Crowned By The Devil - BOOK 3...

By EmotionalPerson01

242K 11.8K 1.3K

Book 1 - Saved By The Devil ✅ Book 2 - Return Of The Devil ✅ Book 3 - Crowned By The Devil ✅ Book 4 - War Wit... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38 (Rewrite starts here)
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
BOOK 4 Cover read!!!(CLOSED)
Chapter 50
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56

Chapter 51

2.8K 141 18
By EmotionalPerson01

Song: Bishop Briggs - Dream

Lucifer had now finished stitched me up and I was now saying goodbye to the guys again. "You know, we can drop the mission if -"

I shook my head, "No, it's alright," I insisted cutting James off. He gave me a hug before kissing my forehead. "Just be careful," he whispered. I nodded my head and looked over to Lucifer who was still anger at what these girls had done.

"Come on, cheer up," I poked his stomach but he didn't squirm. "How can I? Look at what they did to you," he shrieked.

I rolled my eyes and wrapped him in a hug. He stayed stiff for a moment before letting out a sigh as he hugged me. "Please don't let that happen again," he pleaded.

"Yeah, yeah," I replied as we pulled away from the hug. "We will train when you're better. Rest -"

"No, I'm good. We'll train tonight," I smiled. He opened his mouth to protest but I cut him off, "Please," I begged.

He let out another sigh and nodded. "Fine. I'll see you later then," he planted a kiss on my lips to which I returned. I flashed back into my room and let out a heavy sigh. Some part of me just wanted to die already but I can't just leave everyone here. I needed to finish this mission and make sure keep my family safe when this Hell war breaks loose.

I looked over at my phone to see the time was almost 9 in the evening already. I walked around my room and saw a trail of my blood had dried up on the floor. Rolling my eyes, I ripped my shirt off me and got into a clean shirt before throwing the old one in the trash. I walked into the bathroom and took a towel before soaking it. I looked around and grabbed the empty trash bin and filled it with water before starting to clean up the trail. When I finished my room, I made my way downstairs before cleaning up the rest of the trail. Laughter echoed through the house which came from the kitchen. I quickly cleaned up the blood before going back to my room.

I washed the towel and bin before placing it back along with throwing the towel in the trash. I got out my clothes and hopped in the shower. The water turned ice cold but it didn't bother me. I don't know if this was part of having ice powers but I was starting to like it. I let the ice cold water run down my back causing the pain to turn numb. I reached behind and touched my back trying to force my ice powers to numb my back even more. I found my back freezing over, radiating ice cold breeze.

After showering, I dried myself and hopped into some warm clothes. Regular shirt and jeans with a hoodie. A knock came at my door and I walked over to open it only to reveal Ginger. I rolled my eyes as she glared back at me. "What do you want?" I hissed.

"There's a guy downstairs asking for you," she hissed back as she walked away. I closed the door behind me and trailed behind her, down the stairs only to see it was Henry with a black duffel bag. He gave me a soft smile as I walked up to him. He dropped the bag and wrap me into a hug. I hissed a bit as his hand touched my back. He seemed to noticed because he pulled away with a sad smile.

"We need to talk," he spoke in a firm tone. I nodded my head, "Let's go to my room," I mumbled turning on my heels.

As I was heading back up the stairs, I saw some of the girls glaring at me and some in disgusted. I rolled my eyes and walked into my room. Henry walked in and closed the door behind him. He then walked over to the couch that was in the room and placed the bag on the table that was in front the couch.

"James called and told me what happened. I want you to drop the mission. It's not worth it," he spoke in a firm tone. I shook my head as I stood in front him. "No, I said I would do this and before you try to talk me out, I promised Spencer I would catch his boss and give him guardianship over his sister. If I don't do this I feel like I'm letting him down and her... and you," I added.

He shook his head and cupped my face, "Sweetheart, you can never let me down. You're like my daughter just as how the guys are my sons. You all are my children and I couldn't have been more proud and blessed to have you guys in my life. I love each and every one of you as my own. I'm not going to allow you to do something you don't want to do but I know you're going to be stubborn and not give up," he replied.

I nodded my head.

"I want to see your back," he ordered. I turned around and lifted up my shirt only for him to gasp. After a second, I pulled my shirt back down and turned to look at him. A frown was on his lips and his eyes were filled with sadness. "Skylar -"

"I know. Trust me, I've got it planned out. I feel like I'm getting closer to solving this. I know it sounds stupid but trust me, I know what I'm doing. Also, when I finish this mission, would you mind if I kick these girls asses?" I asked.

His eyes widened, "Hun, I would mind if you didn't kick their asses. I will look the other direction when you do it," he chuckled causing me to smile.

"You're the best," I commented.

He nodded, "I know. I also came to drop off some tech stuff," he stated opening the bag and placing the gadgets on the table.

"This," he held up a pair of contacts, "Is a camera. The newest edition to our gadgets. I gave the guys the connection chip which is connected to a software. Once they're online, they're able to see what you see. I suggest you try it out tonight to see how it works," he explained.

"This one is a tracker and a signal dispenser. If in danger, break of the top of the heart with your finger. It will notify the guys you're in trouble and it is also connected to the camera so once the piece is broke, the software will pop up for them. This bracelet had an extendable unbreakable wire inside. Simply just take it off your wrist and pull both ends apart," he demonstrated. "If you want, you can also just wrap the bracelet over your fingers to make a brass knuckle. This small chip is also the hearing piece that goes with software for the contact and ring. It's clear so it's barely noticeable when in your ear. I suggest also trying it out tonight. Once the ring is active, the hearing piece will also be active and the guys can communicate with you. Everything doesn't need to be charged. It works for as long as it is active on the software," he finished off.

I nodded my head in understand.

My phone rang and I pulled it out my pocket to see it was Ethan.

"Sup," I answered.

"So, after you left, we got to work and Spencer informed us that the guy in charge of this gang is located in Guatemala. From there, he send his guys to the U.S to work. His name is still unknown but I'll send you a picture. We're trying to run the sketch through the system but nothing is coming up," he informed me.

"Alright. Just call me when you get anything else. I'm with Henry right now," I stated.

"Okay and try out the stuff he give you. We'll do a test run."

"Will do. Chat with you later," I spoke before we hung up.

Henry chatted a bit more before I walked him down. I heard laughter echoing around the room and I looked to see the girls all dressed up. Henry and I said our goodbyes before he drove off. I turned to see the girls getting ready to leave.

"Where are you guys going?" I asked.

"Out to party. You're not invited," Jada hissed as she pushed passed me.

"I'll buy you guys all drinks. Whatever you want is on me," I informed them.

Jada stopped in her steps before turning on her heels to look at me, "Whatever we want you say?"

I nodded my head. This was just a bribe. I just needed to keep an eye on them.

"Hurry up," she hissed.

I nodded my head and ran inside before running up the stairs. I changed into a short dress and heels before putting on the bracelet, contacts and ring on. I picked up the earpiece and placed it on. I took out my phone and texted Ethan.

Me: Turn on the software on your side

A few seconds rolled by and a voice came through my ear.

"Can you hear me?" Ethan asked through the earpiece.

"Loud and clear," I replied.

"Great. The camera contacts is honestly really clear and HD," he acknowledged.

"Sweet. The girls are heading out so I said I would buy them drinks as a way of keeping an eye on them. I'm heading out now," I commented as I walked out my room and down the stairs. "Gotcha. I'll just be monitoring your visuals and hearing," he spoke.

"Sounds good," I replied before walking out the house. I walked over to the car and got into the back seat where I was next to Julie and Rocky.

Jada was in the driver's seat and pulled out the driveway before driving the opposite way of the Cloud 9, my club.

"Which club are we going to?" I asked over the music that was playing.

"Our favorite one. Your club is shitty," Francis hissed.

I resist the urge to roll my eyes. If it's so shitty, why is it ranked number 1 then, bitch?

After 40 minutes or so, we pulled up to this club. The outside was black with a pink neon sign above the building, XS Nightclub. We got out the car and I followed behind the girls.

"I've been to this club. It sucks ass," Ethan admitted into the earpiece. "Agreed," Randy was now speaking.

The bouncer greeted the girls and immediately let them in instead of waiting in line. He then looked over to me with a smirk on his face. It wasn't a lush smirk but more of a threat. We walked inside and the girls headed to the bar. As I made my way, I looked around to see the place itself didn't have much of a great vibe. It was a bit hot and you could smell the alcohol in the air as if it was a house party.

I paid for the girls drinks and all the bottles they wanted before running off to the VIP area. I followed behind and sat down in one of the seats. I looked around and saw there wasn't as much people as I had expected. The club looked like it could hold a couple hundred but instead, it was less than a hundred people. Something was wrong.

"So who suggested this club to you?" I asked over the loud music.

"Rena," Jada mumbled before chugging a drink.

"Although this is a shitty club, it's always packed. I know you're thinking something is wrong. We are as well," Ethan spoke.

The girls all got up and went to the dance floor. I stayed seated and looked around the room. My eyes landed on some guys who were standing by a stand just lounging around smoking. I followed their gaze to see they were looking at the girls as they danced. I looked around the room and saw some guys across the other side also looking at the girls.

"It's a trap! Get out of there now!" Spencer shouted.

I went to stand up but was only pushed back down. I looked to see a guy sitting next to me. "What's up?" the guy asked putting his hand on my thigh. I gently pushed his hand away before giving him a small smile.

"You're cute but I need to use the ladies room," I spoke standing up. He grabbed my hand and stood up as well. "That's West. He works with us," Spencer called out.

"I can take you," he smirked.

I shook my head and fake giggled, "I would love you to Hun, but I've got a girl problem," I lied referring to my period. "Well, hurry back," he spoke releasing my hand.

I looked around to see Jada was back at the bar, I walked over to her to see she was ordering some drink. "This is bad. The bartender works for him as well," Spencer spoke.

"Does your boss own the bar?" James asked.

"No, but it looked like he must have ordered for them to kill them. Look to the exit," Spencer asked. I glimpsed at the exit and Spencer let out a sigh, "The whole place is swarmed with his guys," he mumbled.

"Jada," I called out next to her. She turned to give me a glare. "What?" she hissed.

"Can you please show me the bathroom," I asked. "It's to the back," she pointed to the back. "Come with me," I offered her a smile.

She rolled her eyes, "What are you? A baby? Find it yourself," she hissed.

"Just standing here makes me want to kill her," Seth mumbled into the headpiece.

"Please. I'll buy you dinner tonight and breakfast tomorrow," I suggested. I needed to get her into the bathroom to explain to her what's happening. If we attempt to leave, it might make the guys alert.

"Fine," she mumbled as she walked to the bathroom. I walked behind her and into the bathroom. She went to walk out the bathroom but I grabbed her hand.

"What do you think -"

"Just listen. You and your friends are in danger. I'm talking about life and death here. I know about your past along with the girls. The guy you took the money from is after you guys. The bar is full of his men and it looks like they're going to try something tonight. Theirs not a lot of time to explain but it will be nearly impossible to get out of here," I spoke looking around the room for some way out.

Jada stayed quiet. I watched as she just stared at me in shock.

"You're lying," she rolled her eyes.

"Jada, there's no reason for me to lie. You need to stay close by me and don't-" before I could finish, she walked out the bathroom. I chased after her and stopped in my steps as she stood in front a guy who was in her way.

I looked around the club and realized the music wasn't playing. No one was dancing. No one was moving. There were a bunch of guys around the room standing. The girls were standing in the middle of the dance floor with a pissed off look. I took a step back only to bump into someone. I turned to see a guy was standing behind me.

Jada walked over to the girls asking what was happening.

The door to the club opened and Rena walked with a phone held up to her ear. She made her way towards the girls and past them straight before standing in front of me.

"That's Rena. She works for him too," Spencer spoke.

"She works for the organization too! Cody, get Henry on the phone now," James shrieked.

"Skylar," Rena spoke with a smirk. "How could you be on this guy's side? You're sick. You're suppose to be helping people," I hissed at her only for her to chuckle.

"I get paid much more" she demanded. "You're disgusting," I hissed at her only to receive a slap across the face.

I went to hit her but only heard a punch of clicks. Everyone had their gun aiming at me and the girls to which they were now standing in fear.

"Go ahead. I know you think you probably could take them out with your powers but this place is tied to a bomb. Make one wrong move and someone outside will push the button," she smirked.

I sent a glare at her. Her phone buzzed and a smile rose to her face. "He's here," she announced.

I looked over to the girls who were now shaking and sobbing. The door opened and a familiar face walked into the room. I haven't seen him since I ran away to Guatemala and he had kidnapped me trying to force me into his gang. Such a long time ago yet here he is.


Does anyone remember what happened in Guatemala?

When Skylar started to kill for fun, Lucifer tried to keep her housebound but she managed to escape. She ran away to Guatemala only to run into someone who wanted her to be in his gang. (Book 3, Chapter 26).

I'm trying to complete this book either today or tomorrow at least so be prepared for a bunch of chapters to be released!!

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