Supernatural Imagines 2

By TheWritePage

198K 6.2K 1.3K

You know the drill... if you've read the first book. Enjoy!! (Same peeps: Sam, Dean, Cas, Jared, Jensen, Mish... More

Put The Camcoder Down! (Dean & Castiel)
Crisis Of Love (Misha Pt.1)
200) Crisis of Love (Misha Pt. 2)
Rapid Eye Movement (Castiel Pt. 2)
"It's Wabbit Season" (Jack)
"How's The Weather Down There?" (Sam)
Comatose (J2M)
Misconduct (Adeline x Misha)
Hushfully (Dean)
'I Wish For This...' (Misha)
Cohen At The Convention (Karla x Matt Cohen)
Sex Error (Jensen)
Adoption Papers (Jared)
Sapiosexual (Jack)
. . . _ _ _ . . . (Castiel)
'All I Heard Was Nothing' (Sam)
~ TAGGED • More About Me ~
"Who'd Want Me As A Flatmate?" (Misha AU)
World Of Hues (TFW)
'To Stay Or Not To Stay' (Nathan x Castiel)
Smoking Gun (Misha ft. J2 AU)
Fear The Feline (Alexander)
"Sorry For Your Loss" (Misha)
Flirt-Alert (Dean)
'Horn'Dog (Castiel)
'Hike' - Just Do It (Alexander)
In The Shadows (Krystal x Dean)
'Dog-Like Hearing' (Misha)
225) The 'Misha-Touch' (Misha)
Birthday Suit (Gabriel)
Tummy Trouble (Faith x Jared Pt. 1)
Tummy Trouble (Faith x Jared Pt. 2)
'Mireya', It Means 'Miracle' (Jensen)
Role Model (Castiel)
'Been Torn From Life' (Misha)
Slipped Away (Eugenia x Sam)
Oh, Honey! (Jack)
Unsee The Jealousy (Leila x Jensen)
3.14159265 (Dean)
Labor Day Lateness (Misha Pt. 1)
Labor Day Lateness (Misha Pt. 2)
"Baby, You've Got The Hiccups!" (Faith x Jensen)
Pandemic (Castiel ft. Winchesters)
Daymares (Dean)
'Testing 1, 2, 3' (J2M)
"... Sitting In A Tree, K I S S I N G!" (Dean)
Heavenly Loving Is Hellish (Castiel ft. Crowley)
Us Against The World (Sam)
Ominous (Dean ft. Sam Pt. 1)
Ominous (Dean ft. Sam Pt. 2)
Accidental Meetup (Sam Pt.1)
Accidental Meetup (Sam Pt. 2)
Heaven's 'Hero' (Castiel)
250) Surrealism (Dean)
"I'd Give Anything To Be By You" (Misha Pt. 1)
"I'd Give Anything To Be By You" (Misha Pt. 2)
'Hold My Baby, I'll Drive' (Dean)
"Daddy Won't Wake Up" (Castiel Pt. 1)
"Daddy Won't Wake up" (Castiel Pt. 2)
A Wee Identification Problem (Anne x Crowley Ft. Rowena)
Cooking Fast and Fresh! (Misha)
God Save The Queen! (Anne x Crowley)
Bother of Brothers (Winchesters AU)
#Flannel4Lyf (Destiel)
Turn On My Love (Misha Ft. Jensen)
Sugar, Spice and Everything Nice (Anne x Dean)
Subtext (Alexander)
"Got Your Harp And Halo?" (Castiel)
Wannabe Love Child (Dean Pt. 1)
Wannabe Love Child (Dean Pt. 2)
Fandom Fear (Angelica x Misha)
Got The Hots (Elizabeth x Jack)
Screeching Tires (Misha)
'Dancing In The Dark' (Destiel)
Proud Parent? (Castiel Pt. 2)
Proud Parent? (Castiel Pt. 3)
Proud Parent? (Castiel Pt. 4)
"Girls Don't Bite" (Dean)
275) "Love Is An Open Door" (Jack)
The Lone Wanderer (Winchesters)
Shangri-la (Castiel AU)
"Agent Collins, FBI" (Misha AU)
Replacement (Dean Ft. Castiel)
Nanny Cassie (Castiel Ft. Winchesters)
'Shattered On The Ground' (Dean)
Blamestorming (Misha)
'Want To Want Me' (Gabriel)
Power-Up (Jack)
'In Loving Memory...' (Misha)
Social Anxiety (Castiel Ft. Dean)
Teraphobia (Dean)
'A Day In The Life Of...' (Alara x Alexander)
"Dear Father, Help Us..." (Castiel)
Hot And Steamy (Dean)
"Baby You're Beautiful" (Gabriel)
Sexting? (Misha)
Love Lost (Alexander)
Judgemental (Castiel ft. Dean)
AdoptAMom.Com (Misha)
The #1 Fan (Misha)
Mr. Know-It-All (Dean AU)
Fight Or Flight? (Dean)
300) Gag Reel (J2MA)
~ TAGGED • And Yet More About Me ~
•• AN END... ••
•• A NEW Opportunity ••
Begrudging (Leila x Jensen)
Caught In The Act (Jasmyn x Misha Pt. 1)
Caught In The Act (Jasmyn x Misha Pt. 2)
Roadkill (Rose x Jared)
Full Stop. (Misha)
Unborn (Castiel Pt. 1)
Unborn (Castiel Pt. 2)
Avenging Angels (Erin x Dean ft. Castiel)
Sous-Chef (Alexander)
Public Display Of Affection (Roxy x Alexander)
Foundling (Rose x Gabriel Ft. Dean Pt. 1)
Foundling (Rose x Gabriel Ft. Dean Pt. 2)
06/13/1980, FRI (Erin x Dean)
'Knight In Shining Armor' (Erin x Dean AU)
Fly-Away Angel (Max x Gabriel)
Sanatorium (Erin x Dean)
Leather Jacket (Erin x Dean AU)
"Once Upon A Time ..." (Olivia x Dean)
A Positive (Erin x Dean)
Eighteen. (Grace x J2MARR)
Elope (Erin x Dean AU)
Kiss And Tell (Roxy x Jack)
Stalker-Talker (Erin x Jensen)
Disguises (Olivia x Gabriel)
•• A SPECIAL Opportunity! ••
325) 'Here To Save The Day!' (Misha)
"Strange Yet Familiar" (Jared)
Halos Aren't For Humans (Gabriel)
When Worlds Collide... (TFW)
'Spooky Scary Skeletons' (Jared)
Clowning Around (J2M)
Restraining Order (J2)
i sMelL p E n N i E s
carry on.

"Don't Judge A Book By The Review" (Jack)

1.7K 48 5
By TheWritePage

You tried your best, you avoided every one of them whenever you had to. From every motel to every town, all your were doing was running from the ones that wanted you dead.

And it was all because of Jack Kline.

You cleaned up the dishes you used for dinner then changed your clothes, wearing some pajamas. You made sure that your blade, which you stole from one of your attackers, was placed on the bed side table.

You lay in bed, thinking about your mom... and your dad, and how you miss them. How your mom would tell you constantly that you are worthy to be in this world, tat you are capable of doing great things. How your dad kept you safe after your mom died, until they killed him too and you fled just in time.

You just wish you could be normal. You're pretty far from it.

You started thinking about Jack and you clenched your fists. Everything was going fine but once he showed up in the world, every single Angel out there was after him and made it their mission to finish off Nephilims on a whole.

You didn't ask to be a Nephilim, you wish you could be normal. Your mother was Angel while your father was a human. They loved you with all their heart, never making you feel like you're any different. They told you stories about Heaven and your mom told you about stories of her Father. Dad told you about riding your bike and making Lego models.

The best of both worlds.

The Angels are after Jack since he is the son of Lucifer but they decided why not just remove these... "abominations", every single one of them completely off the face of the earth?

And so they set out to do just that and it's how you're stuck travelling from motel to motel every two weeks, praying that you'd be safe from whoever-


You sat up, heart thumping rapidly as the loud banging on your room door. You grabbed your Angel blade and cautiously walked to the door, taking a deep breath before opening it.

"Hey [y/n]! I got you some jerky and donuts, your favourite!" Brandon, your neighbour at the motel said and you were so glad you had control over your reflexes, and didn't swing the blade.

You hid it behind your back and smiled, "Thanks! Um, I would call you in but..." You looked to your clothes, pajamas weren't that appropriate to wear in front of guests.

"That's okay, I just wanted to drop these off as a thank you," He said and gave you the food items, "I had a great time at the arcade yesterday. The most fun in a long time."

You smiled softly and nodded, "Me too! And thanks for these." He ran a hand through his hair, "So could we do something together tomorrow?"

You bit your lip then frowned. Your two weeks at this motel were up, You had to go on to another one in another town.

"Brandon, I'm sorry but I'm checking out tomorrow," You told him sadly, "I'll take your number and we could keep in touch though."

He agreed and walked over to your bedside table and pu the food down, and the blade under your pillow when he wasn't looking.

You gave him your phone and he typed in his contact. "So I'll see you around then huh?" He said and you smiled widely. You said goodbye then shut the door, laying down on your bed and shutting your eyes so you could alert and fresh in the morning tomorrow.

Tomorrow to carry on like just another day of running away.


You pulled up into a gas station and entered the small store, to restock on food and basic human supplies. You got around with credit card scams, your dad had a lot of money saved up too. You just learnt the skills to survive, even if it is unethical.

You walked to the chocolate isle and took a pack of Hershey's Kisses and the largest bag of M&Ms they-

There was a guy standing in front of the M&Ms section and you sulked. "Excuse me, I need that," You said and the guy looked at you with confusion. You looked at him with confusion then slithered your hand and took the bag of chocolate.

"I'm lost, could you help me?" He requested and after debating with yourself you mumbled a 'Yeah sure'.

"I like nougat but I don't know which one of these tastes the best. I can't remember the name if the one I had eaten," He explained. You squinted at him slightly, he was maybe around the same age as you but he was talking like a child?

"Um why don't you take one of each and try them. There are five brands here that have nougat," You responded and started picking them out and placing then in his hand.

The guy smiled happily, "Thank you, you're awfully kind." You forced a smile on your face in return, "Glad to be of service."

Once you gave him all the chocolate nougat variety, you stepped to the counter, but the guy continued to stand there staring at the chocolate with a frown.

You paid for your items then started to walk out but looked back to find him still there. You went to him asking, "What's wrong? You need to pay for those now."

"I don't have any money," He said sadly and you sighed. You didn't feel like leaving him alone, completely disheartened, for some reason.

"Alright come on, I'll help," You told and he followed you to the counter, "He's with me." The cashier nodded slightly and put the chocolates in a bag.

"Here," You have the guy the bag after paying then walked towards the exit, "Enjoy your quest to find the best nougat bar."

You went over to your car but heard the guy call out, "Hey wait!" You turned around and stopped. The guy approached you, breathlessly, "Where are you going?"

"Uh... I've got work to do? I'm going to the next town," You told, a little weirded out by his interest you, "Don't tell me you need a ride somewhere?"

He furrowed his brows abd tulted his head, "What's a ride?"

You sort of ignored his question, you couldn't comprehend the way he acted.

"I'm sorry but I have to go. I hope you enjoy the chocolate," You said, "I'm [y/n], what's your name?"

"Um, Jack."

You froze. It couldn't really be him right?

Along the road you had found a spell that can show the caster if a Nephilim is in proximity.

You changed it under your breath, your heart racing in your chest.

"What's going on-"

Jack held his head, groaning in pain then he looked straight into your eyes... His eyes were glowing golden and you knew that the spell worked.

"What did you do to me?!" He grunted and you started backing away. You took out your Angel blade from your jacket's inner pocket and held the tip to his neck.

"Back away from me Jack!" You shouted at him then touched his head, teleporting both of you to a back alley close to the gas station.


You pinned him to a wall, holding his arms down with the blade to his neck. "Y-You're an-"

"You took everything away from me! Because of you my parents are dead, they didn't deserve to die they were good people!" You yelled, "I have Angels on my ass trying to kill me all because of you! I'm going to finish you off so that I can live the life I've always wanted."

You started to cut his neck with the blade but his eyes glowed golden again and he pushed you back with force. He raised his hand in front of him and looked at you with rage.

"I haven't done anything wrong! You're an angel, you're trying to kill me!" He exclaimed and you clenched your fists.

He slowly closed his hand and all of a sudden you felt like your insides were tying up into a knot. You dropped the blade and fell to the ground, gasping for air.

"J-Jack... I'm not... an A-Angel!" You said with difficulty, "I'm a Nephilim like you please!"

He cenched his fists a biy harder and you cried in agony. He didn't mean to hurt you but you had terrified him and did try to kill him.

"Jack PLEASE!"

Your eyes glowed a little gold and the pain stopped. He opened his hand and rushed to you, while you gasped for air.

"Oh I'm so sorry [y/n], I just-I'm sorry I didn't mean to hurt you but I got angry and scared and I caused you pain," He said in one go while helping you up. You grabbed your Angel blade and held it close to you just in case.

"I still don't trust you Ja-"

"Abominations, your time has come to a full stop!"

You looked at the opening of the alley and saw a man standing with a blade in his hand. You gripped yours tightly and Jack watched with slight puzzlement.

The man stepped closer, you couldn't believe your eyes. "Brandon?! What the-"

"I'm s-sorry [y/n] but you and Jack here are creations from the d-dark side and I'm h-here to end it," He said and you noticed that his hand was shivering.

"Brandon, please we can sort this out. This does not have to end with a-"

He ran to you and pushed you to the wall, his blade's tip poking your stomach, ready to stab you any moment. It would surely kill you.

"Brandon! Why are you doing this?! I thought we were friends!" You yelled in fright and he frowned. "I don't have a ch-choice [y/n]! They made me-"

"Leave [y/n] ALONE!"

Jack raised his arm out and used his powers to make Brandon drop his blade. "Who's told you to do this?" You questioned.

"The Angels, they-"


And he disappeared into a sparkle of dust and you widened your eyes. What the hell happened?!

"What's going on? Who-"

"Jack Kline and [y/n] [y/l/n]," A voice echoed in your head, "You're coming with us."


There was a loud screeching sound banging around your head. You held your head with your hands and screamed in pain, it was enough to kill you.

You glanced to Jack with the little bit that your eyes were capable of opening and saw him in the exactly same state as you.


You fell to the ground, your vision blurry from the searing headache. "J-Jack... What..."

Three fuzzy figures in coats approached you, placing a hand on your head and a bright white light filled your field of vision.

Just like it did when the Angels had come to kill your mother and father.

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