The Way It Was Meant To Be

By Hashimada111

263K 11.7K 5K

Shisui uchiha was supposed to have died when he jumped off a cliff. But when he woke up he found the familiar... More

Chapter One
Chapter two
Chapter three
Chapter four
Chapter five
Chapter six
Chapter seven
Chapter eight
Chapter nine
Chapter ten
Chapter eleven
Chapter twelve
Author's note
Chapter thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter fifteen
Chapter sixteen
Chapter seventeen
Chapter eighteen
Chapter nineteen
Chapter twenty
Chapter twenty one
Chapter twenty two
Chapter twenty three
Chapter twenty four
Chapter twenty five
Chapter twenty six
Chapter twenty seven
Author's note
Chapter twenty eight
Chapter thirty
Chapter thirty one
Chapter thirty two
Chapter thirty three
Chapter thirty four
Chapter thirty five
Chapter thirty six
Chapter thirty seven
Chapter thirty eight
Chapter thirty nine
Chapter forty

Chapter twenty nine

4.4K 216 57
By Hashimada111

Hello! Sorry for the long wait!


The first thing hashirama did as soon as he saw him walk through the door, was to hug him real tight. He even went as far as to lift him off the floor, much to his embarrassment. Shaking out his embarrassment, he reciprocated the gesture with pleasure. He managed to complete his promise at last, but just barely. He had wasted most of his time looking for rin, only for said girl to tell him that one of the villages had ushered her to hiding as well.

He was home, his mind confirmed. He hadn't realized when he had view the Senju clan as his home, but it felt nice and warm knowing he has something to get back to. 'Or in this case' he hugged hashirama tighter. 'Someone.'

"I'm so glad you're safe." Hashirama spoke after a few minutes of mutual silence. He caressed his head, burying his fingers into his wild hair, as if he was something precious. "I was so worried."

Shisui hummed gently, face buried in hashirama's neck. The man's scent was literally the most pleasant thing he has ever smelled before. He smelled like home. "...told you I would be fine." He murmured against his neck, tugging at his hair playfully.

"That didn't make me worry any less," his friend retorted. "Nothing that concerns the uchiha clan, can go 'as planned'."

Shisui should have known hashirama knew where he was going. This was the shodaime hokage after all, he was no fool. But that doesn't mean he wasn't surprised.

"How?" He asked calmly, tugging at his hair again. "I would like to think I was discreet enough."

"You are very easy to read shisui," hashirama tightened his arms around him. "Besides it didn't feel right."

Shisui close his eyes, savoring the moment. 'It didn't feel right to be away from him indeed.'

"Well I'm home now." He said instead. Now that he was here, he could finally rest and decide what to do next.

Hashirama felt warm when he heard the word 'home' come out from Shisui's lips. It warms his heart knowing that Shisui pictures his home as his as well. He sighed, squeezing him tighter. He had been so worried, he hadn't been able to sleep. And the worse of all, was that tobirama came back from his mission and immediately noticed shisui was missing. He just hopes his brother have bought the lie he had told him.

He gently pulled away from shisui and examined his face closely. He wanted to make sure he was perfectly fine. He seems to be completely normal except from the tender skin around his nose. He ran a chakra coated hand around the area. Yes, the skin seems to be well healed, but as his chakra went in deeper, the bone seems to be a bit swollen. Whoever has healed it had underestimated the amount of damaged the area had gone through, and just cured the bone, thinking that should be enough. But as long as the nerves were in pain, the nose will continue to be in discomfort. He was surprised that someone like rin had missed something like that, but none the less angry.

His finger pressed in gently, drawing a flinch of pain from shisui. His brows furrowed. "What happened to your nose?"

Shisui grinned sheepishly. "Well like you said, nothing concerning the uchiha goes 'as planned.'"

"Who was it?" If his voice didn't send chills down his back, his eyes definitely did. And in that moment he realized that he didn't hate hikaku that much.

"Oh don't worry," he shrugged his shoulder, playing it cool. "The guy ended up way worse than I did, believe me."

Hashirama's fierce look didn't wavered, but he did pull him closer. "Let me see," he gestured his nose.

Shisui hummed as he let hashirama do his thing. He couldn't help but glance up at him shyly, realizing how close they were. Before he would have been uncomfortable, but now he felt like a short of pull, tugging painfully at his heart. He was surprised to recognize this feeling as longing.

"You must be hungry," hashirama mentioned after a second. "I have some food ready for you at your room."

Shisui's heart throbbed at his amount of care. "Thank you."

Hashirama hummed, hands grabbing shisui's chin and turning his face side to side to if anything is in need of healing. He frowned, when he noticed something unusual. "Your cheeks are red," he placed a hand against his forehead. "You have a fever." He stated baffled. How in the world did he just get a fever? It wasn't there seconds ago!

"Ah," shisui glanced to the side nervously. He tried to form coherent words, but his throat was having problems spitting them out. "I-I get that all the time. Is n-nothing." Just what was happening to him all of the sudden?

"Shisui I have never seen you get this before," hashirama glanced down at him worriedly. "I can't believe it. Is this really a fever?" He placed his forehead against his. "It's burning. This is really a fever!" He confirmed wide eyed.

Meanwhile, shisui couldn't hear anything over the pounding of his heart. 'Hashirama was so close...hashirama was so close...' his brain seem to repeat like a mantra. What was happening to him? It's not the first time since he have had hashirama so close before, granted he had always reacted strongly to it, but never like this.

"And he kissed you on the forehead too, didn't he? What about the hugs and all that touching?"

Rin's words echoed inside his head, making him dizzy. He had always known hashirama was special to him, not only because he was the hokage, but because of something else...something deeper that he had tried to denied all this time out of fright. But his heart had reached a limit of how long it can keep doing that. He could no longer deny how hashirama makes him feel. He could feel some sort of feeling kicking in, almost in a suspenseful way.

And when it finically clicked, he was no longer awake to dwell on that.


Shisui was starting to believe that when he had jumped off a cliff, his inner self has been sleep for as long as he has been awake. Only to recently wake up. It had the same feeling as when he just got his sharingan. He could see and understand things he hadn't been able to do before. And it all came crashing down on him like a tsunami.

Things that he hadn't thought about before all came rushing to his mind in a matter of seconds. And his mind seemed to focus in only one thing only.

Had hashirama always been this tall? How long was his hair? Is it as silky as it looks? How soft is his skin? How old was he? When is his birthday? What makes him happy? Is there someone he is interested in at the moment? He has never realized, but he was very beautiful. He wanted to hug him. He wanted to talk to him. Spend time with him. He didn't want him to talk to mito. He wanted to hog him all to himself.

Almost freaking out at this point, he dashed to the only person he could speak this to.

"Rin!" Not mindful of how loud he was being, he literally slammed the door to his room open. Scaring the poor girl who had been reading at the time.

"Wha-" she gave a startled shriek, book flying off her hands and she rushed to catch it. "What is it?" She asked looking alarmed.

"I," he breathed in deeply, his poor lungs crying out in relief. "Have issues."

"Yeah," she said slowly. "No kidding."

Stepping inside his room, he closed the door behind him quietly. He stood in front of her, eyebrows pulled down in distraught. "I...have been getting this thoughts."

Setting her book aside, she regarded him silently. Telling him without words to continue.

He ran a hand through his hair in stress. "I don't understand them."

"What are these thoughts about?" She asked gently.

"...I don't know."

"Shi-chan," she began firmly, sounding like a mother reprimanding her child. "Focus. You have to know. What are these thoughts about?"

He bowed his head, face burning with shame. "..hashirama."

Rin smiled, not at all surprised. She had expected this, she had only been waiting for him to realize it. She couldn't help but feel proud that shisui had come clean to himself. "There is nothing wrong with that you know. It was only a matter of time."

Shisui raised his head up immediately. "Of course there is something wrong with that!" He could clearly hear himself sounding hysterical. "He is the shodaime!"

"No he's not." She shot down with ease immediately, freezing him on spot. "Konoha is yet to be built. For that reason he's not the hokage yet, shisui."

He stared at her in silence, her words resounding in his mind. They seem accurate. They were accurate...yet. "I can't see it like that. My mind, my morals, my pride as a Konoha shinobi, and my heart...they know he's a hokage. I can't just...ignore it."

"...maybe it's time for you to," she answered back quietly. "Shisui you can't keep going like this. Reminding yourself not to do, or feel like that because of your pride as a shinobi and sense of duty. You can't help but act like that. You can't help but feel like that. If it is because you can't see hashirama as anything else than your hokage, maybe it's time for you to let go of that. Let go of the past shisui."

"Let go of the past?" He repeated slowly, eyes bewildered. "What are you talking about? This is the past!"

She shook her head looking at him sadly. "No shi-chan. This is not the past, this is the present. Our memories, our future, are the past now."

"No, you're wrong. That can be.." that made no sense. Images of itachi and him eating dangos, sparring crossed his mind. Obito, itachi and his can't be gone. He had died. But that doesn't mean everything stops there. Time keeps moving forward. Itachi most be doing something right now. The Sandaime, Danzō, sasuke, his clan and Konoha they are all doing something at this moment. It can't be gone. It can't be.

Something clicked inside his mind then. Something he hadn't thought at all before. Time keeps moving forward. Time...time...time... "timelines," his eyes widened in realization. "Time waits for no one. Our timeline must be moving forward. So that means..." his eyes found rin's shocked one's.

"We are in a different timeline," she finished, feeling overwhelmed so suddenly. She couldn't believe she had been wrong. After everything it took her to come to that conclusion. "So this is not our past. We were transported to another timeline. A parallel universe most probably."

A smile broke out on shisui's face. Feeling relieved that he wasn't a ghost from the past. Uchiha Shisui was dead in his timeline. But he was alive in this one, where is based on his timeline's past, but where a future hasn't occurred yet. So in reality, hashirama really wasn't his hokage. The hashirama from his timeline and this hashirama were the same individual but at the same time were not. This hashirama is based on his timeline's hashirama. So nothing he does here will affect his original timeline, but will change the future of this one. This timeline will be completely different from his original.

"Rin!" He opened his arms in invitation. A flash of brown and rin had thrown herself in shisui's arms, tears rolling down her cheeks in joy. She had thought her original timeline had been erased.

Shisui twirled her around laughing joyfully. Both glad that they had found out at last the answer to their situation. No more 'if I do this...this will happen' because there weren't any future events set in stone yet. They were in a white canvas, they could draw whatever they want, and the outcome will be just as beautiful or even better than the original.

"I knew there was something up with you two."

A voice seemly out of nowhere spoke out. The both of them literally froze in mid motion, rin still being twirled and all. Horror kicked in their bodies at recognizing who was the owner of that voice. Tobirama's face gave away nothing, as he reached inside his pant's pocket, taking out a crumbled piece of paper. Alarm bells went off inside shisui's head as he recognized the hand writing. His writing. Rin gasped beside him, feet stumbling on the ground.

Shisui stared in panic at the words staring back at him. Befriend izuna. Prevent izuna's death. Destroy the uchiha tablet-ON HOLD- it was were he had written his 'plan'. The paper he once dropped and everyone had forgotten about.

Two words rang sound and clear in both of their minds. 'Shit.'

"Can you tell me," tobirama's eyes seem to narrow further. "What is the meaning of this?"

This was the last thing the both wanted. He would have preferred hashirama finding out, but not tobirama. Damn it. Why did it have to be the Nidaime? Why had he written that?

This was going to ruin everything. And to make matters worse tobirama had heard everything, he was sure of it. This was going to destroy everything he had accomplished so far. He was being overwhelmed with fear and trepidation. And he blamed those feelings from activating his sharingan.

It all happened in one blink of an eye, rin gasped, tobirama cursed eyes snapping close, hands flying together to form a sign. Unfortunately, it didn't matter if he had his eyes closed or not. Shisui's eyes were effective, and rin watched with horror the way the nidaime's eyes snapped open, shock reflecting in them before they are rolled back. His body fell to the floor with an audible thud. The sound echoing in the otherwise silent room.



I hope you guys liked this chapter! I'll admit, it wasn't my best chapter, but I hope it was some what enjoyable at least.

A random question!!

How many of you know and like the anime k-project? I think they have it as KK in Netflix, but it's the same thing.

If you liked this chapter, don't forget to like and comment! Thank you!

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