To Live Or Die (Book Two)

By Keekaneena

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After finding love and realizing that there is a propecy about her, Kat and Cain proceed to train for the upc... More

Chapter One: At Least Smile As You Hurt Me!
Chapter Two: Babies!?!? WTF!!
Chapter Three: Demonic Presence
Chapter Four: A Name and A Plan
Chater Five: Lose All Control
Chapter Six : Destruction & Guilt
Chapter Seven : Exorcism Part I
Chapter Eight: Exorcism Part II
Chapter Nine : The Air Element
Chapter Ten: Hunt for information
Chapter Eleven: Much Needed Rest
Chapter Twelve: The Prophecy
Chapter Thirteen: Abuse Again And Still No Smile
Chapter Fourteen: The Date Night
Chapter Fifteen : Cheating?
Chapter Sixteen : The Green Eyed Monster
Chapter Seventeen : Backseat Driver
Suprise Partner
In The Human City
Chapter Twenty: Run Away... Again
Chapter Twenty-one: Family Reunion
Chapter Twenty-Two: She Wolf
Chapter Twenty-three :
Chapter Twenty-Four: Two Day Wait
Chapter Twenty-five :
Chapter Twenty-six : Information
Chapter 27: New Plan
Chapter 28 - Cravings?
Chapter 29 : Fresh Wounds
Chapter 30: All About the Bond
New Idea: Part 31
Untitled Part 32
Chapter 33 : you didn't know?!?!
Chapter 34 : Unexpected Help
Chapter 35 : Tender Moment
Untitled Part 36
Chapter 37 : Forget Morning Sickness
Part 38 : Not Breakable Just Pregnant
Ch 39
Chapter 40 : Can't go back on uneasy feelings
Chapter 41 : Meetings To Make More Meetings
Chapter 42: When I get around to it
Shocker times two: chapter 43
Untitled Part 44
Part 45 : Joint Ideas
Part 46 - Greasy Like Slime
Part 48 - Council of Fools
Part 50 - Evils of The World
Part 51 : Not Part of the Plan
Part 52 : The Grand Escape
Part 53 : Decision Time

Part 49 - It Starts

49 1 0
By Keekaneena

"Exactly as you fear, the war has started my child. It has not started near you, but the farrier creatures have all decided they know what is best and have started fighting amongst themselves." I can feel a sadness in the air.

"So we have failed." I look down at my hands feeling broken.

"No my child, but you do need to decide something. Something that is not an easy decision." the voice cryptically says. I don't know what to say to that, I don't know if I have it in me to make such a big decision alone.

"You and you alone my child must decide on the fate of all races and decide if there is still good left in this world or if it is now time to wipe the slate clean and start anew. This is not a decision that can be decided by your wolf, Camira or your family." my first thought is my children still in my womb.

"What about my children? If I choose destruction to start over what happens to them?" I question my fears.

"The future is not clear. You must decide, and soon. We will speak again my child, for now think about my question. Is there still enough good in this world that it deserves to live or is evil taking control." with that my vision blurs and I feel that familiar pull in the back of my mind causing everything to go black as I lose what little consciousness I had.

Beep, beep, beep, the familiar beeping of a heart monitor wakes me from my slumber, I slowly open my eyes as I feel something pressing on my stomach. Looking down there is a belt holding pads connected to a machine monitoring something. I feel a kick and the needle moves on the machine, I feel more movement and the needle jerks around the page again.

"It's monitoring the twins to make sure they were still okay when you passed out." the familiar voice of Andre came from my right. Turning my head I smile meagerly at him, he instantly hands me a glass of water and helps me take a sip.

"How long was I out for?" I whispered, relishing in the feel of the water.

"Oh only four hours this time." he smiles causing me to suppress my giggle at his silly joke.

"Is Cain okay?" I ask as I search my mind for our bond, finding the bond I can feel his stress and strain. Pushing warming relaxing thoughts to him I turn to smile at Andre.

"He is fine, worried but fine." he puts down the magazine he was reading and stands to stretch his muscles.

"Thank you for sitting with me. What all happened after I fell asleep?" he raised his eyebrows when I said I fell asleep.

"Is that what happened? The doctors thought it was over exertion on your part and have told Cain you are to be on bed rest from now until further notice." I laughed as Cain and his mother entered with the doctor.

"No I fell into a sleep because the Moon Goddess herself visited me. Well actually according to her she took me to the land of the god's so we could talk. Apparently there have been some Farrier creatures fighting recently and are slowly starting the war. She told me I had an important decision to make, that...." I couldn't spit out the words, it was like I physically could not say what I wanted at that moment.

"What my love?" Cain took my good hand in his. I couldn't say it, then the words of the Moon Goddess resound in my ears 'You and you alone my child must decide on the fate of all races and decide if there is still good left in this world or if it is now time to wipe the slate clean and start anew.'  so that means I can't even talk about it apparently.

Andre, the doctor and Cain all stare at me expectantly, waiting for my answer. I clear my throat awkwardly before finally deciding to skip the main parts.

"It's something I can't speak about freely, but trust me we will succeed because I am determined to help create a positive future for my babies." with that the topic switched over to the doctor explaining the machine around my belly.

"Well your babies must be very attached to you already Luna, when your body forcefully went into its sleep mode the babies went to sleep as well which worried Alpha so he brought you here. These two paddles," she touched the one on top left and bottom right, "measure the heart rate of the babies. The other two," she touched the top right and bottom left, "count movement. We just wanted to make sure they would keep moving and their heart rates would stay up." she smiled.

"How are you feeling my love?" Cain asked as he kissed my forehead.

"Honestly, fine but I am so sick and tired of always waking up in the hospital or tied to a god damn IV drip." I sigh as I sit back in bed to get comfortable. He chuckles at me as I get comfortable feeling the twins move around as the machine spikes up.

"I know my dear, it seems to be normal for you. Cain didn't destroy anything this time." his mom quipps from her side of the bed causing me to giggle a little at the teasing.

"After another ten minutes on the machine you are free to go Luna. Just please take it easy and no more stress on yourself please." the doctor advises as she takes off her gloves and walks out of the room. I nod and smile as everyone settles closer to me.

"You said part of the war has started, does that mean we are to late?" Cain asks, I shake my head no.

"No this just means its started. The rest of what I was told I cannot physically speak of but just know we need to do some monitoring of other packs around the world and find out what is happening to see if we can slow it down or stop what is happening. I know I'm on bed rest but we need to do something." I express, Cain kisses my hand again.

"I will talk with the council some more, you are being set up in our room on bed rest with anything and everything you will need at your disposal." Cain stated, leaving no room for argument. I was to tired to argue and I had just napped so I let him have his domineering moment without ruining it on him.

"Cousin, you go do what you need to do. I will assist your mother and my brother in making the preparations for Kat to be set up. Do not fret, we will take care of her." Andre smiles kindly as Cain reluctantly agrees. He kisses me gently once, then twice then a third time only deeper this time.

"I love you my darling, I will see you in a little while okay?" he smiles, I kiss his cheek and smile lovingly at him.

"Of course, I love you to baby." with one final squeeze of my hands he gets up and leaves the room. Andre and mom have a big smile on their faces.

"That was super adorable and cute Kat, that boy is absolutely head over heels in love with you. I can tell your just as taken with him as well. I could not have asked for a better daughter in law. Your family is going to be the cutest every, and no I am not being biased just because I am grandma." she winks with a devious smirk on her face.

"Yes grandma, now let's go get the bedroom set up so in ten minutes Kat will be comfortable." Andre helps mom to her feet and out the door. I smile at the love of my family and that makes me think of my choice. Good in the world, well I know here there is so much love and kindness, but then again if there is fighting somewhere, then its not all sunshine and rainbows in this world.

As if sensing my troubles the twins decide to start moving and kicking almost as if they are fighting. I giggle out loud thinking of them fighting inside, each demanding more room. As I close my eyes I wonder if I am having a boy and girl like most Alpha twins, or maybe I will be blessed with two girls. It's very rare to have twin boys because of the Alpha gene being passed to the first born boy but I would be blessed no matter what I have.

I start to doze off when I smell something strange, it's almost sweet yet tangy. It's nothing I've ever smelled before feeling uneasy I try and open my eyes but I can't. Feeling a wave of panic I try my powers but nothing happens. Moving my arms or legs is impossible as well, I can hear the beeping and feel the IV so I know I'm still in bed. I feel the paddles being taken off my belly as the twins still kick and move.

A very slurred conversation reaches my ears and I know then that something is not right. My first thought is I've been drugged, pulling all the strength I have I send a wave of panic through the bond before everything finally goes black and whatever drugs in my system knock me unconscious, AGAIN!!!

***** Well I have gotten back some ideas on how to finish this story so I hope everyone is ready to finish this story! LOL Its my bad for making you wait so long to finish it, and for that I am super duper sorry. Raising my own almost four year old twins, dealing with a ten year old who thinks she is sixteen and working full time is tiring during the good days but I wouldn't trade my life for anything. So cheers to everyone with their busy lives, cheers to the end of this story in the next three or four chapters and cheers to you if your still reading this!!! *****

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