Stay | C.H. Fanfiction

By one_direction_fics

685 38 29

She had a boyfriend... He didn't want a girlfriend... She changed his mind and he changed her heart... He... More

Author Note
Chapter 1 - Calum
Chapter 2 - Calum
Chapter 3 - Calum
Chapter 4 - Calum
Chapter 5 - Calum
Chapter 6 - Tammy
Chapter 7 - Calum
Chapter 8 - Calum
Chapter 9 - Calum
Chapter 10 - Tammy
Chapter 11 -Calum
Chapter 12 - Tammy
Chapter 13 - Tammy
Chapter 14 - Calum
Chapter 15 - Calum
Chapter 16 - Tammy
Chapter 17 - Calum
Chapter 18 - Tammy
Chapter 19 - Calum
Chapter 20 - Tammy
Chapter 21 - Tammy
Chapter 22 - Calum
Chapter 23
Chapter 24 - Tammy
Chapter 25 - Calum
Chapter 26 - Calum
Chapter 27 - Tammy
Chapter 28 - Tammy
Chapter 29
Chapter 30 - Calum
Chapter 31 - Tammy
Chapter 32 - Calum
Chapter 33 - Calum
Chapter 34 - Calum
Chapter 35 - Tammy
Chapter 36 - Tammy
Chapter 37 - Tammy
Chapter 38 - Tammy
Chapter 39 - Tammy
Chapter 40 - Tammy
Chapter 41 - Tammy
Chapter 42 - Tammy
Chapter 43 - Calum
Chapter 44 - Tammy
Chapter 45 - Tammy
Chapter 46 - Calum
Chapter 47 - Tammy
Chapter 48 - Calum
Chapter 49 - Tammy
Chapter 50 - Tammy
Chapter 51 - Tammy

Chapter 52 - Tammy

9 1 0
By one_direction_fics

I walked down the street to the convenience shop around the corner to get something to eat. I walked in and a little bell started dangling above the door. The warm temperature inside the small store made me feel a little safer.

I walked through the aisles and grabbed a bottle of water and some strawberry Pop Tarts. I made my way to the cashier to pay and as I looked around I noticed a phone hanging on the wall and I had an idea.

"Excuse me. Does that phone work?" I asked pointing to the phone.

"I hasn't been used in a while but I assume it does Miss." The lady behind the counter said with a smile on her face.'

"Do you mind if I used it?"

"Of course I don't. Be my guest!"

I grabbed the water bottle, the Pop Tarts and the change and made my way to the phone hanging on the wall and as I dialed the country code followed by the number from my phone, the lady was in the back of the store putting more products on the shelves. I mentally thanked the lady for the privacy she gave me.

The phone rang and after a while I heard a voicemail message.

"Hi, this is Calum. I can't answer right now but please leave a message." He heard his voice and I took a deep breath as I heard the beep.

"Hi Calum, it's me. Tammy... I'm sorry to call now, I know it's late but I wanted you to know I'm fine and...I'm really sorry... for everything. I know it was hard for you and I never meant to hurt you... I miss you and..." I said struggling to hold back my tears. "...If I could change what happened, all I'd change would be the timing. I'm sorry Cal... I never meant to hurt you, you didn't deserve it. I just don't want you to worry about me. I'm okay. And please don't call me, I just want you to know I miss you and I hope you're okay. I... miss you Cal... bye."

I put the phone down and looked at the back of the store where the lady was and thanked her for letting me use the phone. I walked out of the store and the snow kept falling. I had exactly twenty eight minutes before I had to be at home and I knew I had to be there.

I knew Jason would go after my mother, then my friends, then Calum and I knew he'd hurt everyone. Jason was perverse and would do anything to get his goals and on top of all that he is doing drugs as if things couldn't get any worse. But in the middle of all this I needed a way out. I just couldn't take it any longer.

I made my way back home as I tried to think of all the possible things I could say to make Jason break up with me. Turns out that one-sided break ups don't work.

Once again I walked into the building but this time I knew what to say...

"Jason, we need to talk. We can't do this anymore. You're not happy and you deserve to be. We need to break up and let go of each other before we hurt each other beyond repair." I repeated over and over in my head even though I knew I wouldn't say exactly this but as long as I convinced him to break up with me I honestly don't mind saying I'm a whore.

I opened the door and stepped inside closing the door behind me. I made my way to the living room but I was surprised Jason wasn't there. The smell of weed wasn't so strong anymore, which was good but I still let the window wide open even with the cold air coming into the already freezing apartment.

"Jason!" I called his name trying to figure out where he was but not answer.

I walked to his room and no sign of him. What the heck?? He wasn't home and forced me to be here one hour after the moment I left just because he wanted me home. Fuck you Jason!

I felt so angry and mad! I kicked the wooden coffee table making in move a little I was pissed beyond words... or I thought I was.

Under the table was a syringe that was visible when I kicked the damn table. What the hell is going on in the place I'm forced to live? I need to do something! I have to!

I need a way out before it gets me.

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