Prince Charming Lives NextDoor

By virgopenguin

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"Do you ever wish you had a second chance to meet someone again for the first time. . ." * * * Ava Rose and L... More

Chapter 1: Ball Preperations
Author's Note
Chapter 2: Apologizes and What Ifs
Chapter 3: A Brunette In A Baby Blue Dress
Chapter 4: A Dance With Mystery Man
Chapter 5: Something Like Cinderella
Chapter 6: A Second Unknown Encounter
Chapter 7: Moving Day, Breakfast, And A Girl
Chapter 8: Spiders, Clowns, And Ken Dolls
Chapter 9: Crushing Egos With My Bike
Chapter 10: A Painful First Impression
Chapter 11: A Cheerios Murderer With A Hose
Chapter 12: Surprise Dinner With The Ross'
Chapter 14: Save It For The Judge, Liam Ross!
Chapter 15: So Call Me Maybe
Chapter 16: I Don't Have Mental Problems
Chapter 17: My Cheerios, Not Yours
Chapter 18: Legends, Threats, and Ditching
Chapter 19: My Pretend Boyfriend And An Unexpected Kiss
Chapter 20: We're Running From Plastic
Chapter 21: Mr. Psychic Pants Can Tell The Future
Chapter 22: His Confession
Chapter 23: One Heck Of A Birthday Surprise
Q & A Time
Chapter 24: Secrets, and an Unwelcomed Surprise
Chapter 25: A Good Day Gone Bad
Chapter 26 Part 1: Drama, Complications, And The Truth
Chapter 26 Part 2: Misinterpretations, and A Confession I Wasn't Expecting
Chapter 27: I Think We're Going To Be Best Friends
Chapter 28: I'll Do Anything... Just Keep Her Out Of It
Chapter 29: She Comes In with a Big Bang
Chapter 30: When the Crowd Goes Wild
Chapter 31: An Act Gone Too Far
Chapter 32: Haven't You Helped Enough
Chapter 33: Okay's and Trust Me's Are Reassuring
Chapter 34: Star Gazing, A Kiss, And An I Love You
Chapter 35: A Magician Never Reveals His Secrets
Chapter 36 Pt. 1: Insecurities and Weaknesses
Chapter 36 Pt. 2: I Knew Him All Along
Chapter 36 Pt. 3: You Should've Warned Me
Chapter 37: Broken Hearts And Scars
Chapter 38: I'll Never Be Able To Live This Down
Chapter 39: The Goodbye Kiss

Chapter 13: Playing Footsie And Making A Bet

485 17 6
By virgopenguin

Hi Everyone!

Here's Chapter 13!



Ava's P.O.V.

**1 hour later**

Everyone was gathered around the patio table outside eating, talking, and laughing. The sun was setting making the sky turn an orangish-pinkish color. To the right of me sat Charlie and across from me sat Liam. Liam was quiet and kept taking quick glances at me; but would look away when I looked at him.

Talk about being abnormal. This was unusual of Liam. 'Maybe I hurt his feelings? Should I feel guilty of what I said earlier about him having a short memory span? Perhaps I should apologize to him later after dinner.' So many thoughts were going through my head, that I didn't notice mom calling my name until someone kicked my ankle causing me to flinch. 'Ow!' I looked across the table to find Liam smirking at me. I guess he is back to his normal self. No need to apologize now. Liam started nodding his head in the direction where the parents sat.

"Ava!" My mom called.


"Candace (Mrs. Ross), wants to know what grade your going to be in this coming school year."

I looked over at Mrs. Ross and smiled. "I'm going to be a senior this year in high school."

"Oh, Liam is going to be a senior in high school too. I bet you guys are going to be such great friends." Mrs. Ross happily responded.

After a few minutes of talking with Mrs. Ross, she turned back to talk with the adults.

I was about to take a bite out of my hamburger when Liam began speaking to me.

"When are we starting school?" As he said this, he had a curious expression on his face that made him look cute.

'Wait, hold on?! Did I just say that Liam, as in Cheerios murderer Liam, looked cute? Well that's weird.'

"Umm, August 27th," I replied back.

I thought he was going to leave the conversation at that, so I picked up my hamburger to continue on with eating. But right when the hamburger was centimeters from my mouth, Liam began speaking again.

"Isn't that two and a half weeks from now?"

"Yep," was my short reply.

A few minutes after of awkward silence, Liam started talking. Again.

"I bet you twenty dollars that we are going to be in all the same classes as each other."

I rolled my eyes. "How can you be so sure?" I questioned. "You're willing to risk twenty dollars on a bet you're most likely going to lose at?"

Liam shrugged. "No. I just have a feeling I could predict the future and win the bet."

That was not a reasonable answer. "Well, okay then. But if you are wrong, then your twenty dollars are mine."

His smirk was back on his face. "Fine. But then if I win, you'll have to give me twenty dollars in return."



Liam suddenly stuck out his hand, over the table, for us to shake on it. I didn't know what I was getting into. Although, I was certain that I was going to win. I took his warm, callused hand into my small one and shook it, sealing the deal.

I don't know about you, but to me, it seemed as if me and Liam were dealing drugs or something. 'I feel dangerous! Haha!'

After letting go of each other's hands, we continued eating in silence as if nothing happened. Though, while I was eating, I started noticing how my ankle felt as if it had gotten hit by a train. 'Ugh. Why did Liam have to kick so hard? I'll show him how much pain I was in!' And with that, I kicked his shin, under the table, with all my might. I didn't want to miss his reaction so I watched him.

Right when the tip of my brown flat came in contact with his shin, he flinched. 'Liam actually flinched!' His cheeks began turning a tinge pink. 'Ha, he is blushing!' Kicking him was so worth it, and to add on to his embarrassment, when he flinch, he whacked his plate off the table, onto the ground, causing attention. Everyone around the table suddenly stopped talking and turned to stare at him. Caden, who was sitting besides Liam, was lightly laughing and shaking his head.

A few seconds later, Mrs. Ross spoke up. "Liam, are you alright?"

Liam was looking around the table, probably trying to find an excuse for his unexpected behavior. "Uh, yeah. There was just a bug hovering over my plate. I was trying to shoo it away and accidentally hit my plate." 'Well, that was a really good excuse.'

"Oh, okay. Don't do anything that's going to get you into trouble." Mrs. Ross said, nodding knowingly believing in Liam's lie. She and the adults then carried on with their conversation they were having earlier.

Once the adults' attention were off of Liam, he turned and glared daggers in my direction. "What the fudge was that for?" He quietly hissed across the table at me.

I shrugged my shoulders acting as if I didn't know. But, I did know. I just didn't want to admit I wanted revenge for something stupid like my ankle's pain. "I don't know what you mean."

"What do you mean you don't know? How do you not know why you kicked someone in the shin?" Liam whispered, menacingly.

"I don't know, maybe I accidentally kicked you," I said in a 'duh' tone. "Who knows?"

He was looking at me as if I had said my only friends were little green people. "Really?"

Shrugging my shoulders, I finished eating my hamburger. But as I was chewing, a sudden pain jolted up my right ankle making me slightly jerk forward. 'Ouch!' I looked around the table to see if anyone saw me flinch. Luckily, no one did. I glanced at Liam only to find him smirking. What's up with him and smirking? Seriously, whenever he does something that annoys me, he smirks.

I glared at him. "Why did you kick me?"

"I don't know what you mean." Liam said, looking down at his hands, acting innocent.

I rolled my eyes. "Mocking is rude you know."

"I know, but not all the time," he replied, still not looking up at me. 'That's it.' On that note, I kicked Liam back. I know I'm acting childish, but that's the way I am. You know what they say, an eye for an eye.

Liam flinched, but didn't attract attention. He glowered and kicked me back. This went back and forth several times until a voice popped up.

"Can you two please stop playing footsie?" Caden stated to Liam and me. "You two fight like an old married couple."

I'm guessing Liam was offended, like me, because once Caden finished his sentence, we both simultaneously whisper-shouted, "Hey!"

Caden raised his hands up in a surrendering gesture. "I was just stating the obvious."

Annoyed by his previous comments, Liam and I both rolled our eyes.

This was going to be a long dinner.

**3 hours later**

The Ross family were now leaving. After saying their goodbyes. Mr. and Mrs. Ross, were walking with Lily and the little boy, whose name is Ben, back to their house. Caden was walking a few feet behind them looking down at his phone, probably texting since his thumbs were taping all around the bottom of the screen. Mom and dad had left to put Gracie and Charlie to sleep, leaving Liam and me alone. Such great, protective parents. Nope, not really.

"So, I'll see you tomorrow?" Liam stated awkwardly.

I shrugged my shoulders. "Maybe. I don't know."

This conversation is getting pretty uncomfortable for the both of us.

"Well, goodnight," he said, turning around, to make his way to his house.

After waiting to see him safely enter his house, I closed the front door and locked it. I rested my back against it.

'Well, tonight was one weird night.'


Thanks for reading Chapter 13 of Prince Charming Lives NextDoor.

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Until next time, you BEAUTIFUL people!

NEXT UPDATE: Depends. Again. :(

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