Adopted by Black Veil Brides...

By BabyTeal

428K 16.3K 5.7K

Lily is fragile , broken and a bitch. Not to mention the adopted daughter of lead guitarist Jake Pitts of Bla... More

Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter idk
Not a chapter?
My fucking chapters keep getting deleted ;(
I sawwy...
Not the end
Last chapter
Part 39
New Black Veil Brides Book!!!!

Adopted by Black Veil Brides ♥~♥

24K 649 361
By BabyTeal

Hey bitches i'm LilyAnne Caitlyn Brooks , im 17 and I live in Charlotte orphanage , when i was 9 my parents went to my uncles wedding and unfortunately were drugged and died later on in hospital , needless to say it broke and scared me.

So by now you probably think im some suicidal girl that gets bullied by everyone , well you would be wrong .

I have three friends "LONER! "...thank you brain.... and their all of the male specimen.

Moving on

"Lily , Li wake up" Jay my best friend shakes me gently in attempt to wake me up.

"FUCK OFF" I scream pulling my pillow out from under my head and throwing it at him.

"Theirs a group of people looking for someone to adopt" Liam runs into my room.

"Whats your fucking point dipshit" I snarl , okay so maybe i'm not the nicest or a morning person and only speak with words that most would agree are ladylike when I get pissed off but i'm normal....yeah.....lets go with that.

"Get ready"Jay hits me with the pillow.

Within seconds im on my feet and chasing him through the hall trying to catch him to beat the sh- I mean cuddle him...

"IM SORRY "Jay screams laughing.

I push him to the ground and fall ontop of him , twisting his wrist as he begs me to stop.

I hear laughter from beside me and turn to see group of unfamiliar emos looking at me and Jay .

I smirk and get off him , walking back to my room I realise im only in gray sweatpants and a white tank top...great first impressions.

I get to my room and shoo the guys out .

I decide on black converse with black ripped skinny jeans and a plain black shirt , I tie my long blonde hair into a ponytail.

#Outift of the day #selfie NO JUST FUCKING NO!

Walking out into the hall way I see the same guys as before staring at me.

Alrighty then 

"Aww shes wearing clothes this time" one of them whines.

"Fucking pedos" I think to myself and give them a questioning look continuing to walk to the main room where the other 15-17 year old girls stand.

I stand in line and the guys from before walk in.

Their adopting someone?

They look young as fuck.

"So girls , these boys will be adopting one of you today"Ms Collins smiles.

Well no shit.

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