I'll Take That Chance

By JudithPotterStories

306K 12.8K 9.4K

Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy are both invited back to Hogwarts to complete their Seventh Year. After some ti... More

CH 1 - Part of Him Wanted a New Start Away From His Past
CH 2 - You Could Apologize
CH 3 - He Squared His Shoulders and Straightened His Tie
CH 4 - He Didn't Pay Him Any Mind
CH 5 - He Felt Hopeful for the First Time in a Long While
CH 6 - "Thanks for Trying to Save Me"
CH 7 - He Certainly Had Enough To Apologize For
CH 8 - He Tried to Ignore the Heavy Thudding of His Heart
CH 9 - His Right Hand Extended Down Towards His Own
CH 10 - He Balled His Fist and Slammed it Into the Wall
CH 11 - He Gasped for Air as His Body Collapsed to the Floor
CH 12 - There Was a Gentle Sympathy in Her Eyes
CH 13 - The Panic in His Voice Made Him Uneasy
CH 14 - He Left Without a Glance Back
CH 15 - They Didn't Say Anything But They Were Happy
CH 16 - He'd Been On the Receiving End of That Voice Before
CH 17 - He Smiled Back, Uncaring of Who Saw
CH 18 - "A Traitor to the End Are We Not?"
CH 19 - "I Haven't Been Just This Happy In So Long"
CH 21 - Very Slowly, A Smile Started Tugging at the Corner of His Mouth
CH 22 - He Grinned At His Shyness
CH 23 - He Headed to His Room, Smiling Like a Fool the Whole Way
CH 24 - "What if I Can Never Be Normal Again?"
CH 25 - He Turned Away Before Anyone Could See His Affection Growing
CH 26 - "Knees a Little Weak?"
CH 27 - His Blood Ran Cold
CH 28 - "I Promise"
CH 29 - "Good Morning," He Smiled
CH 30 - Just the Two of Them Trying to Figure Out the World
CH 31 - "Well, Would You Like Me To Stay?"
CH 32 - "Don't Think I'm Done Here"
CH 33 - "Do You Trust Me?"
CH 34 - It Was His Name, Written In Her Tidy Scrawl
CH 35 - "Take Care of Each Other"
CH 36 - "I'm Making Long Term Plans For Us, If You're On Board"
CH 37 - The Ticking Filled the Room, Keeping Time With His Heart
CH 38 - They Were Both Blushing the Same Shade of Crimson
CH 39 - "What Choice Do We Have?"
CH 40 - He Hoped The Feeling Would Last
CH 41 - "Stay With Me Tonight"
CH 42 - "... It's Gone..."
CH 43 - He Flinched at the Fury Behind the Question
CH 44 - "And You Are Being Very Naughty"
CH 45 - He Felt A Nasty Jerk In His Stomach
CH 46 - "I'm Going To Find Him"
CH 47 - "Are You Ready?"
CH 48 - "Your Time Has Come"
CH 49 - "I'm Thinking A Lot of Things"
CH 50 - His Loves, His World

CH 20 - "It's the Same Way I'd Like Someone to Look at Me One Day"

7.3K 294 412
By JudithPotterStories

Sunday morning dawned bright and early and Harry rolled over and checked the time. He didn't have to be down to the quidditch pitch until eight. The sun was shining through the windows and promised good weather. He hoped it would be to their advantage, he desperately needed to get his team put together. He sat up in bed and notice both Ron and Neville were stirring as well.

"Great weather for try-outs, huh?" Ron said as he sat up.

"It is. And we better take advantage of it because our team is getting together today whether we're ready or not."

"Make it a good one, then," Neville chimed in. "I've bet Luna Gryffindor wins the House Cup this year." He sat up and stretched and looked at the window, his eyes narrowed. "Is that Draco Malfoy's owl?"

"It is," Ron said and he got up and went to the window. As soon as he opened the door, Orion flew straight to Harry and sat on his bed, leg outstretched. Harry quickly untied the note and patted Orion on the head.

"Anything wrong with that?" Harry asked Neville. He just shrugged and studied Harry.

"Is there something going on between you and Malfoy?" Neville watched him carefully, waiting for an answer.

"Neville, I don't think you're going to like what I have to say."

"Try me anyway," Neville challenged, crossing his arms behind his head.

"Well, when Draco was given the chance to come back to school, he jumped at it, just like the rest of us. He's a different person Neville, we all are. And through a weird chain of events, we've slowly become good friends. More than that, Neville." He paused here, waiting for Neville to react.

"I don't know if I'll ever like the guy, Harry, but I trust you. I just hope you're being smart."

"I am, and I thank you for your trust, Neville. I care too much for all of you to bring him around if I didn't trust him. But I want to be honest with you. I care for him, deeply, and in a way I can't really explain."

"I can explain it. I've seen the way you look at him, Harry. And I've seen the way he looks at you. It's the same way I want someone to look at me one day." Neville smiled a small smile.

"Thanks, Neville," Harry offered and Neville grinned back at him.

"No problem, but with that being said, I'm going back to sleep for a while." He turned back over and pulled the blanket over his head. He looked at Ron who gave him a thumbs up. Harry chuckled and picked up the note. His name was penned perfectly on the paper and Harry grinned.


Good luck at try-outs. I'm staying in my room until I can see the paper and what it has to say about Father's Kiss. See you later,


He traced his finger over Draco's name and smiled. He could imagine his long, slender fingers writing the note and then he could feel them moving across his back. He had slept all night still warm from the embrace they had shared and he hoped he would feel it again soon.


Draco sat at his desk, drumming his fingers and watching the window. Anytime now his owl should be showing up with a copy of the paper. He also hoped he would have a note back from Harry. Another hug like the one from last night wouldnt hurt either, he thought with a grin. Harry was so solid and muscular, so strong and warm, and he had fit perfectly in his arms. He wanted to feel it again.

He got up and began pacing the floor. While he had had better things to dream of last night, his father had still floated in and out of his mind. He couldn't put away the image of his father's lifeless face, head lolling to the side after the Dementor was done. He took a deep breath and shook his head. He looked out the window and searched the sky for Orion.

He also mulled over the words his father had said. He wouldn't put it past him to be funneling information in and out. He had no idea if it would have been possible for him to get word in and out of Azkaban. His thoughts were interrupted by a pecking at his window. He flung it open and Orion flew in and landed swiftly on the couch. Draco untied the paper from his leg and picked up the note that fell out. He recognized Harry's bold, chaotic scrawl and he smiled. He unfolded the paper first in case it was bad, that way he would have Harry's letter to cheer him up.

The top story of course was his father. There were no reporters in the room when the Kiss was administered so the photo that accompanied the article was his prison photo. The article speculated on the Kiss and it made his stomach roil. They had even mentioned the fight between the two of them, but considering they had both sported bruised, swollen faces, it wouldn't have been much of a guess. But what shocked him most were the photos and the article directly beneath his father's. There were two photos, one each of he and Harry. It was salacious gossip, but they had hit the nail on the head. 'Hero Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy, Ex-Death Eater and Heir to the Infamous Malfoy Fortune, a Couple? Rumor has it the two young men are involved romantically. It's been reported they have been seen acting intimately on multiple occasions at Hogwarts. No word yet from either of the young men or their families, or if this is what caused the Malfoy men to fight.'

"Shit," he said, flinging the newspaper at the table. He looked at his watch. It was right before the start of Gryffindor try-outs. He picked up Harry's letter and opened it quickly, almost dropping it in his agitated state.


Saw the paper and the articles. I'll come find you as soon as try-outs are done.

Looks like you were right.


Draco couldn't read the tone in his note and he hoped Harry wasn't angry. Draco hadn't been at first, but he was getting that way now. He sat back on the couch and grabbed his Arithmancy book. He may as well try to get some work done before Harry came up. The long, exhausting weekend and the stress from the articles was building behind his eyes and before he knew it they were closing and he was asleep.

"Draco." He heard his name as though through a fog, but he didnt want to open his eyes. He had been dreaming of the ocean with it's warm breezes and watery aromas. He sighed' and smiled.

"You better be dreaming of me," the same voice said, and he sat up, rubbing his eyes. Harry was leaning against the fireplace still wearing his quidditch robes and holding his broom, sweat glistening on his forehead.

"Hey. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to fall asleep." He stretched his arms and placed his book on the table. Harry smiled and took a seat opposite him.

"I take it you read the paper?" Harry asked, gesturing toward the paper on the table. Draco nodded and Harry reached down to pick it up. "I knew they were going to write about your father but I never expected them to write about us. I certainly don't remember acting intimately at anytime, and even if we had, I don't know who would have cared enough to send it to the paper." Harry flung it back on the table and wiped his brow.

"Me either. How was it out there?" Draco rubbed his temple and winced, his eye still sore. Harry's good name was going to be ruined. A Hero and a Death Eater.

"Well, it was unusual having all those people gossiping about me, pointing at me, and whispering behind my back," Harry remarked. Draco looked up and cracked a smile at the sarcastic look on Harry's face.

"Very funny," Draco chuckled.

"We've been over this before. Does it really matter to you what other people think? It doesn't bother me. I know who you are, and that's all that matters. Of course, I don't know your favorite food or your favorite color, but we can learn those things about each other soon enough. I'm happy to be with you, Draco."

"I'm glad you think that," Draco said and looked at his watch, his stomach rumbling. He was surprised to see he had been asleep for two solid hours. He looked back at Harry and smiled. "Do you like the beach?"

"I've never been, not for fun. My Uncle Vernon thought the beach was a dirty, filthy place filled with unethical people. I like the thought of it though. How about you?"

"I do. My parents used to take me when I was younger. We would picnic and play in the water all day. I was dreaming of it just now."

"I think I would enjoy it," Harry said thoughtfully.

"We could take a trip to the coast sometime," Draco offered. He grew warm at the pleased look on Harry's face.

"You know, I've been wondering about that. About how you and I would be away from school."

"It's a nice thought, isn't it? But maybe we should start with dinner sometime," Draco said with a wink.

"That sounds great. I hope I don't smell too much though. I came straight here after try-outs were over," he said as he discreetly sniffed himself. "We could go down now and sit at the far end of my table. No one would bother us there."

"Oh, ok," Draco said.

"Isn't that what you meant?"

"Yeah, it is. I mean, it's now or never, right? Everyone already knows."

"Right. And we can sit on opposite sides of the table, nothing too close too soon, not in public anyways," Harry said, blushing scarlet.

"Afraid you won't be able to keep your hands off me?" Draco joked, trying to relive his jitters but it had to opposite reaction and his neck burned.

"Something like that," Harry laughed as he rolled his eyes. He stood up and walked over to the portrait. "Coming?"

"Yes." Draco took a deep breath and together they walked out of the portrait hole. Professor McGonagall was coming towards them, presumably from her lunch.

"Going to lunch, boys?"

"Yes ma'am," Draco answered politely.

"Sounds good. Before you go down though, I'd like to ask if you are ok? I take it you've both seen the paper this morning?" She looked between the two of them.

"Yes ma'am. It was quite a shock but nothing we hadn't really been expecting. No idea how the papers found out any of it, but here we are. We've just been discussing it when we figured having some lunch would help settle our minds," Draco said with a charming smile.

"And settle our stomachs," Harry offered, and McGonagall laughed.

"Sounds like a plan. Draco, you go see Madam Pomfrey if your head keeps hurting and keep an eye on that knot. You both enjoy lunch." She turned to go but at the last moment, she smiled after them fondly. Draco nudged Harry and he grinned at him.

"I bet she never could have imagined us together in a million years," Harry laughed, and Draco shook his head with a chuckle. They continued walking downwards and Draco could feel the nerves jumping around inside of him.

"I'd hold your hand, but I think I want that to be our thing for now," he blurted out. Harry nodded and smiled.

"I like that idea," Harry said as he gently grazed his fingers against his hand. Draco released a shaky breath as they got closer to the Great Hall.

"It's just lunch," Harry offered and walked a little closer to him. They weren't holding hands but their arms brushed together as they walked. There were students milling about in the halls and they all stared at the two of them. He could see them scanning his bruised and battered face and he inched slightly closer to Harry. He could only imagine what they were thinking about the pair of them; Harry in his scarlet quidditch robes and he in his dark green sweater. They were so contrasted it must be comical. Some stared at them open-mouthed and it was all Draco could do to ignore them. He followed Harry to his table and he sat with his back to the rest of the room. He could feel all of their eyes on them. Even though lunch was nearly over, there were plenty of students still there.

"What would you like to eat?" Harry asked but Draco only shrugged. Harry grabbed a bowl of potatoes and spooned some onto their plates. Draco took a drink of water to clear his throat. His hands were shaking and he was certain everyone could see. He glanced sideways at the others sitting nearby and they were all gawking in their direction.

"Still think this was a good idea?" he asked and Harry looked around.

"Of course. Just ignore them, they'll get bored soon enough. Eventually they'll have to find something else to do besides pester us," Harry said loudly and Draco noticed they all looked away. He ducked his head and hated that he couldn't hide his black eye. Draco grabbed a platter and held it up.

"Do you like sausage or ham?"

"Ham," Harry answered, and Draco forked a piece onto his plate. He resisted the urge to turn around and look over at his own table.

"So what is your favorite color?" Harry asked.

"Green," Draco answered. Harry took a bite and nodded, imploring him to keep talking. Draco smiled and thought for a second. "Green like grass, soft and light, a springtime green." Or the green of your eyes, Draco thought, soft green with very subtle hints of blue around the edges.

"Green is good. I like blue best. It's always been my favorite. I used to lie in the garden whenever I could get the chance and just stare at the sky."

"You didn't get much of a chance to do that?" Harry looked troubled and Draco felt that maybe he had touched a nerve.

"Not a lot of people ask or know how I was raised. My aunt and uncle knew I would probably be a wizard like my parents, so they tried to hide me away and get it out of me. I slept in a cupboard under the stairs for the first ten years of my life." He shrugged but Draco could see the pain in his eyes.

"I never knew that. I'm sorry. There was no one else you could go to?"

"No. All of my relatives are gone aside from my aunt and uncle and my cousin Dudley. And in the end it all made sense, what with blood and Voldemort and whatnot. Anyways, once I'm out of here, I'm going to spend as much time as I can out in the sunshine."

"Maybe start with a trip to the beach," Draco offered with a wink and Harry turned red up to his ears. Draco knew he would never tire of that.

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