Prince Charming Lives NextDoor

By virgopenguin

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"Do you ever wish you had a second chance to meet someone again for the first time. . ." * * * Ava Rose and L... More

Chapter 1: Ball Preperations
Author's Note
Chapter 2: Apologizes and What Ifs
Chapter 3: A Brunette In A Baby Blue Dress
Chapter 4: A Dance With Mystery Man
Chapter 5: Something Like Cinderella
Chapter 6: A Second Unknown Encounter
Chapter 7: Moving Day, Breakfast, And A Girl
Chapter 8: Spiders, Clowns, And Ken Dolls
Chapter 9: Crushing Egos With My Bike
Chapter 10: A Painful First Impression
Chapter 11: A Cheerios Murderer With A Hose
Chapter 12: Surprise Dinner With The Ross'
Chapter 13: Playing Footsie And Making A Bet
Chapter 14: Save It For The Judge, Liam Ross!
Chapter 15: So Call Me Maybe
Chapter 16: I Don't Have Mental Problems
Chapter 17: My Cheerios, Not Yours
Chapter 18: Legends, Threats, and Ditching
Chapter 19: My Pretend Boyfriend And An Unexpected Kiss
Chapter 21: Mr. Psychic Pants Can Tell The Future
Chapter 22: His Confession
Chapter 23: One Heck Of A Birthday Surprise
Q & A Time
Chapter 24: Secrets, and an Unwelcomed Surprise
Chapter 25: A Good Day Gone Bad
Chapter 26 Part 1: Drama, Complications, And The Truth
Chapter 26 Part 2: Misinterpretations, and A Confession I Wasn't Expecting
Chapter 27: I Think We're Going To Be Best Friends
Chapter 28: I'll Do Anything... Just Keep Her Out Of It
Chapter 29: She Comes In with a Big Bang
Chapter 30: When the Crowd Goes Wild
Chapter 31: An Act Gone Too Far
Chapter 32: Haven't You Helped Enough
Chapter 33: Okay's and Trust Me's Are Reassuring
Chapter 34: Star Gazing, A Kiss, And An I Love You
Chapter 35: A Magician Never Reveals His Secrets
Chapter 36 Pt. 1: Insecurities and Weaknesses
Chapter 36 Pt. 2: I Knew Him All Along
Chapter 36 Pt. 3: You Should've Warned Me
Chapter 37: Broken Hearts And Scars
Chapter 38: I'll Never Be Able To Live This Down
Chapter 39: The Goodbye Kiss

Chapter 20: We're Running From Plastic

449 17 6
By virgopenguin

Hey my lovely readers! :)

I was able to update! Whoo!

I would like to give a shoutout thanks to @Umai997 for making two wonderful covers for Prince Charming Lives NextDoor. One of them to the side.

So here's chapter 20! Enjoy!:D

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Ava's P.O.V.

**4 Days Later**

Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep!

My eyes snapped open, shooting glances everywhere for the source of the annoying sound. Looking towards my bedside table, I found my alarm clock blinking. 'Why had I set my alarm clock at 5:30 a.m. in the morning?! The sun wasn't even up yet! Well, it kind of was. I think. I don't know. Though, was I not thinking straight last night? Or am I just crazy to set an alarm this early in the morning?' I reached over and pressed the off button, silencing the hectic noise.

Lying on my back, I stared up at my bedroom's blank white ceiling. 'Why had I set my alarm clock? What is today?' That's when it clicked. 'TODAY IS THE FIRST DAY OF SCHOOl! DUH!' I lazily flung my warm fluffy blanket off of me, and got up out of bed. I walked over to my window to open the curtains. I usually don't open them, but since school is here now, I should let the sunrise in, right? However, opening those curtains was, I think, the biggest mistake I have ever made in my whole entire life. I quickly ducked under my window, squeezing my eyes shut, praying he didn't see me.

I mentally hit my head against the wall. 'Why oh why did this have to happen to me? It seriously had to happen on the first day of school?! This is just going to make it awkward between us. How am I supposed to act around him? I can't actually go up to him and say, "Hi Liam! I'm going to be acting awkward around you today because I saw your six pack and back muscles through your bedroom window this morning. You forgot to close your freaking curtains or blinds!"'

Yep. You heard me. I saw Liam Ross' muscles through my bedroom window. I didn't even know there was a window to his bedroom across from mine there. 'I've been living in this house for more than seventeen years and I didn't know? Why didn't anyone tell me?!' I let out the breath I was holding, trying to calm myself down. But how was I supposed to calm down? Right now, I was literally freaking out thinking about what had just happened.

I haven't seen or talked to Liam for the past 3 days. Then, the first time I see him after those days, I find him shirtless in his bedroom through my bedroom window. 'Why does life have to do this to me?! Sure we kissed, but it didn't mean anything, right? It was just to get out of the situation. It's not like Liam and I are dating. Psh. No. That would just be crazy!'

A few minutes later, I decided it was time to check if the close was clear. I got up on my knees and peek my head from under the window. I let out a sigh of relief. Liam wasn't in his bedroom anymore. 'Well that's great.' I stood back up on my feet, and started making my way towards my closet.

Picking out an outfit for the first day of school was challenging. I didn't want to wear anything too fancy or anything opposite of that, so I chose a yellow and white striped tank top, paired with jean shorts and grey converse shoes without shoelaces. Running a comb through my hair was painful. It was all tangled up in knots. But once I was finished brushing all the tangles out, my brown hair was straight and silky smooth. I brought my hair up into a high ponytail, and slipped on a yellow stone bracelet to finish off my look. I walked over to my bed's footboard and took hold of one of the backpack straps from my purple yak-pak backpack and slung it onto my shoulder.

After I had gotten my backpack, I headed downstairs. I walked through the entrance of the kitchen, then over to the fridge. 'Hmmm. What should I eat for breakfast? Oh! I know! Cheerios!' But just when I closed the refrigerator's door, a person's voice popped up out of nowhere making me jump up in fright.

"Good morning, Avalon. How are you on this fine and dandy day?"

I looked up already knowing who the person was by their word choice. The Cheerios murderer. I am never going to let that name go because it is true. He had killed my Cheerios three times.

I gave Liam an 'are you crazy?' look. "What the hell do you think you are doing here?! For all you know, it could've been my mom or dad looking in the fridge, not me. Or, for all I know, you could've been a serial killer trying to find something or someone to kill. Plus, how did you know I was awake? Are you stalking me?"

Liam bursted out laughing, quietly. "Um. . . no. I saw you open your bedroom curtains through my mirror when I was changing. Did you like the view?"

A blush crept onto my face as I glared daggers at him. "Umm. . . no. And plus, at least I'm not the one who changes with my bedroom curtains open."

"That's because I always leave my curtains open, unlike you who keeps them closed all the time," he reasoned.

I rolled my eyes. "I don't open my bedroom curtains because I don't have time to."

Liam gave me a perplexed look. "How do you not have time to open curtains? You just go up to it and swing them to the side. It literally takes five seconds."

"Five seconds is a long time," I replied back in a 'duh' tone.

Liam snickered. "Psh. Five seconds is not a long time. A year is."

Our bickering continued on for a few minutes, but was later cut to an end when my mom's voice popped up out of the blue. "Ava, honey? Are you down here?" Just then, she appeared around the kitchen's entrance, in her pink fluffy robe, finding Liam and me standing here. "Oh, hi Liam. Did you come over to greet Ava a happy birthday?"

I mentally face palmed myself. 'How could I forget my own birthday? I knew I was forgetting something. And it so happens to be my birthday. . .'

"Really? Today is Ava's birthday?" Liam spoke up, breaking my train of thought. I looked up at him to see his signature smirk plastered on his face.

I rolled my eyes for a second time today. "Yes, it is. So, you can leave now." I tried pushing him towards the door, but he wouldn't budge. I put my arms back to my sides and coughed awkwardly. "You can leave now."

From the corner of my eye, I could see my mom giving me a stern look. "Ava, that is rude of you." She turned to Liam and smiled. "Would you like to stay over for some breakfast before you and my daughter go to school?"

I opened my mouth to protest, but Liam replied back before I got the chance. "Sure, if it's not a problem."

"It's not a problem at all. Ava doesn't normally have friends over." With that, my mom walked passed me and Liam, to get to the stove. "So, what do you guys want for breakfast?"

I opened my mouth to reply, but Liam had cut me off. Again. "I was actually thinking Ava would be kind enough to share her Cheerios with me. That's if she doesn't mind. Do you?" I gazed up at him with a murderous glare.

I glanced at my mom only to find her staring at me with an expecting look. I let an exasperated sigh. "Fine."

My mom gave me a happy smile. "Great! So Ava, I'll be going back to sleep. Just wake me up if you need anything. Okay?" She walked over and pulled me into a hug. "My baby is all grown up. Happy birthday, sweetheart. Have a good first day of school." She let go of me, kissed my forehead, and disappeared around the kitchen entrance's corner.

Once the sounds of footsteps on the stairs disappeared, I turned my attention back to Liam. I pointed an accusing finger at him. "No! You will not have Cheerios," I dead panned, walking over to the cereal cabinet.

Liam quickly rushed up to stand in front of me. "But you just said you were going to share them."

"Maybe another time. Or maybe in another universe!" I whisper-shouted at him.

Liam scowled. "You are going to share those Cheerios with me or else I am going to sneak into this house and steal them from you when no one is around."

I raised my both of my eyebrows. "Isn't going into someone else's house without their permission, illegal?"

Liam shrugged his shoulders. "I don't know. Maybe?"

I put my hands on my hips. "Well then. I better hide the key in a different hiding spot."

Liam rolled his eyes. 'Wait! He actually rolled his eyes at me! At me! Now I know how it feels like to have someone roll their eyes at you. It is annoying!' "Come on Avalon! If you let me eat Cheerios here, then I'll buy them for you when you run out."

I began thinking about what he had just said. 'I could eat as many Cheerios I want and I wouldn't have to pay for it. But when he comes over he will be able to eat Cheerios too. Hmmm....' I didn't want to think too much about it, so I just went with my gut.


**35 Minutes Later (6:15 a.m.)**

Liam and I were currently walking to school. Samuel N. Daniels High School was about seven minutes away from our neighborhood so it wasn't a problem walking there.

From the corner of my eye, I could see Liam observing me. I looked up at him with a creeped out expression. "Why are you staring at me?"

A grin made its way onto his face. "No reason. Just checking to see if you look older."

"How would I look older? I was seventeen yesterday. Oh! Which reminds me...I'm older than you! Haha!" I did a happy dance not caring that I was in public.

But all of a sudden, I heard Liam snort. "Yeah, about that. I'm actually older than you." I stopped dancing and turned to stare at him, making eye contact.

"What?! How?! What?!" I questioned-shouted in shock.

Liam shrugged his shoulders. "I turned eighteen about. . . three weeks ago. Two days before we met."

My mouth turned into an 'O' shape while I slowly nodded, processing what he had just said. "Oh. . ."

Liam gave me a half smile. "Yeah. . . "

When the school came into view, I let out an irritated sigh. "No," I shouted, stopping in my tracks while shaking my head. "This is as far as I go. You go on ahead."

Right as I was about to turn back around, Liam grabbed my wrist. "No you don't. If I go, you go. Got it?"

I pouted. "Fine."

He smiled, showing light indents of a dimple on both of his cheeks. Liam hooked his arm with mine and began to horribly sing. "We're off to see the wizard! The Wonderful Wizard of Oz!" He started skipping towards the school dragging me with him.

When we were a few feet away from the school's parking lot, Liam unhooked his arm from mine and put it around my shoulder.

"Ross, what are you doing?" I asked.

Liam glanced down at me and smirked. "Doing what I am supposed to be doing."

Just as he finished his sentence, we passed by where the populars were. They stopped talking to each other and turned to stare at us. But there was one significant pair of eyes that caught mine. Joey Storms. He looked like he wanted someone's blood on his hands at this exact moment. And that someone would most likely be Liam.

As Liam and I walked passed them, they started following behind us to the school's entrance. I looked up at Liam to only find him smirking. While walking, he bent down to my ear level and whispered for me to run. I didn't know what he meant by run until he broke off into a full on sprint pulling me along with him. I could hear footsteps rushing behind us, but were later faded away as we entered the school and ran down hallway after hallway.

When Liam and I got to a hallway that was full of people, we were immediately separated from each other. I heard Liam shouting from behind me.

"Avalon! I'll find you! I am going to win the bet!" Liam had his hands cupped around his mouth to make his voice louder. People around him were giving him strange looks.

"Sure Ross! What ever to say!" I yelled back. I took a glance back to see if he was still there, but he wasn't. 'Huh. That's weird.'

**5 Minutes Later**

After five minutes of wondering around the halls, I managed to find Homeroom 118. My school has a total of three floors, and room 118 so happens to be on the third. When I got into the classroom, I quickly made my way to the empty far right end seat in the third row. I felt claustrophobic with two people sitting in desks on both sides of me, so I chose the end seat.

Just as I sat down, he entered through the door. Nope. Not Liam. It was Joey Storms. 'Why?! Please don't see me, please don't see me.' But I guess luck wasn't on my side right now because he saw me. His eyes darted to the empty seat right next to me. But right before I was able to start protesting, Joey quickly made his way to the seat next to mine and sat down. He turned in his chair so he was fully facing me.

He smirked. "Hi Ava."

I rolled my eyes. "Joey, please just leave me alone."

"Now why would I want to do that on the birthday girl's special day?" At that exact moment, I literally wanted to just dig and hole in the ground, push him into it, and bury him alive.

"How do you even know it's my birthday? When we were dating, you couldn't even remember it." I knew I got him there with my oh-so-smart-comment because he froze. I looked at him expectantly. "Well?"

Right before he was about to reply back, the voice, that I was so familiar with, popped up. "Hey, babe."

I looked up to find Liam smiling down at me. "Hey." He walked over to me and leant down and kissed the top of my head. At that exact moment, I wanted time to stop so I can relish in that moment forever. But, it can't. 'That probably sounded creepy. But if you were me, you would've wanted the same thing.' When he stood back up straight, his eyes immediately landed on Joey, who was sitting in the desk next to where I was sitting.

Liam scratched the back of his neck awkwardly. "Hey man. Can you. . . uh. . . move over to the next seat so I can sit by my girlfriend?" Liam put a little emphasis on the word my, which made my heart flutter for some unknown reason. 'Liam would never date a crazy, average, ordinary girl like me.'

"YOU LIKE HIM!" My brain shouted.

"Shut up."


"Oh just shut up!" I mentally yelled back. I think I'm going crazy because I am having a mental conversation with my brain. 'MY BRAIN!'

"You like him, you like him, you like him!" My brain sang happily. I rolled my eyes and scoffed. However, what I didn't realize was that I actually did those two things in reality which earned me weird looks from Liam and Joey.

I rolled my eyes again, but this time because of the situation. Looking over at Joey, I motioned my hand at the desk. "Can Liam just sit there?"

Joey peered at me for a moment, then at Liam. He got up and moved over to where his friends were sitting, across the room, while mumbling a few swear words. Liam looked over at him with a keen expression on his face, as he slid into the desk. Just as he took a seat, the Homeroom teacher entered through the door, introduced himself, and started lecturing to the class about the beginning of the school year.

By the time Mr. Giggles had passed out our schedules, everyone was able to socialize with their friends. Liam turned in his seat so his body was facing me.

He smiled. "Avalon. What's with all the weird teachers names," Liam whispered, while motioning towards his schedule. I squinted my eyes trying to get a peek at it, but Liam pulled it away out of my view.

I scowled. "Hey! I was trying to read that."

Liam shrugged his shoulders. "Well, you'll have to just wait and see Avalon. I think I can tell the future."

"Psh. And I'm a mind reader." I mumbled.


My mouth gaped open. "What? No. I'm not psychic. That would just be totally-"

"Awesome." Liam said, finishing my sentence in a way I'm pretty sure I wouldn't have done.

I looked at him weirdly. "Okaaay..." From the corner of my eye, I could see young freshman girls taking quick glances at Liam while giggling. That's when I noticed what he was wearing. Liam had on a navy blue v-neck shirt that clung onto his arm muscles, showing off his biceps, and dark jean shorts. No wonder those girls were looking at him.

"Are you done checking me out yet?" Liam broke my thoughts when he said this. I started choking on air.

"What?" I managed to sputter out. At that, Liam smirked.

"Are you done checking me out?" He repeated.

I gave him an 'what are you talking about?' look. "Uhh. . . yea- I mean no. I wasn't checking you out. Psh! Why would I be checking you out?" I looked everywhere but at him.

Liam's smirk grew while he chuckled. " You're lying to me Avalon. Just admit it. You like checking me out. Especially after the view you got this morning."

I rolled my eyes, but I couldn't stop a blush from forming on my cheeks. "Whatever you say Ross. Just keep your egotistical comments to yourself."

As if on cue, the bell that signaled the end of Homeroom rung. Liam and I both got out of our seats and walked over to the door. But right as we exited out of the classroom, I heard the high pitch giggles from the same group of freshmen girls from before. I don't know why, but their giggles started to annoy me.

"You like him." My brain sang softly, as if it was singing a lullaby.

Though, that's the thing. In someway, shape, or form, I didn't know what to believe.

'I think I'm....running out of Cheerios.'

(Just joking XD)

'I think I'm falling for someone. And that someone so happens to be the person I'm walking with. The Cheerios Murderer.'

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

There you have it my lovely readers! Chapter 20!

How was it? I tried making this chapter even longer than the one before this. Also! Sorry for not updating for almost two weeks. School is stressful. I get lots of homework everyday. I would like to say thanks for those of you who are reading this book! You guys are the reason why I continue to write and update! :D

What did you people think? What about the homeroom teacher's name? Mr. Giggles. XD

Anyways, I don't know when is the next time I'm going to be updating. Ugh school. :P

Thanks for reading chapter 20 of Prince Charming Lives NextDoor!

Please comment, vote, follow! :)

Until next update, you BRIGHT people! :D

Bye! :)

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