A Guardian's Fate (Book #2)

By heytheregisela

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(BOOK #2 in the Secrets of Aristol series.) It's almost been three months since Elouise's birthday. Although... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty-One
Chapter Forty-Two
Chapter Forty-Three
Chapter Forty-Four
Chapter Forty-Five
Chapter Forty-Six
Chapter Forty-Seven
Chapter Forty-Eight
Chapter Forty-Nine
Chapter Fifty
Chapter Fifty-One
Chapter Fifty-Two
Chapter Fifty-Three
Chapter Fifty-Four
Chapter Fifty-Five
Chapter Fifty-Six
Chapter Fifty-Seven
Chapter Fifty-Eight
Chapter Fifty-Nine
Chapter Sixty
A Savior's Worth

Chapter Sixteen

1.7K 214 28
By heytheregisela

Henry never took his eyes off Haven. Not even when Ivy fell into his lap to point at something beautiful outside. Haven evidently noticed this, and he later realized he was amusing her rather than intimidating.

They were a few hours into their ride and were told by the coachman that it would only take half an hour more. Half an hour more until they reached the capital, and he could escape this woman's sight with his cousin.

Henry shifted in his seat and clenched his jaw when Haven finally spoke again.

"This may be none of my concern, but the two of you don't look prepared for such a journey." She gestured toward their satchels. "And considering your statuses, I'm surprised you arrived in such a manner."

"We are not helpless!" Ivy defended, slouching. "We do not need escorts everywhere we go. Henry and I are adults who can care for ourselves."

Haven's lips twitched. "That still doesn't explain your lack of packing."

"Knowing we would be on our own, we did not want to bother with heavy loads."

"And yet you say you are not helpless without your servants and guards?"

Henry gritted his teeth and bared them at her. Haven chuckled and shook her head.

"Calm down. I'm just teasing." She then quirked an eyebrow at Ivy. "Whatever your real reason for being here is, I hope it's worth it."

"It will be!" Ivy told her, nodding. "The last time I was here, everyone treated me so kindly. It was like I was an old friend they were seeing again. Ooh, there was Lady Fayre, Lady Marigold, Lady Alaina, and..." She paused and rubbed her chin before pouting at Henry.

"His name is on the tip of my tongue! He said he knew you. A boy who was from the southern region?"

Henry didn't miss the way Haven tensed—how her smile faded and the creases in her forehead straightened. Of course, she quickly recovered with another one of her sly smirks.

"Eldon, right?" Ivy asked after a beat. Although, she mumbled to herself afterwards that maybe that wasn't it.

"I've been hearing that name an awful lot," Haven mentioned, narrowing her eyes at Henry. She might as well have been laughing again. "You know him?"

Ivy curiously glanced back and forth between them. "So... that is his name?"

"No," Henry responded.

"Are you saying no to it's not his name... or no to her question?"

"To her."

Haven grinned. "But Ivy here just said he knew you."

Ivy made a distressed noise in the back of her throat and whispered an apology to Henry. Henry ignored her, not wanting to waver from this.

"I talked to him once or twice," he explained, shrugging his right shoulder.

"He is quite famous in Elisium for saving children from a terrorizing attack. But that is all I know about him. I was kind of hoping you did know him, actually." Haven squinted at him, and he swallowed hard.

Ivy gasped, causing him to flinch and making Haven grin. "Really? He did that? On his own?"

Henry forcefully turned his gaze to the window where he saw dark green fields covered in millions of white and yellow daffodils. The flowers reminded him of the way the stars lit up the night skies, and he almost smiled at that. He then moved his hand down and patted his pocket, ensuring his coin was still there.

Ivy then indulged in a conversation with Haven about the various Aristol creatures she had read about. Haven played along by confirming or denying each one. But Henry could feel her glancing at him after each response.

He couldn't tell what she wanted, so he figured remaining silent the rest of the way was his safest option. At least Ivy was again entertained with history.


Once they paused in front of Starset's entrance, Henry hurried out of the carriage first, clutching his quiver close, and instructed the coachman to stay put. He then held his hand out for Ivy, which Ivy accepted as she carefully stepped down. Much to his dismay, she immediately pulled her hand away and whirled around to face Haven.

Haven closed the door, but she poked her head out the window and smiled at them. "Do you two have enough gold for food? Clothes?"

"Yes!" Ivy nodded as she patted her satchel. "I made sure I brought enough for anything I'd want or need."

"How lovely that must be." Haven's eyes flickered to Henry next, and she cocked her head. "What about you, Hank?"

Henry pursed his lips and said nothing as he started walking around the carriage. He heard Ivy say her kind goodbyes to Haven and the coachman before rushing to catch up with him.

The wagon left, and Ivy released a loud breath. "That was officially the most awkward ride I have ever encountered in my entire sixteen and a half years of life!"

Henry sighed and led the way to the gate where guards shouted out to them. He glanced up at the keeps and locked eyes with Sir Aaron who visibly relaxed and smiled.

"Your Highness," he greeted. "We didn't expect you to arrive this early."

"Huh?" Ivy gawked at Henry.

Henry blinked a few times, assuring himself he had indeed heard that correctly. "I was... expected?"

"Yes," Aaron replied, signaling to his comrades to open the gate. "Princess Elouise sent a letter to you about a week ago. We all believed it would be sometime before we saw you."

Henry and Ivy stepped back as the guards pulled open the wooden doors, allowing them to see the usual livelihood of the townspeople. The opposite of how Henry currently felt.

Why would Elouise send him a letter?

And since the guards were expecting him to respond by coming here, it clearly meant urgency. She needed him for something. However, Sir Aaron didn't appear fazed by anything. Neither did the rest of the guards. Then again, they likely did not know the extent of whatever matter Elouise was dealing with.

"I will escort you to the castle," said Sir Aaron.

Henry shook his head. "That will not be necessary, thank you."

"I agree. We're not helpless, after all."

Aaron raised his eyebrows. Ivy then grabbed Henry's wrist and pulled him through. He allowed her; uncertain he could've walked on his own anyway.

"The first thing we have to do is buy ourselves a new wardrobe." She pointed to a few tears in her skirt and sleeves. "Or maybe some food first? My head is starting to hurt from lack of breakfast... oh!" She released Henry and ran up to the nearest stand selling jewels. "I need to look my best." Ivy picked up a small ring with a red ruby gem that nearly resembled Haven's hair color.

"Welcome, welcome—oh. Prince Henry?" The seller grinned. "It is you, isn't it?"

Henry looked away. "You're mistaken."

"No royals here!" Ivy giggled. "How much for this necklace, though?"

"I—ah, well, that one—"

Henry tuned them out and kept his head down, avoiding everyone's gaze. He didn't want to be recognized right now. He even brought his hand up, pretending to shield his eyes from the sun's rays.

"Cousin! Look!" Ivy called.

He turned around as she walked up to him, holding up a dainty bracelet with a stone that matched her eyes.

"She said it's called a chrysocolla," Ivy told him, tapping the stone. "It's gorgeous, isn't it?" She giggled.

Henry smiled. "It is lovely, Ivy. But how much longer is this going to take? We should really see Elouise as soon as we can." He glanced around before leaning in closer and whispering, "Something could be wrong."

Ivy narrowed her eyes at him. "You're always thinking the worst. I'm sure everything is fine, and she just wanted an excuse for you to visit again! Besides, I'm nowhere near finished!" She whirled back around, mumbling to herself about what sort of gown she should buy and where she would even begin to look.

Henry choked back on his groan when he then heard her breath hitch.

"Ivy?" he tried.

Ivy moved like she was floating as she closed the space between her and a young woman standing in front of a flower shop. Henry couldn't quite see her face behind her full head of unruly blonde curls, but he did catch a glimpse of freckles on her nose. He could also tell from the way she was standing—head tilted and forefinger on her chin—that she was staring longingly at the yellow daffodils; much brighter than the ones he'd seen out on the fields.

Ivy cleared her throat, and the woman looked at her.

"Those flowers are beautiful," Ivy said softly. Unlike herself.

Henry grinned.

"They sure are," the woman responded, a familiar accent enriching her words.

Ivy plucked one from the vase and carefully tucked it into the woman's curls, above her right ear. "It... um, it compliments your hair." She then quickly retracted her hand and turned her head, allowing Henry to see her reddened cheeks.

"Thank you," the woman responded, the corners of her mouth rising. "I was given one when I first got here, but I think I like this one a whole lot more." She touched it, and her smile widened.

"I, I read about this shop," Ivy managed, facing her again. "It's been here for over a century. Strangely, there's no information about the original owners. It was almost shut down until a lord bought it for his niece. It's been in the... in the family since." She sighed. "I can't remember their name right now, though."

Henry chuckled, gaining both of their attentions.

"My apologies," he said, waving at them. Then he nodded at his cousin. "Ivy, I will be waiting by the fountain. Please don't be long—" And he bumped right into someone as he started to turn.

Eldon stepped back and cursed to himself. Henry held back a gasp when their eyes locked.

"He is quite famous in Elisium for saving children from a terrorizing attack. But that is all I know about him. I was kind of hoping you did know him, actually."

Henry took a deep breath and averted his gaze. It had to be a mere coincidence. A mere coincidence that Eldon was here—that they were meeting again after he had met Haven and she had mentioned him.

At least that was what Henry convinced himself of to be able to face Eldon cheerily.

"Yer Highness." Eldon bowed his head.

"Highness?" the young woman asked, inching closer to them.

Henry flinched and watched as she stopped beside Eldon. Her accent... Ah, he understood now.

"Yer a friend of Princess Elouise's?" She smirked at him. "I'm Leanne."

"I—" Then he felt his blood go cold when the saleswoman clapped her hands.

"I knew it was you, Prince Henry!" she stated. "There was hardly any denying that face."

Murmurs arose around them, and heads turned in their direction.

Oh, Goddesses.

Ivy grabbed Henry's arm and held him close. "This isn't good, is it?"

The crowd began closing in on them, but Sir Aaron and a few other guards squeezed through.

"Let us give our guest some space, shall we?" Aaron held up his hands. The crowd stepped back, though they continued to stare at Henry.

Eldon and Leanne also moved out of the way. But then Eldon leaned into her and said something Henry couldn't hear. Leanne nodded to whatever he had said, and they walked off together.

"Maybe an escort won't be so awful this time," Ivy whispered.

"In that case, we are going straight to the castle," Henry whispered back.

She pouted up at him. "I wasn't done, though."

"I promise we will return later. Elouise needs me right now."

"You promised and I won't forget that!"

"Of course."

Then Aaron turned to them, and Henry frowned.

"I apologize for asking," he started, and Aaron shook his head, smiling.

"It's fine, Your Highness. Follow me." He took the lead. The townspeople respectfully gave them their space as they made their way down the path.

Henry felt comforted by his cousin's hold. The closer the castle came into view, the weaker his knees became. Although he'd worried that he'd made a mistake coming here like this, he was now grateful for Ivy's shenanigans.

He merely prayed there was nothing truly wrong. Perhaps Ivy was right, though. Elouise might've simply wanted him to visit. But he had to hear that directly from Elouise first. He always knew when she was lying.

Henry and Ivy waited in the drawing room with Gidget who kept offering them tea and sweets. Ivy eventually accepted. And if she hadn't, Henry would've for her since her stomach's growls had been concerning.

When the door finally opened and Elouise stepped inside, Henry leaped from his seat.

Ivy covered her mouth as she chewed and blurted, "Elouise!"

Elouise paused and looked at her. "Ivy." She smiled warmly. However, there was some strain behind it. The first warning sign.

Ivy fully swallowed the pastry in her mouth and waved. "I am so happy to see you again!"

"I'm quite surprised to see the two of you here, but it is a relief." Elouise glanced back and forth between them, and her eyes widened. "Is everything alright?"

"That's what I've been wondering since we arrived at the gate," Henry told her.

Ivy laughed and nudged him as she walked past. "My cousin is always worrying so much! We're doing fine. It was kind of a last moment's decision to come here. So, we didn't come as prepared as we should've. And nobody knows we left either! Or... at least... they didn't. I'm sure they know by now." She stopped in front of Elouise and kept that innocent smile on her face. Genuinely oblivious to her own words.

"Nobody knows you left?" Elouise asked.

"Ivy," Henry begged, stepping up to her.

"I'm only being honest," Ivy said to him. "Besides, I want Elouise to know why I'm not looking my best."

Then Elouise's lips twitched. "Oh, I believe you look lovely, Ivy. If you would like, I can give you one of my gowns to wear."

Ivy's entire face lit up like a full moon. She clapped her hands together and grinned at her. "Elouise, that's such an honor! I should take a bath first, though."

Gidget rushed forward and curtsied. "If I may, I can draw Lady Ivy a bath and show her to a guest chamber?"

Elouise nodded. "Yes, that would be wonderful. Thank you, Gidget. Afterwards, we can gather in the dining hall."

"That sounds even more wonderful." Ivy squinted over at Henry. "And you were worried."

Henry lowered his shoulders and mustered a smile for her. "Oh, go on now, Ivy. I'm sure you're eager to try on gowns."

"I am!"

Gidget walked out first, and Ivy practically skipped after her. With them gone, Henry released his breath. Then, at the same time, he and Elouise asked each other, "What's wrong?"

Henry blinked. "You wrote to me?"

"I... I did. Yet you arrived much sooner than you should've if you had received it. You came on your own accord... and without anyone knowing?"

"Let's not turn this around on me, El. Why did you write to me? Is something troubling you? And please," he quickly added when she sighed, "don't lie to me."

"There is a matter I'd like to discuss, but... another time, Henry. You must be exhausted. I assure you it's nothing horribly major. Mostly, I need advice." Elouise turned toward the door and grabbed the knob. And she glanced back at him once more. "You should also know that my father has been... very ill. You might not see him around. He has been put on bedrest."

Henry gaped at her and felt his heart sink. "El, I'm so sorry."

"He will be alright soon. I have asked Reverend Mathew to send for a very well-respected physician to come here." She tried another smile, even more strained than the one she had given Ivy. "Let's be on our way and get you some rest. You must be hungry, too." She opened the door and stepped out.

Henry stayed put for a moment. He couldn't even think about food right now. But he followed her anyway and did his best to ignore the unnerving twists in his stomach and chest.

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