Never Say Never

By -SimplyyBri

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Once in you lifetime you will do something you'd never think you'd do before! Never say never More

Never Say Never
My Nigga
Love the way you lie
Love the Way you lie Part 2
Life Ain't Easy
Nova :)
Was it ment to be?
Not what it seems
Show love
What is life?
Bad luck!
Knew It
Wish granted?
See What's up
Steady running
Isn't Safety Important to you
Moving on
Seeing Double
How long will it last
We doing this now.?
It is what it is
I got you
Heartless Nigga
The Return Of The Exes
Prank Master.
Blue Or Pink
Teach Me
Don't Get It
Through Sickness and health
Guess Who
Back So Soon
Welcome back
Surprise, Surprise
She's Ready
Make Up
A Sign
I need Understanding.
You Chose
One love
Changed Man
Good things comes to an End
Party Foul
Complete me please.?
Unconditionally Yours

Falling Apart

2.1K 100 16
By -SimplyyBri

Nova POV

As I jogged around the track, someone came up on the side of me. I was one of the last people to start, so I expected everyone to be finished by now.

"Hey sexy."

My head quickly turned to my right to see Ethan beside me. I rolled my eyes then looked straight forward. Between Leek constantly flirting with these bitches at this school and Ethan bothering me, I can't have no fucking peace at this school for the past few days. I didn't even realize he had gym the same period as me. He must be in the weight training class or something. That would explain how he finds me at my locker after gym everyday though. I really need to start paying more attention to my surroundings.

"Why are you so uptight babe?"

"Why can't you take the hint that you need to leave me alone, dumb ass. Quit calling me that, I told you we've been over with. You never loved me or cared about me. You cheated on me and left me lonely far too many times."

We just kept on jogging for a few seconds in silence before he decided to speak again.

"I'll give you a deal. With this next coming up lap, if you beat me, I'll leave you alone for good."

With the little petty threat he said the other day, I highly doubt I'll be left alone by his obnoxious ass. He would not give up so easily. Only reason I'll do it is because I know I need the exercise.

"Whatever. Are we gonna stop and then start or are we gonna just keep going?"

"Let's stop."

We got to the start of the track then stopped. He needed to take a break, but I was ready to go.

When we were about to go, we were stopped by one of the coaches. I didn't even realize that pretty much everyone was watching us. I don't know why though, it's not abnormal for two students to lag behind everybody else. Usually it's the two plus sized beauties in the class but not today.

"What are you two doing?" He asked with a smile on his face. My coach, the female coach, also made her way over to us.

"We made a bet Coach Bell and Coach Turner. Whoever gets back her the quickest gets to kiss the other one." Ethan said as he licked his lips.

I started fidgeting with my fingers and biting the inside of my jaw to trying my best to contain my my anger. I'm not trying to get written up for profanity or for beating a dude's ass. He stupid though. He'll never kiss my lips again. Not if I got anything to say about it! Ugh he disgusts me so much.

"That's not what the bet is about."

"Oh, sure it isn't." Coach Bell said as she laughed.

"Alright well let's get this unofficial race started." Coach Turner said. We both got in position. He was all on the ground and shit but I was just standing there. "On your mark, get set, go!"

Before he got the 'go' out, Ethan had already took off. I hurriedly started running after him. He had gotten halfway down the track when I started to panic. I started swinging my arms and stepping faster and faster. Before I knew it, I passed him!

I started jumping up and down and cheering with the others as soon as I made it to the finish line. Muthafucka tried to cheat and I still won.

"Crawford I have never seen such a comeback like that before! Why haven't you been on my track team these past four years?!" Coach Bell asked.

I shrugged my shoulders, not sure how to answer that politely. Apparently I wasn't interested. That's why.

Ethan came running over towards me with a frown on his face. "Best two out of three?" He asked, trying to catch his breath. As skinny as he is, he out here wheezing like he just ran a 25k or some shit.

"Man whatever." I said wiping sweat off of my forehead.

"Alright come on."

This time Coach Bell did it. "On your mark, get set, go!"

Soon time she said go, I was gone. Even though I was a little tired, I managed to keep a good pace. I got around a curve in the track and I noticed that Ethan was nowhere near me. Just to be a cocky bitch, my running turned into straight up walking... and I still beat him!

"Best... umm... th... three... out... of... of... five?" He asked damn near out of breath.

"Nah. Leave me the fuck alone."

I then walked away from him. I went back into the building to get some water, freshen up, and change my clothes. I kept it simple clothing wise. I put on a dark blue tank top, some black pants, a gray cardigan, and for shoes I just had to put on my sparkly silver red bottom heels. Accessories such as shoes are an easy way to dress up a simple outfit.


After the last bell rung, I walked out the classroom and made my way over to my locker. I put my books away that I didn't need then I stood there with my back against the lockers, waiting on Asia and my big ol pain in the crack of the ass.

"Hey what's good Nova?"

An eyebrow raised as I looked to the side to see a nigga I haven't seen in a while. Seem like he just disappeared after all that drama shit that he started.

"Whatchu want?" I asked as I folded my arms over my chest. He licked his lips at me and smirk.

"You lookin good today."

"Shit I know! Look Devin whatever whatever, if you think you bout to run game on me then you may as well shut that shit down like an electronic. Even if you wasn't Asia's ex I still wouldn't fuck witcha bruh. I would NEVER, EVER be that damn desperate." I said looking him up and down in disgust.

"Fuck yo nigga. He ain't good as me."

"You right. He ain't as good as you because you ain't shit. Everyone gotchu beat bruh. Get out my face."

He tried getting close to me, but as always when someone I don't like come to close, I pushed him away from me.

"Aye Desmond, what the fuck you talkin to my girl for?" Leek asked coming over to me and putting his arm around my shoulders.

Oh, he wants to call me his girl now, but he don't be thinking about me when he be all up on other bitches. Whatever, I'm glad he got to see that though so his ass know that I'm true to him and only him. I've turned down many guys because I didn't want them, but I actually do want Leek, but the nigga trippin.

"Nova, you with this clown ass nigga. You can do so much better, like with me."

Leek was about to say something but I cut him off. "Today must be opposite day for you or some shit?" I moved Leek's arm off me then stepped to Devin with my fist balled up. "See what you gon do is take yo muthafuckin ass on somewhere because you a dirty, grimy snake nigga that won't get no love round this way. First you take advantage of my bestfriend and then you call yourself trying to come on to me? Oh please. Get yo life together bruh, cause this ain't where it's at fa you."

"You know all that attitude turn me on, right?"

"AYE MUTHAFUCKA!" Leek pulled me away from Devin then he cocked back and knocked the shit out of him.

I took a step back and bumped into somebody. I turned around to see Asia standing there with Khali behind her. She had tears on her face, which makes me wonder how much of that she actually got to see.

"Let me get this nigga before he talk ol dude out." Khali said as he walked around us.

"Asia! I'm sorry I didn't...."

She pulled me into a tight hug. "You are the best friend a person could ever ask for! I was about to approach you but I saw him in your face. At first I was a little worried but you didn't do anything to hurt me."

"Hold. The. Fuck. Up!" I said as I pulled away from the hug. "So what you basically just said is that you thought I was gonna do something with your ex?! Yo that's mad fucked up Asia. I ain't never really even liked him, and I sure hell don't like him after what he did to you, so why would I even feed into his bullshit?"

I'm fed up with people questioning my loyalty. Especially Asia. We've been friends way too long for me to do something dumb and careless to end it.

"Why you so defensive though?" She asked folding her arms across her chest.

"I'm just surprised you'd think something like that of me." I said with my voice cracking.

She didn't say anything and neither did I. I turned and walked away from them. I went to the student parking lot and waited beside Leek's car.

Tears blurred my vision so I put my hands over my face and turned towards the car. I don't want these bitches walking by to see me crying.

I am so tired of all of the tears and all the hurt in my life! I'm sick of all of this crying. I used to be a strong person but I just don't know what yo do with myself anymore.

"Don't cry lil mama." I heard Leek's voice in my ear and I felt his arm around me.

"Why should you even care?! You don't! Go talk to one of the bitches who jumped me. Make friends with someone who put their hands on someone you claim to like and care for!"

"But... I don't like you..."

I turned around ready to give him hell, but he grabbed my forearms and cut me off.

"Let me rephrase that. I don't like you Nova, I adore you. I admire you. I feel like I truly love you."

"No hell you don't! Quit trying to fill my head with lies Leek!" I said with tears coming out my eyes.

"I'm sorry Nova. I really am. I do love you though. I got mad love for you. You the only one I see myself being with. I swear to you and I promise you that I would never do anything with those females but talk to them. I'm gonna have female friends Nova."

"I understand that but you don't understand me! I don't mean to sound petty and spiteful, but those females put their hands on me. They hurt me.... But fuck it. Things barely go right in my life, so why should I care? Let's just go get Tommy and let's go home."

He leaned in and kissed me on my lips. Not a normal kiss either, a long, passionate kiss. He gently wiped my tears as they fell down my face. Ugh, he has the ability to make me so vulnerable, how does he does it.

"You can get how mad you want to at me shawty, but just know I'ma be here for you for the rest of our lives."

He opened the door for me and I got in. He shut the door then got in and we left the school.






7 comments for next chapter..

Thanks  Babes.

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