Sleeping With A Demon

By Emelradine

1.5M 66.6K 7.3K

He needed sex, I was there. He needed a submissive woman who came running when he called, I was available. Bu... More



62.7K 2.2K 332
By Emelradine


"Why didn't he come in person?"

My voice echoed around the spacious meeting office, as I leveled my gaze with Alessandro's right hand man, Russo; he was short and bald, and looked like someone who would most likely screw you over if given the opportunity.

I preferred calling him, The Dwarf. He didn't need to know that though.

"Alessandro is busy, and as his right hand, I'm here to discuss the sale." Russo said.

I sat up straight. "What do you know about the parcel?" I asked him, placing my hand on my chin, staring at him with a bored look.

"What? I've been in this business for years. Every motherfucker with a cock and gut like ours, knows what the Parcel is, Tyler." Russo responded smugly, but I didn't make any expression, Instead, I waited quietly for him to answer the actual question I asked.

Russo eyed me cautiously. "Is this a fucking interview?"

I still didn't respond.

Finally, he sighed. "I know that the parcel is very important to you, I know that Alfonso, your father, left it in your care, and you have yet to figure out how to open it... I know that you would sacrifice your life for it, and I know that you're planning to fuck up Alessandro, because you can never let anyone get their hands on that parcel." Russo said.

I nodded, the feeling of satisfaction settling my nerves. "And you're going to help me fuck up Alessandro?" I asked him.

"Yes, I am... But for something in return."


"What do you want in Return?" I asked him, playing his game.

A sly smirk cut across his dry lips. "We're going to share whatever's in that parcel fifty, fifty, plus four million dollars worth of the white bags."

I scoffed. Unable to hide how ridiculous he sounded.

The parcel was very important to me, if there was a word better than important, then I'd take it.

My dad left the Parcel in my care before he died. He had said time and time again that many Mafioso families would buy that parcel, for literally any amount of money, billions, trillions... it sounded like a joke to me because the Parcel was fucking priceless. I didn't know what was in it, Neither did any other Don, and that was what made the parcel completely priceless.

Actually, my plan was to fool Alessandro, take his money and cook up a story about the police, seizing the Parcel from the delivery; it would sound pretty lame to anyone who was an expert in making scenes, but not here in Vino, because I knew fairly well that all the mafioso families in Vino da Vinci, hated getting involved with the police.

"Do we have a deal, Tyler?" Russo's voice echoed through my thoughts.

I gave him a stern look, letting my head fall in a small nod. "Yes, Russo, we have a deal."

Russo smiled happily. Stupid fucker.

"I look forward to working with you, Tyler. Who do you have in mind to deliver the parcel? We both know you can't leave the family for the delivery?" Russo said.

"I have someone in mind."

Russo scoffed "Who on God's fucking earth would be willing to go to prison for you?" Russo asked.

"That's none of your business dwa- Russo," I stood up and extended my hand for a handshake. "Here's to a short time of partnership... Hope to see more of you in the future." I allowed a smile slip onto my lips. The few people in this line of business who had ever got to see me smile, were now 6 feet under— again, no need to divulge that information.

Russo stood up, accepting the handshake.

After that, his short self left my office.

That fucker had to be really fucking stupid to think that I would strike a deal with him. I'm Tyler Bresfort, and I don't do deals. Shouldn't he know this? Did Alessandro not school him?

I picked up my phone and texted Aubrey.

She was the only one that I wanted to see right now, she was the only one I trusted to make me satisfied, in bed, and in the kitchen.

Aubrey was a God sent angel to me. From time to time, I wondered how I ended up with such a beautiful and sexy woman.

I met her a month after her father's body was found. Considering the fact that I killed him, put a bullet between his fucking eyes, I owed the girl a really descriptive version of how I did it. I told her out of spite, but she didn't seem affected by it, she only collected his things, and told me her father died the moment he left them years ago.

That was one thing I respected my father for, he never neglected his family, no matter what, he still had time for them in basically anything he was doing.

But Simon Chandler treated his family like strangers and I hated him from the beginning he worked for my father when he was alive, and after he died, Simon devoted his time and whole life to me and then, just like that, he betrayed me.

Well, he did birth a gorgeous woman, so for that, I had him to thank. She was the most submissive and obedient woman to grace this earth, at least the little I knew of her. She was also the best cook I'd ever had. It helped a lot that she liked cooking for me and I liked having her dishes.

It was easy for lines to get blurred with a woman like Aubrey Chandler, but I wasn't stupid enough to get too attached.

Attachment meant weaknesses, and I couldn't afford to have anything pull me down.

In this business, you should never have anyone close to your heart, if you do, then other families would have something to hold as leverage over you.

And I hated feeling weak or useless, that was why I made everyone think that I neglected my family and I didn't have any close contact with them.

I call my mom at night with a private cell phone that no one knew about, not even Aubrey.

I made my way to my room and waited for her.

In the main time, I brought out the private phone, seeing as I forgot to give Ma a call last night, she would probably be worried to death.

"Tyler!" I took the phone from my ear immediately. My mom's loud voice almost turned me deaf.

"Ma." I said.


"I can hear you, Ma."

"Oh, sorry." She chuckled. "I've been so worried about you, with all those other gun men looking for that parcel, I thought—"

"Stop thinking bad things Ma, I'm okay, I was busy last night."

"That's no excuse. Do you know I prayed for you?"

I rolled my eyes. "Ma, I just wanted to call to let you know that I'm fine... I'm busy and I'll hang up now."

"Okay, call me later?" she asked.

"Yes Ma,"

I dropped the call and hid the phone at its usual spot.

Immediately, the door to my room opened wide, and standing there was Aubrey Chandler.

"Hey Bresfort." She purred, walking over to me, my eyes focused on her hips, swaying with every step she took. She wore a blue knee length dress that stuck to her curves in a way I appreciated more than I should have.

It made me wonder how any piece of clothing would fit with her body. How graciously she would wear them. Jeans, shorts, hell, even sweatpants.

She wrapped her arms around my neck and placed a small kiss on my lips, making me hungry for more.

"Hey, Gray." I said, my voice already deep with lust for this woman.

She sighed and frowned. "You still don't remember my name?"

"Whatever." I said, my lips meeting hers with hunger and desire, immediately she responded and kissed me back, and I could help but breath in at how soft and inviting her lips were, how they always tasted like flavors I didn't even fucking know.

My cock strained against my pants as her chest pressed against mine, warm body fitting perfectly like I'd always loved it.

"Hm, I missed you." I said before I could catch it, but it was the truth.

I didn't always think of her, but she was on my mind maybe once in a while, but I did miss her body, her smell, her moans and her light laughter. I missed our after sex conversations, and how fucking beautiful she always looked after taking my cock. It was a sight I always looked forward to.

we made lazy steps to my bed, her lips still moving seductively on mine, I laid her on the bed, her hands were already undoing my fly and I let her.

Within seconds, we were both naked and I was fucking my name out of her pretty plump lips.


I placed the hot coffee in front of her.

"Thanks?" Aubrey said, voice holding an uncertain edge as she took a sip of the coffee, and moaned with pleasure at the taste. "It's not poisoned is it?"

"You should have asked that before you actually drank it, Gray."

She shrugged dismissively as I watched her. She looked fucking sexy with wild sex hair and my white shirt swallowing her whole.

I was shirtless in the kitchen while she sat on the kitchen counter. I stood, leaning against my fridge, sipping my coffee and staring at her.

"Okay, why don't you just spill it already." She said.

I raised a brow at her in inquiry.

"I know you want something from me," she said, dropping the coffee mug on the table. "It's not everyday we get to see Tyler Bresfort making coffee and putting extra efforts in bed."


I frowned. "What the fuck is that supposed to mean?" I asked.

She rolled her eyes. "What do you want?" She asked again.

It baffled me sometimes how well she could read me.

I sighed. "I need your help."

"My help? What do you need my help with?" She asked, her voice laced with confusion.

"I need you to deliver the parcel to Alessandro." I told her firmly.

She raised her brows in surprise and slight wariness.

"Excuse me? Are talking about the Parcel? Like the one you killed my father for?"

I nodded.

"You want to sell it?" She asked with wide eyes.

"Yes, I can't seem to figure out a way to open it, so—why waste time with it?" I asked.

I didn't trust Aubrey with the Parcel, but she would be the last person Alessandro would suspect for foul play. If I had sent someone else, he would have suspected something, I wasn't really going to risk giving the Parcel to Aubrey.

A look of uncertainty settled on her face. "Tyler, I don't—"

"If you don't want to do it, it's okay." I said, throwing the remaining content in the mug to the sink, before washing it and putting it away. I turned to her with a blank stare. "Forget I asked anything."  With that, I walked away. This was another trick I learnt, knowing Aubrey? I knew she wouldn't want to let me down.

I didn't care about her enough to care about how often I toyed with whatever it was she felt for me.

She rushed after me. "Ty, wait." I turned towards her, noticing her gray eyes turn a darker shade than it usually was.

"It's not as though I don't want to help you. It's just—you've never asked me to really get involved with the business, and I'm also surprised that you want to risk your Parcel to me." She said.

"I trust you," I lied. "I wanted you to do the delivery because you're the only one I trust in this whole goddam family, after Lucas and the other guys who I thought were trusted, and the way they all ended up betraying me, I sort of knew you wouldn't. But like I said, it's fine if you don't feel up to it."

She sighed, biting down on her bottom lip before speaking. "I'll do it."

I was taken aback.

Maybe I wanted her to ask more questions, maybe I wanted her to think about it for a bit, maybe a small part of me didn't want her to say yes; She didn't know about my plans, if I told her, she would never in this life time agree to it. "You will?" I asked.

"Yeah," she shrugged. "If you want me to do it, then I guess I should." Her unknowing eyes lightening up with an assuring stare.

I fought the insane urge to smile, like to smile for real. But I didn't trust myself to pull it off and not subject her to the state everyone I'd smiled at, found themselves.

"Okay, follow me."

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