Never Say Never

By -SimplyyBri

154K 6.2K 619

Once in you lifetime you will do something you'd never think you'd do before! Never say never More

Never Say Never
My Nigga
Love the way you lie
Love the Way you lie Part 2
Life Ain't Easy
Nova :)
Was it ment to be?
Not what it seems
Show love
What is life?
Bad luck!
Knew It
Wish granted?
See What's up
Steady running
Isn't Safety Important to you
Moving on
Seeing Double
How long will it last
We doing this now.?
It is what it is
I got you
Heartless Nigga
The Return Of The Exes
Prank Master.
Falling Apart
Blue Or Pink
Teach Me
Don't Get It
Through Sickness and health
Guess Who
Back So Soon
Welcome back
Surprise, Surprise
She's Ready
Make Up
A Sign
I need Understanding.
You Chose
One love
Changed Man
Good things comes to an End
Party Foul
Complete me please.?
Unconditionally Yours


1.9K 97 4
By -SimplyyBri

Leek POV

"So this is everything?" I questioned the youngest worker Hayden. He was 16 and had the heart of a lion. That's why we fuck with him.

"Yeah, This is all of it."he said passing me the money. I checked the receipt books on his ass and counted up the shit he brought me.

"It was great doing business with you, Get ya next sit from Jamir" I said giving him his portion of the money.. He nodded and I grabbed all my shit. It was damn 3am and I still wasn't home. It amazes me how late I stay out. I be trying hard as hell to make it home on time but the time ain't ever on a nigga side.

"Yall, I'ma head on out, I'll holla tommorow." I said locking my office

"Aight Boss, What to do the shit here."

"Nigga, Leave me the hell alone.I'm sleepy and you talking to me. Let me B. Shit, You need to take yo ass to bed too. Sitting up here tryna make fucking converstations SKUURT NIGGA NO" I said walking out the door. This nigga sitting up here tryna make convos and shit all early in the morning and shit. My brain shuts down a 12am , them Convo shit's I ain't with it, That Nigga tryna catch me slipping that's home them niggas get Shot ta  ta ta.

I laughed to myself as I slid in my car. I check my back seat with my pistol and it was clear. I crunk up the car and pulled into the parkway.

As I pulled up to the red I noticed the I noticed this slow escalade pulling up beside me. He started to roll his window down and ya boy pulled off. I ran the fucking red light and all. I wasn't on no Biggie type shit. You wasn't finna shoot me at no fucking red light, these niggas got me fucked all the way up. I started swerving in the roads, going down back roads and all

After I felt like I lost them, I continued onto my destination home. All I really wanted to do was go home and lay up under Nova. I just wanted to squeeze her little body and kiss on face. Damn I can't get home fast enough.

Just as I was about to head on interstate  a crown Vic on the side of me started spraying bullets at my car. I felt a stinging and burning sensation in my shoulder, thigh, side, and chest. I could feel the bullets when they pierced my body.  I tried putting my hand over the holes but that didn't work. My body was becoming weak and I felt the blood drain out of my body. My vision became blurry.

"Lord, Please and all my sins that I knew about and the one's I didn't know about. Protect my family and friends as I make my journey back home with you. Amen" I said right before I fell unconscious.

Asia POV

I was knocked out in the room with Nova when I felt her shaking me. I stretched and peeled my eyes open. I looked over at her and she was shaking and putting on some jogging pants.

"A-a-a-a-a-a-asia ,Cannnn you take me to the hospital. They got my baby. They said he was shot multiiple times." She said cried as she grabbed the keys

"Who told you" i asked as I hopped out of bed and slipped on my slippers. I didn't even bother to change out of my night clothes , I had to make sure my brother was okay

"The hospital" she said handing me the keys. I grabbed the keys and we ran downstairs. Nova got Tommy and We hopped in Leek truck. Nova took a deep breath and then she broke down crying . I tried to be strong for my bestfriend but I couldn't. I felt the tears spill from my eyes as I pulled into the parkway. I sped down the roads going through red lights, passing stop signs and yeild signs. I didn't give a fuck about the law at the moment, I just needed to get my bestfriend over to Leek.

10 minutes later, I pulled up to the hospital. I parked and we rushed to the front desk..

"Malik McCoy" Nova said to the front lady.

"He's in surgery right now  ma'am , You can have a seat in the waiting room and the doctor's will be with you all shortly. "

Nova looked as if she wanted to snapp on the lady but I grabbed her and led her over to the chairs. She was shaking and rubbing her hands together. I shot Khali a text to let him know what's up and what's going on and then I tended to my bestfriend.

"Asia this is all my fault, I should've never told him to come home. I should've just you know let him do what he wanted to do which was stay at the lil trap house or whatever . If he would've stayed I just would've been mad but got over it. Now my baby is in the back damn near fighting for his life."She said as she broke down. "Somebody tried to take Leek from me forever, what would I do if he wasn't here. He's my knight Asia. He rescued me and saved me. This is how I repay him. Causing him to rush home and get shot up."

'Shh, Bae it's not your fault, Shit happens and It's just one of those things that just happens. It's not your fault. Leek will be okay, He's a strong boy. If he can break up our fight with Shai then he can easily fight a bullet."

"Asia, he's not fighting a bullet, My baby is fighting for his life"

"Shhh, Leek isn't going anywhere,, He stil has to marry you, yall have little Novas and Leeks walking around. Leek cursing out any and everbody and he has to continue to get on Ms. Epps nerves. He not goingno where Nova. My brother is strong he got this." I said wiping my tears that were slowy falling from my face.

The doors slammed open and thinking that it was the doctor our heads shot up. It wasn't the doctor thoe, It was Khali whom eyes were puffy and red. He ran over to us.

"What happened?" He question out of breath.

"I don't know, the hospital said that he was shot multiple times."Nova said breaking down crying in my lap again. I wiped the tears from my face and faced Khali. His eyes were no longer that beautiful hazel he normally has they were now a black. He clenched his jaw and punched the wall causing me to flinch. Tears streamed down my face. My mind went blank and all i could think about was that time Ms.Epps and Leek was arguing.

"Wassup Big Red" He said touching the teachers chin." Ohh , You might wanna shave that, Damn near cut my finger"

"Malik McCoy, Can you please have a good day today?"

"All My days are good Sir."

"Since You wanna smart lemme see your homework"

"I don't have a home, to do the work in" He said and the class erupted with laughter. I even had to laugh at that one. Leek a damn fool.

"That's enough" Ms Epps yelled

"Okay, Start the lesson then," He said throwing his book bag onto his desk.

 A smile formed across my face as I thought about that day. Lord Please protect my brother and let him live through this. I just needa hear him say Europe or him talk shit to Khali or him feed Nova some corny love shit. He just needed to be here with us.






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