ELUSIVE (Book 2)

Da hidden_1nk

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Sawyer & Opal, how it starts. Altro



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Da hidden_1nk

The cold from the a.c wakes me up. I stretch out, my eyes closed. Sawyer isn't here, his body heat kept me hot all night.

I try going back to sleep but the clanging of pots and something falling stirs me out of my peaceful state and I grudgingly get up.

My hair is a curly mess and I have a trail of dry drool running down the side of my mouth and down my neck.

My head is slightly pounding as I stand in the warm shower. It has to be eight in the morning and I'm so thirsty.

I quickly finish my shower and brush my teeth. My hair is a different color but it's back to curly. I missed it.

I walk down stairs and stop when I hear laughing. I slowly enter the kitchen and see Sawyer with an apron on and Lauren right beside him. She plops a baby tomato in his mouth as he whisks something in a bowl.

I don't have time to back out of the kitchen when I sneeze unnecessarily loud. Damn allergies.

Lauren gasps and turns around, "Opal, you scared me. I didn't see you there." She nervously laughs.

She wipes her hands on her apron, and clears her throat, "We're making breakfast." She says.

I feel her uneasiness and awkwardness. I look over to Sawyer but he doesn't give me his time of day.

"Try this." He taps Lauren on the shoulder to get her attention. She opens her mouth and Sawyer slowly feeds her a strawberry.

"Mmm, it's so sweet." She says, wiping the juice from the side of her mouth.

My stomach turns and I catch myself glaring at her, this ugly feeling in the pit of my stomach.

Sawyer finally turns to me, "Oh, morning." He says as if barley realizing I'm there.

I smile, a tight smile and walk out of the kitchen. I end up bumping into Jospeh, who still looks half asleep.

"Jospeh." I excitedly say and hug him really tight. He laughs not expecting a hug from me.

"Good morning to you to." He hugs me back.

"I thought I was never going to see you guys. Sawyer took me into the woods. I really thought he was going to kill me." I exaggerate and Jospeh glares at Sawyer.

I'm standing beside Jospeh, he doesn't let me go and embraces me with one arm.

"And when you guys left... I didn't know what to do."

"Oh, please." I hear Sawyer spit under his breath. His gaze meets mine his eyes ice cold.

"Hungry?" Jospeh intertwines his finger in mine and I smile.


"What's for breakfast, Soy Sauce." Jospeh says and I laugh at the nickname Jospeh gives Sawyer.

"Did I just hear soy sauce?" Avery walks in, "eww gross." She gags.

"You haven't used that in a while." Evan walks in, laughing.

Sawyer ignores us but flips us all off.

"Where's Daniel? Is he still sleeping?" I question. They all eye each other and Jospeh speaks first.

"He left early this morning. He has family near by. He's going to stay with them." He explains and I look at them confused.

Isn't that dangerous?

"Right.." I say not believing a word.

"Ok, for breakfast we're having French toast, eggs, bacon and sausages, and some fruit. Oh and there's yogurt." Lauren comes in with different plates of food and lays them out on the table.

"This looks so good." Avery digs in.

Durning breakfast Jospeh organizes
watch shifts. Sawyer wants the night shift so that's what he gets.

I get up and place my dish in the sink. I rest in the living room and find a book and read peacefully and before I know it, it's mid day.

Before going back to the room I make a quick bathroom stop. When I'm done I admire the pictures on the hallway wall. I stop at a picture of Evan, Sawyer, and Jospeh. Evan looks fourteen and Sawyer looks about twelve. They're sitting at a camp fire roasting marshmallows. They look the same just younger, Sawyers hair is shorter. Joseph's hair is combed nicely to the side.

If I had Sawyer in my school when I was younger I probably would have stolen a few glances his way and thought he was cute, with nice eyes.

"That was taken right out back."

I jump. Joseph laughs and shakes his head.

"I'm a little jumpy today." I nervously laugh. "So you guys hung out here often?"

Jospeh nods, "That was the summer before we moved. We wanted our last day to be epic. I wonder if Lauren's parents still have all the camping gear."

"I've never been camping." I state.

"You're missing out...." he shrugs, "talking about missing out, you will tell me about the little adventure I missed yesterday, right?"

I manage a tight smile, "Yes." I start turning toward the stairs then stop, "You have the next shift after Sawyer, right?"

"I don't think any of us will be taking a turn. Sawyer only let me organize shifts because he wasn't in the mood to argue. I'll go out there but he's stubborn as hell and probably won't give up his shift."

"He needs sleep too."

"I know." He shrugs. I turn and when I'm a few steps up the stairs Jospeh calls my name, "Opal?"

I turn to face him, the hallway is dark the only light is coming from the living room.

"Was Sawyer... okay with you today?" He questions, "I mean before coming here I know he was always up in your face so when I found out you were alone with him it worried me. But you guys seem fine now..."

"I think so." I answer not knowing if we are or not.

When he says nothing I feel the need to continue, "we are. Weirdly, we got along yesterday. It was a nice change."

I can't see his expression but I feel his gaze on me, "Good." He softly says. "I'll see you tomorrow then, we'll talk."

We both part ways and I head up to the room. Today is resting day, everyone is doing their own thing. Avery stayed in her room all day and I'm not sure what everyone else is doing.

I try sleeping but every time I close my eyes I drift into nightmares of people catching me and experimenting on me. The worst one is where I can see my my family but I can never get to them.

I get out of bed and check the time. It's almost midnight, I look out the window and still see Sawyer outside. Jospeh was right, Sawyer didn't budge. I grab my hoodie and a small blanket.

I walk downstairs and see two plates of food, one I'm assuming is mine. My appetite is gone, but I take it with me.

"Opal," Sawyer growls, long before I can see him, his voice echoing all around. "I told Jospeh I want you guys to sleep."

He stops when he sees I'm carrying a plate of food. I find him sitting in a chair facing the woods. I hold out the plate of food.

"You're too stubborn to come inside, so might as well be comfortable. Hungry?"

He takes the plate and I pull out a water bottle from my hoodie pocket. I throw the blanket over his head and the water bottle.

"You should be sleeping." He says, his mouth full of food.

"I can't."

"Yes you can. Just close your eyes." He studies me and grunts, "Whats up?"

I look out into the woods. The summer night smells faintly of woodsmoke and it reminds me of the picture I saw of all three of them.

"I saw a picture of you, Evan, and Jospeh. He said you guys camped out here, is this the spot?"

"So we're changing the subject?" He shakes his head and I plop down on the grass in front of him.

"Yeah, this is the spot." He answers.

"It smells like someone else is making a campfire. They're stating their summer right."

"So we're definitely changing the subject?"

"I'm just... this..." I wave toward the forrest, "I'm worried that they somehow found us and they're just waiting for the right moment to barge in."

"They're not." He reassures me. I just nod.

"Is that why you couldn't sleep yesterday?" He questions. "You think they're hiding in there?" He points. I nod again.

He takes a long sip of his water and throws the bottle on the floor, "Lets go."

"Where?" I question.

"I circled the house already, nothing suspicious. Might as well explore see what's out there."

I scowl, I just told him I'm terrified of the woods and he wants me to go in there? Is he crazy?

"Come on, it would put an end to your fears. It's not like either of us have anything better to do for the next couple of hours."

Lauren? I think to myself.

He starts walking to the woods, I rush after him. When we're deep and it's too dark to see I lose my footing but catch myself before I fall.

"Opal?" I bump into Sawyers arm, he stops and I notice he's looking down at me.

"We'll figure everything out." He says softly, "We'll handle it."

I glance away, I'm shaking so hard my teeth are chattering. Sawyer puts his fingers under my chin and turns me to face him again,

"It's okay." He says.

He looks down at me, fingers still on my chin, face over mine. Then he lets his hand fall and turns away with a gruff.

"I think this is a good spot."

It takes me a while to follow him and when I reach him we're in an open space.

"Give me a day and year." He says and I look at him confused. I see him take out something shiny from his pocket. "Time, day, year, place." He says slower.

"Why?" I question and he just flings open the watch, not answering me. He watches me intently and I close my eyes, trying to think.

I smile and open my eyes.

His eyebrows are raised, waiting for me to say a date.

"November twenty second 2018 at six o'clock pm. New York." I slowly tell him and within seconds we're engulfed in black.

The first thing I feel is the cold air and the smell of chimneys.

"Where are we?" Sawyer asks. I almost forget he's here.

"Hey, can you stop by a store that's two blocks down and get me some egg nog?" I ask Sawyer. He looks at me skeptically but eventually agrees if I stay put.

As soon as he's out of sight I run three blocks down into my grandparents neighborhood. When I'm in front of their house I knock on the door.

When the door flies open my grandma has a bowl in her hand. When she sees me she looks surprised.

"Opal, where is everyone?" She questions.

I smell the warm food and the ham cooking in the oven.

"Opal, honey?" She questions and I snap out of it.

"They're on their way, I got an early bus here. I thought you might need help." I walk inside and see my grandpa reading a newspaper.

"George, look who made it early?"

"My favorite granddaughter." He says and gets up to hug me. I squeeze him tight tears almost spilling.

"Aww, honey what's wrong." She asks.

"Nothing, I just miss you that's all." I hug her as well and she laughs.

"You saw us yesterday."

I laugh and wipe the tears, "What do you need help with?"  She pulls me into the kitchen and I start smashing some yams.  

This was the last time all my family was together from my dads side. All my cousins come and my aunts and uncles for thanks giving and we all eat and play games.

"Honey, can you check whose at the door?" She asks. I hear a knock at the door and rush to see who it is. From the window I can see my mom holding a casserole and me climbing out of the car.

"Mom." I whisper and a tear falls.

"The door, Opal." My grandpa says from the bathroom. I sneak out the back and around the corner. When I see my the back of my dad enter into the house.

I see the confusion on my grandparents face and eventually they brush it off and they sit at the table. My brother is already watching tv.

I stay hidden behind dads car.

When I see them all laughing inside and me rolling my eyes at my mom. I cry, I wish I can just hold her.

I wipe my tears and start walking toward where I left Sawyer. He's sitting on the street curb, a bottle of egg nog in his hand.

"So what didn't you want me to see?" He questions.

"You got the good egg nog." I smile and try to grab it out of his hands but he pulls it out of reach from me.

I sigh, "My family, this was the year my grandma died and I wanted to see her one last time."

Sawyer nods, handing me the egg nog.

I happily drink it and offer some to Sawyer but he shakes his head no.

Sawyer is quiet the whole way back to the house and I feel anxious. That night I fall asleep dreaming of my grandma and her delicious food.

The next morning Avery follows me to the bathroom, trying to give me helpful tips on my hair. Avery inches toward friendship but then somehow always remembers that we're supposed to be mortal enemies.

"Don't wash your hair more than once. The dye will make it hard. I saw conditioner, use it and let it sit for a while."

"When you straighten your hair, put oil first and then blow dry."

"The curlier the better." I tell her.

Jospeh pokes his head out of his room, " You're not going to straighten it?"

"Natural is better."

He hesitates, the look in his eyes telling me he wants to say something he doesn't  really want to.

"I know you want it gone, but, but, well if we go out..."

"I doubt anyone will let me go out. House arrest it is."

"It's not that bad." Jospeh says.

Avery mock whispers, "Jospeh's thinking the straight hair look is hot."

He glowers at her, "No. I just want..." He throws an impatient look at Avery telling her to leave, but she stands her ground. He leans down to my ear, his fingers intertwining with mine. "I know it's a hassle to straighten all this hair. I don't care what your hair looks like I just want you to be safe."

"Aww, that's so sweet." Avery says.

Jospeh stands between us, his back toward Avery.

"Sawyer said you were asking about self defense lessons, maybe we can try that later?"

I'm not really in the mood for that, but he's smiling, obviously eager to do something nice. It's not like I have anything better to do.

"Sure." I tell him.

"You guys make a nauseatingly cute couple, but can you guys gaze into each others eyes another time? I'm trying to shower." 

I run into Sawyer after my peaceful nap.

"Your meeting with Evan over?"  I ask.


Jospeh pops  his head out of his room.

"Just the person I wanted to see. Ready?" Jospeh asks and I nod.

I tell him to meet me down stairs as I change into tights and a tank top. It's hot outside today.

I walk into the kitchen and catch both Lauren and Sawyer laughing. Sawyer sees me and he wraps an arm around her waist and pulls her in close.

My eyes briefly move to his arm around her and then back up to his face.

"But as I was saying, a bond fire like we used to would be fun." She says with a smile.

"Where's Jospeh?" I interrupt, avoiding all eye contact with Sawyer.

"Oh." She looks up at Sawyer. "I'm not sure." She shrugs. 

I walk to the front door and see Jospeh sitting on the porch.

"Ready?" Jospeh says and I nod.

Jospeh shows me a wrist hold technique when Sawyer comes out with a book and sits on the porch and reads.

"We got company." I mutter, annoyed.

"Just ignore him." Jospeh whispers and I nod.

I get into my stance ready to fight Jospeh, but as I'm about to kick, I lose my footing and fall.

I burst out laughing and Jospeh quickly pulls me up, laughing. I place my hand on his chest and look up at him,

"That was funny." I tell him.

"Come on, one more try."

I pose again and I kick my leg up but Jospeh catches my foot.

"Gotta be faster than that." He says. Lauren comes out and sits next to Sawyer and I feel a pang of envy, the pit of my stomach turns. I get ready in my pose again and kick as hard and as fast as I can. I knock the wind out of Jospeh and he falls to the floor.

"Oh my gosh. I'm so sorry. Are you okay?" I say and rush to his side.

Joseph laughs, trying to catch his breath. "You did good, break." He says and I hand him a water bottle.

"I'm sorry." I apologize again and he shakes his head. I head inside and grab an ice pack and I see Jospeh run upstairs.

I trudge up the stairs and don't notice that Jospeh's room is open, until Sawyer reaches out, his fingers brushing my elbow.

"Hey." I say, and I struggle to smile.

"You busy?" He says, his voice barley above a whisper.

"I don't think so."

He glances down the restroom door and I see light coming out from underneath. He steps closer to me, his voice dropping even more.

"I thought if you weren't doing anything, maybe we could..."

The bathroom door swings open and Sawyer jumps back. Jospeh walks out.

"Oh, good an ice pack." Jospeh takes it from my hand. "So what are we doing? This time I'm not missing the adventure."

"Most are accidental and I wouldn't want to relive them." I tell Jospeh and look up at Sawyer. "You were saying?"

"Nothing. We shouldn't do too much."

"Okay? So what are we doing?" Jospeh asks again.

"Nothing tonight, just fuck it." Sawyer retreats back into Jospeh's room.

"Avery is sleeping with you. She's afraid to sleep alone." Jospeh warns me and I nod. I walk back to my room, it's empty. 

The next day I wake up early and go out for a walk. Evan is on duty, but he's asleep on the chair.

"You're up early..." I see Sawyer standing on the side walk.

"Couldn't sleep." He shrugs.

I hear the front door open and Lauren glances out, frowning. She doesn't say anything but the look she gives us is the exact look Nancy had given Sawyer and I after we came out of the basement.

The last time Sawyer and I got caught together I came up with a bunch of excuses. Sawyer was right, the more I can up with excuses the more suspicious I looked. And Sawyer didn't help which pissed me off. 

Lauren didn't catch us holding hands or making out, we're just standing in broad day light.

"It's getting warmer out." I tell her awkwardly. Sawyer snorts.

"Hopefully not too hot." She says, her expression not changing.

"Are the others awake?" I ask.

"Everything seemed quiet when I got up." She shrugs. "I was about to make breakfast when I saw the front door open."

"Oh, that was me. Sorry." I apologize she nods and with a frown she closes the door.

Sawyer goes up stairs for a shower. I'm on my way to check on Avery, but Lauren stops me and asks for help in the kitchen. She asks me to set the table while she fries the bacon.

"I hear you like to draw..." she says. "Who is your favorite artist?"

"Claude Monte." I tell her and she nods.

"Jospeh told me about what you like. I have a lot of blank sketch books. I'm a failed artist. I suck." She says laughing.

"I can teach you." I shrug and she laughs again.

"So, how much do you know about Sawyer?" She questions.

"Just what I learned from Jospeh and what I've seen."

"I know I don't know Sawyer that much anymore, but years ago if there's one thing I remember when dealing with Sawyer. He's dangerous, he may seem like me and you but he has a brilliant mind. Be careful."

I look away, this is the first time I'm hearing this.

"Sawyer is different. He seems very attached to you, Opal."

I drop a fork on the table, "Attached?" I question. I don't think she knows what she's talking about. I laugh,  "I mean I think he feels some what responsible for me, but I think he feels obligated because he ripped me from my family." I tell her.

She doesn't say anything, she just flips the bacon.

"I can start the eggs." I tell her and she nods.

"Sawyers a good guy. He's responsible and mature. I remember his mom would say she'd rather have a hundred Sawyers than one Jospeh..."

I look at her confused,

She sighs, "The point I'm trying to make is that I know Sawyer and he seems like a normal guy..."

Normal? I want to laugh, I don't think any of us think he's normal.

"But you need to remember that Sawyer is dangerous. You need to be careful."

Sawyer walks into the kitchen, ringlets of water dripping from his hair. He sees Lauren talking to us and he squints his eyes in suspicion.

"So, I'm taking the girls out to buy clothes." Lauren says and Sawyer nods.

I'm surprised he's not arguing that I'm on house arrest.

Part 1 of 2 🤪

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