Ace: Seven Deadly Sins Fanfic...

By Sollunar_Eclipse

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Ace, a girl from the Hidden Reaper Race comes to Earth, encountered by the Seven Deadly Sins and Meliodas him... More

Vol. 1: Flashbacks (Part I)
Flashback (Part II)
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Authors Part
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Vol 2: Chapter One
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter 17
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Vol III: Aftermath
Authors Part
Vol. III Chapter I
Chapter II
Chapter III
Sorry Guys!

Chapter Five

2.9K 65 22
By Sollunar_Eclipse

      We were all intrigued by her story, actually sitting down in front of her, like little children. I stood beside her and she sighed a bit. "We may be able to find out what happened if we go to the Reaper Realm," Nova said, looking up to the sky.
     "As the captain of the seven deadly sins, we will help you, if you help us," Meliodas says, standing up. We both look at him. "I need you both to help with the ten commandments." Nova and I look at each other. Then our eyes widened. "Isn't Zeldris, Estarossa and Galand in the Ten Commandments?" Nova asks. "Wait aren't they the good guys?" I ask. "Yes. And no they're not the good guys. They want to destroy every race and take their souls," he says.

  "I sealed them away years ago," he added, continuing to smile. I felt myself shake. Zeldris was the one that bit me when I was weak. They must've gotten stronger. Nova placed her hand on my shoulder. "Fine," I said. "Let us go adventure to the druids." Suddenly, Ban walked out sleepily out of the tavern and I felt myself blush a bit. He yawned then looked at me. He smirked and walked over to me. "We're going to the druids right? To get the captain's power?" Ban asked.

   "Powers? He sealed away his powers?" Nova asked. Meliodas sighed. "Yeah," he said, rubbing the back of his head.

King, Diane, Merlin and Escanor walked over to where we were. "Lets go then," yelled the pig out of nowhere. Hawk smiled at Nova. "A talking pig?" She asked. I smirked. "I think its a thing here," I muttered.

    We all went inside the tavern and suddenly it started moving. Nova and I freaked out, like we were holding on to stuff, fearing for our lives. "Meliodas, wheres Gowther?" Diane asks. We all find him smaller and more doll like.    
"Well, my aura sensing was right," I mummbled. Merlin sighed. "I guess I'll be taking Gowther with me back to Liones and I'll need Diane for assistance," she said. "May I accompany you, Miss Merlin," Escanor asked, sweating. She smiled and disappeared with all of them.  Meliodas nodded. I went upstairs and Ban followed. I stopped. "Hmph?" He said as I looked back at him.

   You could see his little fangs as his mouth opened a bit. Even his face was redish. "I just...I came to get my shirt," he says, looking to the side. I bite my bottom lip. "Um, alright," I say. For a moment, we stay there in, both not saying or doing anyhting. Almost everytime we tried to make eye contact, we both looked away.

Our awkward silence...

   Out of nowhere, the tavern shook and I collapsed on his chest. We both fell back. He grunted as I looked at him. I quickly got up. And he did the same. "Im going to get my stuff," he said. "Thats for the best," I replied. Nova was downstairs with everyone else, laughing and drinking. Meliodas, King and Nova were halfway asleep.

I followed Ban upstairs since I wanted to look at the stars. He walked down, planning to get drunk too. Then, I saw Elizabeth, her hair flowing in the wind and her eyes lighting up.  "May I join you, Princess," I say, coming beside her. "Its fine," she says, never taking her eyes off the sky.

   Its funny to me. Elizabeth or
Erizabesu, was my mentor. A bit before she fell in love with Meliodas. I smiled. She probally doesn't remember me but her personality was the same. I hugged her and she jumped. "I know you don't remember me, Sensei but, please, allow me to protect you," I say.

She smiles. "You're right," she starts. "I have no memory of you. But, I will protect you too," she says, "since your like my little sister." I laugh at those words. "Im going back downstairs, see you in the morning," I reply.

   Morning came and I found Ban breathing gently beside me. We were on the floor on the other side of the counter.

He looks cute when he's sleeping like that.

I shake my head. No, no, no! Ace stop thinking of that!

In my head Yakima smiled. I knew the time would come for you to finally fall in love. I snarled. Thats not gonna make me vulnerable to fall to you! Yakima growled. Just submit, kid.  I smile. No can do.

   Gently, I touched Bans face and he moved a bit. I grazed his scar and he woke up instantly, grabbing my wrist. I jumped. His thumb grazed my Reaper Marks, making them glow a bit. This is where he was making me nervous. I had never felt this way...

"You're really testing the fire, Ace," he mumbled. He grabbed my hand and kissed it. I squirmed around. "Now your going to pay for it," he whispered, getting close to my ear. I was freaking out and Yakima sensed it to. "Instant flare," he said through me. My body was surrounded in blue flames and I burnt his mouth.

  "Ouch," he said, healing up. I sat up, holding the hand he kissed  close to me with my other hand. I was breathing hard and he sat up and smiled. "Dont test the waters unless your ready to swim," he said, getting up. He offered his hand to help me too. I grunted and I took it. He smiled and leaned close to my face. Ban kissed my forehead and cupped my blushing face. "I just wanted to see you blush again. Its cute," he said, pressing his thumb on my forehead, then walking off.

  I sigh and touch my forehead. Ban placed an apron on and as he cooked, I watched. Everyone else woke to the smell of food. Nova even watched and her mouth watered at the sight of the meal. "I haven't ate in a while," she said, hungrily.

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