Crowned By The Devil - BOOK 3...

By EmotionalPerson01

242K 11.8K 1.3K

Book 1 - Saved By The Devil ✅ Book 2 - Return Of The Devil ✅ Book 3 - Crowned By The Devil ✅ Book 4 - War Wit... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38 (Rewrite starts here)
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
BOOK 4 Cover read!!!(CLOSED)
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 55
Chapter 56

Chapter 54

2.9K 169 13
By EmotionalPerson01

Song: Life Of Dillon - Overload (The Chainsmokers Remix)

I used my senses to find out the whole first floor was now clear but there was movement upstairs. I quickly walked down the hallway before going up the stairs. I turned the corner only to be pulled into a room. "You're just full of surprises, aren't you?" Leo spoke as he was sitting by an office desk. I looked around the room to see about 20 more guys standing around.

I heard screams behind me and turned to see Leo's guys holding the girls at gun points.

"Mind telling me how you managed to escape and kill everyone?" his eyebrow rose.

I sent a glare, "Everyone isn't dead yet," I hissed only for him to chuckle.

I focused my powers and formed a force field around the girls. I closed my eyes and focused.

"Are you praying to God?" Leo laughed.

I opened my eyes and stared at him with a smirk and my eyes blackened causing his laugh to drop as his face turned pale. "Quite the opposite," I stated before turning around and ripping the guy's heart out. A bunch of gunshots went off and I held my hand up causing the bullets to drop to the floor.

A hand grabbed my wrist from behind and I turned around before breaking the guys arm then neck. I soon quickly froze the room over and used my powers to ripped everyone's heart out. I felt something stab me in the back and I let out a hiss of anger rather than pain. I reached for the knife and pulled it out before turning around and slicing his throat. Another hand grabbed me and I took the knife and jabbed it into the guy's head.

My body was then tackled to the floor and I quickly kicked the guy before wrapping my legs around his neck putting him in a choke hold. From the corner of my eye, I could see another guy charging at me with a knife. I broke the guy's neck with my leg and quickly got up before dodging the knife and bending the guy's hand only for him to stab himself. Some guys then popped a grenade before throwing it to the girls. I quickly used my powers to make it fly towards me. I held it in my hand and froze the grenade over before it could explode.

Tackled from behind again, I kicked behind me before giving the guy a hard headbutt before eblowing him. I quickly twisted his head and after some time, I watched as the room was now clear. The only person left was Leo who was standing by his desk in shock.

"So," as I walked over to the front of his desk. He took a seat in his chair to which I took a seat in the chair in front him. He placed his hands under the desk where I couldn't see.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you," I chirped staring where his hands should be.

"Not going to do anything," he slowly raised his hand in surrender before placing it on the desk. "Accepting defeat?" I questioned.

He let out a sigh, "Unfortunately," he replied.

I leaned back in my chair, "Bummer. Thought you would be a bit more challenging," I spoke a bit disappointed.

He shook his head, "It's obvious to see when I am beaten," he mumbled looking around the room. I did as well and saw blood just covering the floor with bodies upon bodies. I saw the girls standing next to the door still in shock.

I heard a clip and turned to see Leo pointing a gun at me. He then lowered his hand and placed the gun on the table before sliding it towards me.

"Take your shot," he gestured to the gun. I stared at it then back at him. "No," I replied.

"No?" he questioned.

"Tell me why I should kill you?" I asked.

"Because I deserve it," he bluntly replied.

I stood up from my chair and walked around the desk before looking at the shelf behind him which had books and some pictures. "You see," I trailed off as I looked at the books that was on the shelf, "I thought the same exact thing. Then I thought that would be the easy way out for you but then again, Hell may be different considering what you did to me," I chuckled knowing Lucifer would make a personalize Hell for Leo.

"What do you mean?" he asked turning to look at me.

"Nothing. Why did you give up so easily. It wasn't like this the last time," I recalled.

"Because the last time, I didn't know you had powers and turn your eyes black into this ... whatever you call it," he shouted.

"Demon. It's call demon. I bet you didn't know Dee was one as well," I stated.

His eyes widened, "You've got to be fucking kidding me!"

"Nope. Anyways, it was fun knowing you the first time but now that I see what you do, it's disgusting," I stated. His eyebrow rose, "More than this," he gestured to the room to which I nodded.

"Just kill him already!" one of the girl's shouted. I turned around and glare to see it was Jada. "Shut the fuck up," I hissed at her causing her to roll her eyes.

My senses heightened and I heard footsteps coming from downstairs. I turned to Leo to see him with a smirk on his face as he knew I heard the footsteps. I grabbed the gun and empty the clip on the desk. I grabbed the bullets in my hand and walked around to Leo's side before feeling under the desk.

I let out a groan as there was a button under the desk which he had pushed earlier. "Get up," I barked at him before yanking him out his seat. I used my powers to slam the door shut and barricade it with the desk. I motioned for the girls to come over to where I was standing.

"You shouldn't have done that," I hissed at Leo as I stood behind him holding the back of his shirt. He shrugged, "If I'm going out like this, might as well go out with a bang," he chuckled as there were now banging coming from the door across the room. I looked around the room and saw a windows. It was two high for the girls to jump out of.

"Stuck are we?" Leo snickered.

I looked at the wall behind me and knew I had to blow it open. From across the room, I could hear a beeping echoing. They were going to blow the door open. Timing it, as soon as the door blew open, I used my powers to blow open the wall behind us. A bunch of men came into the room from the blowing doorway aiming their gun at us.

"Fire," Leo ordered them not caring he would die in the process. The guys fired and I put up a shield in the middle of the room causing the bullets to hit an invisible barrier. I waved my pointing finger and middle finger in the air causing a thick ice wall to form in the middle of the room. Leo's guys then started to fire again but the ice wall was too thick for the bullets to pass through.

I turned around and shoved Leo into the other room to see it was leading to another bunch of stairs. I gestured for the girls to walk in front as I watched behind us. As we made it up the stairs, I put up another wall before we went up another stairs and through a door to see we were now on the roof.

"Get to the helicopter," I order them with Leo still in my grasp. "I'm not going to fly that helicopter for us," Leo stated as we were getting in. "Like if I need your help," I scoffed as I shoved him into one of the driver's side whilst I hopped into the other driver's seat. The girls got into the back and I flipped on a few switch causing the chopper to turn on.

"Sky!" Rocky shouted. I looked to see the guys were now on the roof aiming for the helicopter. I threw the bullets out my window that I held in my hand and focused my powers. The bullets all flew around taking out all of the guys before they could pull the trigger.

I pulled up on the lever causing the helicopter to hover off the ground. I pushed forward and flew towards the direction of the Sun. Looking over, I saw a pair of handcuffs on the floor. "Julie, cuff him," I ordered her. She quickly grabbed the cuffs and cuffed Leo's hands together only for him to laugh.

"I still don't understand why you're keeping me alive," he stated.

"Because you're most wanted and the organization would be pleased to put you in their own personal prison," I replied.

About 20 minutes went by with silence and I turned to check on the girls to see they were staring out the window. I looked back to Leo to see he has a smirk on his face. "What?" I questioned.

He shook his head and my senses heightened. I could hear something soaring through the sky. I looked out the window to see a few helicopters behind us along with a jet. "You're one tough mother fucker," I hissed at Leo who shrugged. "You wanted a challenge," he smirked.

A missile soon came from one of the helicopter and I focus my power causing it to turn back around and destroy the helicopter. Soon, a machine gun started to fire at the plane. Looking around, I saw we were above the water. Focusing my powers, the sky quickly turned gray and twisters were forming ahead of us. It picked up speed as it was now spinning violently as it took place in the sky and in the ocean.

Something lased around my neck causing me to gasp for air and lose control of the helicopter as it was now spinning out of control. "You're gonna fucking die," Leo hissed as he wrapped his hand around my neck. I used my strength to punch him in the face but he just tightened his grip.

Using my power, I blew open his door causing him to lean half way out the door but he didn't loosen his grasp on me. I looked out the window and saw we were going to crash into the water. I focused again and used ever ounce of power in me to fly the plane automatically.

"Fucking die already," Leo shouted.

I let out a growl as I flipped over him so I was now outside the plane choking him now. I punched him a couple times before kicking him over into my seat before getting back into the plane. I looked ahead to see the twister was about to swallow us. I parted the twister and quickly flew us threw before blocking behind us.

I looked behind and let out a heavy sigh as we were no longer behind followed. After a few seconds, I heard something soaring and looked to see a jet was still flying and now a missile was coming towards us. "Get out the plane," I ordered everyone. They all gave me 'Are-you-kidding-me' look.

"Get out! You'll be fine!" I growled. The girls all jumped out the plane and I looked at Leo who just sat in his seat like a stubborn prick. I let out an annoyed groan and kicked him out the plane before jumping out myself just before the plane blew up. As I was falling, I looked to the jet and aimed my finger at it in a gun motion before pulling the trigger causing it to blow up.

Looking down, I saw the girls falling towards the ocean. I dived through the air towards them and grabbed Rocky and Francis before focusing. I slowed down our speed and teleported us into the mansion.

"Sky!" I heard my name behind yelled. I looked around to see the lobby was full of my guys, Henry and his guys along with Lucifer. They rushed towards me and the girls but I teleported back only to find myself falling again. I looked around and saw Julie and Ginger next to me. I grabbed them, slowed my speed before teleporting them into the lobby. I flashed back, grabbed Jada and teleported back.

Looking around, I saw Leo dropping closer to the ocean. I flew towards him and grabbed him only for him to punch me. He had pick the cuffs. He was now on top of me in midair landing punches down on me. I kicked him off me so now I saw the one on top of him. I flipped him over and sat on his back whilst holding both his arms behind his back. I slowed us down and flashed us into the mansion so he was now face down into the floor. He pushed me off him and I quickly got up. He then looked around in shock before looking back at me. With one swift move, I punched him in the face causing me to break his nose. He clutched in with a groan of pain. I grabbed his shirt and shoved him towards Henry who just pushed him towards his guys who pat him down before cuffing him from head to toe.

"You okay?" Henry asked walking up to me. I nodded my head, "Just exhausted," I commented with a chuckle causing him to smile.

"Right well, you'll have plenty of time to rest now. Thank you for protecting them," he motioned to the girls that was standing behind me. I nodded, "A deal is a deal. By the why Rena is died," I stated.

His eyes turned cold, "Good for that bitch," he scoffed before walking out the door with his guys and Leo. I looked around to see the guys all smiling at me. My eyes then stopped on Spencer who looked a bit shock. I looked down to see I was covered in blood.

"Thanks for your help," I thanked him.

He nodded his head with a smile, "Of course," he replied.

"A deal is a deal like I said so I will get you your sister," I smiled at him. He thanked me and I nodded.

I looked over to Lucifer who had a smirk on his face as he was looking at me. "What?" I grinned.

He shook his head as he walked up to me, "My Princessa is a badass," he smirked reaching out to me. I stepped back a bit, "I'm covered in blood," I informed him not wanting to mess up his clothes. He picked me up in his arms and planted a kiss on my lips. "Don't care," he replied before planting another kiss on my lips.

I wrapped my hands around his neck and stayed like this for a moment. After a few seconds, he then placed me down and I looked around to see Dee was here. He shot me a smile to which I smiled back. "Thank you as well," I thanked him.

"Never a problem. Just glad you were able to get out," he replied.

I turned to look at the girls who just stood there quiet. I looked over to Jada who had her arms folded across her chest. "Even after everything, you still have a bitchy attitude," I scoffed in disgust.

She rolled her eyes, "We could of handled ourselves without you," she hissed.

I nodded, "Right. Well, since you want to whip me and jump me, let's go," I challenged.

She stared at me before laughing, "You're gonna use your powers to -"

"I'm not no bitch. I could take you all on with powers. I don't fucking need them to whop y'alls asses," I hissed before walking up to them. 

They got into defense mode and within a second, I launched my self onto Ginger before tackling her to the ground. I punched her in the face before punching her in the ribs causing her to scream out in pain. I saw a foot coming into contact with my face and I quickly rolled of Ginger causing Julie to miss. I quickly grabbed her leg and twisted it causing her to also scream out in pain. Rocky when to grab me but I grabbed her hand and stood up to flip her over causing her to slam on the floor. 

Francis grabbed me from behind and I headbutt her with the back of my head before elbowing her. Her grip loosened and I gave her an uppercut for landing a punch in her face then stomach. A hand grabbed my foot and I looked to see it was Rocky. From the corner of my eyes, I saw Jada's fist coming to my face. I dodged the punch and twisted her aim before pushing her back. I quickly turned around and kick Rocky square in the face causing her to knock out due to impact.

Before Jada could punch me again, I tackled her to the floor and started to land hard punches down to her face. She put up defense but it started to get weaker as it was becoming to much for her. I stopped punching and looked down at her now bloody face. "The next time you try to jump someone or bully them, just remember the ass whopping you and your friends got. Here's so you never touch someone again and for a reminder," I hissed before snapping her hand. She let out a piercing scream and I got off her as she was now crying as she clutched her broken arm. I looked around the room to see the guys showing no sympathy towards the girls.

"Well, this was fun," Gabe commented to which some of the guys nodded.

"Shall we go home now?" Lucifer spoke next to me.

I looked up at him with a smile, "Yes, we shall," I replied.

He picked me up bridal style and I laid my head on his shoulder before closing my eyes. "Have I ever told you how fucking amazing you are?" he asked.

I let out a chuckle, "You do."

"You'll make a badass wife and Queen someday," he growled in a playful voice. I opened my eyes and looked at him to see him smirking. "I could fuck the shit out of you right now," I mumbled causing him to chuckle.

His smirk grew even more as he looked straight ahead, "Be careful what you wish for," he whispered into my ear.  

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