Black Panther Anthology

By baldheadeddemon

576K 14.8K 3.1K


Priestess (Erik Killmonger)
High Priestess (Erik Killmonger)
Iced Coffee (Erik Killmonger)
Jaguar & Panther (Erik Killmonger & T'Challa)
Cuddle Buddies (M'Baku & Erik Killmonger)
Black Ops (W'Kabi, M'Baku, & Erik Killmonger)
My Black Op (W'Kabi, M'Baku, & Erik Killmonger)
Blow Up (Erik Killmonger)
Give it a Try (M'Baku & Xoliswa)
Jaguars & Gorillas (Erik Killmonger)
Ignite (Erik Killmonger)
Marry You (T'Challa)
The School Sweetheart & The Star Quarterback (Erik Killmonger)
A Gift from the Gods (Erik Killmonger)
Stay (M'Baku)
Court You (M'Baku)
Poly (Erik Killmonger, T'Challa, M'Baku)
Good Job (Erik Killmonger)
Marry You (Erik Killmonger)
See You (M'Baku)
My Queen (Erik Killmonger)
My King (Erik Killmonger)
Gentle (M'Baku)
Your MVP (Erik Killmonger)
Little Ones (Erik Killmonger & T'Challa)
My Idiot (M'Baku)
Dream Girl (Erik Killmonger)
My Love, My Warrior (Okoye)
Good Times (Chadwick Boseman & Michael B. Jordan)
Kitten of Mine (Erik Killmonger)
Alluring (Erik Killmonger)
Marry You (Michael B. Jordan)
Focus (Ulysses Klaue)
Shy Love (Erik Killmonger)
Egypt (T'Challa)
Husband and Kids (Ulysses Klaue)
Cloud (M'Baku)
Storm (M'Baku)
Author Note
The Scientist (M'Baku)
Family Wanted (T'Challa)
Forget it (Erik Killmonger)
Remember (Erik Killmonger)
Death of Me (Ulysses Klaue)
Our Mate and Alpha (T'Challa & M'Baku)
Soulmate (Erik Killmonger & T'Challa)
Devil's Daughter (T'Challa)
Young & In Love (Shuri)
Meet you (Okoye)
Happy Omega (M'Baku & T'Challa)
Family (Erik Killmonger)
Chieftess (M'Baku)
Isis & Osiris (Erik Killmonger)
Baba Gorilla (M'Baku)
For the World (Erik Killmonger)
Find You (Shuri)
Smash (Erik Killmonger)
Rebuild (Erik Killmonger & T'Challa)
Baba (Erik Killmonger)
Author Note
Protect You (Erik Killmonger & T'Challa)
Sunrise (T'Challa)
The Sun, The Moon, and The Stars (Erik Killmonger & M'Baku)
Yield (Erik Killmonger)
Surrender (Erik Killmonger)
Author's Note
Tulips and Strawberries (Chadwick Boseman)
Warrior (M'Baku)
Gay (M'Baku)
Momma Lion (M'Baku)
Twitter (Michael B. Jordan)
Two Cats (Erik Killmonger & T'Challa)
Spoiled Brat (Winston Duke)
Killmonger (Michael B. Jordan)
Author Note
What that Mouth do? (T'Challa)
Demon & Angels (Michael B. Jordan)
Demons (T'Challa)
Feelings (Erik Killmonger)
The Scientist & The Jabari (Shuri)
War Dog (T'Challa)
Clap Yo' Cheeks (Erik Killmonger)
Naye (Erik Killmonger)
Sorry (Daniel Kaluuya)
General (Erik Killmonger)
Heal (M'Baku)
Love For You (Erik Killmonger)
Mine (T'Challa)
Swoon (Erik Killmonger & T'Challa)
Used To (Erik Killmonger & T'Challa)
Lioness (T'Challa & Erik Killmonger)
Private (Erik Killmonger & M'Baku)
Lions, Panthers, and Jaguars (Erik Killmonger & T'Challa)
Warm Arms (Chadwick Boseman & Michael B. Jordan)
Wifey (Erik Killmonger)
Combine (T'Challa)
Pray (M'Baku & Erik Killmonger)
Second Chance (M'Baku)
Summertime Boo (Chadwick Boseman)
Chieftess & Chief (M'Baku)
Husband & Wife (T'Challa)
Silence (Erik Killmonger)
Mon Roi (Erik Killmonger)
Braids (Erik Killmonger)
Locs (Erik Killmonger)
Viper (Okoye)
Thunderstorms (Michael B. Jordan)
Master (Erik Killmonger)
Preggo (Erik Killmonger, T'Challa, & M'Baku)
Author's Note
Mistress (M'Baku & Erik Killmonger)
Kitten & Ape (Erik Killmonger & M'Baku)
Arranged (M'Baku)
Marriage (M'Baku)
Smoke (T'Challa)
Run (Erik Killmonger & T'Challa)
Walk (T'Challa & Erik Killmonger)
Cats (Erik Killmonger & T'Challa)
Moments (Erik Killmonger, T'Challa, and M'Baku)
Husband (Michael B. Jordan)
Heartbeat (Chadwick Boseman)
Good Life (Chadwick Boseman)
Content (Erik Killmonger)
Insecure (Michael B. Jordan)
Move On (Chadwick Boseman)
Professor (Ulysses Klaue)
Student (Ulysses Klaue)
Lost (W'Kabi)
College (M'Baku & Ulysses Klaue)
Teddy (M'Baku)
Found (M'Baku)
Baba & Momma (Erik Killmonger)
Kisses & Fros (Winston Duke)
Court (M'Baku & T'Challa)
Unexpected (Okoye)
Family (Michael B. Jordan & Winston Duke)
Home (Winston Duke & Michael B. Jordan)
Handful (T'Challa, N'Jadaka, & Steve Rogers)
Little Prince (Erik Killmonger & T'Challa)
Baby Love (Erik Killmonger, M'Baku, and T'Challa)
Author's Note

Mama (Erik Killmonger)

5.7K 123 13
By baldheadeddemon

Alternate Universe where Erik is a kid and grows up in Wakanda (his pops still dead tho)
The only person Erik likes in wakanda is the woman who adopted him. You are a close friend of Zuri and T'Chaka, serving as the high priestess for the Sekhmet temple.

(Umama is mom in Xhosa)

You smile at hearing Erik and turn, catching him in a hug. Erik loves your hugs. They feel safe, warm, and he feels like nothing could ever hurt him.

"Little Jaguar. What brings you running?"

Erik loves his nickname as well. You don't call him by his Wakandan name (unless he's in big trouble) and Erik is only used when around those who don't him.

"I found something! Come! Please?"

He looks at you with those deep honey brown eyes and you relent. Zuri chuckles as he tags along, curious as to what Erik found.

You all go to the garden where Erik walks over to a bush. He gently removes some branches to reveal a jaguar cub. You squat, gently picking the cat up who whines in pain. You see it has a cut on its leg.

"Oh, baby."

"Can you heal him Umama?"

Your hand glows green as you hover over the cut. Erik watches as you heal the cut and the cub moves it's leg, feeling no pain. It chirps loudly before licking your finger and then nuzzles Erik's jaw. Erik laughs as he hugs the cub.

"Can I keep him momma?"

"Her and I don't see why not."

Erik smiles as he hugs you before gently picking the cub up.

"Do you have a name?"


"Honey? It's a sweet name for a sweet cat to a sweet boy."

Erik beams as you kiss his forehead.

"I have to help Uncle Zuri with something. Be good!"

"Yes Umama!"

You and Zuri walk off, leaving Erik and Uju to play.
You are surprised when you see a crying Erik and instantly go into what Zuri calls "Lioness mode".

"Honey, what's wrong?"

"The king...he took Uju!"

Erik sobs in your arms and you growl. Zuri feels bad for T'Chaka: the man is dead. Zuri gently takes Erik who holds his hand while trying to wipe his tears.

You march into the throne room, the two following close behind. T'Chaka blinks in shock and Ramonda shakes her head.

"You took Uju?" You say calmly.

"Uju?" He says confused.

"Erik's Jaguar cub. The one he was playing with."

"I sent the cub back with the other big cats. It's a wild—"

"Do you ever think that maybe the jaguar picked Erik?! Or do you just do rash things!"

"Watch your tone!"

You growl and Erik is scared you'll lash out. He rushes over to you and hugs your waist.

"'s okay..."

You look down at your son and know he's only saying that because he hates seeing you upset. You huff before picking your son up and storming out. Zuri sighs.
You give T'Chaka and T'Challa blank looks before smiling at Ramonda and Zuri. The group has come over to your house. Erik is in his room, still upset over Uju but Scar, the black lion you adopted, comforts the young boy.

"Come in."

You enter and walk to Erik's room. You knock before entering.

"Hey, little jaguar."


He climbs into your arms and you rub his back.

"Feel any better?"

He nods and Scar chirps.

"Scar was nice?"

Scar makes an indignant sound making Erik giggle and you smile.

"Yes. Umama?"


"Can I show you something?"

"Of course."

You watch as he goes to his closet and opens the door. You blink as Uju appears.


"I don't know Umama but I opened the balcony's doors and I laid down and then I heard Scar chirp. And Uju was just there!"

You summon a collar and gently clip it around Uju's neck. You sync it to you and Erik's bracelets.

"Come, your uncles, aunt, and cousin are here."

Erik nods as he follows after you, Uju and Scar following as well.

Zuri smiles at Erik before laughing as he spots Uju.

"Little Jaguar has a Jaguar."

Erik beams at his uncle before hugging him.


He hugs Ramonda who smiles, ruffling the short dreads he has before kissing his cheek. He loves his aunt. She's like you but older and sneaks him sweets when she sees him.

Erik smiles at the coconut drop she gives him and begins to nibble on it. You smile at your son.


He huffs.

"But he took Uju!"

"Be polite," you say, rubbing his back.

"Hello King T'Chaka. Hello Prince T'Challa."

Zuri snorts. Erik has your pettiness. You swallow your laugh as you sit, patting the seat next to you. Erik buries himself in your side. He smiles as Uju lays next to him, head on his thigh. You smile at your son before talking to the other adults.
Ten Years Later

You look up at your 19 year old son and smile. Erik has grown into a tall, fit, handsome young man.

"Yes jaguar?"

"I'm not Little?" He says with a pout and you chuckle.

"Yes Little Jaguar?"

Erik smiles and hugs you. He kisses your cheek.

"Can I do the training to become the Black Panther?"

"What did T'Chaka say?"

"I didn't ask him."

"Ask him first."


"Erik I can give you my blessing but if he doesn't agree: you can't do it.l

He huffs and you rub his cheek.

"Besides, why be a Black Panther when you can be the golden jaguar?"

Erik looks at you and you motion for him to follow you. You do a spell and reveal a door way to a secret room. Erik follows. On the walls are paintings of jaguars and lions. The lions are black and the jaguars are gold.


"Sekhmet is more than just a lioness. She is a jaguar as well. She is the protector of Bast, the Black Panther. She isn't meant to be perfect but meant to protect where Bast can't."

You pick up a necklace sitting around a jaguar statue's neck. Erik noticed the pitch black berries growing in two floating beds.

"The training is harder than the one of the Black Panther and the people who will train you are from the lost tribe."

"The jaguars..."


Erik looks at you in the dimly lit room.

"Ma...I want...I want to do it. I want to become the golden jaguar."

You smile.

"And so you shall. Come."

Erik follows after you, excited and determined.
Ten years later
Erik thanks Shuri for the necklace and puts it on. It has jaguar claws in it and it's gold and black. He returns to you and sees you are eyeing T'Challa and T'Chaka.


"Yes little jaguar?"

He rest his head on your shoulder, kissing your cheek as you look at the two men.

"Are they bothering you?"

"No Erik. They are just about to let us go."

T'Challa sees the necklace and gasps.


Erik smirks and you turn.

"I didn't want him taking the beloved Black Panther title from your son. Besides, Erik is better off as a jaguar."

Erik beams with pride at your praise and smirks at his uncle and cousin.

"Come Erik. The elder wants to see you."

Erik shoots T'Challa one last smirk before following after you.
When T'Chaka dies, you find your house as a point for the royal family. T'Challa cries in your arms the first day he comes back.

Erik feels bad for his cousin and invites him to spar in the backyard or to spend time with him. Today, they are sparring in the back. You watch as the two fight and smile.

"Boys! Dinner!"

They stop and run inside.

"Go wash up."

They obey before returning to the dining room. You made roti with various fillings and allowed the boys to pick how they want to fill their roti.


"Yes T'Challa?"

"Do you think I'll make a good king?"

You look at T'Challa as Erik sips his drink.

"Yes. You will be a good king."

"Surprised you didn't say my baba would be proud."

"No need to tell you what you already know."

T'Challa smiles and Erik grins.
You blink as you see your son standing over you.

"Come here."

He gives a small smile as he climbs into bed with you and cuddles with you as he used to as a child.


"Yeah. It was baba death."

You rub his back and he yawns as he breathes in the smell of vanilla and cinnamon. You always smelled like that.


"Yes N'Jadaka?"

Your voice is heavy with sleep.

"I don't tell you this enough but...I love you."

You smile at him, kissing his forehead.

"I love you, too little jaguar."

Erik smiles at the nickname. He had sweet dreams for the rest of the night.

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