Sleeping With A Demon

By Emelradine

1.5M 66.7K 7.3K

He needed sex, I was there. He needed a submissive woman who came running when he called, I was available. Bu... More



29.6K 1.4K 159
By Emelradine


"I'll leave you both."

Max's voice broke into the tense atmosphere as he turned off the game and walked out, not before he turned to give me a thumbs up.

After he left, I stood up too, staring at Tyler who apparently, couldn't get his eyes off me, I really wanted to know what was going on in his head.

Seeing him now, I realized how much I missed him, I realized how much I hurt him, and I realized how much his last words hurt me. Fine, we said and did some things to each other, but that didn't stop the electrical intensity between us.. that didn't stop me from liking him or caring about him... That didn't make me hate him.

Whatever I feel for Tyler seemed to have doubled, just standing in the same room with him gave me all kinds of thoughts, it rose some hidden feelings I tried so hard to hide. Whatever I feel for Tyler doesn't have a definition yet. Yes, I like him... That's a fact, but- I can't allow it to grow. Tyler doesn't like me or even love me, and if I keep holding on to a fragile string, I'll definitely fall.

"You came." I found myself saying.

"You came too." He replied.

All that followed after was a deafening silence... OK, when did striking a conversation with Tyler become so difficult, and why the hell does it feel like my heart was about to fall off?!

Damn Aubrey! Just say something!!!

"How have you been?" We said at the same time.

An unexpected chuckle fell off his lips, and just like that, his face brightened and I couldn't stop staring.

"Aubrey I-" Tyler spoke up, but he paused like he was trying to look for a way to phrase his sentence. "I'm sorry." He said the 'sorry' word like he found it really difficult to pronounce it.

I raised my brows. "For what?" I asked, folding my arms to my chest.

He raked his hands through his hair. closing the door behind him, he walked further into the room. "For everything I said. I- I didn't mean it. I- I was just-"

"It's okay Tyler... I didn't take it to heart." I said although it was apparent I was lying.

"Really? It looked like you did... Besides, I'm tired of the sleepless nights- you always chase me with a fork in my dreams." He said.

I found myself laughing.

"I'm not Joking... I'm serious, it's not even a small fork, a big one- like yaay sized big," he illustrated with his hands wide apart. "I really need you to forgive me... That fork thing's not funny anymore."

I knew what he was doing. Trying to make me laugh, trying to make things easier for him. And hell, it was working. "A fork? Really? That's not even sharp enough."

"Oh, I guess dream Aubrey's gonna change her weapons tonight." He said.

I smiled. "Stop... This doesn't suit you... Don't ever try to be funny."

He raked his hands through his hair. "Sorry, I just feel so guilty... I made you cry."

Don't let it get to you Aubrey! Don't.

"It's okay, I'm okay..."

"OK, how are you feeling?" He asked me.

"What do you mean?"

"Well, the last time I saw you... You weren't really awake-" he stopped himself before he could continue.

A smile crept up on my face. "I knew it was you... Drexel lied to me- you saved me didn't you?"

His facial expression said it all, Tyler was the one who rescued me from Carlos's men. I felt warm inside.

"Kind of... I was actually planning to get my parcel back, you- you happened to have been kidnapped, which I still wonder why? So I just told my guards to get you out so I could- you know-"

"Blow up their territory?" I completed it for him.

"Yeah... That."

He was definitely lying...

"Hmm... If you say so, I wonder why Drexel lied though?"

Tyler shrugged.

"I know it's not my place to ask... But- did you get it back?" I was talking about the parcel, I feared that he would lash out or go all dark again.

"No." He simply said.

I wanted to ask him more but I didn't want to push my luck.

Fine, I talked to Tyler, I can go now- mission accomplished... But, did I really want to leave him? Did I want to lose him? Don't I want to pursue this? Whatever this is? Don't I want him with me?

Aubrey, you have to stop thinking these things! Just go... Avoid trouble. leave Tyler Bresfort alone... Nothing good can ever come out of this...Just go.

"I should probably get going," I picked up my purse. "I promised Drexel I wouldn't be late. Bye." I said as I made my way to the door, someone pulled me back, and that someone was Tyler.

I turned around, and in a swift movement, I was in his arms, those arms that I dreamed of every night... Those arms that I long for... I looked up at him.

He didn't give me a chance to ask him anything because his lips came down on mine in a gentle manner. Immediately, I melted in his arms, I didn't know why he was kissing me now, all I knew was that I wanted him, I'd wanted him since he stepped into this room.

My arms automatically found their way around his neck, as I returned the kiss. I felt really warm and complete... This was where I belong, in the arms of a Man, a Man who cared about his family more than himself. A man who would do anything to protect a girl he barely knew.

A man who was as soft as pillows... A man secretly cares about a girl who was starting to grow feelings for him.

I belong to a man who calls me Grey. A man who whispered the reasons why he called me Grey, in his sleep- A man who secretly wants freedom, a man who is scared to let anyone into his heart... A man who is afraid to love anyone.

I belong to a man who sent me to prison, a man who would do anything to protect his pride and his name... A man who would kill without concrete evidence, a man who would feel no remorse after crashing a wedding.

I smiled against his lips.

He stopped and looked up at me. "What?" He asked.

"I miss you," I confessed.

"Ditto. You wanna get out of here?" He asked.


We made our way out of his old bedroom.

"Where do you want to go?" He asked, giving me a sideways glance.

"Anywhere- as long as you're there."

He smiled- I noticed he did that a lot tonight... And it definitely looked good on him.

"Why do I have the feeling that dream Aubrey won't be available tonight?" He asked.

I shrugged. "Oh, trust me- she'll be available- just not in your dreams... She'll be in reality- sleeping right next to you."

His arms found their way to my shoulders, pulling me closer to him as we walked side by side.

I belong to a Mafia, a Mafia named Tyler Bresfort.

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