To Live Or Die (Book Two)

By Keekaneena

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After finding love and realizing that there is a propecy about her, Kat and Cain proceed to train for the upc... More

Chapter One: At Least Smile As You Hurt Me!
Chapter Two: Babies!?!? WTF!!
Chapter Three: Demonic Presence
Chater Five: Lose All Control
Chapter Six : Destruction & Guilt
Chapter Seven : Exorcism Part I
Chapter Eight: Exorcism Part II
Chapter Nine : The Air Element
Chapter Ten: Hunt for information
Chapter Eleven: Much Needed Rest
Chapter Twelve: The Prophecy
Chapter Thirteen: Abuse Again And Still No Smile
Chapter Fourteen: The Date Night
Chapter Fifteen : Cheating?
Chapter Sixteen : The Green Eyed Monster
Chapter Seventeen : Backseat Driver
Suprise Partner
In The Human City
Chapter Twenty: Run Away... Again
Chapter Twenty-one: Family Reunion
Chapter Twenty-Two: She Wolf
Chapter Twenty-three :
Chapter Twenty-Four: Two Day Wait
Chapter Twenty-five :
Chapter Twenty-six : Information
Chapter 27: New Plan
Chapter 28 - Cravings?
Chapter 29 : Fresh Wounds
Chapter 30: All About the Bond
New Idea: Part 31
Untitled Part 32
Chapter 33 : you didn't know?!?!
Chapter 34 : Unexpected Help
Chapter 35 : Tender Moment
Untitled Part 36
Chapter 37 : Forget Morning Sickness
Part 38 : Not Breakable Just Pregnant
Ch 39
Chapter 40 : Can't go back on uneasy feelings
Chapter 41 : Meetings To Make More Meetings
Chapter 42: When I get around to it
Shocker times two: chapter 43
Untitled Part 44
Part 45 : Joint Ideas
Part 46 - Greasy Like Slime
Part 48 - Council of Fools
Part 49 - It Starts
Part 50 - Evils of The World
Part 51 : Not Part of the Plan
Part 52 : The Grand Escape
Part 53 : Decision Time

Chapter Four: A Name and A Plan

121 11 3
By Keekaneena

After we left the office Cain took me to our bedroom. I cried into his shoulder and my pillow for a few hours until I couldn't form tears any more. After I calmed down a bit Cain had to leave to go do something so I was left sitting alone. My thoughts were a jumbled mess, one moment I had the urge to destroy everyone and everything at the pack house. The next moment I felt guilty and wanted to cry some more. Camira and my wolf were both silent, trying to help me figure a way to control my emotions so I don't go on a rampage and kill everyone.

I finally noticed the sun was going down, which meant that it should be supper time soon. As soon as I thought about food my stomach let out a rumble signaling that I was indeed hungry. Before I could even get up I hear a knock at the door.

"Come in." I sigh in annoyance.

"Forgive me for intruding Luna, but I brought you some food. Alpha Cain didn't think you would feel like coming to sit with the pack this evening. He said he will join you in a few moments with his own plate." Cindy placed the food down on the desk beside the door before she bowed to me, waiting for me to send her off.

"Thank you Cindy, that will do. Go enjoy your meal." I told her as I waved her out of the door way. She bowed again and closed the door with a soft click behind her. I just stared at the tray of food, the smell was intoxicating and making my hunger worse. I stared at the food for what must have been a few moments trying to will it over to the bed with me, but failing miserably.

Cain walks in with his own tray in hand and gives me a weird look. I must have looked constipated or something from trying to move the food with my mind.

"What are you doing?" he asks with only a hint of amusement.

"Trying to get my food without having to get up." I casually replied, continuing my show down with my tray. Cain just shook his head laughing at me, he finally picks up my tray and brings it to the bed with him.

"Better?" he asks. I just smile and nod my head at him. We eat in silence, but it's a comfortable one. Without saying anything Cain gathers up the trays and sets them on the table. He comes back to bed and crawls in cuddling with me, not satisfied with our position he switches so he is sitting with his back against the headboard and I am sideways between his legs with my head on his shoulder.

"How are you feeling babe?" Cain tenderly strokes my hair as we just sit enjoying each other.

"Jumbled up." I reply. "I just don't know what to think to be honest hun. One minute my anger is so consuming that I want to destroy and kill, the next minute I feel so guilty, after that I feel sad and depressed." I tell him honestly.

"Well Jenson says his soothsayer is concerned enough that he will be here late tomorrow evening instead of taking three days to arrive. I don't know if that is a good thing or not, but he will help us I promise." Cain tried to reassure me, but I could tell he was just as worried as I was.

"So what should I do so I don't go on a rampage and kill innocent people?" I ask, cringing at the vision of bloodied and mangled body parts all around the pack house.

"Well I have an idea." Cain winked at me while kissing my neck seductively. "I will keep you happy and occupied in bed how does that sound my beautiful mate?" huskily whispering in my ear, earning him a moan from me.

"If you think that your up for the challenge." I reply in a sexy voice as I gladly straddle Cain's obvious desire, capturing his lips in a passionate fight for dominance. He puts all his love and desire for me in that kiss and I am like putty in his hands.

**** Sorry I am not going into detail with the sex scenes at this moment. Maybe later for the baby making scene if I decide to have her get knocked up ****



I wake up twisted in the bed sheets, I feel around the big bed and its cold and empty. Where did Cain go? I wonder as I take a moment to let my eyes adjust to the dark of the bedroom. As I scan around I see something move out of the corner of my mind. I twist my head towards the movement and all I can see are two red eyes staring back at me. I slowly get out of bed, untangling my legs from the blankets and step towards the eyes. My body is moving on its own accord.

"Do not come any closer Kathryne, or you will get hurt." A dark raspy voice calls out.

"Who are you?" my voice doesn't come out as strong as I wanted it to be.

"Not who, you mean to ask WHAT am I." the eyes laugh manically.

"Fine then what the hell are you and what do you want?" I was starting to get irritated, all I want are some damn answers.

"Aah but you already know little girl. I am the demon called Belial that has taken over your body. I promise you by the next full moon I will fully take over and control your body and powers." The demon chuckles at that last part as if he had told an inside joke. Before I could respond I could feel my self starting to wake up. It felt like someone was shaking me.

"Kat, babe wake up. Its time for breakfast." I slowly open my eyes and see that its Cain shaking me awake. I smile and pull him foreword to kiss him and say good morning.

"Good morning hun." Cain pulls me to him and kisses me again, only this time deepening the kiss. I moaned against his lips, I cold feel him smirk at that. I finally find the energy to push him off of me, earning me a growl from him.

"But babe, what if I want to take you here and now?" Cain pouts as he crawls into bed next to me.

"Nu uh. You said food, I am now hungry. Sex can wait until after you feed me." I smirk at his now pouting face. As he tries the puppy dog eyes I bolt out of bed and get some clothes as I race to the bathroom to get dressed. If I didn't I would have gave in to his pouty puppy dog eyes and instead of food I would have ended up having him for breakfast.

I come out of the bathroom and Cain is standing looking dashingly handsome just waiting for me.

"Ready? Oh and our company will be here in just over three hours babe, so after you eat shower and dress to impress." With that he winks and takes my hand in his to escort me to the dining hall.

"Good morning Luna, and how are you feeling this morning?" Jenson asks as we sat down to eat.

"Fine, but after breakfast I would like to see you and Cain in the office if that is possible please." I smile, not wanting to discuss the demon in front of the whole pack.

"Of course." He nods in respect and silence takes over the table as everyone eats.

After breakfast is complete and I helped clean up the table I made my way over to Cain's office to meet with him and Jenson. I have to tell them what the demon said in my dream, maybe that will help figure a way to destroy it. I knock on the door, just incase they are discussing something important.

"Come in." Cain called out. So I walked in and straight to sit across from Cain. I couldn't have his touches distracting me during this conversation.

"I am assuming this is pertaining to the demon my dear." Jenson started off, sounding very sure about what I needed to speak about.

"Yes it does, I had a dream last night about the demon. It told me its name, and what it wants. Well kind of what it wants. It said its name was Belial, and that by the next full moon it will take over my body and my powers." I explained to them, as they both fixated their eyes to me.

"Hmm, that name sounds familiar but I would have to look it up. In the mean time please stay calm and away from pack members until the soothsayer arrives in three hours." Jenson calmly stated as he stood and walked out the door without another word.

"Kat, you should go shower and get ready. I will make sure no one comes to our room and I will mind link you when it is safe to come down and meet the soothsayer. Is that ok with you babe?" Cain sounded so unsure of himself, like I would get mad or throw a fit about being alone. I just smiled and nodded my head.

"That's fine hun, I think being alone with my thoughts right now is a good thing. I will get ready and dress up while I wait. I love you." I smile at him to try and reassure him that I am not upset at all with him thinking of the safety of others. Can stands up from behind his desk and walks over to give me a kiss on my cheek before I head up to our room. I have a lot of things to sort out before that soothsayer comes. I just hope he can help me.

**** They are one step closer to finding out about the creepy demon. Is the soothsayer going to help? Or will the war start and all hope be lost once the demon does take over fully? Stay tuned to find out haha, and please VOTE and COMMENT!!!****

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