Prince Charming Lives NextDoor

By virgopenguin

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"Do you ever wish you had a second chance to meet someone again for the first time. . ." * * * Ava Rose and L... More

Chapter 1: Ball Preperations
Author's Note
Chapter 3: A Brunette In A Baby Blue Dress
Chapter 4: A Dance With Mystery Man
Chapter 5: Something Like Cinderella
Chapter 6: A Second Unknown Encounter
Chapter 7: Moving Day, Breakfast, And A Girl
Chapter 8: Spiders, Clowns, And Ken Dolls
Chapter 9: Crushing Egos With My Bike
Chapter 10: A Painful First Impression
Chapter 11: A Cheerios Murderer With A Hose
Chapter 12: Surprise Dinner With The Ross'
Chapter 13: Playing Footsie And Making A Bet
Chapter 14: Save It For The Judge, Liam Ross!
Chapter 15: So Call Me Maybe
Chapter 16: I Don't Have Mental Problems
Chapter 17: My Cheerios, Not Yours
Chapter 18: Legends, Threats, and Ditching
Chapter 19: My Pretend Boyfriend And An Unexpected Kiss
Chapter 20: We're Running From Plastic
Chapter 21: Mr. Psychic Pants Can Tell The Future
Chapter 22: His Confession
Chapter 23: One Heck Of A Birthday Surprise
Q & A Time
Chapter 24: Secrets, and an Unwelcomed Surprise
Chapter 25: A Good Day Gone Bad
Chapter 26 Part 1: Drama, Complications, And The Truth
Chapter 26 Part 2: Misinterpretations, and A Confession I Wasn't Expecting
Chapter 27: I Think We're Going To Be Best Friends
Chapter 28: I'll Do Anything... Just Keep Her Out Of It
Chapter 29: She Comes In with a Big Bang
Chapter 30: When the Crowd Goes Wild
Chapter 31: An Act Gone Too Far
Chapter 32: Haven't You Helped Enough
Chapter 33: Okay's and Trust Me's Are Reassuring
Chapter 34: Star Gazing, A Kiss, And An I Love You
Chapter 35: A Magician Never Reveals His Secrets
Chapter 36 Pt. 1: Insecurities and Weaknesses
Chapter 36 Pt. 2: I Knew Him All Along
Chapter 36 Pt. 3: You Should've Warned Me
Chapter 37: Broken Hearts And Scars
Chapter 38: I'll Never Be Able To Live This Down
Chapter 39: The Goodbye Kiss

Chapter 2: Apologizes and What Ifs

655 20 2
By virgopenguin

Here's chapter 2, enjoy:)


Ava's P.O.V.

I still couldn't shake off the nagging feeling in my head. It felt like something was going to happen today.

But, what exactly? What was going on? Was I going crazy? Wait, maybe I could tell the future?

So many thoughts were running through my head.

Mom said that the place where the ball was being held was an hour and a half away. But why are we still driving?

That was when I realized we were already there and everyone was out of the car—except me. All of them were staring at me with questioning looks. My eyes wondered over to Gracie who was quietly giggling in the back.

Well, this is awkward.

"Ummm..." I hummed, trying to think up a way to get out of this embarrassing situation. My attempts just made it even more awkward.

"Are you alright, Ava?" Dad asked, worry written all over his face.

"Uh, yeah. Why wouldn't I be?"

Before Dad could continue talking, Mom cut in.

"Sweetie, you kind of zoned out into your own little world."

"Oh." I laughed. "Whoops?"

As if on cue, I heard a high pitched squeal come from behind my parents.

"Ava! You're finally here!" Amy shrieked, making her way to me.

She was wearing a peach colored ruffle dress with a matching peach colored mask. Her red hair was down in elegant waves.

In a blink of an eye, Amy was already yanking me away from my family.

I sighed. "Thank you for saving me from the awkward tension that was happening right about then."

"No sweat. I know you would have done the same for me." She gave me a friendly smile.


* * * * *

As Amy and I made our way to the ball room, I couldn't help but get butterflies in my stomach for some weird reason.

When we entered the the ginormous room, I couldn't help but admire everything about it—the crystal chandeliers hanging from the high ceiling, the paintings on the walls that looked like they were painted by Leonardo da Vinci himself, the shiny polished floors. It was as if the ballroom was taken out of one of those movies with wealthy kings and queens.

After chatting with each other, Amy and I said our good-byes to one another and separated to look for our families.

I caught a glimpse of Gracie's polka dot dress and decided to follow the direction it went. I turned and suddenly bumped into a rock.

Or should I say a person.

My cheeks started to heat up. Without looking up at the person, I mumbled a quick "sorry" and scurried away.

Once I spotted my family in line getting their food, I joined the end of it.

As I was waiting, I began to think back to the person I accidentally crashed into a few minutes ago.

I hope it wasn't an elderly person—I would never forgive myself for that. But an elderly person wouldn't have a solid chest. That would be kind of weird.

Oh man, what if it was a stalker looking for a new person to stalk and decided that the Los Angeles Summer Masquerade Ball would be the perfect place to find someone? Or maybe a very hot dude who thinks I am a dork now for bumping into him?

I took a sharp intake of breath.

What if it was somebody that goes to my school?

My eyes got wide at that thought.

I snapped out of my thoughts when I noticed someone standing in front of me. They were awkwardly poking my shoulder trying to get my attention. I glanced up.

The guy was a good foot taller than me. He had short, soft looking, messy light-brown hair and blue eyes with specks of grey.

I had to crane my neck upwards to look at him. He had this huge grin plastered on his face. The first thought that rushed into my mind from seeing his huge grin was, 'creepy'. I could tell he was amused, watching me stare off into my own little world.

I couldn't make out what he looked like due to the black mask covering the top half of his face.

Was he a teen or an adult?

The mysterious man stopped poking me. He bent down forward so he was at my ear level.

"You know it's pretty rude not to say a proper apology to someone you bumped into," he whispered. His statement had me blushing.

The guy stood back up straight with a smirk on his face.

"Oh, uh, sorry?" I said, awkwardly making my apology come out more like a question.

What is up with today and all the awkward situations?

"That still didn't sound like a proper apology." He gazed down at me. "You know what? Instead of an apology, you owe me a dance—"

"Umm...Maybe later. I am in need of food right now and I-I have my family. Bye?" I didn't wait for his reply and got my food as fast as I could and fast walked over to where Gracie and Charlie were.

I remembered what I said to the guy. "I am in need of food."

I mentally slapped myself. That was so embarrassing. I need to talk to someone about this to get it out of my head.


After eating the delicious food to my heart's content, I went to look for her.

Just as I was about to go and look for my friend, Gracie's voice popped up. "Where you going?"

"To find Amy," I said, looking at her, not watching where I was going.

And just like before, I crashed into something. Again.

I looked up and was met with a handsome smirk and familiar, amused blue-grey eyes.

"Well, hello again."


Thanks for reading chapter 2 of Prince Charming Lives Nextdoor!

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Bye, you EXTRAORDINARY people!

NEXT UPDATE: later today/tomorrow

$ _ $

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