Hamilton One Shots

By LivBop

216K 4.2K 5.2K

★ ★ Ships of Hamilton ★ ★ ★ ★ Began: 9-3-18 ★ ★ ★ ★ No Warnings nor Requests ★ ★ ★ ★ Slow Updates ★ ★ ★ ★... More

{Jamilton} Lonesome, Broken, and Blue (1)
{Jamilton} Freedom of Fighting (2)
{Jamilton} Camping Trip {Pt. 1} (3)
{Jamilton} Camping Trip {Pt. 2} (4)
{Jamilton} Abuse at its Finest (5)
{Jamilton} August 27 (6)
{Jamilton} Too Quiet (7)
{Jamilton} Fuck That (8)
{Jamilton} High School Sucks (9)
{Jamilton} Nonstop (10)
{Whamilton} War Goes On (11)
{JeffMads} Anxiety Pills (12)
{Jeffmads} Baby Steps (13)
{Whamilton} Don't You Dare (14)
{Poly!Hamilsquad X Reader} Singing (15)
{Jeffmads} Always Sick (16)
{Whamilton} Happiness (17)
{Poly!Hamilsquad X Reader} Children (Pt. 1) (18)
{Poly!HamilSquad X Reader} Children (Pt. 2) (19)
{BurrCules} Consent (20)
{Jamilton} Eye Of The Hurricane (21)
{Jamilton} Sephora (22)
{Jamilton} My Son (23)
{KingBury} My Puppet (24)
{Jamilton} Little Things Matter (25)
{Jamilton} Kindness Is My Cure (26)
{Poly!HamilSquad X Reader} I Lost Everyone (27)
{Poly!Hamilsquad x Reader} Its Quiet Uptown (28)
{Thomas Jefferson X Reader} Modeling Is A Job (29)
{Poly!Hamilsquad} Flower Crowns and Such (30)
{Poly!HamilSquad} Family Troubles (31)
{Burrcules} History Has Its Eyes On You (32)
{Poly!Hamilsquad X Reader} Being Cute (33)
{Poly!Hamilsquad} Dresses (34)
{Burrcules} Solicitude (35)
{Jamilton} Distressed (36)
{Lams} Stay Alive (37)
{Mullette} Random Shit (38)
{Kingbury} Bullied (39)
{Jamilton} Back In The Day (40)
{Lams} The Life Of The Party (41)
{Jamilton} I Promise (Pt. 1) (42)
{Jamilton} I Promise (Pt 2) (43)
{Jamilton} Harsh (44)
{Burrcules} Ticklish, hm? (45)
{Washette} Family (46)
{Lafferson} Forbidden Long Ago (47)
{Jamilton} Appointments (48)
{Lafferson} Make You Believe You Are Lovely (P. 1) (49)
{Washette} Make You Believe You Are Lovely (P. 2) (50)
{Poly!HamilSquad X Reader} Tickets (51)
{Poly!HamilSquad} Hurt (52)
{JeffMads} Cute As Hell (53)
{Jeffmads} Late (54)
{BurrCules} Fancy Dinner (55)
{Poly!Hamilsquad} My Family (56)
{Whamilton} Winter's Ball (P. 1) (57)
{Whamilton} Winter's Ball (P. 2) (58)
{Jamilton} Worry and Care (59)
{Jamilton} Birds (60)
{Jamilton} Sick Day (61)
{Jamilton} No Time to Waste (P. 1) (62)
{Jamilton} No Time To Waste (P. 2) (63)
{Jamilton} Finally Some Fluff (64)
{Mullette} "I think I'm going to puke" (65)
{Mullette} "Who cares about what they think?" (66)
{Jeffmads} "Who hurt you?" (67)
{Madilton} "I can't sleep, can I stay here?" (68)
{Jamilton} "Who hurt you?" (69)
{HamBurr(ger)} "You've shown me what love can feel like." (71)
{Kingsbury} "Don't be afraid."(72)
{Jamilton} Party equals cash. (73)
{Jamilton} Bad Habit (74)
{Marliza} She (75)
{Lams} Cuddle Up with a Phone (76)
{Jamilton} Still Hurting (77)
{Lams} Eliza (78)
{Lams} Watching (79)
{Burrcules} In Control (80)
{Mullette} Flowers (81)
{JeffMads} Gentle Words (82)
A/N (Will Delete Later)
{Poly!HamilSquad} I Hope I Never Miss You (P. 1) (83)
{Poly!HamilSquad} I Hope I Never Miss You (P. 2) (84)
{Burrcules} Don't Touch Him (85)

{Jamilton} "Get back in bed, you're not healed yet!" (70)

1.4K 37 27
By LivBop

▲▽Alexander Hamilton's P.O.V.▼△
★Modern AU★
★・・・・・・★ ・・・・・・★

Honestly, I'm glad I listened to Jefferson when he said, "Get back in bed, you're not healed yet!"

Let's start from the beginning.


"Don't touch me," I growled as I stomped towards my office.  

"Hamilton, come on," Thomas whined, his long strides catching up to me instantly.  "This meeting is important to us.  This includes you, even if no one wants you there."

"Go on without me," I got to my office and slammed the door in his face, listening to him sigh outside of my door and walk away.  I stood at the door for a few seconds, my ear against the door as I heard silence on the other side.  I took that opportunity to walk off to my desk and sit in my chair, carding my fingers through my hair angrily.

I had just been informed that Eliza, my girlfriend, was caught making out with Maria, one of my closest friends.  They were found running into the home Eliza and I shared, giggling like high school crushes would.  I had this information from Aaron, who lived directly across the road from where I lived.  He took photos of when they went into the house and when Maria left, looking very disheveled.  

I knew something was up with those pictures.  

I collected all of my belongings and threw them into the drawers of my desk.  I knew I would look for them later, but right now, I needed to go home and talk to the girl I love.  

I asked myself many questions as I walked towards the exit of the building, leaving everything I brought in my office.  Was I not good enough?  Did I work too much again?  Did I not love her enough?  Did I do everything wrong?  What if she got bored of me?  Where will I live?  Where will I go?

"Woah, Hamilton," I ran into James while deep in thought, almost knocking the sick guy over.  "You doing okay?  You look awfully pale."

"I'll be back in a bit," I dismissed, shuffling past him and to the exit, leaving the building and getting into my car.  This was where I knew this entire thing was a bad idea. 

I left the area, driving only slightly over the speed limit, getting almost every red light possible, making me become angrier with the world.  At the fifth red light, I slammed my hands on the wheel impatiently, wanting to just ask Eliza what was going on.  I couldn't wait any longer, calling Eliza impatiently.  

"Eliza?" I asked when the ringing stopped, no sound being heard on the other side of the call.  

Then I heard a groan.  A very passionate, lust filled groan.  And it wasn't my girlfriend.  "Eliza," I heard through the phone, making me stiffen as the light turned green.  I had not moved from my spot as the groans continued.  

A honk behind me got me from my distraction and I quickly hung up.  I drove for a little longer before pulling over, tears falling down my face.  That was Maria's voice I heard.  She was back.  Again.  

I cried for a little bit before I turned my car around, finding my way back to work.  I knew I would have to go home sooner or later, but right now, I could distract with work.  

Or that's what I thought before a semi hit my car, flipping it off the side of the road and almost killing me.  

I knew I was alive when I opened my eyes to be still in my seat, my car flipped the wrong way and my head feeling slightly dizzy.  I unbuckled myself and fell to the roof of my car, which was on the ground.  I kicked my window out and crawled from my car, my leg now bleeding from the shards of glass.  I had broken at least two ribs, making my entire body feel the shock of pain.  

"Oh my gosh," the driver ran over to me in worry, other people pulling over and someone already calling 911.  "Are you okay?"

I opened my mouth to speak, words caught in the back of my throat.  I felt like I was suffocating.  

Soon enough, officers and ambulances showed up on the scene, taking me away as the police talked to the semi-truck driver.  It must've been my fault for the crash.  Everything was my fault from Eliza cheating on me to driving into a semi to almost die.  

Maybe I could die from this. 


I didn't die.  

Eliza stood at the foot of my bed when I woke up, light brown eyes full of tears.  "Alex," she murmured, running over to me and holding my hand.  

I quickly snatched my hand away, an icy glare settling on her.  "You cheated on me, with Maria."

Eliza was shocked by this sudden outburst, her tears finally falling.  "How do you-"

"I heard you on the phone," I told her half of the truth, looking away from her.  

She became quiet as John came in, his nurse uniform looking quite clean, like he hadn't been working all day.  "How are you feeling?" he asked as he walked in, smiling when he knew I was awake.  

"Fine," I replied, looking at the hazel eyes of my best friend.  "Is Herc or Laf here?"

"They're still on vacation.  They know you've been hurt, so they're cutting their vacation short and trying to get tickets back here," John explained, fixing something on one of the machines that's attached to me.  "Do you feel any pain?"

"Only in my heart," I murmured, glancing at the brunette girl before looking back at John, who shared a sad smile with me.  "No pain, that I notice.  What's broken?"

"Well," he pulled out an x-ray of my ribs.  "You broke three ribs, and your leg is very scratched up.  You hit your head, but it was barely anything to worry about.  Other than that, you got through without too bad of injury.  You're lucky."

I couldn't seem to die.

Eliza stepped up.  "George Washington is here with a few co-workers."

I wanted to tell Eliza that I loved her, maybe we could work things out between us.  It hurts, but I love her.  I can't let her go.  

None of those words spilled from my mouth, silence around the room.  "I'll go get them," she murmured, walking out of the room without glancing at me.  

I put my head in my hands and rubbed my face tiredly.  "Eliza told me what happened," John said.  "I can't believe she would do that."

I didn't reply, Washington walking in with a softened expression on his face.  "Son."

"Not your son," I mumbled.

"How are you feeling?" he sat down in the chair near the bed I was laying on.  

"Fine," I shrugged, now sitting up.  I scrunched my face up in pain as little shocks of pain flowed from my ribs down my spine to my leg.  "Ow."

John rushed over, holding medicine and a glass of water.  "Drink," he ordered, making me take the medicine and drink the water.  

Washington looked at John for answers, not wanting to ask me.  I placed the glass down on a table and gazed at Washington.  "Who else is here?"

"Aaron is here with Hercules.  Lafayette is out there, as well.  James forced Jefferson to come," Washington explained.  

"Angelica and Peggy are on their way.  They just left work not too long ago," John spoke up, looking at his pager on his waistband.  "I have to go.  I'll be back in an hour."

John rushed out to go do his job, Washington staying where he is.  "Would you like me to go get someone?"

"I'd rather be alone," I mumbled, laying back down.  "Tell everyone I'm fine and they can go home."

Washington didn't like this answer, but accepted it and walked out, no more words spoken from anyone in this room. 


"You think I'm going to leave you on the street?" Hercules asked, watching as I got out of bed and onto a wheelchair, my leg still hurting and my ribs, as well.  "You can just stay with Aaron and I.  We have an extra bedroom."

"I don't want to bother anyone," I replied, letting John roll me down the hallway, soon the other friends and co-workers joining in the walk.  "I can just find an apartment for a bit.  Maybe things will work out."

John stopped.  "Oh no.  You can't be by yourself, are you crazy?" he stepped in front of the chair I was in, his tone very stern.  "You'll hurt yourself more if you don't have someone to stop you from moving too much.  You need someone to be with you at all times."

"Thomas, you should let him stay with you," James spoke up.  Everyone looked back at the two close friends.  "You live alone anyway.  Plus you have a giant house."

"No way!  I am not living with him!" I shouted out, glaring at Thomas.  "He'll probably hurt me more."

"Mon ami," Lafayette spoke up, stepping over to me.  "Just for a night, at least.  See how it is."

I didn't want to be near Thomas.  He can absolutely torture me while I'm stuck in bed.  He could never bring me food, or worse, bring me Mac and Cheese.  

"If it doesn't work out, you can stay with us," Lafayette said, looking at Washington.  "There is plenty of room."

"One night.  That's it," I agreed.  

Thomas scoffed, letting John take me to Thomas' car.  


Thomas has been silent the entire time.  

While he drove, silence.  
Getting me out of the car, silence.
Helping me into the house, silence.
Even getting me into an extra bed in his house, he was silent.  

It was as if I was a burden and he didn't want me around. 

He put me into bed, covered me in a blanket, then left the room.  I felt myself become tired, digging deeper into the comforter as I relaxed.  I knew I would be uncomfortable around Thomas, but his nice furniture and this soft bed helped me to sleep quickly.  It was nice to not be uncomfortable in a bed.  I used to only have scratchy blankets, but these blankets that covered me weren't scratchy whatsoever.

Many minutes passed, which turned into one hour, and I was woken up by someone shaking me slightly.  "Hamilton," I heard someone say softly.

I fluttered my eyes open to see brown eyes staring at me.  I hummed, not wanting to talk to Jeffer-Shit.

"I brought you food.  I don't have much for food right now, so I hope you don't mind Mac and Cheese," he handed me a bowl that had the thing I hated most, with a fork in it.  I sat up slowly, pain rolling down my ribs.  

Thomas helped me to sit up and handed me the bowl.  "Thanks," I mumble, eating some of it.  It wasn't terrible, much better than hospital food, I'd say.  He watched me eat for a while, making sure I was okay.  I looked at his eyes, emotions hidden under them.  "Why did you let me stay with you?" I suddenly asked.

He was hesitant to answer, looking away.  He glanced back at me as I waited patiently for a response, eating the food I was given.  "You had no where else to go," he shrugged.  

"Laf and Washington told me I could stay with them," I replied.  "Why are you letting me stay?  There must be a reason."

He didn't like how much I read into this, his eyes dancing away from me.  "Just eat your food, Hamilton."

I sighed in defeat, finishing the food I was given.  I gave him the bowl and laid back down, ignoring the pain in my ribs.  I faced away from him, feeling his stare on me before he got himself up and left the room.  I was left alone, feeling defeat and anger towards the response I was given.


"It's been one night," John walked over to me in bed after helping me to my feet.  He told me I had to exercise, even if it hurt.  I had to gain the muscles back in my leg, even if it was killing me.  "Do you want to stay here?  There's plenty of room at my place."

I looked at his hazel eyes, unsure.  "Thomas was being nice to me, John.  I don't know what to think."

John glanced at the door, which was closed.  "It would be better if you stayed here, Alex.  He can stay all the time, help you recover and make sure you stay in bed.  If you stay with myself or Washington, you'd be alone half of the day," John explained, finally gazing back at me.  "Just give it some thought, okay?"

I nodded, watching him get up.  "I have to go get some medication for you from the hospital.  I know those pills they gave you aren't working.  I'll be back in a few minutes.  Stay in bed and don't be dumb."

I rolled my eyes at my friend as he left, leaving me to an empty room once more.  I wanted to do something, whether it was write or type or draw.  I wanted to move, but John would be mad if I moved.  

"Thomas!" I called out, trying to get his attention.  I waited a few seconds, listening to the silence of the house.  "Jefferson!"

I listened again, no sound from anywhere.  "Fuck," I swore, getting myself up and opening the door.  "Thomas!"

I waited for a reply.  When I didn't hear one, I sighed and walked out of the room (limped, really).  I began my travel down the stairs when the fluffy haired Virginian appeared at the bottom.  "Hamilton, what are you doing?"

"Finding something to make me less bored," I replied, still getting downstairs.

"Get back in bed, you're not healed yet!" he called out, going to grab for me.  

"Stop it!" I pulled away from him, making my leg give out from under me.  I felt arms wrap around me before I could fall down the stairs, feeling like I was going to pass out from the pain.  I groaned in pain while the muscly man carried me upstairs and into another bed, one I wasn't using.  

"Alexander, you're so stupid," he murmured, pulling my pants down and leaving me in boxers.  He noticed one of the wounds in my leg opened up, the blood staining the gauze that was around my leg.  "You're also lucky John was just here."

He walked out of the room, leaving me to cry out in pain, but try to cover it by shutting my mouth.  He came back with a whole medication kit, opening it and quickly fixing what had been injured.

He finished quickly and covered me up, trying to make me take the medication that wasn't working.  "Alex, just take the medicine."

"No," I panted out, moving my head away from the pill.

He sighed, putting it back into the bottle and placing it on the nightstand.  "I hope John is coming back," he mumbled, pulling a chair next to the bed.  "You never listen to me."

I stopped moving and I felt myself relax, the wound still hurting, but less now.  John soon returned, worry in his eyes when he saw my face scrunched up in pain.  "What did you do, Alex?" he growled, walking over with the pills in his hand.  

 Thomas let John walk over and John shoved a pill in my mouth.  "I was getting Thomas' attention," I whispered.

"Did he break anything?" John turned to Thomas.

"No.  He started bleeding on his leg, so I fixed it the way you instructed," Thomas replies and looks over at me.  "Other than that, he's fine."

John took a few deep breaths to calm himself down.  "I'm trusting you can take care of him," John finally says, pointing to Thomas.  "Make sure he doesn't move at all."

"Yes, sir," Thomas salutes.  

"Alex, you're staying here.  You no longer have a choice," John demands and walks over to where I am.  "I'll be back tomorrow, okay?"

"Fine," I grumpily reply, watching as he walked out of the room with a quiet goodbye. 

Thomas sat back down beside me and took my hand into his.  "I promised John I'd take care of you," he breathed.  "I have to keep that promise."

I smiled slightly, knowing he was trying his best.  "Thank you."

He smiled and watched as I closed my eyes tiredly.  "I'll be right here when you wake up," he murmurs, letting me sleep peacefully.


The next few days after that, Thomas and I grew closer than ever.  He helped me with the exercise portions, usually when John was over to help.  He fed me and made sure I was kept clean and healthy.  He wrapped me up in gauze when needed and helped me heal up.  

I completely forgot about Eliza, I forgot about the world that spins around us as Thomas and I lived in our own little bubble, happy as ever.  

We haven't even fought, constantly in this state where we knew what would piss each other off, so we wouldn't mention anything like politics.  We kept that to ourselves, finally happy with each other.  

We even began to date.

Then months passed and I was healed.  I could go back to work again, live on my own if I wanted.  Thomas asked me to move in with him, which I was practically doing for the last few months.  I, of course, said yes. 

Eliza hasn't messaged me or talked to me, so I escaped that heartache.  I went back to work with Thomas, fought with him during the day, then when we got home, we got over ourselves and cared for each other.  

It was happily ever after.  


I'm not doing another number 2 ("Get back in bed, you're not healed yet!") or number 38 ("Who hurt you?").  Just to let you guys know.

Also we hit 90K reads.  That's insane!  Thank you so so so much!  Love you all <3

Published: 7-21-19

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