Sleeping With A Demon

By Emelradine

1.5M 66.6K 7.3K

He needed sex, I was there. He needed a submissive woman who came running when he called, I was available. Bu... More



23.6K 1.2K 229
By Emelradine


"Your pick..."

Alessandro's voice continued to resound in my ears as I glared at him... Is he really going to make me choose between Aubrey and my parcel?

Okay, I expected this... But I didn't know he'd put it this way, he had a gun pressed to Aubrey's neck, if I didn't comply, this crazy guy would shoot her.

"We don't have all day Tyler," Alessandro smirked at me.

"Don't listen to him Tyler, he can't hurt me, Aoww" Aubrey stopped talking because Alessandro dared to pull her hair.

"Watch where your hands go, man." I snarled out, feeling really pissed right now.

"Make your decisions quickly! Didn't your daddy teach you that?" Alessandro remarked.

"Well, if I were to have followed my daddy's teachings, we all wouldn't be here, I'd be at home, doing one thing or the other while you'll be six feet under, rotting like the fucker you are."

"Nice one. The parcel or Aubrey?" He said cocking his gun and pressing it further into Aubrey's neck.

"Okay, ok, fine," I moved forward and dropped the parcel... "You can have it- now let her go."

I had made this decision since I left the mansion, I would never endanger Aubrey's life for the parcel, they can have it, for now. All I wanted was to see Aubrey safe and sound beside me.

Aubrey's eyes widened like she couldn't believe what she was seeing.

"Are you crazy? Don't do this Tyler! He won't hurt me he just wants your-"

"Shut up!" Alessandro yelled at her, immediately, I felt my hands form hard fists beside me. How dare he yell at her? "Wise choice, Bresfort... Your father would be disappointed if he was alive."

"Don't speak for the dead."

"I'm just saying." Alessandro, pushed Aubrey to my side and immediately, I wrapped her up in my arms, feeling relieved that she was by my side again, safe and sound.

I watched Alessandro grab the parcel with so much pride. "It was nice doing business with you, Tyler." He smirked as he walked away with my parcel, his men followed him, and soon after, they drove off. Out of sight, but still in mind.

I was pushed back by force, I looked over at Aubrey who seemed to be glaring daggers into my face.

"What the hell was that for?" I asked her.

"You're an asshole, how could you do such a thing?! I told you he wasn't going to hurt me, why did you give him the parcel?" She pushed me again.

Wait a minute... Did I do something wrong by saving her life?

"What are you talking about Aubrey? He had a gun pressed to your freaking neck, did you seriously expect me to choose the parcel over your life?!" I yelled back at her, feeling slight pains in my lower belly, damn that stupid bullet wound.

"Yes! You took a freaking gunshot because of that parcel, now, here you are, without it! Wait, is this you trying to pay gratitude to me for taking care of you?"

"Wh- what are you even saying?" I asked her, feeling really confused at the moment.

Aubrey crossed her arms over her chest, she looked really really pissed, but why? "You know what I'm saying Tyler! We both know you don't care about me, all you care about is that parcel... Did Alicia ask you to do this? Or did Jullie ask you?"

I was sincerely speechless, everything was just happening so fast for me to even comprehend what she was saying.

"No one asked me to save you- I'm saving you because I care about you-"

"Oh please Tyler, save us the story! You just made a huge mistake, Alessandro would never ever let you get your hands on that parcel! For all we know, it could be anywhere around the world right now, Alessandro is capable of doing that "

"I don't care about the Parcel, I care about your life!"

"Stop lying!"

"I'm not lying! Why would I lie? I saved you on my own account, nobody forced me into doing anything, I just-"

"Save it." She said, walking away from me.

I rushed after her, grabbed her arm and forced her to face me. "What the hell is wrong with you? I mean, why are we even arguing? Why are you angry? I don't understand any of this! You should be glad that I was here in time, God knows what that bastard would have done to you."

She gave a humorless laugh. "Listen here, Bresfort! I didn't ask you to save me, I didn't send a distress call... I was handling it perfectly fine before you came and destroyed every damn thing! Now the parcel is gone and soon, you're going to be gone." She pushed me away and walked to my car, opened the door and got in.

I just stood there, dumbfounded for some seconds before I went in beside her.

Soon after, the car started moving.

A deafening silence followed as I watched Aubrey look out the window, totally ignoring my presence.

"What did you expect me to do? I was scared that they might hurt you, don't you understand?" I found myself saying.

She just ignored me.

"Gray-" I tried to hold her hands but she quickly took it away from my reach. "What is your problem?" I asked with a sigh.

She turned to me. "My problem? My problem is that you just gave Alessandro the parcel without thinking twice!"

"I made the right decision!"

"No, you didn't, you didn't make the right decision Tyler. I remember the last time you got the parcel from Alessandro, you got shot Tyler, shot! With a freaking bullet! You almost died! Did you know what we had to go through? The trauma! The constant worry? Now the parcel is gone and we're back to square one... I don't think you'd be that lucky the next time you try to retrieve it."

"I still don't understand-"

"You won't! Because you don't care about your life! All you care about is that stupid parcel!"

"If the parcel was all I cared about, then you wouldn't be here, in fact, you wouldn't even be alive! I would have killed you, a long time ago!!!" I yelled this time, getting really irritated by this argument.

Well, I quickly realized my slip up when I saw tears pull down Aubrey's eyes, shit, my weakness. She looked away quickly, wiping her tears.

I sighed. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to yell." I tried to hold her hands but she pushed me away.

"Don't touch me." Her crying voice was like a pin to my heart, I didn't like to hear it, it just made me feel so disappointed in myself, so weak.

"Aubrey, I'm really sorry."

"Leave me alone. I'm dropping off at Drexel's."


"Because I don't want to be near you."

"But why?"

"Because I don't want to stand by and watch you get yourself killed because of that Parcel, I won't be able to do that-"

"Aubrey, at least listen-"

"We're done, Tyler."

It was like I was being drained with cold water. "What?" My voice was strained.

"We're done, It's not as if there was ever anything between us. I just don't want to see you again."

Each word was like daggers, slicing my heart into fries. "Are you serious? All this because I gave the parcel away?"

"Yes Tyler... You gave the parcel away, it's like, we're just going round circles here. Give it a day or two, you'll start killing people again, trying to find your parcel. I can't keep fighting for a man who doesn't care about his own life, I can't keep hoping for you to change when it is obvious that you'd never-"

"Why are you making assumptions for me? Did I ever tell you-"

"You don't need to tell me before I know. It's what's gonna happen, it is what always happens."

The car came to a halt, I looked around and saw that we were Infront of Drexel's house.

She was about to open the door when I said, "So, this is it? You're just gonna leave me? Just like that?"

She looked over at me, her eyes dancing with so many emotions. "I can't do this with you anymore. I'm sorry Tyler, I just don't want to get hurt when it all ends."

And you think you're not hurting me now?

"Thanks for the ride." That was the last thing she said before leaving me, I watched her walk into the house without looking back.

There was actually no word to describe the pain I was feeling, not in my belly this time, but in my chest. It was far worse than the bullet wound.

I felt the car move again.

"To the Bresfort Mansion," I told the driver.

I needed to see if Jullie was okay, and hell, I needed some of Mama's coffee, I could only hope that it would take this stupid pain off my chest before it destroys me.

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