
By iamalternative

49.6K 1.3K 280

They'll learn how to face their darkest fears, how to love and how to fight a war. Remembering that everybody... More

CH1-The Bus
CH2-Main Hall
CH3-Faction Studies
CH4-'My name is Tris'
CH5-'She probably used a mirror'
CH6-'You don't seem very abnegation'
CH7-'You're quite the comedian'
CH8-'Then i would be pretending'
CH9-'Maybe someone got in'
CH10-'Such a travesty'
Ch11-'I'd be devastated'
CH12-'What you did was an act of selfishness'
CH13-'I notice you have a tattoo'
CH14-'3 dauntless-borns'
CH15-'Your smile is pretty'
CH16-'I didn't think you were the type'
Ch17-'Can we talk?'
CH18-'She was abnegation, like you'
CH19-'I've changed'
CH20-'Grab a gun each and find a podium'
CH22-'Shut up and kiss me'
CH23-'Im just naturally a top daughter'
CH24-'Today, its paint balling'
CH25-'It's not over yet'
CH26-'Who's the chick?'
CH27-'She's not yours'
CH28-'He's dead'
CH29-'Balance is essential'
CH30-'It's so god damn sexy'
CH31-'Screw that'
CH33-'You look pretty bad ass'
CH34-'We want to recruit you, Tris.'
CH35-'I've heard a lot about you.'
CH36- 'You're safe and that's all that matters.'
CH37 - 'A cup of anything alcoholic.'
CH38 - 'I think I am falling in love with him.'
CH39- 'Miss me?'
CH40- 'everybody is afraid of something'

CH21-'I hope you fall'

1.2K 33 9
By iamalternative

I miss the target and I sigh in disappointment.

I take a deep breathe in and I squint my eyes. I check the guns aimer and I take my time. I shoot and I look up and to my delight, I had hit the dummy. I hadn't hit to target but it was good for a my second hit.

"Okay, place your guns carefully on top of the podium and make sure the safety trigger is on, then gather around here" Scar instructs.

I do as he says and then rapidly walk towards him as the rest of the students gather.

"Secondly, for today, we are going to be practising your running skills. You need to be fast and if you are a slow runner, then you are screwed. You need to be fast and a quick thinker" Scar informs us.

"I'll give you a number which will pair you with your partner. You will have to run against your partner. The winner earns 3 points for the leader board. The loser earns nothing. Is that understood?" Scar explains.

Everyone nods.

"Okay. Tracey, group 1. Erin, group 2. Eric, group 3. Masie, group 4. Jamie, group 5. Four, group 6" He says and Four smiles at me slightly before walking into line.

"And Peter, group 7" Scar says.

Shivers run down my spine as Peter's name is called out.

"And for the second half of you- Amber, group 1. Damien, group 2. Freddie, group 3. Janis, group 4. Eleanor, group 5. Ava, group 6" Scar pauses.

I feel a rush of jealously run through my body as Ava smiles slyly at me as she heads over to Four. She gives him a flirty smile but he looks away.

"And Tris, group 7" Scar says.

I look for the seventh line and I am horrified. Peter.

"Welcome" Peter says with a sly smirk across his face as I walk towards him.

"Just don't" I hiss.

"I hope you fall" Peter whispers and I almost slap him for how angry I am.

What has gotten into me? Why am I thinking these things?

"We will do you group by group, starting with group 1" Scar explains and he walks off in the opposite direction whilst the rest of us wait.

"That's good, Stiff. It gives you time to prepare to fail" Peter smiles sarcastically.

"I'm not going to fail" I mumble.

"What was that?" He snaps.

"I said I'm not going to fail" I say louder.

"You think that, stiff. Just wait" He says and walks away.

Four rushes towards me after Peter leaves to talk to his friends.

I doubt their even his friends. Who could be friends with someone that vile?

"What did he say to you?" He asks.

"Just that I'm going to fail and that he hope that I fall. Nothing important" I laugh.

"Where is he?" He asks angrily.

"Why?" I ask worriedly.

"Just tell me" Four asks but I don't reply.

He looks around and he makes eye contact with him. I panic.

Four starts pacing angrily towards Peter and I try to stop him but he refuses.

"Who do you fucking think you are?" Four snaps angrily.

"Woah, what are you talking about man?" Peter asks almost as if he is innocent.

"Don't pretend you don't know shit. How dare you talk to a woman like that!" Four shouts.

"Woman? She's hardly a woman! More like an overgrown baby!" Peter laughs but it just makes Four angrier.

Four pins Peter up to the gate that is behind him. He holds him down my his neck and shoulders.

"Four, let go of him! Just leave it!" I shout.

"Don't you dare talk about her like that!" Four says through his gritted teeth.

I manage to get Four off of Peter and a whole lot of weight is lifted off of my shoulders.

"Thanks for that, babe. We should hang out sometime" Peter says to me sarcastically, obviously trying to wind up Four.

"You leave her alone. I mean it. You don't know who your messing with" Four snaps.

"Come on" I say to Four as I attempt to drag him away.

We walk away and I see Fours red face turn from angry Four to a softer Four again.

"He shouldn't be aloud to treat you like that" Four mumbles.

"He can talk to me however he wants to. It's a reaction he wants and that's why he carries on doing it. You just have to not react" I explains

He nods but I know he doesn't agree.

"Your crazy" he smirks.

"Eh" I laugh.


"Okay, group 6!" Scar shouts and Four walks over to the opposite cage to do his running assessment against Ava.

I gather by the see through gate that splits us up. I notice that everyone is watching, no one is messing about or talking. Everyone is entranced.

"Ready?" Scar asks, Four and Ava nod confidently.

"Go!" Scar shouts and another dauntless member is at the end of the track to see who the winner is.

The cheer is mixed with people shouting 'come on Four' and 'come on Ava' but the majority is 'come on Four'.

"Come on Four!" I shout as he shoots ahead of Ava.

He is miles ahead of her. He gets to the finish line in 9.6 seconds whereas Ava's time is 13.4 seconds.

I am shocked at how fast he can run.

"The winner is Four" Scar announces and the crowd cheers, apart from Peter of course. Oh, and Ava's friend from dauntless but the girl still claps.

"Your fast" Ava smiles.

Four ignores her and heads straight towards me.

"Wow-er-your-er-wow" I say speechlessly.

"I know, I'm just so er-I'm-er-wow" he laughs and I nudge him playfully.

"Next, group 7!" Scar shouts and my heard shudders.

Peter cracks his knuckles and gives me an evil smile.

"Ready?" Scar asks as we get into position.

I nod and so does Peter.

"Get set" Scar says and my heart starts to pump fast.

"Go!" Scar shouts.

I run. I run like I never have before.

I look beside me and see that I am level with Peter. I am roughly 6-7 seconds away from the finish line.

5 seconds. 4 seconds. 3 seconds.

Suddenly, I feel someone's foot slip under mine and I fall to the ground. I hit my face hard on the concrete floor but it doesn't stop me looking up to see Peter in victory but no one is clapping nor cheering. Apart from some jerks that are Peter's friends.

He tripped me up. I felt his foot slide under mine. That's what he meant by 'I hope you fall', isn't it?

I get myself up and I run the rest of the race and everyone claps and cheers.

"Well done, Tris!" A girl shouts and I smile.

"Quieten down!" Scar shouts.

"He tripped her!" Four shouts.

"It doesn't matter that he tripped her. He thought logically about how he could win without winning, if that makes sense" Scar explains.

"The winner is Peter" Scar announces.

There are some faint claps from the crowd but not many.

"Okay, we are done for the day. Go and get changed" Scar orders and I do just that.

"Well done for getting up and finishing the race" Erin grins at me whilst tapping me on the back.

"Thanks" I smile.

I look in the mirror that is placed in the changing rooms. I have a slight cut down my face.

I look away quick so I don't feel guilty about looking in the mirror for too long.

I change out of my combat uniform and I put my grey summer dress back on. Once I have finished getting ready, I walk out of the changing rooms to see Four leaning against the wall like he was before. He smirks at me and my heart goes wild.

Damn he's sexy. Wait, did I seriously just say that?

'Yes, Tris. Yes you did' my subconscious adds.

I smile at Four who is now walking towards me slowly.

"Your hurt" He says, hovering his finger over my cut.

"It's nothing, I'm fine" I reassure.

"No your not. I'll get that checked out for you" He insists.

"Whatever" I laugh and he smiles at how I really don't care.


Authors Note:

I hope you liked this chapter because I loved writing it!

Vote and comment!

Don't forget to follow me<3!!!

thankyou for 900 reads!<3

Go follow my instagram-iamalternative !

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