Rule - Sweet Pea (1)

By negativity4you

410K 9.1K 1.9K

(Book one of the 'Rule' series) "Don't you know why they call me Rule? Because I make them and I break them."... More

Cast list
Relationship and character songs
Getaway driver
I call shotgun
The Wonders of Hydrogen Peroxide
Human Shield
The Hangover, Rule Edition
Mend a broken heart
Halfway there
Make me
The gift of brass knuckles
Wandering hands
Two months
Les i'm miserable
Rule narrowly avoiding the career of pole dancing
God won't forgive me for my sins
I'll more than likely scream and jump
Auntie Dearest
Errands to Greendale
Show me (Mature)
You make it extremely difficult
Hard to think straight
Don't think tall boy could rock these
Annoying little couple they were
Are you pregnant?
General Pickens his nose
He's an exicutionist
No, i'm just vice president
You look like a serpent schoolgirl
Take it easy Katniss
My little corpse hider
A promise
Do you ever shut up?
The Smartest thing that ever came out of your mouth
A thousand years begins and ends with you
An eye for decorating
That's not the only thing she lets me eat
Particularly spectacular makeout session
Samurai Jones, at your service
Suck it Josie
Purple Sweet Peas
Day or Night
Add a full body cast to the ensemble
La Serpiente
Getting Beaten Apparently Cures That
Ginger Judas
Adios Autopsy Gremlin
Robin, the terrible sidekick
Maybe You Should Start With Arresting Your Husband
Sweet Pea Christopher Reyes
He Did Not, In Fact, Watch It
We're Done
My Sweets
The Living (Part 1)
And The Dead (Part 2)
Sloth Running Team
My People
All Hail The Serpent Queen
Aftermath - Book Two

Well, That Was Stupid

2.2K 65 35
By negativity4you

Sweet Pea's leg hopped up and down anxiously as he watched Rule's unconscious figure, hands pressed against the lower half of his face. His eyes were bloodshot, the hint of a five o'clock shadow ever present since he hadn't left her side. Scooting his chair up to the side of the bed, Sweet Pea clasped Rule's hand in his and squeezed, bringing her fingers to his lips. A gasp escaped him when he felt a squeeze, Rule's eyes fluttering open slowly. A swear escaped her lips at the bright lighting, a tear falling from Sweet Pea's cheek onto Rule's hand. "Angel?" His voice cracked, bringing a hand up to lovingly caress her face.

"Was I freaking shot?" Rule's voice was hoarse from a lack of talking, her hand touching her side and wincing. Well, that was stupid. "I'm gonna take that as a yes." After asking Sweet Pea for help, Rule sat up and tossed off her covers. "Oh, that's not that bad. It's just a graze, so why am I in here?" Sweet Pea looked at his girlfriend as if she'd lost her mind, spluttering to try and answer.

"Because you were shot, dumbass." Dr. Annie Green leaned against the doorway, a sandy blonde eyebrow raised at her unofficial goddaughter. "You know, Annie, I'm pretty sure calling me a 'dumbass' is against the rules of being a doctor." Rule smiled amusedly, shakily reaching into the bag next to Sweet Pea in the hopes of pulling out her clothes. "Yeah well, telling the truth isn't. But, I do realize you know what you're doing so if you want to go home I'll let you."

Rule cheered happily, Sweet Pea shaking his head at her as she pulled out her clothes. "Are you insane?" Dr. Green left the room when Rule started to undress, Sweet Pea standing to help her with her shirt. "Look, Sweets, I've had worse, okay? Besides, I have you to help take care of me." Pulling on a pair of black leggings, an AC/DC t-shirt, and her black doc martins, Sweet Pea surprised Rule by pulling her up to him by her collar.

Their lips connected in a feverish urgency, a pleasant pain coursing through Rule's body. She couldn't even feel the bullet wound anymore when she was kissing him, to focused on the way he tasted; mint and strawberries. Sweet Pea's hands wandered downward, caressing her backside and making a low moan erupt from her throat. When they parted, Rule and Sweet Pea were breathless, their eyes darkened considerably. "You scared me," Rule caressed his face, placing a kiss on his collarbone that made him throw his head back in pleasure. "Sweets, I don't plan on leaving you, ever."

Oh, how wrong we can be.


Rule and Sweet Pea walked into the back of the Sheriff's station, Joaquin and Jughead right behind them. "You really shouldn't be out, you were just released from the hospital, Rad." Turning around, Rule raised a brow at the two loners, Sweet Pea having already made this argument. "Yeah, I already tried that." Rolling her eyes, Rule walked, more like limping, forward to wrap her arms around Fangs. "You okay?" Fangs nodded at Rule's whisper, the girl sneakily sliding his switchblade into his hand.

"Alright boys and girls, gather around." Every teenage serpent did as they were told, seeing as they'd already been there when the four arrived. "When we get out there, we make a circle around Fangs, got it? Pretend you're protecting the president, or a president considering ours isn't the best example. Everyone ready?" After a chorus of yeah's and one maybe from Fangs, everyone made their way towards the front door, Jughead calling Archie on his cell to tell him about how the dark circle was out of control.

Rule's heart caught in her throat when she realized both the back and the front of the Police Station was surrounded. Sheriff Minetta was no help, simply telling Rule to pick your poison, Serpent. "One day, I'm gonna give that guy a-" Sweet Pea cut Rule off by placing his hand on her lower back, looking into her eyes to talk. "What're we gonna do, Angel?" Rule opened her mouth, but it was Fang's words that shattered everyone's heart.

"I don't wanna die," Rule inhaled sharply, matching Sweet Pea's breath. Her feet carried Rule across the room, tossing her arms around Fang's and not caring about the pain she felt in her side. "Fang's, you're not going to. Look at me, okay?" Rule gripped Fang's cheeks, wiping away his tears with her thumb while standing on her tip toes to kiss his cheek in a non-romantic way. She could've kissed Sweet Pea when he spoke up behind her, helping with the words she was at a loss for. "We stand together so none of us falls. In unity, there is strength!" Everyone connected their foreheads, repeating the last sentence in a chant form.

Rule led the way with Jughead beside her, Sweet Pea and Toni protecting Fang's. The crowd shouted and pushed at them, Rule hiding the switchblade that was hidden up her sleeve. A sigh of relief escaped when FP and more Serpents joined in on helping protect Fang's, all the while not letting her guard down. Archie saw it before anyone else; A gun. The redheaded boy tackled Reggie to the ground, Rule and Sweet Pea glancing over in shock. But then it happened again, the sound Rule had heard and remembered all too well from two days ago.

A gunshot.

Sweet Pea pulled Rule to the ground, holding her underneath him. The pair looked up when they realized neither one of them was injured, a shaky gasp escaping when they realized the victim was Sweet Pea's best friend and the boy Rule considered a brother. They stood within a split second, running over to Fang's and helping him lay on the ground. Rule shed her t-shirt, pressing it against his abdomen with tears in her eyes. Jughead screamed for help, Sweet Pea shaking with mixed emotion when he met Reggie's eyes.

And that was all it took for everything to go to hell.

A/N - Hey everyone! I just want you all to know that I was admitted to the hospital for a flare up mixture between
my autoimmune disease, Behcets, and my mast cell activation syndrome. I love you all and I'm going to write as much as possible, seeing as it helps distract me from pain. But I just wanted everyone to know what was going on because you're all important in my life.

Love your favorite girl,
Carly ❤️

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