Rule - Sweet Pea (1)

By negativity4you

410K 9.1K 1.9K

(Book one of the 'Rule' series) "Don't you know why they call me Rule? Because I make them and I break them."... More

Cast list
Relationship and character songs
Getaway driver
I call shotgun
The Wonders of Hydrogen Peroxide
Human Shield
The Hangover, Rule Edition
Mend a broken heart
Halfway there
Make me
The gift of brass knuckles
Wandering hands
Two months
Les i'm miserable
Rule narrowly avoiding the career of pole dancing
God won't forgive me for my sins
I'll more than likely scream and jump
Auntie Dearest
Errands to Greendale
Show me (Mature)
You make it extremely difficult
Hard to think straight
Don't think tall boy could rock these
Annoying little couple they were
Are you pregnant?
He's an exicutionist
No, i'm just vice president
You look like a serpent schoolgirl
Take it easy Katniss
My little corpse hider
A promise
Do you ever shut up?
The Smartest thing that ever came out of your mouth
A thousand years begins and ends with you
An eye for decorating
That's not the only thing she lets me eat
Particularly spectacular makeout session
Samurai Jones, at your service
Suck it Josie
Purple Sweet Peas
Day or Night
Add a full body cast to the ensemble
La Serpiente
Getting Beaten Apparently Cures That
Ginger Judas
Adios Autopsy Gremlin
Robin, the terrible sidekick
Maybe You Should Start With Arresting Your Husband
Well, That Was Stupid
Sweet Pea Christopher Reyes
He Did Not, In Fact, Watch It
We're Done
My Sweets
The Living (Part 1)
And The Dead (Part 2)
Sloth Running Team
My People
All Hail The Serpent Queen
Aftermath - Book Two

General Pickens his nose

5.3K 126 38
By negativity4you

Rule slammed her truck door, not in the most pleasant mood after getting in a fight with Sweet Pea. He had waited a few days after she was almost buried alive to yell at her. How kind. "What's wrong with you? You've barely said two words the entire day." Jughead drilled her as they walked up to Thomas Topaz, Toni's grandfathers, trailer. "Sweet Pea and I got into a fight so he took off to god knows wear." Rule growled, eyes hardening as she knocked on the door.

Rule was greeted by Toni, ushering the two of them inside and into the living room. Rules mood instantly changed when she saw Thomas, rushing over to him and giving the old man a hug. "How've you been dear?" The old man smiled at her, patting the chair next to him as a indication for her to sit down. "I'm okay," Rule gave them a convincing fake smile, those two words ceasing to hold any meaning to her anymore.


Rule and Toni marched into the empty classroom, Toni berrading Jughead for the story he posted in the school newspaper. "Jug," I paused outside the doorway, Toni having already left "next time ask for god's sake!" Rule left with that, leaving a guilty Jughead to ponder over his thoughts and for Rule to go home. Rule had barely been inside for five seconds when the door burst open to reveal a hyperventilating Cheryl Blossom.

Rule rushed over to her friend, not knowing what was wrong or how to fix it. "My-my family were murderers R! What the hell am I supposed to do with the information huh? What if," Cheryl trails off, looking into Rule eyes with tears in her own "what if i'm like them?" Rule guides Cheryl to the couch, the pair sitting in silence for a few minutes.

"You, Cheryl Marjorie Blossom, are nothing like your family. You are smart and kind and you can change your family's legacy." Rule's voice was strong and sure, squeezing Cheryl's hand. Cheryl laughed humorlessly, shaking her head at the ground. "But how R? I don't have anybody to help me." Rule stood up from her friend, placing one hand on her hip and cocking an eyebrow. "You have me Cheryl, and I know just how to make this happen."


"If that doesn't make him make up with you, than I don't know what will." Cheryl appraised the work she'd done on Rule, satisfied with her bestfriends hotness. Rule had on a pair of very tight, low slung, black jeans that showed her hip bones and clung to her skin. A black and white striped crop top that ended right below her bra and showed off plenty of skin, including her snake belly button ring. Her favorite pair of black heeled boots rested on her feet, a large black and silver ring on her right middle finger, and of course her serpents jacket. Cheryl had braided back the top section of Rules hair, leaving it in a curled half up half down look, and applied a bold red lip that matched her own.

"I mean, I get that he's upset, but I was pretty damn upset too. He didn't almost get buried alive!" Rule ranted to Cheryl who nodded along, muttering small words of encouragement as they drove to Pickens day. Or as Rule called it, General Pickens his nose day. As soon as they arrived Cheryl had to go find her mother, leaving Rule to search for her friends by herself. Although she did have to admit Cheryl must have done one hell of a job on her considering all the stares and whistles she was getting from men and women alike.

"Hey Rule!" Kevin shouted, mouthing the words damn girl and winking. Rule laughed at his approval, winking back and waving at his father as she passed. In took a good twenty minutes for Rule to find Sweet Pea, who much to Rules disappointment, was chatting to Josie. Toni saw Rule first, eyes widening and lips whistling. Sweet Pea turned to see what Toni was going on about, instantly walking away from Josie and to Rule who was rather happy to see the annoyed look on Josie's face as she left. "That my girl," Toni whispered smugly in Rules ear, nodding in the direction of who was behind her.

Sweet Pea looked down at Rule, regret in his eyes as he tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. As gently as possible, Sweets placed a piece of duct tape over Rules mouth, smiling slightly when she laughed. Leaning down, Sweet Pea put his lips next to Rules ear. "You make it impossible to be mad at you, especially when you look like that." Sweet Pea kissed the spot behind Rules ear and she was internally grateful for the tape that muffled her tiny whimper. Rule took a piece of tape, motioning for Sweet Pea to lean down and gingerly placing it over his lips when he did.

Wrapping his arm around Rules shoulder, Sweet Pea guided the both of them towards the festival, the rest of the serpents and a few others holding signs following. Rule ripped the tape from her mouth when she got close to Cheryl, nodding for her to come. Cheryl shoved the candy apple she was eating at her mother, Rule laughing aloud as she hooked her arm through hers. Toni placed a megaphone to her lips, taking a deep breath as she spoke. "We're here representing the dead and the silenced," Toni paused, looking at Rule who stood beside her "Pickens day is a lie! General pickens slaughtered the Uktena tribe! My Grandfathers family, and this land that we're standing on, the land that will soon give way to a new southside, was stolen from them! And we can't bring them back! But we can and we must honor them!"

Toni's speech was cut short by a man stepping on stage, Rule stumbling backwards when she saw who he was. Sweet Pea caught her before Rule hit the ground, tearing off his tape and cupping her face in his hand. "What is it Angel?" Sweet Pea begins to panic, guiding her off to the side. "That's Hiram Lodge." Rule stated, staring straight ahead in horror. Sweet Peas eyebrows furrowed in a way Rule would have thought was adorable if her world hadn't been crumbling in front of her eyes. "Yeah, he's an ass. But what does he have to do with anything?" Rule took a shaky breath as she locked eyes with Hiram, quickly changing her gaze to Sweet Peas more comforting eyes.

"Hiram Lodge killed my parents."

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