is this man and why do I still feel their bond?!'

I thought to myself as I took a step back, giving Aizawa and the man some space.

After a few minutes of silence, the man spoke, "Thank you for taking care of my Sho."

'Why does his voice sound familiar?'

I responded, "Yeah..."

"What happened? Since you're here, I imagine that you were the last person with him." he said, not taking his eyes off of Mr. Aizawa.

I looked down and twiddle my fingers as I replied, "Y-yeah...So, umm..." I continued with what happened. When it got to the part when I saved him, tears started rolling silently down the blond man's face. I turned around so I wasn't facing his direction as I continued, "I was...I was useless. I couldn't save him the best that I could." A tear started to roll down my cheek.

'What the fuck...am I...am I crying?'

I thought to myself as I looked up to the mirror.

'Shit, I'm doing it uncontrollably.'

I let out a broken sigh, one of those sighs that I let out before I cut. I continued to say, "I failed. I failed so hard." Without thinking, I brought up my arms and laid them on the top of my head, pulling chunks of hair as I balled up my fists. I then felt a soft hand lay on my shoulder. That triggered me to explode and say loudly, "If I hadn't been messing about, gathering students who were fucking hiding, I could have got to him sooner! He wouldn't be in a coma, hell, he wouldn't be miserable. I should have just duplicated myself." I then put one arm down while I kept the one in a fist and started hitting myself in the head, "Why. Why. Why. Why. Wh-"

The hand that was on my shoulder caught my fist before I could hit myself again. He then spoke up in a soft tone, "Don't be so hard on yourself. I understand that you're new 'n all and he's someone you know, but there is no need to beat yourself up. Stuff like this happens from time to time." He then pulled me into a hug. I tensed up cause I hadn't really had a hug before. He continued, "Sho is a tough guy...he'll recover in no time...but if you weren't there, he may not be here now. Thank you so much for saving him...and the other students."

'Other students?...Holy shit! It's Present Mic!'

I thought to myself as he let go. I just stared ahead blankly with tears still falling from my cheeks, which I couldn't control.

He asked me, "Umm..." he paused, "Are you alright? You have such a blank expression, yet you're crying."

I lifted up my glasses and felt how wet the area around my eyes were. I then said in my normal, what some would call a boring, tone, "How weird." Mic then raised an eyebrow as he turned to grab a tissue for me. I then sat on the sofa once again, rubbing my eyes.

'Holy fuck, my eyes burn and my head is pounding.'

No shit, Sherlock. You haven't cried in how many years? Of course they are going to burn.

You should kill yourself since you nearly killed your teacher, so it'd only make it right if you died in his place.

'Hmm...not that bad of an idea.'

Mic then sat down next to me and said, "You should head home. I'll watch him tonight. You can come back in the morning if you'd like." I then stood up and fixed my glasses as I walked to the door.

As I held it open, I turned my head to say, "Have a good night, I'll come back in the morning".

Mic replied, "Yeah, you too. Be sure to get a good night's rest. For a while there, you were starting to look like 'Mr. Sleepy' over there." he finished with a little nervous chuckle. As the door was closing I heard him add "Don't forget to scrub your uniform, you don't want stains on it!"

I then whispered to myself as I was walking to the elevator, "Yes, sir." The door to the elevator opened, and I started my trek home.

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