Pirate Time ! (One Piece X Ma...

By Karadock56

786K 23.1K 11.1K

If someone hurts Luffy... that person's gonna have a bad time. More

Chapter 1: The rubber boy, and the blue-eyed teen
Chapter 3: Iron-mace Alvida
Chapter 4: Bounty hunter locked up
Chapter 5: The great captain Morgan
Chapter 6: The three-swords pirate
Chapter 7: A pirate's thief
Chapter 8: So "nose"-y
Chapter 9: Fetch, boy !
Chapter 10: A man's treasure
Chapter 11: Zoro Vs Cabaji
Chapter 12: Baggy the clown
Chapter 13: Our navigator
Chapter 14: The great captain Usopp
Chapter 15: All according to plan...
Chapter 16: The black butler
Chapter 17: Guarding the slope
Chapter 18: The Nyaban brothers
Chapter 19: Captain Kuro
Chapter 20: 3 years ago...
Chapter 21: Just (not) as planned...
Chapter 22: After the battle, new companion.
Chapter 23: Looking for cooking
Chapter 24: Here comes Sanji
Chapter 25: Don Krieg
Chapter 26: Red-leg Zeff
Chapter 27: Dracule Mihawk
Chapter 28: Shining resolve
Chapter 29: We need this wall !
Chapter 30: MH5
Chapter 31: East Blue's strongest
Chapter 32: Thank you, old geezer...
Chapter 33: Arlong Park
Chapter 34: Crashing along
Chapter 35: Crashing Arlong.
Chapter 36: Shark'n gum
Chapter 37: End of domination
Chapter 38: For a few million berrys
Chapter 39: Loguetown
Chapter 40: Reverse mountain
Chapter 41: Grand Li- Laboon ?!
Chapter 42: Log Pose
Chapter 43: Whiskey Peak
Chapter 44: That's how Baroque Works
Chapter 45: Desert princess
Chapter 46: AllSunday
Chapter 47: Little Garden
Chapter 48: Mr.5, has already touched the booze
Chapter 49: Candle special
Chapter 50: 0
Chapter 51: Straight ahead !
Chapter 52: Need healing
Chapter 53: Team Wapol is blasting off
Chapter 54: The No-Name country
Chapter 55: Drum Rockies
Chapter 56: Ascension
Chapter 57: Sleepy fight
Chapter 58: Snowy cherry blossom
Chapter 59: Okama
Chapter 60: Ala"bro"sta
Chapter 61: Reunion
Chapter 62: Dance Powder
Chapter 63: Sandora sandy sand
Chapter 64: Operation Utopia
Chapter 65: Dryed up
Chapter 66: Rainbase
Chapter 67: Rain Dinners
Chapter 68: Megalomaniac
Chapter 69: Quicksand
Chapter 70: Alubarna
Chapter 71: Royal crypt
Chapter 72: Karmic retribution
Chapter 73: 245 Million
Chapter 74: Stowaway
Chapter 75: Salvage
Chapter 76: ... Starboard helm.
Chapter 77: Mock Town
Chapter 78: Dream chaser
Chapter 79: Montblanc Norland
Chapter 80: South Bird
Chapter 81: Up there.
Chapter 82: Knock-up Stream
Chapter 83: Heaven's gate
Chapter 84: Angel beach
Chapter 85: Upper Yard
Chapter 86: Heaven's Judgement
Chapter 87: Treasure hunt
Chapter 88: Shandora
Chapter 89: God Enel
Chapter 90: Maxim
Chapter 91: Raigo
Chapter 92: *Bong*
Chaptre 93: Let the Sky island sing its song
Chapter 94: An islaaaaaaand
Chapter 95: Davy back fight
Chapter 96: Donut race
Chapter 97: Groggy ring
Chapter 98: Monster Trio
Chapter 99: Hell yeah bro ! That's the afro !
Chapter 100: Blue chilly pheasant
Chapter 101: Chill, bro. Stay cool.
Chapter 102: Water Seven
Chapter 103: Galley-La Company
Chapter 104: Out Of Service Merry
Chapter 105: Franky family
Chapter 106: Fratricidal battle
Chapter 107: Aqua Laguna
Chapter 108: Puffing Tom
Chapter 109: A hero descends
Chapter 110: Enies Lobby
Chapter 111: Until death
Chapter 112: Buster Call
Chapter 113: What one wishes for
Chapter 114: *Click*
Chapter 115: A Spand-ass whooping
Chapter 116: Don't die
Chapter 117: To the seas of adventure !
Chapter 118: A ship gets burned
Chapter 119: Hope you're ready for a revolution
Chapter 120: Undies course crash
Chapter 121: Two ships set sail
Chapter 122: Yohohoho~
Chapter 123: Thriller bark
Chapter 124: Thriller Bark
Chapter 125: Welcome to Zombieland
Chapter 126: Monkey see, monkeydnap
Chapter 127: Decorated
Chapter 128: ... Me...
Chapter 129: A "Ghost" of a chance...
Chapter 130: Demon vs Demons
Chapter 131: Monkey D. Oars
Chapter 132: Nightmare
Chapter 133: Nightmare... Luffy.
Chapter 134: Edge of Dawn
Chapter 135: From Charybdis...
Chapter 136: Weight of life
Chapter 137: Just a little longer
Chapter 138: Twenty-Thousand mermaids under the seas
Chapter 139: Heart and stomach wavering
Chapter 140: Jagi- Uhhh... Duval.
Chapter 141: Handsome
Chapter 142: Tenryûbitassholes
Chapter 143: Auction house
Chapter 144: One Gum Man
Chapter 145: Berry
Chapter 146: Dark King
Chapter 147: Pacifista
Chapter 148: *SCHPOK*
Chapter 149: Neutral
Chapter 150: Amazon Lily
Chapter 151: Chad
Chapter 152: Haki
Chapter 153: Back-to-back trouble
Chapter 154: Always... A HURRICANE !!
Chapter 155: World tour
Chapter 156: Going Impel Down
Chapter 157: Crimson Hell
Chapter 158: Pizza, pasta, put it in a box~
Chapter 159: Starvation hell
Chapter 160: Okama WAAAaaAAAAAaaAAAAAAaaAAY~~
Chapter 161: Intoxicating
Chapter 162: Newcomer Land
Chapter 163: LIVE !!
Chapter 164: To Hell and back
Chapter 165: Six Hells under
Chapter 166: Letting Hell Loose
Chapter 167: One Hell of a trek
Chapter 168: Gates of Hell
Chapter 169: An Okama... Doesn't need words
Chapter 170: Whirlpool
Chapter 171: Gol D. Ace
Chapter 172: Summit War
Chapter 173: Not so easy
Chapter 174: Well sure, that's me !
Chapter 175: Siege wall
Chapter 176: Codename
Chapter 177: Cold shower
Chapter 178: As a free man
Chapter 179: Devotion
Chapter 180: Standing
Chapter 181: To end this war
Chapter 182: Turn back

Chapter 2: Setting sail ! A new adventure awaits !!

39.8K 751 791
By Karadock56

 " ": You talking

' ': you thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

3rd Person POV:

A few days after the little "incident" with the bandits and the devil fruit, life in the village went back to normal.

Luffy: Hey, Mr.Fishmonger, give me some fish !

Fishmonger: Hey, rubber boy ! Why are you in such a good mood lately ? The pirates set sail without you today, you know ? And you won't be able to swim for the rest of your life.

Luffy: It doesn't matter If I sink like an anchor, then I'll just be a pirate that never falls overboard ! I'm glad I are the Gum-Gum devil fruit. Look at what I can do !

From behind, the mayor of the town started to lecture Luffy, about how bad it is to be a pirate.

Mayor: You think being gawked at because you're a freak is a great thing, eh ? Well this village doesn't need any more idiots, sonny !

Fishmonger: Good morning, Mr.Mayor !

Mayor: For the last time, Luffy, I won't allow you to become a pirate ! It'd make the village look bad !! Now, the captain's not such a bad fellow, but you stay away from those pirates !

Meanwhile, Luffy was plugging his ears, absolutely not listening.

Some time later...

Makino: The pirates have been out at sea for a long time. Do you miss them, Luffy ?

Luffy: After the way those mountain bandits humiliated them ?! Not at all !

Luffy: I really misjudged those guys ! I though they were brave and tough... But they're really just a bunch of wimps. Y/n was the only one who even tried to fight.

Makino: Are you sure about that ? Maybe sometimes it takes more courage not to fight.

Luffy: You just wouldn't understand, Makino. A real man has to stand up for himself, no matter what.

Makino: Is that right ? I guess I don't understand.

Luffy: that's right, you don't.

Makino: Speaking of Y/n, he isn't with you today ? That's quite rare.

Luffy: yeah, he decided to take a stroll on the mountains; I think he's trying to find these bandits himself.

At that moment, the door of the tavern opened, and a familiar crowd entered.

Higuma: Make way for the Terror of the highlands !

Luffy: Wha...

Higuma: No pirates today, eh ? Smells better... And that brat isn't here either. We were in the area, so we stopped by.

Higuma: What're you waiting for ? We're customers ! SERVE US DRINKS !!!


Makino: MAYOR ! We've got a problem !

Mayor: What's wrong, Makino ?!

Makino: It's Luffy, and the mountain bandits !

Higuma: You've got a strange body, boy. Our punches and kicks aren't hurting you at all.

Citizen 1: Hey ! We gotta go help Luffy !

Citizen 2: Are you crazy ?! Those mountains bandits would kill us ! Besides, Luffy's the one that started the fight !

Luffy: Darn you !! You'd better take it back !! YOU JERK !!

he tried to punch him, but his "as-strong-as-a-pistol" punch missed continuously.

Higuma: there sure are some weird creatures in the world... Eh, rubber boy ?

He just threw Luffy around, making him bounce on the ground, like some sort of rubber ball.

Luffy: DARN YOU !!! I'll make you so sorry for this !!

Higuma: I've discovered a new life form. Maybe I'll sell you to a freak show... I bet they'll bay good money for you.

Once again, Luffy got up, and tried to hit him with a stick he picked up.

Higuma: You stubborn little... BRAT !!

Once again, Luffy failed, as Higuma firmly planted his foot on his head.

Higuma: I was just drinking and talking to my men. I didn't say anything to offend you.


Citizen: Curse that Luffy ! Why'd he have to pick a fight with those guys ?!


Mayor: Let the boy go ! Please !!

At that moment, the Mayor arrived and tried to beg them to release Luffy.

He even went to his knees, pleading for Luffy's life.

Mayor: I don't know what Luffy did, and I have no intention of fighting you people, but if it's money you want, you'll get it. Just don't hurt the boy !

Higuma: Nice try, old man. You know how the world works.

Higuma: but I'm afraid it's too late. No one can save this brat now. He's done the unpardonable... He attacked me... And he called me names. I can't take that from this little rubber-spined freak ! And while I'm at it, if I can find that white-haired brat, I wouldn't complain...

Luffy: YOU started this, bandit ! You mountain macaque ! Just wait until Y/n hear about this !!

Higuma: That does it. I'm not gonna sell you. I'm gonna kill you !

Makino: LUFFY !

Mayor: Please ! Forgive him !

Behind them, a shadow approached them, wearing a straw hat.

Shanks: Nobody came to greet us at the harbor. I was wondering what was going on...

Makino: Captain shanks !!

Shanks: Oh, it's you mountain bandits again ! Luffy, I though your punch was as powerful as a pistol.

???: Didn't you always say a man as to stand up for himself ? What are you doing on the ground ?

Your POV:

Everyone turned to me, shocked to see me here. Well, mostly shocked by the bunch of beaten up bandits I was dragging behind me.

Luffy: Not now, guys !!

Higuma: Hmph ! You pirates are still here ? Taking a break from cleaning duties ? And you... Don't think I forgot what you did to me last time ! What have you done to my men ?!!

"Simple, When I found your hideout, they told me you went to the town, and they attacked me, so I just beat them all up, and destroyed the whole place."

Higuma: You ? Beating them all ? Don't make me laugh.

"Why don't you ask them directly ?". I said, throwing his men at his feet.

Higuma: I'll deal with you later. I don't know what you want, but you'd better back off before you get hurt. Come any closer and we'll have to kill you... Cowards.

Shanks and I absolutely ignored that threat, and we both started to walk toward him.

Bandit: Didn't you hear him ?! Don't come any closer... or we'll blow your heads off ! Ha ha ha ha !!

Two of his henchmen tried to point gun at both Shanks and me, much to our amusement.

Shanks: You're putting your life on the line by pointing that at us.

"Those are not toys to threaten other peoples, these are weapons made to kill your enemies."

Bandit: Huh ?! What're you talking about ?

Shanks: We're saying it's not safe to point guns.

Someone fired, and someone died, but the ones who fell weren't the ones who were threatened.

The two bandits corpses hit the ground hard, one of them with a headshot, the other one... Literally got his head blown off by something, and that something was hovering behind me.

Needless to say, the bunch of bandits we were facing wasn't happy with what happened, while I suddenly appeared at Shanks's side, sitting on my G.B.


Beckmann: Fair ?! Stop whining, landlubbers ! You're not dealing with saints here.

Shanks: We're pirates ! And we don't play by the rules !

Bandit: This was none of your business ! And what the hell is that thing ?!!

They were all staring at my G.B.

"Why do you care ? It's not like you'll leave this place alive..."

Shanks: listen up... You can pour drinks on me, you can throw food at me... You can even spit on me. I'll just laugh that stuff off. But...

Shanks: Good reason or not... NOBODY HURTS A FRIEND OF MINE !!!

Luffy: friend ?!

Higuma: HA HA HA HA ! Nice speech, very intimidating ! You pirates spend your time floating around in your little ships, and you think you can stand up to mountain bandits ? Don't make me laugh ! KILL THEM ALL !!!

Bandits: DIE !!!

Beckmann: Captain, I'll take care of this.

"You need a hand ?"

Shanks: he'll be fine, just sit back and watch how real pirates handle things.

When the first bandit came to direct contact, Beckmann just took his cigarette, and crushed it to burn his opponent's eye.

Bandit: YEEOOWWW !!!

Beckmann: Next...

He grabbed his Pistol/rifle by the handle, and used it to knock out all the bandits in a few seconds, before casually pointing it to the boss, lighting another cigarette.

Beckmann: You were something about mountain bandits and pirates ? If you wanna fight us, you better bring a battleship.

Still under his foot, Luffy was amazed by what just happened.

Luffy: Wow, he's strong !

At that moment, one of the guys I dragged from the mountain woke up, and immediately started to freak out once he recognized me.

Bandit: B...BOSS ! Don't try to fight him ! He's not a human, he's a monster ! He killed them all before we could even react !!

"You know, I was planning on taking you alive, but now that you've done it and attacked my friends, I think your corpse will do the trick."

Higuma: But... The brat started it !!

Shanks: Doesn't matter. there's a price on your head, isn't there ?

"And would you look at that, the wanted poster say 'Dead or alive'..."

Higuma: ... HMPH ! SMOKE BOMB !!!

Higuma: Come here kid !!

Luffy: HEY !! Let go !

The ruckus lasted a few seconds, but when the smoke dissipated, neither Luffy nor Higuma were on sight anymore. And shanks started to freak out.

Shanks: Oh no !! I let him escape ! We've gotta save Luffy !!

Lucky Roux: Calm down, captain ! We'll all go out and look for him ! We'll find him !!

Beckmann: Hmm... Captain...

"They're somewhere that way." I said pointing the ocean.

Shanks: You sure about that ?!

"Positive, at least Luffy is, I still can sense him."

3rd Person POV:

After using his smoke bomb to escape, Higuma brought Luffy on a barque, somewhere on the ocean.

Higuma: Ha ha ha ha ha ! What a brilliant escape ! And nobody would ever expect a mountain bandit to hide out at sea !!

Higuma: I brought you along as a hostage, but I have no longer have a use for you ! I've already killed 56 people who were foolish enough to make me mad, what's one more ?

Luffy: YOU die !

He tried to punch him once again, but failed once again, and Higuma just threw him off the boat and into the sea.

Higuma: Goodbye, brat...

Luffy: That guy is scum ! And I didn't even get one punch in ! Darn it !


Higuma: Ha ha ha ha ha !! Did you see the look on those pirates faces ? I broke a bottle over his head, and not one word of protest !! How pathetic !! Ha ha ha ha !!

Higuma: He really pissed me off, but that white haired boy, he literally humiliated me ! Next time I see him, I'll kill him on the spot !

Higuma: Cowards like that make me sick! Pirates are all talk.

Luffy: TAKE THAT BACK ! Take back what you said about Shanks and Y/n !! They're not cowards !! STOP TALKING BAD ABOUT THEM !!!

Makino: Luffy , stop !

Back to present:

Higuma was laughing rather loudly, seeing Luffy's struggle to stay afloat, but doing so, he failed to notice the ominous presence behind him.

When he finally spotted it, it was already too late.

Higuma: What the-... AAH !!

He and his boat got eaten by the monster, and by the look of it, Luffy was his next target and meal.

Luffy: YAAA !! *Glug* Somebody help me !! *Glug*

The monster took a huge bite of the ocean where Luffy was, but missed him. Or rather, Luffy got dragged out of the way by Shanks and a floating skull.

Luffy: Shanks ! Y/n !

Shanks/ Y/n: Get out of here !

The simple pressure made by Shanks would already be enough to scare that monster, but the G.B. that was above him just added to the scene, so it swam away as fast as it could.

Shanks: Luffy, I'm sorry. Makino told me what happened. You stood up for me.

Shanks: Hey, stop crying ! You're a tough guy, remember ?

Luffy: B-But... Shanks !!


Shanks: It's a small price to pay... Just an arm... I'm just glad you're okay.

"...It's my fault..."

"If only I stuck with Luffy, instead of looking for them, nothing would've happened..."

Shanks: Don't say that. Without you, we never could have locate them so fast. You're the one who saved him.


*Luffy understood why Shanks wouldn't take him out to sea. The dangers of the sea were too great, and he was not yet strong enough. But most of all, Luffy realized what a great man Shanks was. He vowed to be just like him one day.*

Luffy: So you won't be coming back to the village after this voyage ?

Shanks: that's right. We've been using this harbor as a base of operations for a long time. Maybe too long. Are you sad ?

Luffy: Yeah, I'm sad... But I won't ask you to take me with you ! I've decided to become a pirate on my own !

Shanks: It wouldn't do you any good. You're still too little ! There's no way you can become a pirate !

Luffy: OH YES I WILL !!! One day I'll have a ship and crew better than yours !! And we'll have the biggest hoard of treasure in the world!!


"That's some busy program you got there."

Shanks: Hmm... You're gonna be better than us, Huh ? Well then...

He took off his straw hat, and put it on Luffy's head.

Shanks: Do me a favor, Keep this hat safe for me ?

Shanks: This hat means a lot to me, promise that you'll give it back to me someday, when you've become a great pirate.

Beckmann: That kid's gonna make something of himself.

Shanks: Yeah, he acts just like I did when I was a kid. And with Y/n to watch over him, I have no reason to be worried.


Everyone from the town was reunited on the harbor, to see those pirates, who has been here for a whole year, set sail and disappear in the blue immensity of the ocean.

"Luffy... One day you're going to be a great pirate."

Luffy: You bet I will ! And I hope you'll keep your promise !

"Of course I will. Once you start your journey, I'll be the first to join your crew, as your first mate."

*Luffy's and Y/n's adventure... Begins 10 years later from this very same spot.*

10 Years later:

Once again, everyone from the town was on the harbor, to say goodbye to a bunch of pirates.

Makino: Well, They're finally setting out, eh, mayor ? I'll miss those rascals.

Mayor: But if they do become pirates, they'll bring shame to the village.

Fishmonger: I never thought he'd really do it ! And Y/n kept his promise too !

Meanwhile, on the sea...

Luffy: Wow ! It's a good day to set out to sea !

"Yep, blue sky no matter where we're looking."

The sea started to get agitated, and a familiar monster emerged from the depth of the ocean, ready to eat us both.

Luffy: Our local sea monster ! You mind if I deal with it, Y/n ?

"Go ahead, I want to see that special move you're so proud of."

Luffy: Thanks. Sorry I have to do this, but here's an attack I've been perfecting since the last time we met !!

Luffy: GUM GUM... PISTOL !!!

He stretched his arm, and hit that monster, caving its face in.

Luffy: that's what you get, you darn fish !

Luffy: Hmm... First things first. We've got to get a crew ! I think about 10 men should do. And we'll need a pirate flag !!

"You're the captain, you decide, Luffy."



*Luffy's and Y/n's tiny boat floats on, their crew yet to be found... Their great voyage of destiny has begun !!!*

I know some of you are curious about Y/n's powers here, so here's an explanation.

-First off, you are not Sans here, you're just a human with his powers, and here's why: This story was originally planned to be a sequel for my Konosuba story, but since it was ready first, I decided to release it first.

As a quick summary of what happened before: As you could imagine, you died and got reincarnated in another world, picking Sans's powers as your ability.

After defeating the demon king, each member of your party got a wish, and while Kazuma wished for everyone to stay young forever, you chose the power to travel to different worlds. That is how you ended up here, and also why you didn't aged in that 10 years timespan.

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