Never Say Never

By -SimplyyBri

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Once in you lifetime you will do something you'd never think you'd do before! Never say never More

Never Say Never
My Nigga
Love the way you lie
Love the Way you lie Part 2
Life Ain't Easy
Nova :)
Was it ment to be?
Not what it seems
Show love
What is life?
Bad luck!
Knew It
Wish granted?
See What's up
Steady running
Isn't Safety Important to you
Moving on
Seeing Double
How long will it last
We doing this now.?
It is what it is
I got you
Heartless Nigga
The Return Of The Exes
Prank Master.
Falling Apart
Blue Or Pink
Teach Me
Don't Get It
Through Sickness and health
Guess Who
Back So Soon
Welcome back
She's Ready
Make Up
A Sign
I need Understanding.
You Chose
One love
Changed Man
Good things comes to an End
Party Foul
Complete me please.?
Unconditionally Yours

Surprise, Surprise

2K 105 13
By -SimplyyBri

Khali POV

At six in the morning, I finally stepped through the doors of my house. I ripped off my bloody shirt and took off the rest of my clothes. I'ma have to burn them bitches or something.

I went up to my bathroom them got in the shower. For a good thirty minutes or longer, I just stood there thinking about last night. They brought some wack ass rookie to the trap and this dumb muthafucka sang like a canary, thinking I was really going to let him roam free. Hell nah, my homeboy laid out while his dumb ass was roaming free. I had that 'you take from me, I take from you' mentality last night. Needless to say I caught a body last night. He was one of them young, heartless niggas. Ain't nobody even gon miss him or know what the fuck happened to him. Catching that body did nothing for me though. I didn't feel satisfied at all. Whoever did this shit still roaming free, all I know now is where all they traps at and what side of town they be on. I had people already working on finding that shit out.

I want want the shit that these niggas can't seem to come up with though. Names and faces so I can hunt them all down and have fun murdering them in different ways.

I washed myself up then got out and dried myself off. I put on some jeans, a gray shirt, a gray hoodie, and some black shoes. I had a headache, I tied my dreads as loose as possible today. Little to no fucks will be given today at school.

My phone kept going off the whole time while I was trying to get ready for school. I only had one message from Asia, and that was her making sure I was coming to get her, but the rest of the messages and missed calls were from my mom. At this point I wish I could get a fucking nanny for Khalid, because she gets on my fucking nerves nagging me about everything. 'Oh, Khali I didn't realize Khalid was my son, thought he was my grandson.' 'Oh, Khali thank you for turning my house into a daycare.' 'Guess I'll have to raise your other child too, huh?' 'Oh, Khali it stormed last night, thanks a lot, not my garden is ruined.' Okay... Well, she hasn't went that far yet, but it's only a matter of damn time before she starts getting on me for shit I have no control over. I wish I could send her off to live... Where ever she said she wanted to go. Hmmm, that actually ain't a bad idea.

I got in my car and left the house. A few minutes later I arrived outside Asia's sister's place. I sent her a text then got out to open the passenger door for her. Within seconds, she came out the door. Seeing her big, round belly caused me to smile a little.

"Damn I'm bipolar." I mumbled. Just a few minutes ago I was ready to fuck shit up, now I'm smiling? Maybe it's the though of my baby girl in Asia's belly that calmed me down.

I walked over to her and grabbed her bag and helped her to the car.

"Good morning Khali." She smiled and kissed my cheek. Good, she's in a good mood today. At least one of us needs to be, because when we're both in a bad mood it ain't pretty.

"Yeah morning ma."

I helped her in the car then put her bag by her foot. I shut the door then got back in and drove off.

"You good?" I asked as I would every morning.

"Yeah I am." She said in a low tone as she rubbed her belly with a frown on her face. Obviously I'm not always around her, but I haven't seen her smile in a really long time. With all that's been going on with her, I see why.

"What are we going to do when she's born?"

That's been a question I've been wanting to ask her that for a while now. The situation was already serious to me, but it got even more serious when we could put a gender with the baby. She's developing more and more everyday and we'd have to have this conversation soon anyway. I really want her to stay with me, because I want to take care of her and my child. Of course I won't always be around to help with her, but I have to be in my child's life. I also want to make sure that they always have a place to stay. If she moves in with me, that's it. I could never kick shawty out. I'd hate for her and her sister to get into another argument then she gets neglected again.

"Raise her. What do you mean?"

I bit the inside of my mouth to keep from getting smart with her.

"Umm. I umm meant, living wise Asia."

She rolled her eyes and folded her arms over her chest. "Again, what do you mean?"

Either she havin' a Leek moment or she really just wants me to straight up say exactly what I mean.

"I want you to live with me Asia. That way baby girl can have both parents under one roof. I got a four bedroom house, so that'd be a nursery for baby girl and your own room if that's what you want. Look, I apologize for being so insensitive to your feelings and emotions. I was wrong for that. You might want to object, but I just want to man up and take care of you and baby girl."

She looked as if she had to think of an answer, which is expected. We rode the rest of the way to school in silence. When at school, I helped her get out the car.

"I'll have to get back to you on that question. And thank you for your apology." She hugged me. "I'll see you at lunch." She then walked away from me.

By the time I got in the school, it was ten minutes before the bell. I made my way to class only to find some random muthafucka sitting in my seat with their head down. I always sit in the back so this ain't gon work.

I made my way to the back then tapped the person on their shoulder.

"Aye man this my seat, you gon have to move."

The person still wouldn't move, so I tapped them again.

"You a rude nigga bruh." Hearing his voice caused my eyes to widened. He then lifted his head up off the desk, confirming my suspicion.


Can't even lie, a nigga had to shed a tear or two. I didn't expect to see Malik Muthafuckin McCoy in the muthafuckin flesh.

"Mr.Graham!" The teacher called me.

"Man shut the fuck up." I mumbled as Leek stood up. We dapped each other up then I had to give my nigga a hug. Not a long one though.

"Didn't expect to see me, huh?" He said with a big ass smile.

"Hell nah! We thought you were still down."

"Man I been up for two weeks. Can't believe I fooled you my nigga."

"Neither can I."

I fell like a big weight has been lifted off my shoulders. My mind is still set on finding them niggas that did the shit though.

Leek POV

Man yall , Ya boy was popping up on everybody at the school house. I was officially back and ready to turn up. I was walking down the hall way on my way to my faveorite class when the Bell rung. I smiled cause I wasn't even tryna be on time anyway. As people where going to class, I was dapping everybody up . It felt hella good to be back in class. I done spoke to everybody except my sister, Europe. I ain't seen her ass since I woke up.

I let five minutes pass and watched through the peep hole as Ms. Epps got up and started teaching. I knew it was gone piss her off if I walked in , in the middle of her teaching and that's exactly what I planned to do. I watched her as she took role and I opened the door wide open but hit on the wall.

"The fuck..."

" Bruh , Swear this ragedy ass school is haunted"

"It was just the wind."

"Man, this a code blue, Why the fuck They ain't annouce it over the intercom."

I snickered to my self cause I already knew I had everybodys attention.

"Class enough  foolishness, It's just a childish kid passing by , Now lets continue" She said walking over to the door swinging her what look like Brazillion weave she had for a brazillon years. I laughed to myself.. She closed the door and I reopened it. She looked back at the door and I started playing them scary ass childish ass laughs that be in scary movies on my phone.




"Grow some balls yall, Its a joke." Some snotty ass nose mixie said.

" No, It might be a real ghost"

"Yall Shut up , It's non of that, I bet it's a fellow classmate." Ms. Epps said walking slowly to the door this time. I knew her ass was scarred. I walked back to the waterfountain and acted as if I was I was getting water. As I suspected she came out the class room and looked around.

"Excuse me Sir, Have you seen anyone bothering this door lately" She asked. I looked at her and her mouth dropped.

"AHHHHHH!!!! " She screamed covering her mouth "Your Back, Oh it's going to be so lovely to have you back. in class. I should write you up thoe. You have your classmates scarred out of there minds"

I laughed. " Ms. Epps, Can you stop that, You know we aren't friends, We aren't cool.I don't like you , You don't like me, Lets go back to old times. Okay" I smiled

"Well, Mr. McCoy go to the principals office, I'll have one of your classmates bring your referral down." She said and walked back towards the classroom. I laughed and followed her into the classroom. Gasped emergered from everywhere.

"Ms. Epps You can't get mad cause-"

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" I heard Asia scream. I smiled and turned around and seen her pregnant ass wobble out of her seat. She ran to the front of the class room and tackled me. Big belly qll all.


" Uhm Hospital, Nova, And 2 weeks ago."  I smiled.

" Wait, I just seen you like a few days ago." She said confused.

"I know , I seen you too. Remeber, I'm the Prank Master" I laughed.

"I should kick your ass for that shit, I'm so happy your up thoe. We have SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO much stuff to talk about?" She said wabbiling to her seat.

" What, Whatt are you having " I said  going to sit beside her.

"I'm having a girl,and I'm excited as hell.She's going to be just like me and everything"

"Awh Shit , I'm about to have a fucking Niece dawg. Oh shit, Me and Nova gotta go to the mall and get some shit "

" Uh no, She has everything she need" Asia said grabbing her pencil and writing whatever Ms. Epps was putting on the bored.

" I should punch you and her in the face. Yall being childish dawg. Ohhhhhh I'ma punch yall in the face."

" Leek I'm pregnant. You can't punch me" she said rolling her eyes and writing down the lesson.

" You pregnant but your face aint." I mugged her. She burst out laughing.

"That's a good one, I'd use that too but forreal , hit me when I drop this baby."

'Shut up You ain't bout it, I'ma tell Khali and He gone check yo ass."

"Mr.Mccoy I'm glad your back but I'ma need you and Ms. Banks to hush back there."

"I would love to insult you but I'm afraid I wont do as well as nature did" I said. The class erupted wiht laughter

"Malik, Don't start." She warned. I laughed cause I was only getting started.

"Don't be sad, Don't be blue, Frankenstein was Ugly too." I laughed. The class was rolling in laughter.

"I'm done being Nice get on the phonne."  She mugged. I then burst out laughing. Was this lady forreal.

" Lady I'm grown who the hell you gone Call, My house.?" I questioned. "My wife would be more than glad to talk to you,Matter of fact She's down the hall, if you really would like to speak to her." I laughed.

"SHUT UP !!! DAMN" Ms. Epps yelled. I burst out laughing cause she sounded so funny when she cursed.

The class was filled wiht oohs and ahhas and an ass of gasp.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to curse, It's just you irk my nerves sooo bad." She said placing her hand on her forehead.

"Ma'am the feel is mutal, but I dont wanna be disruptive of others learning , so Do your job." I said and flashed her a smiled. She looked as if she wanted to snap again and I laughed.

"Ya boy is back  and he's back for good." I said and slipped my headphones on. I bet she thought I was gonna do work. Nah, Ain't nothing change about Malik Mccoy


Asia and Khali are comming.





Comment 8 comments for an update tonight. Thanks babes.

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