Milk and Honey (GirlxGirl)(Le...

By taylenking

592K 21.5K 7.5K

Leilani Jaegar is a veteran at getting her heart broken and often mistreated. With a psycho ex in prison for... More

Meet the Characters
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty-One
Chapter Forty-Two
Chapter Forty-Three
Chapter Forty-Four
Chapter Forty-Five
Chapter Forty-Six
Chapter Forty-Seven
Chapter Forty-Eight
Chapter Forty-Nine
Milk and Honey: Part 2
Pt. 2: Chapter One
Pt 2: Chapter Two
Pt 2.: Chapter Three
Pt. 2: Chapter Four
Pt 2: Chapter Five
Pt 2: Chapter Six
Pt 2: Chapter Seven
Pt 2: Chapter Eight

Chapter Thirty-Seven

9K 350 90
By taylenking

Tristan and I had been dating for a month and half, and I was the happiest I had ever been in my life. Everything seemed to be falling in place and I was getting everything I deserved, things that were past overdue. I had a sweet, country ass girlfriend. I was officially signed to Top Face Models. Angela took the role of my manager making sure I got offered major deals and opportunities to get my name out there.

So far, in a month I had reached 100K followers on Instagram which was wild to even fathom and snagged a huge deal for Calvin Klein. Most b-tches started out with FashionNova or Forever 21 and here I was posting pictures in my f-cking Calvin's.

Outside of business though, Tristan and I were doing really well. It was the healthiest relationship I had been in. There weren't many spats, even if there were, there were just stupid ones that were resolved within an hour and finalized with some jaw dropping ass make up sex. We had time for each other, even with me working and the fact Tristan had the kids 24/7. Even when we didn't have alone time, I cherished times with her and her kids. It was always an adorable, hilarious experience.

"Yes! Yes! That's what the f-ck I'm talking about," Romeo yelled at me as I looked towards the photographer. I was standing there in a red unlined Calvin Klein bralette with panties to match. I stared at the camera innocently as if I was being caught off guard. My hands were in front of my stomach my index and thumb holding on to the middle finger of my other hand as I stood.  My blonde curls naturally graced my shoulders.

Romeo was there for moral support. I mean, he was the hottest male model in the world and had become a dear friend, so it was nice having him there to cheer me on. He was lowkey like a mentor mixed in with a friend. He helped me with adjusting to "fame" and was even accompanying me to my first Hollywood party tonight. He was good to have around, except for now, since it was hard not to laugh with him repeatedly shouting out pleasantries.

"You take such good pictures. I don't even have to tell you anything," the photographer said with amazement as he let me swipe through the pictures he had taken. I had went through a bunch of outfit changes. I was going to be the main model for the summer season. They were going to put me on billboards and have my photos over Calvin Klein stores across the world. When I heard that some of the photos were going to appear in Times Square, I almost pissed my f-cking pants!

"She's a natural. Not as good as me, but a natural," Romeo said from behind us. I turned around, smiled and slapped his shoulder playfully. "You killed that sh-t, for real though. These photos are...sheesh. I'm telling you, man." He dramatically wiped at his forehead as if he about to break a sweat before pulling at his collar.

My cheeks flushed and I giggled. "Shut up, idiot!"

"You know what would make these pictures...just a little better? I mean, they're perfect now, but I just had the craziest idea," the photographer said, his eyes lighting up as he spoke.

"What's that?"

"Since we have both of you here, I think it'd be nice to get some photos of you two together. It'd be crazy."

"Am I going to get paid for this," Romeo jested with a laugh.

"Of course, we'll set it up. You know I got you, man. Don't I always got you? The big dogs are going to make sure you get paid," the photographer reassured Romeo.

"I mean, it's Lani's shoot and I don't wanna intrude. I'm just here for moral support," Romeo said as he scratched the back of his neck and glanced over at me.

"No, it's cool. I think it'd be dope actually. We wrapped up a bit earlier than expected so we might as well get a couple pics in, Mr. Natural."

Romeo gave me a fake cocky grin and brushed off his shoulders with his hand. "Well, if you insist. I can show you how modeling is done."

"Boy, bye. I came out my momma p-ssy posing."

"Okay, okay, we'll see."

The stylists got us in matching Calvin Klein underwear. They oiled up Romeo like they always did for all his photoshoots where he was half f-cking naked. I rolled my eyes, but took a video of it just so I could send it to the girls via group chat so they could thirst over him. They could never say I never gave them nothing. They tried to oil me too, but I replied, "I'm not ghetto like him. We're going to look like a ghetto ass, oiled up couple. It's going to look like promo for a porn or something."

"But it's gonna look weird if I'm just oiled."

"Then wash the f-ck off, because I'm not putting oil on."

"Girl, you need to. You're ashy."

I laughed and pushed his shoulders before reluctantly agreeing to let them lather me in oil. It would look weird if Romeo was the only one glistening. I didn't want to look ashy or be outshined by him, literally.

"It's not even that much oil," Romeo said as he wrapped his arms around me from behind. His warm body pressed against my back and I rolled my eyes once again.

"What is this? A prom picture?"

"Actually, I like that," the photographer said. "It looks very natural and cute. Both of you two give me big ass grins then start laughing, bring her a bit closer, Romeo...yeah, perfect...just like that!" I would be lying if I said it wasn't kind of weird having Romeo so close to me. We had sex a couple times, the first time was so horrible I don't even like to think about it. But the man had rearranged my guts once so for his d-ck to be poking my ass was awkwardly a...dare I say...turn on. "That's enough of that. Let's get another pose," the photographer instructed.

Romeo backed away from me and I took a sigh of relief. "How about one on the floor," Romeo said as he motioned down towards the ground.

"You read my mind," the photographer said as he walked over to us. "Romeo sit down, legs parallel, back straight and Leilani, I need you to sit on top of him, straddle him with your legs. Yeah, just like that. Now, when I start taking shots, I want Romeo looking at the camera. Give me that sexy, serious face that you always do with your cheek brushing against Leilani's shoulder. Leilani, back straight, somewhat arched, look at the camera and have your hands on Romeo's ribcage. Romeo, I want your hands on Leilani's butt. Can we do that?"

Romeo chuckled awkwardly and looked into my eyes. "I don't know. Can I do that?"

"I mean, you've done it before," I murmured only so we could hear. We both laughed timidly but got in the position for the photo. The photographer started taking shots. I thought it was going well from all the pictures he was snapping. Other people on set began crowding around, smiling and talking about how good we looked.

One of the big dogs, Bradley, walked up to the photographer and put his hand on his back to stop him from taking photos. He straightened out his fresh tan suit. "This is very reminiscent of the Kate Moss and Mark Wahlberg shoot from 1992 except sexier. You two look so good together. You're both so close to nudity but seem so comfortable around each other." If only Bradley knew that once upon a time, I had Romeo's semen on my stomach. "I'm thinking we do a more intimate photoshoot. We'll pay triple then what we're paying you guys today if you're willing to get a little sexier for us for another shoot down to road."

"How sexy are we talking," I asked, feeling safe enough to finally hop off Romeo's lap. He stood up and helped me to my feet as well. "Thanks," I said quietly.

"Well, I was thinking Leilani, you could go topless. It's a little more risqué and it'll get people talking, you know?"


"Topless with photos sort of like the ones you guys just took, that's all I'm asking for."

I bit my lip and looked towards Romeo who was scratching the back of his head. He peered over at me and shrugged. I couldn't say no, so I said, "Yeah, sure. Sounds great."

Bradley gave me a big grin and clapped his hands. "Well, everyone, I think that's a wrap. Everyone was very productive today! Thank you so much Leilani for your patience, your kindness and your talent. You're an amazing, new look to this brand. Thank you, Romeo, for joining in last minute. We will get with you about that intimate shoot, okay?"

"Okay," we both said simultaneously before looking at each other and laughing. "You owe me a soda," we both said as we pointed to each other. "What the f-ck?"

"Okay, stop copying me. You're freaking me out," I said as I shivered and stepped away from him. He laughed and wrapped his arm around my neck. He put me in a soft headlock as he started ruffling my hair. "What the f-ck, Romeo?! You're an ass!"

"Come on, shoot's over. Why do you need your hair all done up?"

"Because I like looking pretty 24/7."

"You always do."

"Don't flatter me, boy." I backed away from him with a smile and walked over to the photographer who was looking through the photos. "You mind if I take a picture of one of these photos and send it to my girlfriend?"

"Yeah, no problem. Actually, I suggest you take three. One for your girl and you're allowed to post two on your Instagram ahead of time. I think that one with Romeo is gonna get you some likes."

"Yeah, I think so too," I said with a giggle. I took the pictures and thanked the photographer for all the hard work he put in for the day before sending one of the pictures to Tristan.

I was planning on going straight to Tristan's office when I got to the gym, but instead I got attacked by Marvel and Milo. Milo picked on me for not being as strong as Tristan one time, so I picked him up and slammed him gently on the couch. Ever since, those damn kids have been attacking me on sight. They always wanted a wrestling match when they saw me. It was lowkey scary since Marvel was tall for a five-year-old and her little ass was heavy handed.

"I yield, I yield," I yelled when they successfully had me pinned to the floor. Milo got one last punch on my shoulder before falling on top of me and hugging my neck.

"Hey, Lani," he said sweetly as if he just didn't help Marvel beat my ass. He kissed my cheek and I laughed as I ruffled his curls.

"Sup, kid?" I sat up and got on my feet. Marvel hugged me and grinned as she stared up at me. "How was school, Marvy," I asked.

"Goood. We had show and tell since-since it was Friday and-and, guess what?"

"Hmmm, what?"

"I told them about how my daddy's girlfriend was a supermodel!" I almost choked on my salvia. I was barely a model and she was over here telling kids I was a supermodel. "Some kid thought that meant you had superpowers," Marvel said before giggling and covering her mouth. "I told him you did because you make super special and super yummy tacos."

"Tacos," Milo said as he jumped up and down. "Lani, can you make tacos?"

"Not tonight. I have somewhere to go, unfortunately. But hey, I might can make them tomorrow night. You guys and daddy can FaceTime mommy while I make some yummy chicken tacos." Both the kids cheered and hugged my legs. I patted their heads and chuckled. "Okay, you guys are super cute today."

"We're cute every day," Marvel pointed out. "We're cute on Monday and Tuesday and Wednesday and Thursday and Friday and Saturday and Sunday. All seven days."

"And all 24 hours," I confirmed before bending down and kissing her forehead. "I gotta go meet with your daddy real quick in her office. I'll be back out in a minute."

"Ugh, every time you go in the office you stay in there forever," Marvel said with a stomp.

"A very long, long, long, long, long, long-"

"We get it, Lolo," Marvel said as she covered her little brother's mouth.

"Well, that's a good thing, huh," a new voice that has come sadly familiar joined into the conversation. Raven, Tristan's little charity case, hopped her ass into the conversation. "Marvel, you got some homework you need to knock out."

"But it's Friday," Marvel whined.

"Well, Mrs. Hopkins doesn't care. She gave you homework."

"She's such a wicked witch," Marvel said in the most preppy voice I ever heard come from her. For a second, I thought she said 'b-tch.'

I laughed out loud and patted her shoulder. "Go do your homework, kid. I won't be in there for long, I promise."

Finally, I was able to retreat from the kids and saunter my way into Tristan's office. When I walked in, her faced beamed up and she stood up from her desk. I grinned before walking over and giving her a hug, squeezing her tightly. I had missed her so much. The week had been so hectic that we weren't able to stay in the same room for more than an hour or two before one of us had to do something.

I sniffed her shirt, taking in her fragrance that was mixed with a bit of sweat. Even her sweat glands smelled like heaven. She put her hands on my back and when I looked up, she captured my lips with hers. I giggled, kissing her back as my hand ran down her chest. "It's just hitting me how much I missed you this week," I told her lowly.

Tristan simply nodded and twirled one of her fingers in my curls. "How was your week, baby love?"

"Hmmm, crazy. I'm just glad it's over. How about yours, muscles?"

Tristan chuckled and shrugged her shoulders. "Same ol' same ol', you know, just trying to enjoy the kids because they'll be in Tennessee with Nya soon. I'm kind of glad though. She misses them like crazy and it'll be good for them to be with her for a while. Also, I don't know if you noticed, but I gained like 20K followers because you keep posting me on your Instagram. All these girls are in my comments begging me to do the things you beg me to do to you."

I snickered and poked her shoulder. "You're getting a following. Now, all you gotta do is release a damn song."

Tristan kissed me again. "Mmm, I know, honey." Once again, her lips met mine. "I missed those sweet lips so much."

I cupped her cheek with my hand as we slowly began making out. As we got into it, my hands moved down to her waist and I pushed her a bit aggressively against her desk. She chuckled and I did as well as we broke the kiss. "I told you I was going to top your tiny ass," I whispered to her. Tristan was bigger than me in all aspects from height, weight and to muscle but I still called her "tiny" just because I wanted to talk my sh-t.

"I want to see you try," Tristan said with playful blue eyes.

"Okay, what do I do?"

Tristan howled. "You can't ask me that. You gotta just do it. Just take control. Be me. What would I do to you?"

"You would do this." I grabbed Tristan's arm and tried to pull her, but she didn't budge. I whined as she let out a quiet laugh. "Baby, you gotta play along. You know, I'm not strong enough to toss you around."

"Sorry, honey. Try again."

"Okay, you would do this," I grabbed Tristan's arm again and she played along as I spun her around. I stood behind her and pushed her back down so she was leaning forward against the desk. Hearing her quietly chuckle was making it hard for me to stay serious. I smacked her ass before pulling down the gym shorts she was wearing. I pressed my crotch against her ass and reached forward to pull her short hair. "You want this d-ck?" At that point, Tristan lost it.

She started cackling and I finally broke my role. "I have never asked "You want this d-ck?""

"Yes, you have!"

"If I did, it wasn't as goofy as you just asked me."

I stomped and crossed my arms. Tristan turned around with a smirk on her face. I reached my hand out and slapped her softly. "Take that smirk off your stupid face."

"Come here." Lowkey, one of the simplest, sexiest phrases Tristan says. It was hard not to get turned on when I heard her say it in that slow, low southern drawl.

I kept my arms crossed and shook my head, "No."

"Come here," she said again as she stepped closer.

"No," I said stepping back, which backed me right into the wall.

Once my back was against the wall, Tristan stepped right in front of me and easily uncrossed my arms. She pinned my hands to the wall, "I said, f-cking come here." I bit my lower lip. "Now, it's not that hard to be dominant."

"I know. I topped girls before but you're just so..."


"No, n-gga, masculine."

"And? You can still push me over on that desk right there, pull down my boxers and eat my p-ssy until I start f-cking choking on my moans like any other b-tch. So, what's stopping you?"

Tristan let go of my hands and instantly I pushed her shoulders and she actually stumbled back. She looked at me with confusion at first but bit her bottom lip when I pushed her down and back in her swivel chair. "What you 'bout to do with me, honey," she asked me.

I decided to stay quiet as I unbuttoned my jeans. Tristan licked her lips as she watched me shimmy out the tight material. "F-ck, I can already see that p-ssy soaking," she said. As if I already wasn't sexually frustrated enough, here she was dirty talking. "I missed you so f-cking much, honey. I can't wait to have that sweet, little p-ssy on my lips."

"You can't," I asked as I pulled off my shirt.

"No, I've been craving it. I wanted so bad to go over to your place, wake you up in the middle of the night just to get a taste. And f-ck, I would just lay in bed and all I could hear was how sexy you sound when I go down on you. Those sexy little whispers telling me not to stop, those whimpers that turned into full fledge moans that come from the depths of your soul. F-ck..." By the time Tristan was done talking, I was fully undressed in the nude. "Tell you what, why don't you come over here and sit in daddy's lap?"

It didn't take much convincing for me to climb on Tristan's lap and straddle her. I took off her shirt as she looked me up and down and threw it onto the ground. She took my chin in her hands and stared deep into my eyes. I felt like she was already f-cking me with them. I even let out a soft moan. "See, I wasn't even trying and I got you on my lap like a needy little puppy."

Tristan hand left my chin and the tips of her fingers began brushing across my cl-t slowly as we both looked down at it. "Look at that pretty f-cking p-ssy of yours. Look at how wet it is. F-ck, you can even hear how wet it is."

"F-ck," I exclaimed as I leaned back with my hands on Tristan's knees Tristan licked her lips as she slipped two fingers into my p-ssy and rubbed my cl-t with her thumb. I bit my lip harshly as she slithered her fingers in and out. A suppressed moan came from my mouth and my teeth left my bottom lip.

"Yeah, let it out, honey," Tristan lulled softly. "You can be as loud as you like." She looked from my p-ssy and up to my eyes as my hips began rocking to the pace of her fingers. My chest heaved and I felt like I was already about to org-sm. "You're giving me that cute ass org-sm face, you're gonna c-m already, honey? Huh, honey? I haven't even started yet. I haven't even started and you're already about to c-m for daddy."

I let out the ugliest moan in the f-cking world and my elbows gave out. I almost fell off Tristan and on to the floor, but she easily caught me and pulled me close to her. My body shook against her as we both laughed. I buried my face in Tristan's neck as my cheeks felt hot. She held me there and rubbed my back. "I love you," she said as she kissed my shoulder.

It was the first time she had ever said it, like actually said it. We always said it jokingly in text messages and sure we said the quick, "Love you, bye"'s, but this time when she said it, it had substance. I felt it. I felt it deep in my chest. She meant it.

I grinned and pulled away slightly from her body. I looked into her eyes and ran my thumb across her cheek. "Say it again."

She chuckled deeply. "I love you, Leilani."

I pointed to my ear and scrunched up my face, "Mmm, sorry, I didn't quite get that."

"I said, I f-cking love you, you pretty, dumb b-tch," Tristan yelled so loud that it scared me. I hit her shoulder as we both cracked up.

"You didn't have to yell, asshole! You scared me!"

"I'm sorry, honey. I just love you," Tristan said as she grabbed my hand. She kissed the back of it and then the palm before holding it to her mouth.

"I love you too, you loud idiot," I said as I forced one of my fingers into her mouth. She sucked on it and smirked. "You know what time it is now?"

"What," she said as she took my finger out.

"Time for me...," I said as I got off her lap. I got down on my knees and wiggled my eyebrows. " go downtown on my mans."

Tristan chuckled. "You're so corny."

"Mhm, yeah, now, drop them draws."


You guys know I love a good time jump.

How do you guys feel about Romeo and Lani doing an intimate photoshoot together?

What was your favorite quote from this chapter? Mine was, "I came out my momma p-ssy posin'," by Lani.

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