Never Say Never

By -SimplyyBri

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Once in you lifetime you will do something you'd never think you'd do before! Never say never More

Never Say Never
My Nigga
Love the way you lie
Love the Way you lie Part 2
Life Ain't Easy
Nova :)
Was it ment to be?
Not what it seems
Show love
What is life?
Bad luck!
Knew It
Wish granted?
See What's up
Steady running
Isn't Safety Important to you
Moving on
Seeing Double
How long will it last
We doing this now.?
It is what it is
I got you
Heartless Nigga
The Return Of The Exes
Prank Master.
Falling Apart
Blue Or Pink
Teach Me
Don't Get It
Through Sickness and health
Guess Who
Back So Soon
Welcome back
Surprise, Surprise
She's Ready
A Sign
I need Understanding.
You Chose
One love
Changed Man
Good things comes to an End
Party Foul
Complete me please.?
Unconditionally Yours

Make Up

1.9K 96 14
By -SimplyyBri

Khali POV


"Hmm?" As soon as Asia started getting ready to leave, I took that time to lay down and ATTEMPT to get some rest. With a hype three year old, I don't even know why I tried it. He gave me a good five minutes to power nap before he woke me up.


Even though I'm kinda tired, what lil man says goes.

I sat up and helped Khalid get on the sofa with me. I noticed he had his untied shoes on, so that must mean we about to go somewhere. He's been really happy lately, which is good. I'm glad he accepted change so well, and I'm glad he likes Asia so much.

"Me bored. Let get Mommy an gift. Tink Tink an me got lots of gifts but not mommy."

"Mommy?" I asked with a smile on my face. That's the first time I've ever heard him call Asia that.

"Yeah, Mommy. Duhhh daddy."

"Oh, okay so you want to get mommy a push gift, huh?" It's a little odd how I know what it's called, but yeah... anyway...

"Okayyy if that's whatcha want to call it daddy." He said pointing down at his shoe strings.

"Let's do it together, okay? You do the left and I'll do the right."

He reached for the wrong foot at first, but then corrected himself when I cleared my throat. I went step by step so he could mimic me.

When we were done, I went up to my room to put on some shoes then we left the house. I There's already this one gift I got her that she doesn't know about, and it's in our daughter's nursery. I have the room locked so Asia couldn't get in and see what I did to the room. But anyway, the little gift is a blown up picture of her holding her nude belly and staring at it. On the bottom of the picture it has the simple quote, 'A mother's love is essential for the soul.'

I was already planning on getting Asia more things as well though. I had a certain thing in mind, but I didn't have a specific piece of information that I needed, which is the baby's name.

Before we got to the mall, I had to text Asia and ask her how to spell the baby's name. It's hellah different ways to spell Katelynn.

I let Khalid help pick out some things in a few stores, then we went into the jewelry store. I picked out a gold infinity necklace and told the cashier that I wanted it to be engraved. On the front, in the middle of the infinity symbol, I want Katelynn's name. On the back, I want the quote, 'A daughter is a mother's treasure.' I paid for it then gave the cashier my contact information for when the necklace is ready, then Khalid and I left the mall.

I don't get why it takes females so long to shop. Khalid and I finished in no time.

I sat in the driver's seat ready to start the car, but my phone started vibrating. I looked it and seen that I had an incoming call from an unknown number. Usually I wouldn't answer calls like this, but there's no telling who this could be.

I answered my phone as I left out the mall parking lot.

"Hey! Khali this is Asia's mother. Asia went into labor and we have her at the hospital. You need to get down here now!"

"Wait, what?!"

I looked at the phone and saw that she hung up.


"Ooooooooooo! Khalid covered his mouth with one of his hands. " Daddy say bad word, Oooooooooooo."

"My bad lil man. But umm, your baby sister might be coming way sooner than we all thought."

I looked in the mirror at him as he happily cheered and clapped his hands. "GOOD! She a slow poke."

I smiled at him, but deep down I'm nervous as hell. Obviously I'm already a dad, so being a dad isn't what I'm nervous about. Anything could happen at this point. What if baby girl's heart and lungs haven't developed? Baby girl could have problems breathing, problems seeing, problems hearing, digestive problems, or even worse. Asia's blood pressure could skyrocket, or she could end up getting pneumonia or something. I could just be over reacting, but that's what happens when your mom forces you to read prenatal books. Khalid was born early too, but the bitch... I meant Autumn was thirty eight weeks. Asia is is only thirty five. The sooner a baby is born the more risk there is.

I dialed Leek's number, but he didn't answer. I then called Nova. She answered on the third ring.


"Nova, Asia has gone into la-"

"WHAT?! WHAT DO YOU MEAN SHE'S GONE INTO LABOR?!" Shawty screamed in my ear so fuckin loud. I would be mad, but I understand.

"Yeah that's what her mother just told me. I'ma need for you, Leek, and Tommy to meet me at the hospital."

"Khali, Leek and Tommy will be out there. Asia is probably already overwhelmed, I don't want to add fuel to the fire."

"Aye look Nov, ain't nobody got time for y'all shit today. Asia is like a sister to you. Y'all been friends for way too long and one little fight over petty shit will not break y'all up. Regardless of what you think, Asia still loves you. She never stopped loving you. Yeah she hurt your feelings, but honestly you finna man up and put that shit aside so you can support your best friend."


"If I have to come get you I guarantee you won't like it."

"Give us twenty." She instantly blurted out. Ha! She scary as hell, Leek wouldn't leave without her anyway. Bet she didn't think about that.

"A'ight. I'll text you the room number and floor when I find out what it is."

I pressed the red button then tossed my phone to the side so I can focus on the road.

I really hope everything goes well, we just got out of a bad situation and don't need to be put in another one.

Nova POV

I put my phone on the coffee table then I got up off the floor and went upstairs.

Khali is right. I do need to stop my shit. It's already bad enough that I haven't really been there for Asia for most of her pregnancy. I'm a horrible friend. I just hope she forgives me.

I walked into Leek's room to see him sitting in bed with a certain look on his face. Sorrow? Anger? I can't tell. He always acts as if everything is always alright.


I walked over to him and sat down. He had one of his hands on his side, but I moved his hand and held it in both of mine.


"Are you okay?"

"Yeah!" He said as he kissed my lips. "Why, wassup?"

"I just got off the phone with Khali, and he told me that Asia went into labor."

"WHAT?!" His mood instantly changed. "So the continent is about to have the state's baby?!"

"Not necessarily. Labor can last for hours or even a few days."

"Alright well you need to go change so we can go out there."

I nodded then went to my room. I pulled out some jeans, a pink v neck, and a black jacket then I took a quick shower and put it on. I slipped on some black shoes then walked downstairs to meet Leek and Tommy down there.

The way Leek was driving, we made it to the hospital within ten minutes. No fucks be given about the speed limit when he drives.

I checked my phone as we walked into the hospital. As we were walking towards Asia's room, I heard a familiar voice.

"What the fuck are you doing here?!"

I turned around and saw Desiree and her daughter Taylor walking towards us.

"Aunt Novaaaaaaaaaaa!" Taylor squealed. She was about to try and hug me, but Desiree stopped her.

"Bitch you didn't answer my question. What the fuck are you doing here?"

"Excuse me? So that's what we doin now? Cussing in front of children? I came to support my best friend. She needs all the support she can get right now."

"You haven't been around so why come around now? And this is my child so I'll do what I please around her. You made it clear that you didn't want to be in her life when you kicked her out, so why are you trying to be here now?"

This damn hypocrite really wants to go there with me?! This is coming from a female WITH a small child who kicked out her own sister because she also got pregnant at a young age. I am the one who Asia came to, because Asia knows that I will always have her back. I NEVER would, but I couldn't put her out of anyone else's house anyway.

"Somewhere down the line your facts got tangled up. You not the one who can dictate who goes in her room and who doesn't, I'll let Asia decides if she wants to see me or not. So yeah, excuse the f... heck out of me!"

I flipped my hair over my shoulder then continued to walk. Bitch got me fucked up. She doesn't even know what happened, so how the fuck she gon be all up in my face on some fuck shit? That little cute princess of hers really saved her from getting her damn feelings hurt.

"Go in." Leek said when we got to her door.

"I'm not ready yet."

"Well you better get ready like Sponge Bob gay ass."

I opened the door then pushed me in.

There I see Asia shaking and shivering in the bed looking miserable. She's laying with her back to me, but I can see all the pain on her face.

Khali looked up from her and seen us standing there. He motioned for me to come around her bed, but I shook my head. He then balled his fist up then put them in front of both his eyes like Madea did in that one movie. I shook my head again then he cracked his knuckles. Leek then pushed me again.

"I'ma kick yo ass!" I mouthed to Leek as I kicked my foot out at him.

'Do it!' He mouthed back as he lightly tapped his chest then held his arms out.

Khali then lightly grabbed me by my arm and made me stand in front of Asia.

He then walked towards Leek. I started walking behind him then he suddenly stopped, making me bump into him.

I quickly but quietly walked back over to Asia as Leek, Khali, and Tommy then walked out the room.

I let out a deep breath then took four steps back.

"Asia?" I whispered.

She just continued to lay there with her hand on her face.

"Asia." I said a little louder.

She then looked at me with her watery eyes. I wanted to say something, but my words got trapped in my mouth. Tears left my eyes.

"Come here." She whispered.

I stepped forward just a little. If I get too close she might punch me in my damn face.

"I got an epidural Nova, come closer."

I let out a relieved sigh then got closer to her. Tears then started coming out her eyes.

"Asia I am sooo sorry! I neglected and abandoned you at the time you needed me the most! I shouldn't have turned your honesty into insults in my mind. There is nothing that I can ever do to make up for how awful of a friend I've been to you. I was so insensitive! I can't believe myself, I was so wrong. Please forgive me Asia, you are a special part of me that helps keep me sane, and I don't want you in my life. I need you in my life. I've been wanting to talk to you about this but I've been too ashamed to."

"You aren't the only one to blame Nova. You were going through a lot at the time so naturally you snapped. I also apologize. I love you Nova."

I leaned down and kissed her on her cheek.

"I love you too Asia."

"I know you do. You never stopped. But now we can put all of that bullshit behind us and act like it never happened."


I got a chair and sat by her bed to hold her hand and support her.

I feel so much better. The pressure on my chest has lessened and a big weight has lifted off of me. I just hope and pray that things start getting better now.

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